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Ditemukan 18 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Aditya Wishnu Perdana
Abstrak :
Pemaknaan merupakan elemen mendasar yang hadir dalam setiap proses komunikasi yang terjadi pada manusia. Memaknai sebuah pesan selalu memberikan perspektif yang bermacam macam dilevel individu. Disrupsi merupakan fenomena sosial yang sekarang hadir dimasyarakat dan menyita perhatian banyak kalangan karena implikasinya yang merusak struktur sosial dan ekonomi dalam beberapa ruang lingkup hidup manusia. Pemaknaan individu mengenai disrupsi pun menunjukkan persepsi yang bermacam macam. Penelitian ini menggunakan model teori Encoding/Decoding Stuart Hall untuk menjelaskan pemaknaan mengenai disrupsi yang terjadi dilingkungan kerja pegawai perbankan. Industri perbankan dipilih sebagai subjek penelitian karena dianggap memiliki hubungan yang kuat dengan penggunaan teknologi yang menjadi penyebab disrupsi dan juga memiliki hubungan yang kuat dengan struktur sosial masyarakat karena merupakan lembaga penunjang aktifitas perekonomian masyarakat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan karyawan perbankan memaknai fenomena disrupsi di lingkungan perbankan dengan posisi yang berbeda beda seperti yang didefinisikan dalam model teori Encoding/Decoding Stuart Hall dimana terdapat tiga posisi penerima pesan dalam memaknai disrupsi, yakni Dominant Hegemonic, Negotiated Position, dan Opposition Position. Namun ketiga posisi ini hanya ditunjukkan oleh pegawai perbankan dalam memaknai disrupsi dalam konteks mikro, artinya disrupsi yang terjadi hanya pada ruang lingkup kerja masing-masing pegawai. Bila melihat disrupsi dalam konteks makro masing masing pegawai dalam ruang lingkup kerja yang berbeda beda justru memaknai disrupsi dengan posisi dominant karena dianggap fenomena disrupsi yang hadir diperbankan dalam konteks makro justru mempermudah pelayanan dan meringankan pekerjaan pegawai yang mana meningkatkan kemampuan pelayanan yang di tawarkan oleh perbankan.
Meaning is a fundamental element that is present in every communication process that occurs in humans. Meaning a message always provides a variety of perspectives at the individual level. Disruption is a social phenomenon that is now present in society and seizes the attention of many because of its implications that undermine social and economic structures in some spheres of human life. Individual meaning of disruption also shows various perception. This study uses Stuart Hall's Encoding / Decoding theory model to explain the meaning of disruption occurring in the working environment of banking employees. The banking industry is chosen as the subject of research because it is considered to have a strong relationship with the use of technology that causes disruption and also has a strong relationship with the social structure of society because it is an institution supporting the economic activities of the community. The results showed that banking employees interpreted the disruption phenomenon in the banking environment with different positions as defined in the Stuart Hall Encoding / Decoding theory model where there are three message receiving positions in the meaning of disruption, Dominant Hegemonic, Negotiated Position, and Opposition Position. However, these three positions are only shown by banking officers in interpreting disruption in the micro context, meaning disruption that occurs only in the scope of work of each employee. When looking at disrupsi in the macro context of each employee in a different scope of work, it just means disruption with dominant position because it is considered disruption phenomenon that is present in the banking in the macro context actually simplify the service and ease the employment of employees which increase the service capabilities offered by the banking.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Puput Tripeni Juniman
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini mengkaji resepsi pembaca fan fiksi subgenre alternate universe (AU) yang menggunakan face claim atau visualisasi tokoh di media sosial Twitter. Penelitian ini melihat AU dalam ruang media baru yang mesti dipahami dalam konteks transmedia storytelling dan budaya konvergensi atau convergence culture . Studi resepsi encoding/decoding dari Stuart Hall digunakan untuk memahami fenomena yang diteliti. Penulis AU dan enam pembaca menjadi sumber data dalam penelitian kualitatif interpretif yang dilakukan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tiga posisi pembacaan: dominan, negosiasi, dan negasi, namun ketiganya bersifat dinamis dan bukan trikotomis seperti asumsi Stuart Hall. Hubungan parasosial, pengalaman, posisi sosial, emosional, kecakapan terhadap teknologi, dan sosiodemografi pembaca dalam proses resepsi menciptakan posisi pembacaan yang dinamis dan kontekstual. Rekomendasi terkait studi kedepan dan implikasi praktis diajukan dalam tesis ini. ......This research examines fan fiction readers' receptions of Alternate Universe (AU) using face claims or face visualization on Twitter. This research sees AU in a new media space that must be understood in the context of transmedia storytelling and convergence culture. Stuart Hall's encoding/decoding reception study is used to understand the phenomenon under study. The AU writer and six readers became the data sources in the interpretative qualitative research conducted. The results show that there are three reading positions: dominant, negotiation, and negation, but the three are dynamic and not trichotomous as assumed by Stuart Hall. The reader's parasocial, experiential, environmental, emotional, technological, and sociodemographic relationships in the reception process create dynamic and contextualized reading positions. Recommendations regarding future research and practical implications are proposed in this thesis.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cahya Yoga Sulistyo
Abstrak :
Fenomena pasar kaget sering kali muncul di dalam kota dengan mengisi ruang-ruang di tepian jalan atau di antara bangunan, yang merupakan bagian dari bentuk solid-void kota. Pasar kaget dapat diterima sebagai bagian dari kehidupan kota bukan hanya karena mampu menyediakan kebutuhan warga kota namun juga karena mampu menyesuaikan dengan solid-void kota yang sudah ada. Penyesuaian pasar kaget dapat dilakukan melalui penempatan display melalui linkage atau perekatan visual, struktural dan kolektif. Selain itu, perekatan pasar kaget ke dalam ruang solid-void kota memberikan makna serta keunikan pasar kaget sehingga membentuk place atau tempat yang menarik. Kualitas ruang pasar kaget dapat dilihat secara fisik dari sistem encoding-decoding. Encoding merupakan hubungan ruang pasar kaget dengan ruang kota yang sudah ada sedangkan decoding merupakan ruang pasar kaget yang dihasilkan yaitu melalui negosiasi ruang. Skripsi ini mencoba melihat pasar kaget dan hubungannya dengan bentuk solid-void kota serta bentukan tambahan seperti display pedagang pasar kaget serta perekatan dengan bentuk fisik kota. Sebagai hasil pengamatan adalah bagaimana bentuk solid-void kota memengaruhi terciptanya karakter dan variasi display pedagang yang menghasilkan kualitas ruang unik bagi pasar kaget.Kata kunci : solid dan void kota, linkage, tipe display, encoding-decoding
ABSTRACTThe phenomenon of pasar kaget or street bazar happens in the city as a result of using spaces along the streets and between buildings, which is also occupying solids and voids of the city. Nowadays, Pasar kaget can be easily accepted as a part of the city life not only because it provides the needs of city inhabitats but also the arrangement of pasar kaget can adapt to the existing solid void of the city. The adaptation of pasar kaget rsquo s displays is through visual, structural, and collective linkages. The result of these linkages of the displays to the city solid void creates a unique character of the street bazar. Physically, the quality of pasar kaget can be understood through encoding decoding system. Encoding is the relation between pasar kaget with the existing space of the city, including the solid void relation. Decoding is the place for pasar kaget created as the result of space negotiation in the city. This thesis analyzes the relationship between solid void of the city with pasar kaget and how the sellers put their displays and create a certain kind of linkage to the existing solid void. The findings of this thesis show how solid void of the city affects variations on the pasar kaget rsquo s displays and creates a unique character for pasar kaget. Keywords solid void city, linkage, display type, encoding decoding
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bambang Budi Hartono
Abstrak :
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing atau OFDM merupakan teknik modulasi multicarrier, dimana antar subcarriernya satu dengan yang lain saling ortogonal. Karena sifat ortogonalitas ini, maka antar subcarrier yang berdekatan bisa dibuat overlapping tanpa menimbulkan efek intercarrier interference (ICI). Tetapi pada OFDM ini masih terdapat kelemahan dalam sistem transmisinya, yaitu masih tingginya Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR). Peak to Average Power Ratio atau PAPR merupakan perbandingan antara puncak daya maksimum terhadap harga daya rata-rata sinyal. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan suatu metode untuk mereduksi PAPR pada sistem OFDM. Huffman Coding merupakan suatu metode kompresi data dengan cara pembentukan pohon Huffman, melalui proses encoding (pembentukan kode) menyebabkan data tersebut dapat dikompresi dan proses decoding (penguraian kode) sehingga data tersebut dapat diterjemahkan kembali menjadi kode aslinya. Teknik reduksi PAPR yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah dengan menggunakan Huffman Coding. Metode Huffman Coding mampu untuk menurunkan PAPR sebesar 5 dB, sehingga performance OFDM semakin baik.
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing or OFDM is a technique of multicarrier modulation, whose every subcarriers is orthogonal one another. Hence the nature of orthogonality, the nearby subcarrier can be overlapping without intercarrier interference (ICI) effect. But in the OFDM there are still some disadvantages in its transmition system, which is the over height of Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR). PAPR is the comparison of the top energy and the value energy in the mean signal. Therefore, there should be specific method to reduce PAPR in the OFDM system. Huffman Coding is a data compression method by making the Huffman tree, through encoding process which is able to compress the data, and decoding process could be translated into the genuine code as well. The PAPR reduction technique which is discussed in this paper using Huffman Coding method. Huffman Coding method is able to reduce PAPR by 5 dB, so the OFDM performance would be good.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ria Avriyanty
Abstrak :
Youtube kini telah menjadi salah satu situs internet pilihan yang digunakan untuk bertukar informasi dalam bentuk video. Terlebih lagi, situs ini memberikan akses yang mudah bagi penggunanya untuk berkomentar secara bebas dan direktif terhadap video yang ditonton. Dalam skripsi ini, penulis akan membahas video musik If I Were a Boy (2010) karya Beyonce Knowles beserta komentar penontonnya di Youtube. Penulis berpendapat bahwa secara tekstual video musik ini menciptakan konstruksi tersendiri, yakni menguatkan norma patriarki yang ada di masyarakat. Berbeda dengan penelitian yang sudah banyak dilakukan, penulis tidak berhenti pada tahap ini. Dengan menerapkan konsep encoding-decoding milik Stuart Hall (1973), penulis melihat adanya sikap kritis penonton yang ditunjukkan melalui banyaknya jumlah respon. Terkait dengan tiga posisi penonton milik Hall, penulis menemukan sedikit perbedaan dari segi jumlah responden yang menempati masing-masing posisi tersebut. Pada kenyatannya, fenomena ini merupakan bentuk nyata dari adanya cyberculture dimana penonton memanfaatkan Youtube sebagai sebuah ruang untuk memaknai teks digital dan bernegosiasi dengan stereotip gender dengan memberikan respon. ......Youtube is one of the favorite sites to share videos. Moreover,it facilitates the users to give a free and direct comment toward the videos they watch. This undergraduate thesis examines the music video entiled If I Were a Boy (2010) by Beyonce Knowles as well as the authentic responses from the viewers in Youtube. I argue that this music video creates a conventional gender construction which perpetuates the patriarchal norms in the society. As an attempt to give a new perspective on the similar kind of research, I do not stop at this point. Applying the concept of encoding-decoding by Stuart Hall (1973), I found the audience's being critical which can be seen from the total number of the responses and the controversy within. In accordance to the three hypothetical position argued by Hall, I found a different portion of the audience in each position. As a matter of fact, this phenomenon contributes to the cyberculture in which Youtube is seen as a functional space to make meaning of a digital text and negotiate with the constructed stereotype by giving comments.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gazi, Orhan
Abstrak :
This book explains the philosophy of the polar encoding and decoding technique. Polar codes are one of the most recently discovered capacity-achieving channel codes. What sets them apart from other channel codes is the fact that polar codes are designed mathematically and their performance is mathematically proven. The book develops related fundamental concepts from information theory, such as entropy, mutual information, and channel capacity. It then explains the successive cancellation decoding logic and provides the necessary formulas, moving on to demonstrate the successive cancellation decoding operation with a tree structure. It also demonstrates the calculation of split channel capacities when polar codes are employed for binary erasure channels, and explains the mathematical formulation of successive cancellation decoding for polar codes. In closing, the book presents and proves the channel polarization theorem, before mathematically analyzing the performance of polar codes.
Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Low-density parity-check (LDPC) code is linear-block error-correcting code defined by sparse parity-check matrix. It is decoded using the massage-passing algorithm, and in many cases, capable of outperforming turbo code. This paper presents a class of low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes showing good performance with low encoding complexity. The code is constructed using difference families from combinatorial design. The resulting code, which is designed to have short code length and high code rate, can be encoded with low complexity due to its quasi-cyclic structure, and performs well when it is iteratively decoded with the sum-product algorithm. These properties of LDPC code are quite suitable for applications in future wireless local area network.
Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 2007
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Trifina, Lucian
Abstrak :
This book investigates the permutation polynomial (PP) based interleavers for turbo codes, including all the main theoretical and practical findings related to topics such as full coefficient conditions for PPs up to fifth; the number of all true different PPs up to fifth degree; the number of true different PPs under Zhao and Fan sufficient conditions, for any degree (with direct formulas or with a simple algorithm); parallel decoding of turbo codes using PP interleavers by butterfly networks; upper bounds of the minimum distance for turbo codes with PP interleavers; specific methods to design and find PP interleavers with good bit/frame error rate (BER/FER) performance. The theoretical results are explained in great detail to enhance readers’ understanding. The book is intended for engineers in the telecommunications field, but the chapters dealing with the PP coefficient conditions and with the number of PP are of interest to mathematicians working in the field.
Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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