Trunajaya adalah salah satu tokoh sejarah di Indonesia. Naskah Babad Trunajaya yang saya teliti ini merupakan karya sastra Jawa baru dari Jawa Timur koleksi Museum Mpu Tantular bernomor 07.17 M, tertulis pada lontar yang telah menghitam dan merekam kisah hidup Trunajaya. Penelitian ini berfokus pada teks dan kajian struktur teksnya dengan tujuan menyajikan suntingan teks agar dapat terbaca masyarakat awam dan menemukan citra tokoh Trunajaya dalam teks Babad Trunajaya versi Jawa Timur. Untuk menyunting teks diterapkan metode penelitian filologi, sedangkan untuk mengkaji citra tokohnya dilakukan pendekatan struktur. Dari analisis data dapat diketahui bahwa Trunajaya yang dalam pandangan teks versi Jawa Tengah dianggap sebagai pemberontak yang bengis, dalam teks versi Jawa Timur ia merupakan pahlawan yang memiliki ciri pemimpin ideal.
Trunajaya is one of the historical figures in Indonesia. This manuscript of Babad Trunajaya is a New Javanese literary work from East Java collected by Mpu Tantular Museum with manuscript number 07.17 M, written on the blackened Lontar and recorded the life story of Trunajaya. The study focuses on the text and its text structure with the aim to present text editing in order to be read by today`s society and portray the character image of Trunajaya in the East Javanese version of Babad Trunajaya text. This research utilises philological method to edit the text and structural approach is used to study the character image. From the intrinsic structural analysis, it is known that Trunajaya, in the text of the Central Java version, is regarded as a very rebellious rebel, in the text of the East Java version, it is a hero who has the characteristics of the ideal leader.
Kata Kunci : Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), fungsi seksual, perempuan menopause. ......Menopause is a point in a series of life stages for women and marks the end of their reproductive period. Anatomically and functionally there will be changes that affect sexual function in menopausal women. This study aims to describe the sexual function of postmenopausal women in Bedahan Village using a descriptive survey method with a cross-sectional method the instrument to be used in this study uses the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI). With a total sample of 122 respondents. The results of the study showed that 74.59% % had risk of sexual dysfunction and 25.41% had normal sexual function. The results of this study use analysis Chi- Square and Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient is results that there is a relationship between age showed p-value 0.047 and the level of education sexual which showed p-value 0.041. Counseling and discussions on sexual issues need to be carried out as an effort to provide knowledge and health education for women of menopausal age and those who have not yet entered menopause in order to understand sexual problems that occur.