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Abstrak :
Nama : MarellaProgram Studi : Ilmu Kesehatan MasyarakatJudul : Hubungan dukungan Keluarga dengan Perilaku MenyusuiEksklusif pada Ibu di Posyandu Wilayah Kerja PuskesmasPengasinan Kota Bekasi tahun 2018Pembimbing : Dr. dr. Helda, M.KesProf Dr. dr. Soedarto Ronoatmodjo, SKM., MScKeberhasilan dan kegagalan dalam pemberian ASI eksklusif salah satunyadipengaruhi oleh faktor dukungan keluarga. Dukungan keluarga dapat berupadukungan fisik, emosional maupun mental. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahuihubungan faktor dukungan keluarga terhadap perilaku menyusui eksklusif pada ibudi Posyandu wilayah kerja Puskesmas Pengasinan Kota Bekasi tahun 2018.Penelitian dengan desain cross sectional ini dilakukan terhadap 194 ibu bayiyang terdaftar di posyandu yang diwawancara menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur.Didapatkan hasil bahwa ibu yang mendapatkan dukungan keluarga dengan baikmempunyai peluang 4,1 kali untuk menyusui ekslusif dibandingkan dengankelompok ibu yang kurang mendapatkan dukungan dari keluarga setelah dikontrololeh variabel confounding yaitu usia ibu, pendidikan ibu, pekerjaan ibu, paritas,pengetahuan ibu, sikap ibu, metode persalinan, dukungan tenaga kesehatan danpenolong persalinan. Dengan memperhatikan nilai presentase tiap distribusi bentukdukungan yang diberikan oleh keluarga kepada ibu didapatkan bahwa dukungan yangpaling tinggi diberikan kepada ibu adalah dalam bentuk dorongan kepada ibu agarsesegera mungkin menyusui bayinya. Diharapkan agar pemberi pelayanan kesehatandapat mendorong keluarga agar memberikan dukungan kepada ibu sehinggadiharapkan cakupan pemberian ASI eksklusif dapat meningkatKata kunci:Cross Sectional, Dukungan Keluarga, ASI Eksklusif
Name MarellaStudy Program Ilmu Kesehatan MasyarakatTitle The association between Family Support with ExclusiveBreast feeding Behavior among Mother in Posyandu atCommunity Health Center of Pengasinan areas,Bekasi City, 2018Counsellor Dr. dr. Helda, M.KesProf Dr. dr. Soedarto Ronoatmodjo, SKM., MScOne of many things that influence the success and the failure in exclusivebreastfeeding were family support. Family support could be physical, emotional ormental support. The objectives of this study were to find out the relationship betweenthe family support factor to exclusive breastfeeding behavior among mothers inPosyandu, Health Center Pengasinan, Bekasi City 2018.This research was conducted by using quantitative method and data analysiswas based on cross sectional design with sample of 194 babies that were selected bysimple random sampling. The results shows that mothers who have good familysupport are 4,1 times more likely to give exclusive breastfeeding compared tomothers that have low family support after controlled by confounding variable suchas mother rsquo s age, mother rsquo s education, mother rsquo s occupation, parity, mother rsquo sknowledge, mother rsquo s attitude, mode of delivery, health workers support, birthattendant, . Considering the percentage of each support type distribution thatprovided by the family to the mother is that the highest support given to the mothersis the encouragement to the mother for breastfeeding her baby immediately. It ishoped that health providers can encourage the familiy to provide support to themothers so that scope of exclusive breastfeeding could increase.Key Words Cross Sectional, Family Support, Exclusive Breastfeeding
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Devina Trisha Marella
Abstrak :
Mukopolisakaridosis (MPS) tipe VI adalah kelainan genetik langka berupa defisiensi enzim arylsulfatase B (ARSB) akibat kemunculan varian pathogenic gen ARSB. Gejala MPS tipe VI meliputi kornea berkabut, fitur wajah kasar, abnormalitas tulang dan persendian, serta kelainan saluran pernapasan dan pembengkakan organ. Diagnosis MPS tipe VI dilakukan dengan pengukuran aktivitas enzim serta konfirmasi melalui analisis varian gen ARSB. Varian gen pathogenic yang paling umum dilaporkan pada pasien MPS tipe VI terletak di rentang ekson 5—8, yaitu c.962T>C (p.Leu321Pro), c.1197C>G (p.Phe399Leu), dan beberapa varian pada asam amino Arg315 di ekson 5. Analisis varian gen ARSB belum pernah dilakukan di Indonesia walapun sudah ada pelaporan kasus MPS tipe VI. Tujuan dari analisis varian gen ARSB di Indonesia adalah mengidentifikasi dan mengklasifikasi varian gen ARSB serta mendapatkan profil genetik gen ARSB pada pasien MPS tipe VI di Indonesia. Analisis varian gen ARSB dilakukan pada dua pasien MPS tipe VI dan sepuluh individu normal sebagai kelompok kontrol menggunakan sekuensing Sanger. Penelitian tidak menemukan adanya varian pathogenic pada gen ARSB ekson 5—8 pasien MPS tipe VI. Penelitian berhasil menemukan varian benign c.1072G>A (p.Val358Met) pada ekson 5, c.1142+233C>T dan c.1143-27A>C pada intron 5, dan c.1337-32C>G pada intron 7 serta satu varian likely benign c.1213+149C>G pada intron 6 yang sudah pernah dilaporkan sebelumnya. Ditemukan juga satu varian novel c.1142+213C>T pada intron 5 dengan klasifikasi variant of uncertain significance. Penambahan individu dalam kelompok kontrol disarankan agar frekuensi alel dalam populasi lebih tercerminkan dengan baik. ......Mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) type VI is a rare genetic disorder due to arylsulfatase B (ARSB) enzyme deficiency caused by the presence of pathogenic variant in ARSB ene. Clinical symptoms of MPS type VI are corneal clouding, coarse facial features, joint and skeletal abnormalities, respiratory problems, and enlarged organs. Diagnosis of MPS type VI is done by evaluating ARSB enzyme activity and is confirmed by ARSB gene analysis. The most commonly reported pathogenic variants in MPS type VI patients are located in exon 5—8, such as c.962T>C (p.Leu321Pro), c.1197C>G (p.Phe399Leu), dan numerous variants involving Arg315 at exon 5. Analysis of ARSB gene has not been done in Indonesia although one MPS type VI case has been reported. Analysis of ARSB gene in Indonesia is done to identify and classify the ARSB gene variants and to also obtain genetic profile of MPS type VI patients in Indonesia. The analysis is done to two MPS type VI patients along with ten normal individuals as control group using Sanger sequencing. This study has found no pathogenic variants in exon 5—8 of ARSB gene. This study have identified benign variants c.1072G>A (p.Val358Met) at exon 5, c.1142+233C>T and c.1143-27A>C at intron 5, and c.1337-32C>G at intron 7 along with one likely benign variant c.1213+149C>G at intron 6 which have been previously reported before. One novel variant c.1142+213C>T at intron 5 was also found and classified as variant of uncertain significance. A larger control group is advised to better reflect the allele frequency in population.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Waruwu, Cindy Janice Helianthe Marella
Abstrak :
Rendahnya prestasi akademik pada siswa sekolah dasar akan memberikan dampak buruk bagi kualitas hidupnya di masa mendatang. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran dan hubungan antara prestasi akademik dengan kebiasaan sarapan, kebiasaan konsumsi sayur dan buah, kebiasaan olahraga, durasi tidur, durasi menonton televisi, kecemasan sekolah, pendidikan orangtua, pekerjaan orangtua dan pendapatan orangtua siswa SDN Terpilih di Banten Tahun 2016. Desain studi yang digunakan untuk penelitian ini adalah cross sectional dengan total sampel 363 responden. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengukur prestasi akademik siswa sekolah dasar adalah melalui rekapitulasi nilai rapor pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia, Matematika, dan IPA sedangkan variabel lainnya diukur menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan prestasi akademik responden sebanyak 49,3 tergolong baik sekali. Kemudian, hasil analisis data bivariat mengggunakan uji chi square didapatkan kebiasaan sarapan, kebiasaan konsumsi sayur dan buah, kecemasan sekolah, pendidikan orangtua, dan pendapatan orangtua memiliki hubungan dengan prestasi akademik siswa di SD Negeri terpilih di Banten tahun 2016. Oleh karena itu, pihak sekolah diharapkan dapat memberikan edukasi gizi seimbang dan melaksanakan program konsultasi dengan orangtua dan siswa. ......The low academic achievement of elementary school students will adversely affect their quality of life in the future. The purpose of this study was to find out the representation and the relationship between academic achievement with breakfast habits, consumption habits of vegetables and fruits, exercise habits, sleep duration, television watching duration, school anxiety, parent education, parent work and parent income of Elected SDN Elementary School in 2016. The study design used for this study was cross sectional with total sample of 363 respondents. The method used to measure the academic achievement of elementary school students was through the recapitulation of school report on Indonesian, Mathematics and IPA subjects while other variables were measured using questionnaires. The results showed that the academic achievement of respondents classified as 49.3 very good. Then, the results of bivariate data analysis using chi square test found that breakfast habits, consumption habits of vegetables and fruits, school anxiety, parent education, and parent income have correlation with student achievement in Elementary School in Banten in 2016. Therefore, the school is expected to provide balanced nutrition education and implement consultation programs with parents and students
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library