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Gabriella Dina Widieaster
"Kota Lama Semarang merupakan kawasan bernilai sejarah tinggi dengan banyak peninggalan bangunan kolonial yang dilestarikan dan dihidupkan kembali. Salah satunya adalah Gedung Monod Diephuis & Co, sebuah bangunan cagar budaya yang awalnya berfungsi sebagai kantor perusahaan broker hasil bumi. Gedung ini menjadi milik pribadi pada tahun 2011 dan dikonservasi mulai Maret 2016, kemudian diubah menjadi bangunan mixed-use untuk kegiatan seni, budaya, dan sosial. Transformasi ini membutuhkan perhatian pada nilai-nilai bangunan cagar budaya, konteks Kota Lama Semarang, serta strategi adaptive reuse yang merupakan tindakan konservasi pada bangunan cagar budaya.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kajian literatur dan studi kasus dengan observasi langsung terhadap bangunan, wawancara subjek terkait, serta rekonstruksi gambar denah dan potongan bangunan. Hasil penelitian ini mengevaluasi kesesuaian nilai-nilai bangunan cagar budaya dan strategi adaptive reuse bahwa dari enam strategi adaptive reuse yang ada, empat strategi yaitu passive, referential, aemulatio, dan ruination sesuai diterapkan pada Gedung Monod Diephuis & Co, sementara strategi performative dan facadism hanya sesuai secara parsial. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa meskipun tidak semua strategi sesuai, adaptive reuse tetap mampu menghidupkan kembali Gedung Monod Diephuis & Co sebagai bagian dari pelestarian budaya di Kota Lama Semarang.

Kota Lama Semarang is a historically significant area with numerous preserved colonial buildings that have been revitalized. One such building is the Monod Diephuis & Co building, a cultural heritage site that originally served as the office for an agricultural brokerage company. This building became privately owned in 2011 and underwent conservation starting in March 2016. It has since been transformed into a mixed-use facility for artistic, cultural, and social activities. This transformation required careful attention to the heritage values of the building, the context of Kota Lama Semarang, and adaptive reuse strategies which are conservation actions for heritage buildings.
This research employs literature review and case study methods, including direct observation of the building, interviews with relevant subjects, and reconstruction of building plans and sections. The findings of this study evaluate the appropriateness of heritage building values and adaptive reuse strategies. Out of six existing adaptive reuse strategies, four strategies—passive, referential, aemulatio, and ruination—are deemed suitable for application to the Monod Diephuis & Co building, while the performative and facadism strategies are only partially suitable. This study demonstrates that although not all strategies are applicable, adaptive reuse can still successfully revitalize the Monod Diephuis & Co building as part of cultural preservation in Kota Lama Semarang.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Woerjanti Soedarsono
Jakarta : Direktorat cagar budaya bawah air dan masa kolonial, 2011
959.8 WOE p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
""A Companion to Cultural Resource Management is an indispensible guide to students, beginning practitioners, and others wishing to gain a deeper understanding of the field of cultural resource management. Each article is authored by CRM experts or representatives of the voices of affected groups, including archaeologists, architectural historians, museum curators, historians and independent researchers who help build an understanding of cultural and heritage management, around the globe, and how it may develop in the future. These authors identify and illustrate the problems and realities that face practitioners 'on the ground'. The Companion gives a detailed account of the identification and management of particular cultural resource types, such as historic structures, archaeological sites, artifacts, natural places with cultural significance, languages, and religious beliefs. Other sections focus on practice in government agencies and consulting firms. The broad range of topics and perspectives in this new Companion offers critical ideas and practical knowledge to those working with CRM or heritage management throughout the world. "--"
Oxford: Wiley Blackwell, 2011
363.69 COM
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book sheds light on environmental control in buildings from the 17th century onwards. Even before building services became a hallmark of buildings, in order to address increasing sanitary and comfort needs, pioneering experiences had contributed to improve design skills of professionals. After long being determined by passive features, indoor climate became influenced by installations and plants, representing the most significant shift of paradigm in the modern ages construction history. This change was not without consequences, and the book presents contributions showing the deep connection between architectural design, comfort requirements and environmental awareness throughout the 19th century. Taking into account the differences between different European countries, the book is a valuable resource for architects, designers and heritage professionals who are interested in environmental design, enabling them to develop a deeper knowledge of heritage in order to address to climate demands, particularly going towards a future in which energy savings and fuel consumption reduction will dictate our behaviour.
It includes contributions by leading international experts: Melanie Bauernfeind, Marco Cofani, Lino Vittorio Bozzetto, Emmanuelle Gallo, Alberto Grimoldi, Dean Hawkes, Angelo Giuseppe Landi, Mattias Legner, Oriel Prizeman, and Henrik Schoenefeldt."
Switzerland: Springer Nature , 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ashri Prawesthi Dhamaraty
"Dalam tesis ini telah saya tunjukkan adanya perubahan makna pada bangunan-bangunan bersejarah bagi masyarakat Cina di kelurahan Roa Malaka Jakarta dengan bukti-bukti pada lima bangunan yang berfungsi sebagai rumah tinggal (1 bangunan), hunian dan usaha (2 bangunan) serta tempat usaha/jasa saja (2 bangunan). Perubahan makna tersebut ditunjukkan oleh: hilangnya ruang khusus yang menjadi inti pada bangunan Cina yaitu ruang pemujaan leluhur atau penggabungan ruang pemujaan tersebut dengan ruang yang lain yaitu ruang keluarga atau ruang tidur. Tidak adanya ruang khusus untuk pemujaan leluhur ini karena ruang dalam hunian mereka lebih didominasi dengan ruang untuk usaha.
Dalam tesis ini juga saya tunjukkan kurangnya upaya-upaya pelestarian dari masyarakat Cina kelurahan Roa Malaka dalam hal merawat bangunan-bangunan bersejarahnya. Tiga dari bangunan yang diteliti telah berubah menjadi bangunan modern, sementara dua bangunan lainnya masih dalam bentuk asli tetapi dalam kondisi yang tidak terawat.
Perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi pada bangunan-bangunan bersejarah tersebut adalah karena pola pikir masyarakat Cina di kelurahan Roa Malaka yang berubah karena pengaruh faktor pendidikan, faktor politik keagamaan, perkembangan kota Jakarta serta motivasi ekonomi dalam mengantisipasi perkembangan kota tersebut.
Apa yang akan dijawab dalam tesis ini didasarkan pada pertanyaan apa makna bangunan bersejarah bagi masyarakat Cina di kelurahan Roa Malaka Jakarta dan bagaimana upaya pelestarian masyarakat Cina di kelurahan Roa Malaka terhadap bangunan-bangunan bersejarahnya tersebut.

Chinese Community in Roa Malaka Jakarta and Conservation Effort for Their Historical BuildingsRoa Malaka is one of the Chinese historical districts that play a role in the growth of Jakarta City. As an area that has many traditional Chinese buildings, the local Government through department of conservation tries to conserve the buildings in order to vitalize tourism.
In this thesis, I have shown the changes of meaning of historical buildings to Chinese society in Roa Malaka Jakarta through five buildings that built around 1895 until 1945. The change of the meaning in that buildings shown by: loss of special room which become the core of Chinese building that is for ancestor worship or join it with family room or bedroom. The inexistence of special Room for the ancestor worship is because of the most rooms in their dwelling are used predominately for trading.
In this thesis, I also show the lack of efforts of Chinese society in Roa Malaka in the case of taking care of their historical buildings. Three of the buildings have turned into modem building, whereas two other buildings still in the genuine form but in a poor condition (not maintained well).
The changes that happened in those historical buildings are because of the mindset of Chinese people in Roa Malaka have changed. The change of their mindsets influenced by education factor, religious political factor, and the growth of Jakarta that cause destruction of the original buildings.
This thesis attempts to answer two questions: 1) what is the meaning of historical building to Chinese society in Roa Malaka Jakarta and 2) how is their effort conserve their historical buildings."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2004
T 11391
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"A companion to cultural resource management is an essential guide to those wishing to gain a deeper understanding of CRM and heritage management. Expert contributors share their knowledge and illustrate CRM's practice and scope, as well as the core issues and realities in preserving cultural heritages worldwide. Edited by one of the world's leading experts in the field of cultural resource management, with contributions by a wide range of experts, including archaeologists, architectural historians, museum curators, historians, and representatives of affected groups Offers a broad view of cultural resource management that includes archaeological sites, cultural landscapes, historic structures, shipwrecks, scientific and technological sites and objects, as well as intangible resources such as language, religion, and cultural values Highlights the realities that face CRM practitioners "on the ground". "
Chichester, West Sussex, U.K.: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adityo Widyo Utomo
Kyoto telah menjadi ibukota Negara Jepang selama kurang lebih 1100 tahun. Hal ini
membuat Kyoto memilki sumber daya budaya yang tidak sedikit. Bangunan-bangunan
tradisional yang ada di Kyoto merupakan salah satu contohnya. Namun
seiring dengan perkembangan sosial-ekonomi, terdapat kekhawatiran pemerintah kota
dalam mempertahankan bangunan-bangunan tradisional tersebut. Skripsi ini
menjelaskan usaha-usaha yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah prefektur, pemerintah
pusat (Jepang), dan internasional (melalui UNESCO) untuk mengelola sumber daya
budaya yang ada di Kota Kyoto. Penulis menggunakan 4 jenis dokumen yang
digunakan untuk melaksanakan peneltian ini. Dokumen-dokumen tersebut adalah
Landscape of Kyoto (rencana tata kota dan rencana pelestarian kota), Law on the
Protection of the Cultural Properties, Undang-Undang Preservasi Kota Tua (Koto
Hozonhou/ 古都保存法 ), dan hasil konvensi dari Convention Concerning The
Protection of The World Heritage UNESCO 1972.

Kyoto has become the capital of Japan for approximately 1100 years. As a result,
Kyoto possesses many cultural properties. Some of the examples are traditional
buildings located all around Kyoto . However, as socioeconomic development
progresses, the municipal administration had concerns in maintaining the traditional
buildings. This thesis explains the efforts done by Japan Prefecture government,
Japan Central government, and the International government (through UNESCO) in
managing the city of Tokyo?s cultural properties. In conducting this research, four
types of documents were used. The documents are Landscape of Kyoto (urban
planning and urban preservation planning), Law on the Protection of the Cultural
Properties, Law on the preservation of Old City (Koto Hozonhou/古都保存法), and
the result of the Convention Concerning The Protection of The World Heritage
UNESCO 1972."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irma Kartika
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ellyza Tri Kurnia
Rumah tuan tanah Cimanggis merupakan salah satu bangunan bersejarah di kota
Depok dengan kondisi yang tidak terpelihara. Penulisan ini dilakukan melalui studi
literatur mengenai konservasi bangunan cagar budaya dan studi kasus rumah tuan
tanah Cimanggis, sehingga dapat menjelaskan mengenai bangunan cagar budaya,
membahas pentingnya konservasi bangunan bersejarah dan menjelaskan alasan
sehingga bangunan tersebut layak dikonservasi. Pada hasil akhir didapati bahwa
rumah tuan tanah Cimanggis layak dikonservasi sebab dapat memenuhi kriteria,
pertama nilai sejarah karena berperan dalam pembukaan lahan antara Batavia dan
Buitenzorg, kedua berumur lebih dari 50 tahun yakni setidaknya 233 tahun, ketiga
keaslian yang masih sesuai dengan dokumentasi terakhir, keempat kelangkaan
karena hanya dua atau tiga rumah yang berperan dalam pembukaan lahan, kelima
memiliki betuk atap yang khas sehingga berpotensi sebagai tenggaran atau
landmark dan terakhir memiliki ciri-ciri arsitekur yang khas pada bangunan ini
sendiri, sehingga dapat dikatakan sebagai bangunan cagar budaya golongan A.

Rumah tuan tanah Cimanggis is one of the neglected historic buildings in Depok.
This essay is done by doing literature studies about heritage buildings conservation
and conducted a case study about rumah tuan tanah Cimanggis, after which we can
explain about the heritage buildings, the importance of historic building
conservation and the reason why the building is worthy to be preserved. The result
show that rumah tuan tanah Cimanggis is feasible to be preserved because it fulfills
the criteria, firstly it have a historic values with its role on the land clearing between
Batavia and Buitenzorg, secondly the building is more than 50 years old, 233 years
old to say at least, thirdly the building has authenticity that match to the last
documentation, fourthly the scarcity of the building because only 2-3 bulding left
which has a role as land clearing, fifthly its roof?s shape is unique enough to have
a potential as landmark, and lastly it has a peculiar architectural feature on the
building itself. So, it can be concluded that the bulding qualifies as a heritage
building class A."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Afina Hawna
"Bangunan Cagar Budaya (BCB) mengalami keadaan yang kontradiktif, disatu sisi BCB harus dilindungi dengan tidak boleh mengubah atau merusak elemen eksisting. Namun disisi lain BCB harus bertahan hidup melalui praktek adaptive reuse yang berpotensi untuk mengubah elemen bangunan. Apabila adaptive reuse diterapkan pada BCB, segala konsekuensi perubahan yang dihasilkan, termasuk pemasangan utilitas perlu ditinjau secara khusus agar potensi merusak bangunan eksisting dapat terhindari.
Penulisan skripsi bertujuan untuk menjelaskan seperti apa pemasangan utilitas dalam konteks adaptive reuse Bangunan Cagar Budaya, serta untuk mengetahui metode adaptive reuse apa yang bisa diterapkan pada pemasangan utilitas di Bangunan Cagar Budaya. Metode penulisan dilakukan dengan mengkaji data sekunder yang bersumber dari buku, peraturan daerah dan website internet, serta melakukan survei terhadap bangunan yang dijadikan studi kasus terlebih terkait utilitas bangunannya.
Hasil analisis didapatkan bahwa pemasangan utilitas dapat menerapkan berbagai strategi adaptive reuse dan metode pemasangan utilitas itu sendiri. Utilitas sebagai salah satu sistem pendukung bangunan, perubahannya diharapkan dapat berperan secara maksimal pada adaptive reuse Bangunan Cagar Budaya agar standar/peraturan bangunan kontemporer yang diminta terpenuhi. Hal ini karena utilitas merupakan aspek yang dapat mengikuti perkembangan kebutuhan masyarakat dan teknologi.

Heritage Buildings going through contradictive phase, on the one hand it must be protected by not changing or demaging existing elements. But on the other hand Heritage Building must survive through the practice of adaptive reuse that has the potential to change buildings elements. If adaptive reuse is applied to Heritage Building, all consequences of the changes it give, including installation of utilities, need particular method so that any potential for damaging existing buildings can be avoided.
This thesis is written to explain what installation of utilities is in the context of adaptive reuse of Heritage Buildings, and to find out which kind of adaptive reuse method that can be applied in heritage building. This thesis is done by collecting secondary data sourced from books, regional regulations and internet websites, as well as take surveys of buildings that are used as case studies especially related building utilities.
The results of the analysis show that installation of utilities can implement various adaptive reuse strategies and methods of installing the utilities themselves. Utilities as one of the building support systems, the changes are expected to take maximum role in adaptive reuse of Heritage Buildings so that the contemporary building standards/ regulations requested are fulfilled. This is because utility is an aspect that can best follow the development of community needs and technology.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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