"Pelayanan kesehatan di Puskesmas tidak lepas dari peran petugas kefarmasian yaitu apoteker dalam penyelenggaraan obat. Penyelenggaraan obat dilakukan dari proses perencanaan obat sampai obat diterima oleh pasien. Pelayanan kefarmasian bertugas dalam pengelolaan obat serta Bahan Habis Pakai (BMHP) dan pelayanan farmasi klinik. Pelayanan kefarmasian dalam pengelolaan obat serta BMHP meliputi permintaan, penerimaan, penyimpanan, pendistribusian,pengendalian, pencatatan, pelaporan, pengarsipan dan pemantauan dan evaluasi pengelolaan. Pelayanan kefarmasian klinik meliputi pengkajian resep, penyerahan obat, dan pemberian informasi obat, Pelayanan Informasi Obat (PIO), konseling, ronde/visite pasien (khusus Puskesmas rawat inap), pemantauan dan pelaporan efek samping obat, pemantauan terapi obat dan evaluasi penggunaan obat.Peran apoteker dibutuhkan keterampilan serta sikap yang dapat mendukung proses pekerjaannya. Menurut WHO (World Health Organization) keterampilan dan sikap seorang apoteker dapat ditujukan untuk fungsi yang berbeda tiap penncarian solusi. Praktek apoteker meliputi care giver, decision maker, communicator, manager, leader, life-long learner, teacher, research, dan enterpreuner. Peran apoteker yang memiliki sikap nine stars dapat memberikan pelayanan yang layak, efektif dan seaman mungkin bagi pasien. Kontribusi seorang apoteker sangat berdampak pada kualitas kesehatan pasien.
Health services at the District health center be separated from the role of pharmacy officers, namely pharmacists in administering drugs. Drug administration is carried out from the drug planning process until the drug is received by the patient. Pharmaceutical services are responsible for managing drugs and Consumable Medical Equipment Management and clinical pharmacy services. Pharmaceutical services in managing drugs and Consumable Medical Equipment Management include requesting, receiving, storing, distributing, controlling, recording, reporting, archiving and monitoring and evaluating management. Clinical pharmacy services include reviewing prescriptions, dispensing drugs, and providing drug information, Drug Information Services, counseling, rounds/patient visits (especially inpatient Health Centers), monitoring and reporting of drug side effects, monitoring of drug therapy and evaluation of drug use. The pharmacist's role requires skills and attitudes that can support the work process. According to World Health Organization the skills and attitudes of a pharmacist can be directed to different functions for each search solution. Pharmacist practice includes care giver, decision maker, communicator, manager, leader, life-long learner, teacher, research, and entrepreneur. The role of pharmacists who have a nine-star attitude can provide services that are appropriate, effective and as safe as possible for patients. The contribution of a pharmacist greatly affects the quality of patient health."