SummaryA retrospective study of 13 Equinus feet of 10 patients of
Cerebral Palsy that we were able to collect and review, between
December 1985 and November 1988, has been done.
Tendoachilles lengthening by the closed method for 5 feet of 3
patients and open method for 8 feet of 7 cases in those patients
has been performed. The result in both methods are comparable.
Although the number of cases of these· two methods were too small
for statistical analysis the results find to inaicate that closed ·1
method of Achil les Tendon Lengthening is a good procedure in children
with Cerebral Palsy.
Achilles Tendon lengthening for Equi nus has been performed since
Ancient times using either an open or closed method.
This is usually performed by an open Z or fractional lengthening of
the tendon proper. In 1943, Whi te (5.7 ) was one of the first
proponents of · closed method. Nowadays, most of the surgeons have
found and consider the · sliding method of lengthening either by the
White method or the Hoke method ( 1954} ··more controlled and very
satisfactory. However closed method is not a widely used method for
treatment of Equinus Contracture in Cerebral Pa1sy.
This study reviews patients with C.P. who had closed or open
method of Achi11es Tendon Lengthening in National University Hospital
between Cecember 1965 and November 1988.