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Eky Susilowati
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas tentang peran traits kepribadian dan lokasi tinggal desa-kota terhadap motivasi berprestasi pada siswa SMA, serta perbedaan pola traits kepribadian dan motivasi berprestasi ditinjau dari lokasi tinggal. Seratus sembilan belas siswa SMA di desa dan 100 orang siswa SMA di kota terlibat dalam penelitian ini. Hasil analisis regresi berganda menunjukkan bahwa lima dimensi traits berdasarkan Five Factor Model dan lokasi tinggal mampu menjelaskan 42.9 persen varians motivasi berprestasi pada siswa SMA. Adapun prediktor signifikan terhadap motivasi berprestasi terdiri atas trait neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience dan conscientiousness. Sementara itu analisis menggunakan teknik statistik independent sample t-test menunjukkan bahwa siswa di kota memiliki tingkat neuroticism dan openness to experience yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan siswa desa. Adapun tingkat motivasi berprestasi siswa SMA di desa dan kota tidak memiliki perbedaan signifikan
The study aims to explore the role of personality traits and living location rural or urban on achievement motivation among high school students, and also find whether there are some differences on urban and rural students on personality traits patterns and achievement motivation. One hundred and nineteen rural students and one hundred urban students were involved in this study. The multiple regression analysis shows that all of the five personality dimension along with living location predicted 42.9 percents of achievement motivation rsquo variance. Neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, and conscientiousness were the significant predictors on achievement motivation. Meanwhile the independent sample t test analysis found that urban adolescents has a higher degree of neuroticism and openness to experience compared to the rural adolescents. Urban and rural rsquo adolescents were not significantly different regarding to their achievement motivation.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eky Susilowati
Abstrak :
Industri farmasi merupakan industri yang memiliki risko kebakaran dan ledakan yang sangat besar karena penanganan beragam bahan kimia cair, padatan, dan gas yang mudah terbakar serta bahan kimia berbahaya lainnya. Tujuan umum dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengklasifikasikan area berbahaya berdasarkan standar IEC 60079-10-2 serta menganalisis tingkat risiko kebakaran dan ledakan debu dalam proses granulasi pada fasilitas Non Betalactam (Multi Product Facility). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif semi kuantitatif yang bertujuan untuk mengklasifikasikan area berbahaya pada proses granulasi berdasarkan standar IEC 60079-10-2 dan menentukan tingkat risiko kebakaran dan ledakan debu dalam tahapan pencampuran (mixing) dengan menggunakan metode Dow’s Fire Explosion Index. Populasi ini melibatkan semua bahan kimia berbahaya dan peralatan yang digunakan pada proses pembuatan obat di PT. X. Combustible dust yang digunakan dalam proses granulasi pada fasilitas Non Betalactam Facility (Multi Product Facility) berupa bahan aktif farmasi dan eksipien, seperti methyldopa hydrate, paracetamol, loperamide hydrochloride, diazepam, domperidone, prednisolone micronised, magnesium stearate. polyvidone 30, sodium starch glycolate, dan amylum maydis. Minimum Ignition Energy (MIE) yang dimiliki oleh semua bahan aktif berbeda-beda nilainya sesuai hasil uji laboratorium eksternal dengan nilai yang paling sensitif terhadap penyalaan, yaitu diazepam, methyldopa hydrate, loperamide hydrochloride, domperidone dan prednisolone micronised yang mempunyai nilai MIE 1-3 mj yang dapat menyebabkan ledakan kuat hingga sangat kuat jika memenuhi konsentrasi Minimum Explosive Concentration (MEC). Sehubungan dengan hal itu, sebelum menentukan klasifikasi area berbahaya, sangat penting untuk mengidentifikasi sumber penyalaan di area proses tersebut. Adapun sumber penyalaan tersebut bersumber dari peralatan listrik, listrik statis, dan friction/mechanical spark. Klasifikasi area berbahaya dengan kategori zona dalam proses granulasi pada fasilitas Non Betalactam (Multi Product Facility) terdiri dari zona 20 di setiap dalam chamber/container peralatan, zona 21 di setiap bukaan hopper/charging unit, tempat perilisan debu dengan radius satu meter dan zona 22 di luar zona 21 di dalam ruangan proses granulasi. Tingkat risiko kebakaran dan ledakan debu pada proses granulasi (mixing) dengan menggunakan metode granulasi basah (hybrid mixture) berdasarkan metode Dow’s Fire and Explosion Index adalah risiko sedang (moderate) dengan total skor 95,1762 dengan radius paparannya sebesar 29,010 meter dan estimasi kerugiannya mencapai Rp 1.467.276.735.672. Oleh karenanya, sangat penting untuk melakukan mitigasi risiko sehingga risiko kebakaran dan ledakan debu di area proses ini berada pada risiko yang rendah. ......The pharmaceutical industry is an industry that has a very large risk of fire and explosion due to the handling of a variety of flammable liquid, solid and gaseous chemicals as well as other hazardous chemicals. The general objective of this study is to classify hazardous areas based on IEC 60079-10-2 standards and to analyze the risk level of fire and dust explosion in the granulation process at the Non Betalactam facility (Multi Product Facility). This research is a semi-quantitative descriptive study that aims to classify hazardous areas in the granulation process based on IEC 60079-10-2 standards and determine the risk level of fire and dust explosion in the mixing stage using the Dow's Fire Explosion Index method. This population includes all hazardous chemicals and equipment used in the drug manufacturing process at PT. X. Combustible dust used in the granulation process at the Non Betalactam Facility (Multi Product Facility) is in the form of active pharmaceutical ingredients and excipients, such as methyldopa hydrate, paracetamol, loperamide hydrochloride, diazepam, domperidone, micronised prednisolone, magnesium stearate. polyvidone 30, sodium starch glycolate, and amylum maydis. The Minimum Ignition Energy (MIE) that all active ingredients have a different value according to the results of external laboratory tests with values that are most sensitive to ignition, namely diazepam, methyldopa hydrate, loperamide hydrochloride, domperidone and micronised prednisolone which have an MIE value of 1-3 mj which can cause a strong to very strong explosion if it meets the Minimum Explosive Concentration (MEC) concentration. In this regard, before determining the classification of a hazardous area, it is very important to identify the source of ignition in the process area. The ignition sources come from electrical equipment, static electricity, and friction/mechanical spark. Classification of hazardous areas with the category of zones in the granulation process at Non Betalactam facilities (Multi Product Facility) consists of zone 20 in each equipment chamber/container, zone 21 in each opening of the hopper/charging unit, a dust release area with a radius of one meter and zone 22 outside zone 21 in the granulation process room. The risk level of fire and dust explosion in the granulation process (mixing) using the wet granulation method (hybrid mixture) based on the Dow's Fire and Explosion Index method is moderate risk with a total score of 95.1762 with an exposure radius of 29.010 meters and an estimated loss of IDR 1,467. 276,735,672. Therefore, it is very important to carry out risk mitigation so that the risk of fire and dust explosion in this process area is at a low risk.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eky Susilowati
Abstrak :

Penelitian ini membahas tentang hubungan antara prokrastinasi akademis dengan tiga jenis goal orientation, yakni mastery orientation, performance approach orientation dan performance avoidance orientation. Prokrastinasi diukur dengan melihat frekuensi menunda serta persepsi individu mengenai seberapa besar dampak prokrastinasi. Pengujian data dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis statistika korelasi parsial. Untuk memahami lebih dalam arah hubungan antara goal orientation dengan prokrastinasi akademis, dilakukan pengujian korelasi tambahan antara jenis goal orientation dengan alasan-alasan melakukan prokrastinasi. Penelitian terhadap 208 mahasiswa S1 Universitas Indonesia menunjukkan bahwa mastery orientation memiliki hubungan yang signifikan negatif dengan prokrastinasi akademis, sementara performance approach orientation memiliki hubungan yang signifikan positif dengan prokrastinasi. Di sisi lain performance avoidance orientation tidak memiliki hubungan yang signifikan, namun jenis goal orientation ini paling banyak banyak berhubungan positif signifikan dengan alasan melakukan prokrastinasi. Analisa tambahan menunjukkan bahwa jenis goal orientation paling dominan pada responden adalah mastery orientation. Sementara itu ditinjau dari jenis kelamin, perbedaan signifikan hanya ditemukan pada kecenderungan mengadopsi performance avoidance orientation.


This study investigated the relationship between academic procrastination and three types of goal orientation, that are mastery orientation, performance approach orientation and performance avoidance orientation. Two hundred and eight University of Indonesia’s students are participated in this study. Academic procrastination was assessed by the frequency of delays and person’s perception about problems related to the delays. To assess the relationship between those variables, partial correlation is used in this study. Since partial correlation cannot assess the correlation’s direction, additional analysis such as the correlation between goal orientation types and reasons to procrastination is necessary to be done. Mastery orientation was found to be inversely significantly correlated with academic procrastination, while performance orientation was positively correlated with the same variable. Performance avoidance orientation was not significantly correlated with academic procrastination, but this type of goal orientation was found to be correlated with most of procrastination’s reasons. Additional results show that mastery orientation is the most dominant adopted goal orientation. Meanwhile based on gender, the only significant difference in adopting goal orientation was found only in performance avoidance orientation.

Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eky Susilowati
Abstrak :
Bahaya psikososial merupakan stresor di tempat kerja yang dilihat dari aspek context of work dan content of work dan berpotensi untuk menimbulkan stres kerja. Aspek dari context of work yang dianggap sebagai suatu bahaya yang dapat menyebabkan stres kerja mencakup budaya dan fungsi oganisasi, peran dalam organisasi, pengembangan karir, kontrol/pengambilan keputusan, hubungan interpersonal serta hubungan rumah-pekerjaan. Sedangkan, aspek content of work mencakup lingkungan dan peralatan kerja, desain tugas, beban kerja serta jadwal kerja. Dalam skripsi ini, penulis membahas persepsi bahaya psikososial pada karyawan Departemen Assembling Line PT NGK Busi Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu penelitian survei yang bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan semi kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persepsi terhadap bahaya psikososial lebih dominan ke arah persepsi karyawan yang melihat pekerjaannya sehari-hari tidak membuatnya merasa terbebani, baik itu dari aspek context of work maupun content of work. Walaupun demikian, karyawan menganggap aspek content of work lebih membebani daripada context of work. Salah satu content of work yang menjadi stresor bagi karyawan, yaitu lingkungan dan peralatan kerja di mana karyawan merasa perlu diperbaikinya lingkungan kerja terutama suhu panas di pabrik. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya perbaikan lingkungan kerja dan meningkatkan training terutama yang berkaitan dengan heat stress maupun tentang manajemen stres dan waktu untuk meningkatkan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja karyawan. ...... Psychosocial hazard is stressor in the workplace that viewed from work context and work content aspect and potentially stressfull work. The aspect from context of work that is considered to be a hazard that can lead to stress work includes cultural and organizational function, the role of organization, career development, control/decision making, interpersonal relationships and the relationship of home-work. Whereas, the aspect from content of work includes environment and work equipment, task design, work load and work schedule. In this thesis, the author discusses the perceptions of psychosocial hazards on employees Department of Assembly Line PT NGK Busi Indonesia. Research methods used in this research, namely the descriptive survey research that used quantitative approach. The results showed perceptions of psychosocial hazards are more dominant over the perception of employees who see their work in everyday doesn't make it feel burdened, be it from the aspect of the context of work and the content of work. However, the employee considers aspects of the content of work is more burdensome than the context of work. One of the content of work that become stressors for employees, the environment and equipment in the workplace where employees feel need to be repaired, especially the working environment in the factory hot temperatures. Therefore, the need for improvement of the working environment and improve training, especially with regard to heat stress and on stress management and time to improve the safety and health of employees.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library