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"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana implementasi kebijakan pencegahan kebakaran hutan dan lahan serta menganalisis apa saja faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Dalam melaksanakan upaya dalam pencegahan kebakaran hutan dan lahan di Provinsi Riau, bukan hanya dilakukan dengan sosialisasi dan kegiatan lainnya yang hanya menyasar permukaan dari penyebab permasalahan kebakaran hutan dan lahan. Tetapi juga menyasar bagaimana pengelolaan tata ruang khususnya pada kawasan gambut. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif pendekatan post positivis dengan studi literatur yang terkait dengan implementasi kebijakan dan pencegahan kebakaran hutan dan lahan. Sebagai bahan pendukung, peneliti melakukan tinjauan literatur. Hasil analisis memperlihatkan bagaimana implementasi kebijakan pencegahan kebakaran hutan dan lahan di Provinsi Riau dan faktor-faktor yang mempegaruhinya masih terdapat beberapa kekurangan, namun upaya-upaya yang dilakukan pemerintah dapat dioptimalkan. Arah kebijakan Pemerintah Provinsi Riau dalam menetapkan RTRW yang tepat dan akurat untuk mendukung pencegahan kebakaran hutan dan lahan terutama dalam pengelolaan gambut telah menunjukkan komitmen yang tinggi dengan hadirnya kebijakan RPPEG dan Riau Hijau.

This study aims to analyze how policies are implemented to prevent forest and land fires and analyze the factors that influence them. In carrying out efforts to prevent forest and land fires in Riau Province, it is not only carried out with socialization and other activities that only target the surface of the causes of forest and land fire problems. But it also targets spatial management, especially in peat areas. The research uses a qualitative post-positivist approach with literature studies related to policy implementation and prevention of forest and land fires. As a supporting material, the researcher conducted a literature review. The results of the analysis show how the implementation of forest and land fire prevention policies in Riau Province and the factors that influence them still have some deficiencies, but the efforts made by the government can be optimized. The policy direction of the Riau Provincial Government in establishing a precise and accurate RTRW to support the prevention of forest and land fires, especially in peat management, has shown high commitment with the presence of the RPPEG and Riau Hijau policies."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sheila Dewi Ayu Kusumaningtyas
"[;;;, ABSTRAK
Kebakaran hutan dan lahan (karhutla) di Riau mulai marak seiring dengan
meningkatnya laju penebangan hutan, pembersihan lahan dan iklim kering. Karhutla
menyebabkan pencemaran udara bahkan hingga ke Singapura sehingga
mempengaruhi ketegangan politik diantara kedua negara. Karhutla kerap terjadi tiap
tahunnya, padahal sudah banyak regulasi dan institusi yang menangani pencegahan
karhutla serta pengendalian bencana asap. Ketika proses pembakaran biomassa
terjadi, pencemar aerosol terlepas ke udara. Tingginya konsentrasi aerosol
menurunkan kualitas udara setempat dan mengurangi jarak pandang. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk menganalisis kaitan karhutla di Provinsi Riau pada Juni 2013 dengan
pencemaran udara di Riau dan Singapura, karakteristik aerosol di Singapura pada saat
periode karhutla di Riau dan menganalisis implementasi kebijakan pencegahan dan
pengendalian bencana asap akibat karhutla. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah
campuran kuantitatif dan kualitatif dengan data sekunder dan primer yang berasal
dari wawancara. Berdasarkan penelitian diketahui bahwa kebakaran di Riau pada Juni
2013 mengakibatkan kenaikan ISPU hingga 1084 (berbahaya) di Riau, kenaikan
konsentrasi PM 2,5, dan menurunkan visibilitas di Singapura. Hasil karakterisasi
melalui parameter aerosol optical depth (AOD), parameter Ångstrom, dan distribusi
ukuran partikel menunjukkan keberadaan aerosol berukuran kecil dengan jumlah
lebih banyak di Singapura yang merupakan ciri aerosol dari karhutla.
Lemahnya kepemimpinan dan penegakan hukum, kurangnya koordinasi antar institusi di tingkat pemerinrah daerah, dan belum optimalnya pemanfaatan informasi peringatan dini adalah sejumlah faktor penghambat implementasi kebijakan pengendalian bencana
asap akibat karhutla.

Forest and land fire in Riau increase along with the rapid deforestation, land clearing, and fueled by dry climate. Forest and land fire causes trans-boundary air pollution up to Singapore and creates tensions among neighboring countries. Fires in Riau routinely occur every year, although there are a lot of regulations and institutions dealing with fire prevention and smoke haze management. When biomass burns, certain aerosol pollutant is emitted to the atmosphere. High concentration of aerosol could degrade the local air quality and reduce visibility. This study aimed to analyze the relation of forest and land fire in Riau in June 2013 with the air pollution in Riau and Singapore, the characteristics of aerosol in Singapore during the fire period in Riau and the implementation of fire prevention and smoke haze management policies.Research method that being used are a mixture of quantitative and qualitative with secondary and primary data from interview. The research found that Riau fires in June 2013 resulted the increase of Pollutant Standard Index (PSI) until 1084 (hazardous) in Riau, increase the concentration of PM 2,5, and reduce visibility in Singapore. Aerosol characterization through aerosol optical depth (AOD), Ångstrom parameter and particle size distribution indicates the existence of a small-sized aerosol in a great number in Singapore which is characteristic of aerosol from forest and land fire. Weak leadership and law enforcement, lack of coordination among institutions in local level as well as low utilization of early warning information are a number of factors inhibiting the implementation of smoke haze management policies.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayu Permata Yuliana
"Berbagai usaha pencegahan kejahatan telah dilakukan untuk mencegah kebakaran hutan dan lahan yang disengaja atau karena ulah manusia, mulai dari menggunakan pendekatan Situational Crime Prevention, Community Crime Prevention dan juga Social Crime Prevention. Namun berbagai kendala masih ditemukan sehingga diperlukannya suatu model pencegahan kejahatan lingkungan yang integratif dan sinergis agar lebih efektif.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji ulang dan menentukan berbagai batasan mengenai strategi pencegahan kejahatan lingkungan dalam kasus kebakaran hutan dan lahan serta mengidentifikasi kebijakan-kebijakan umum yang mungkin diperlukan untuk mencegah permasalahan itu terjadi. Selain itu, memberikan bahan masukan pencegahan kejahatan yang spesifik bagi kejahatan lingkungan dengan model pencegahan kejahatan integratif. Pada akhirnya menciptakan pemahaman mengenai bagaimana suatu pencegahan kejahatan diciptakan secara terpadu oleh lembaga otoritas Negara.
Penelitian ini menghasikan temuan bahwa dari lima narasumber pakar dalam Metode Delphi yang penulis wawancara, masih memilki pemahaman yang berbeda-beda mengenai konsep kejahatan lingkungan dalam kasus kebakaran hutan dan lahan sehingga melahirkan kebijakan pencegahan kejahatan lingkungan yang berbeda-beda pula. Oleh karena itu Negara melalui perangkatnya harus mampu bersinergi mengambil tindakan dan kebijakan yang selaras dalam menanggulangi kebakaran hutan dan lahan dengan model peradilan lingkungan secara khusus guna mempermudah koordinasi dan pengawasan vertikal dan horisontal antar institusi negara. Bentuk integrasi tersebut penulis gambarkan dengan Teori Kemitraan oleh Shuck dan Rosenbaum yang mencakup empat premis yakni jangkauan pengaruh, mekanisme kausal, target intervensi dan juga kemitraan bagi pelayanan masyarakat dalam pencegahan kejahatan. Pada akhirnya, penelitian ini memiliki kesimpulan bahwa perlu adanya model integrasi dari lembaga pemerintah maupun non pemerintahan terutama dalam aspek pencegahan kejahatan lingkungan. Model integrasi ini akan menekan ego sektoral masing-masing entitas-entitas terkait serta mewujudkan tujuan yang sama yakni mencegah terjadinya kejahatan lingkungan dalam kasus kebakaran hutan dan lahan.

There were a lot of crime prevention had been done to prevent land and forest fire caused by human behaviour, ranging from situational crime prevention, community crime prevention and social crime prevention. However there were still many obstacles so it need an integratif and synergistic environmental crime prevention model to be more effective
This study attempts to review and determine various restrictions on the strategy of environmental crime prevention in the case of forest and land fire and identify the strategy that may be needed to prevent the issue happened . In addition, to give advice about crime prevention specifically for the environmental crime by using integratif prevention model . by the end to create the understanding of how can a crime prevention is created integrally by the state institutions .
This research finds that from five experts in the methods of delphi who were interviewed by the writers, still have different understanding about the concept of environmental crime of land and forest fire cases so that they created different crime prevention policies. Because of that, countries through its officials must be able to synergize to take action and policy in reducing land and forest fire with a specific environmental judicial model to ease coordination and supervision vertically and horizontally between the state institutions. It described with the theory of partnership by shuck and rosenbaum which includes four premise, namely the range of influence, causal mechanism, the intervention target and also partnership for community service in crime prevention. In the end , this research having a conclusion that requires model integration of government and non government agencies especially in aspect of environmental crime prevention. This integrative model will reduce sectoral ego in each related entities to realize that they are having the same purposes to prevent environmental crime in the case of land and forest fire.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farisya Isnaayu Khairunisa
"Kebakaran hutan dan lahan, baik disengaja maupun tidak, sering terjadi di Provinsi Riau, Indonesia, terutama saat musim kemarau. Riau memiliki lahan gambut seluas sekitar 4.811.865 ha. Pada akhir 2023, terdapat 163 hotspot kebakaran di Riau, dengan Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu memiliki hotspot terbanyak, yakni 69 titik, terutama di Kecamatan Rengat Barat, Rengat, dan Kuala Cenaku. Selain kondisi fisik lahan gambut, aktivitas manusia seperti kepadatan permukiman dan kerapatan parit juga berperan sebagai penyebab utama kebakaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) dan overlay serta super-imposed untuk mengolah distribusi hotspot, dengan tujuan mengetahui hubungan distribusi spasial potensi bahaya kebakaran hutan dan lahan dengan faktor kedalaman lahan gambut, kepadatan permukiman, dan kerapatan parit berdasarkan wilayah administrasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa distribusi potensi bahaya kebakaran cenderung mengelompok di area tertentu, seperti Kelurahan Sekip Hilir (Kecamatan Rengat), Kelurahan Sungai Dawu (Kecamatan Rengat Barat), dan Kelurahan Rawa Asri (Kecamatan Kuala Cenaku). Distribusi spasial potensi bahaya kebakaran memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan kedalaman lahan gambut dan kerapatan parit. Kepadatan permukiman yang dekat dengan jaringan jalan cenderung berpotensi rendah terhadap kebakaran, sementara kerapatan parit yang lebih dekat justru berpotensi lebih tinggi karena parit berfungsi sebagai drainase air gambut yang tidak terkendali.

Forest and land fires in Indonesia's Riau Province are common, particularly during the dry season. Riau's peatlands span about 4,811,865 hectares. By the end of 2023, the province had 163 hotspots, with Indragiri Hulu Regency having the highest number at 69. The numerous hotspots and extensive peatlands in Indragiri Hulu, especially in West Rengat, Rengat, and Kuala Cenaku sub-districts, make these areas particularly vulnerable to fires. Human activities, such as settlement density and drainage density, also contribute significantly to fire occurrences. This study uses Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) and overlay methods to analyze the spatial distribution of fire hazards, focusing on peatland depth, settlement density, and drainage density across administrative areas. The results indicate that fire hazards tend to cluster in specific areas: Sekip Hilir Village (Rengat Sub-district), Sungai Dawu Village (West Rengat Sub-district), and Rawa Asri Village (Kuala Cenaku Sub-district). The spatial distribution of fire hazards is significantly related to peatland depth and drainage density. Areas with high settlement density and close proximity to road networks tend to have lower fire potential. Conversely, areas with higher drainage density have increased fire potential due to uncontrolled peat water drainage systems."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Damanik, Melvina Ochtora
"Karhutla di Provinsi Riau selalu menjadi sorotan karena ulah manusia yang menyebabkan kerusakan ekosistem hingga kestabilan politik dengan negara tetangga. Untuk menyikapinya, Presiden memprioritaskan upaya pencegahan melalui kolaborasi multisektor antara pemerintah, swasta, hingga masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis proses serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi dalam kolaborasi pencegahan karhutla dengan model collaborative governance. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses collaborative governance secara keseluruhan sudah diterapkan meskipun diperlukan penyempurnaan pada proses dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kolaborasi. Intensitas dialog tatap muka masih rendah dan agenda pembahasan para aktor masih umum terhadap pengendalian kerhutla. Hasil sementara kolaborasi pencegahan belum terukur dengan baik sehingga egosektoral terlihat melalui berbagai program para aktor yang sifatnya mirip. Faktor-faktor yang menghambat kolaborasi adalah desain kelembagaan belum mengalokasi tugas pencegahan para aktor dengan jelas yang beresiko pada tumpang tindih kegiatan dan menurunnya transparansi kolaborasi. Anggaran pencegahan belum memadai karena Provinsi Riau belum memiliki dana alokasi khusus untuk pencegahan dan hanya bergantung pada anggaran aktor yang terlibat.

Karhutla in Riau Province has always been in the spotlight because of human activities that have caused damage to the ecosystem and political stability with neighboring countries. The President prioritizes prevention efforts through multi-sector collaboration between government, private sector, and community. This study aims to analyze the process and the factors that influence collaboration in preventing ‘karhutla’ with the collaborative governance model. The study indicates that collaborative governance process as a whole has been implemented although improvements are needed in the process and the factors that affect collaboration. Intensity of face-to-face dialogue is still low and the discussion is still on controlling ‘karhutla’. The interim results of prevention collaboration haven’t been well measured so that ego sector can be seen through various programs of actors that are similar in nature. The factors that hinder collaboration are the institutional design hasn’t allocated the task of preventing clearly so it’s risky to overlapping activities and decreasing collaboration transparency. The budget of prevention is not sufficient because Riau Province doesn’t have yet a special allocation fund for prevention and depends on the budget of the actors involved."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mangapul, Kudus Kurniawan
"Kawasan lahan gambut di Kabupaten Bengkalis memiliki tingkat bahaya kebakaran cukup tinggi terlihat dari adanya kebakaran lahan gambut setiap musim kemarau. Tujuan dari Riset ini adalah menganalisis kejadian berulangnya kasus kebakaran lahan, menganalisis upaya penanggulangan kebakaran lahan, menganalisis ketahanan lingkungan, dan mengembangkan model solusi kebakaran lahan. Hasil Riset terdapat hubungan yang sangat kuat antara faktor ekonomi, dan kebakaran lahan, indeks risiko kebakaran lahan sedang dan tinggi yang mendominasi, dan keberhasilan model solusi kebakaran lahan di Kabupaten Bengkalis berbasis pendekatan kebijakan pemerintah Kabupaten Bengkalis yang berwawasan ekologi dengan menggunakan aspek sosial dan ekonomi yang berkelanjutan, aspek pencegahan, perlindungan, dan pengamanan, dan aspek pengelolaan lahan bebas asap dan pendanaan yang berkelanjutan. Model ini merupakan pilihan untuk menghentikan dan mencegah terjadinya kebakaran lahan di Kabupaten Bengkalis.

The peatland area in Bengkalis Regency has a relatively high fire hazard level, as can be seen from peatland fires every dry season. This research aims to analyze the recurrence of land fires and prevention efforts, environmental resilience, and developing a land fire solution model. The results of the study showed there is a robust relationship between economic factors and land fires, moderate and high land fire risk indexes dominate, and the success of the land fire solution model in Bengkalis Regency based on the Bengkalis Regency government policy approach with an ecological perspective by using sustainable social and economic aspects, aspects of prevention, protection, and security, and aspects of smoke-free land management and sustainable funding. This model is an option to stop and prevent land fires in Bengkalis Regency. "
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Susilo Sudarman
Kebakaran lahan dan hutan merupakan ancaman terhadap lingkungan hidup.
Kebakaran lahan dan hutan dipengaruhi oleh pola penggunaan lahan untuk
budidaya. Karakteristik wilayah rawan kebakaran di Kabupaten Pelalawan adalah
wilayah yang memiliki kawasan hutan dengan fungsi hutan produksi konversi dan
hutan produksi terbatas; memiliki tutupan lahan dengan jenis hutan lahan kering
sekunder, semak belukar, semak belukar rawa dan tanah terbuka; serta memiliki
jenis tanah dan sistem lahan berupa endapan aluvial dan tanah mineral perbukitan
rendah, serta jenis tanah gambut dengan kedalaman rendah sampai sedang.
Kemunculan hotspot sebagai indikator kebakaran lahan dan hutan memiliki
hubungan dengan pola curah hujan rendah yang terjadi dua kali selama setahun di
Pelalawan, yaitu antara Januari─Februari dan yang paling ekstrim pada
Juli─Agustus. Langkah mitigasi kebakaran yang dilakukan pemerintah belum
diikuti dengan alternatif solusi budidaya tanam tanpa api. Perubahan budidaya
jenis tanaman semusim ke tanaman keras adalah bentuk adaptasi yang dilakukan
masyarakat. Laju pertumbuhan penduduk berpengaruh nyata terhadap peluang
terjadinya kebakaran lahan dan hutan. Tekanan terhadap penguasaan ruang
sebagai dampak dari pembangunan mempengaruhi kearifan lokal penggunaan api
dalam pengelolaan lahan. Terbatasnya akses terhadap modal perekonomian
menjadi salah satu faktor penghambat trasformasi sosial ekonomi dan budaya dari
pertanian subsisten menjadi agraris, sehingga penggunaan api masih menjadi
bagian dari budaya pengelolaan lahan.

Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture.;Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture.;Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture.;Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture.;Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture.;Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture.;Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture., Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Haeropan Daniko Dwiputra
"Meningkatnya luas lahan yang terbakar pada tahun 2021 mempertegas urgensi pembuatan peta wilayah rawan karhutla di Kabupaten Situbondo. Pembuatan peta rawan karhutla di wilayah penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode SMCA, dengan variabel berupa: tutupan lahan, kehijauan vegetasi, kelembaban vegetasi, suhu permukaan daratan, dan faktor manusia yang diwakili oleh variabel aksesibilitas (jarak dari jaringan jalan) dan jarak dari aktivitas manusia (jarak dari pemukiman, ladang, dan kebun). Digunakan 3 (tiga) persamaan berbeda pada analisis SMCA, persamaan pertama memberikan bobot lebih besar pada faktor manusia, persamaan kedua memberikan bobot lebih besar pada faktor alami, dan persamaan ketiga memberikan bobot seimbang. Dari hasil validasi, model yang dibuat dengan menggunakan persamaan kedua dinilai memiliki kesesuaian yang lebih tinggi dan lebih cocok untuk digunakan pada pembuatan model rawan karhutla. Dari model kerawanan yang telah dihasilkan, didapatkan bahwa sebagian besar wilayah Kabupaten Situbondo memiliki tingkat kerawanan karhutla tinggi dengan luas wilayah sebesar 652,66 km² (39,08%). Luas wilayah dengan tingkat kerawanan menengah, rendah, dan tidak rawan secara berturut-turut, adalah sebesar 532,12 km² (31,87%), 306,46 km² (18,35%), dan 178,65 km² (10,70%). Dari hasil uji statistik dengan regresi logistik ordinal, didapatkan faktor alami memiliki tingkat pengaruh yang lebih tinggi (ψ= 4,824) terhadap kerawanan karhutla dibandingkan dengan faktor manusia (ψ= 1,051).

Research needs to be done to analyze areas prone to forest and land fires in Situbondo Regency because of the high burned area number in 2021. The process of making forest and land fire hazard map is carried out by using the SMCA methode, with forest fire prone variables in the form of type of land cover, greenness of vegetation, vegetation humidity, soil surface temperature, and human factors represented by accessibility (distance from road) and distance from settlements, fields, and gardens. Three different equations were used in the SMCA analysis, the first equation gave greater weight to anthropogenic factors, while the second and third equation gave greater weight to natural factors and the same weight on both factors, respectively. From the model validation results, the model made from the second equation is considered to have a higher suitability to be used in the process of modeling areas prone to forest and land fires in Situbondo Regency. From the vulnerability model that has been generated, it can be concluded that Situbondo Regency is dominated by areas with a high level of vulnerability, with an area of 652,66 km² (39,08%). The total area of middle, low, and non-vulnerable classes are 532,12 km² (31,87%), 306,46 km² (18,35%), and 178,65 km² (10,70%), respectively. From the results of statistical tests using the ordinal logistic regression method, it can be concluded the natural factor of forest and land fires had a higher level of influence (ψ = 4.824) on the vulnerability of forest and land fires rather than the human factor (ψ = 1.051)."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Laily Nurizza Adelia
"Kebakaran hutan dan lahan merupakan peristiwa akibat proses alam dan manusia. Kabupaten Kubu Raya, Kalimantan Barat merupakan salah satu kabupaten yang sering dilanda kebakaran hutan dan lahan. Umumnya, kebakaran hutan dan lahan di kabupaten ini disebabkan oleh aktivitas manusia yang meningkatkan kepadatan penduduk dan pembukaan lahan dengan membakar lahan. Kebakaran hutan dan lahan di Kabupaten Kubu Raya telah menimbulkan kerusakan lingkungan dan ekonomi sehingga diperlukan adanya identifikasi wilayah bahaya untuk membangun sistem manajemen yang efektif guna mengendalikan kebakaran hutan dan lahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi wilayah bahaya kebakaran hutan dan lahan dan mengetahui hubungan antara wilayah bahaya kebakaran hutan dan wilayah konsesi di Kabupaten Kubu Raya. Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) digunakan untuk mendapatkan bobot tiap variabel yang digunakan. Terdapat tiga kriteria yang mempengaruhi wilayah bahaya kebakaran hutan yaitu topografi, meteorologi, dan aktivitas manusia yang teridiri atas delapan variabel yaitu ketinggian, lereng, aspect, suhu, curah hujan, kecepatan angin, kepadatan penduduk, dan jarak dari permukiman. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan AHP, didapatkan bobot kriteria topografi 0,11; meteorologi 0,28; dan aktivitas manusia 0,62. Wilayah bahaya kebakaran hutan dan lahan di kabupaten ini dibagi menjadi tiga kelas yaitu rendah, sedang, dan tinggi. Setelah dilakukan analisis weighted overlay berdasarkan bobot akhir, didapatkan bahwa Kabupaten Kubu Raya didominasi oleh wilayah bahaya kebakaran hutan dan lahan sedang yaitu seluas 433.654,34 hektar atau 50,7% dari total wilayah kabupaten. Wilayah bahaya kebakaran terluas kedua adalah pada tingkat tinggi dengan luas 244.282,41 hektar atau 28,6% dari total luas wilayah. Wilayah bahaya kebakaran rendah memiliki 177.624,25 hektar atau 20,8% dari total luas wilayah. Sedangkan untuk bahaya sangat rendah dan sangat tinggi tidak ada di kabupaten ini. Hasil wilayah bahaya kebakaran hutan dan lahan divalidasi dengan titik panas tahun 2021 menggunakan kurva AUC/ROC dan didapatkan area di bawah nilai kurva ROC 0,76 yang menandakan skor model ini dalam kategori baik. Hasil uji chi-square wilayah bahaya dengan wilayah konsesi menghasilkan nilai signifikan kurang dari 0,05 dengan koefisien kontingensi 0,312 maka dapat diartikan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang lemah antara wilayah bahaya kebakaran hutan dengan wilayah konsesi.

Forest and land fires are events that are caused by natural and human processes. Kubu Raya Regency, West Kalimantan is one of the districts that often experience forest and land fires. Generally, forest and land fires in this district are caused by human activities that resulted in increased population density and land clearing through burning land. Forest and land fires in Kubu Raya Regency have caused environmental and economic damage, therefore it is necessary to identify the hazard areas for an effective management system to control and prevent forest and land fires. This research aims to identify fire and land fire hazard areas and determine the relationship between the hazard areas and concession areas in Kubu Raya Regency. The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is used to obtain the weight of each variable used. There are three criteria that affect the forest and land fire hazard area: topography, meteorology, and human activities, which consist of eight variables: altitude, slope, aspect, temperature, rainfall, wind speed, population density, and distance from the settlements. Based on the AHP calculation, the final weight of the topographic criteria is 0.11; meteorology 0.28; and human activity 0.62. The forest and land fire hazard areas in this district are divided into three classes, which are low, medium, and high. The weighted overlay result found that Kubu Raya Regency is dominated by moderate forest and land fire areas, covering an area of 433.654,34 hectares or 50.7% of the total regency area. The second-largest forest and land fire hazard area are at a high level with an area of 244.282,41 hectares or 28.6% of the total area. The low forest and land fire hazard area have 177.624,25 hectares or 28.6% of the total area. The results of forest and land fire hazards area were validated by hotspot data 2021 using the AUC/ROC curve and obtained an area under the ROC curve value of 0.76, which indicates the score of this model is in a moderate category. The results of the statistic test of the hazard area with the concession area yielded a significant value of less than 0.05 with a contingency coefficient of 0.470, which means that there is a moderate relationship between the forest hazard area and the concession area."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eka Rahma Citra Lestari
"Masalah kebakaran hutan dan lahan telah menjadi isu nasional yang patut mendapat perhatian serius dari pemerintah. Kejadian ini terjadi setiap tahun secara berulang, khususnya pada lahan gambut. Perlu dipahami bahwa, instansi pemerintah dan masyarakat, termasuk petani, perusahaan-perusahaan perkebunan dan HTI, merupakan mata rantai yang tidak terputus yang terkait langsung dengan kebakaran hutan dan lahan ini. Pada penelitian ini dibuat sebuah hubungan antara kebakaran hutan yang dilihat dari parameter hotspot terhadap nilai parameter pencemar udara (ISPU) dan tingkat kesehatan masyarakat kota Pekanbaru. Parameter hotspot yang diteliti adalah semua lokasi yang terdapat di provinsi Riau dari tahun 2005 sampai tahun 2009. Sedangkan resiko pencemaran kualitas udara dan kesehatan masyarakat yang diteliti adalah di kota Pekanbaru pada tahun 2009. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisa data sekunder. Penelitian ini menghasilkan hubungan yang erat antara jumlah hotspot yang terdapat di berbagai daerah di provinsi Riau terhadap peningkatan nilai ISPU di kota Pekanbaru. Peningkatan nilai ISPU di kota Pekanbaru seiring dengan peningkatan jumlah hotspot yang terdapat di provinsi Riau. Peningkatan nilai ISPU ini juga berpengaruh terhadap kesehatan masyarakat kota Pekanbaru. Jumlah penderita penyakit meningkat 1 bulan sampai 2 bulan setelah kenaikan nilai ISPU di kota Pekanbaru.

Problem of land and forest fires have become national issues that deserve serious attention from the government. This event happens every year, especially on peatlands. It should be understood that, government agencies and communities, including farmers, companies and timber plantations, is an unbroken chain which is directly related to this land and forest fires. This study is to learn a relationship between forest fire from the hotspots parameters against the value of air pollutant parameters (ISPU) and the level of public health in Pekanbaru city. Hotspot parameters studied are all the locations contained in Riau province from 2005 until the year 2009. While the risk of pollution of air quality and public health research is in the Pekanbaru city in the year 2009. The method used in this research is secondary data analysis. This research produced a strong correlation between the number of hotspots in the various regions in the Riau province on the increase of the value of ISPU in the Pekanbaru city. Increasing the value of ISPU in the Pekanabaru city along with the increasing number of hotspots located in Riau province. Increasing the value of ISPU is also an effect on people's health in Pekanbaru city. The number of patients increased by one month until two months after the increase in value of ISPU in the Pekanbaru city."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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