Kegiatan berwirausaha dapat tervisualisasi dari terbentuknya start-up atau bisnis baru-kecil. Risiko kegagalan menjadi salah satu alasan rendahnya jumlah pengusaha startup di Indonesia dimana masyarakat cenderung menghindari risiko dan memilih profesi yang lebih stabil ketimbang menjadi pengusaha (Cooney, 2012). Kegagalan dalam berusaha sering dipengaruhi oleh ketidakmampuan pebisnis dalam menciptakan pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan, membuat arah strategis yang kuat, dan merumuskan strategi untuk terus menjadi relevan di dunia bisnis.
Studi ini menekankan pada bagaimana bisnis baru mampu menyusun strategi untuk terus bertumbuh serta mengimplementasikannya dalam target dan kegiatan bisnis. Studi ini juga menekankan pada logika penting dan nilai-nilai yang mendasari pengambilan keputusan. Oleh karena itu, interpretasi tentang bagaimana strategi pertumbuhan yang tergabung dalam konteks start-up menjadi penting.
Pendekatan kualitatif dipilih untuk mempelajari bagaimana faktor yang mempengaruhi strategi bertumbuh terhadap kinerja start-up/usaha kecil. Studi kasus dilakukan kepada 27 startup dalam bentuk wawancara semi-terstruktur yang didukung oleh data sekunder sebagai pelengkap. Klasifikasi Start-up oleh Start-up Genome Report (2014) dan Tahap Blank-Marmer digunakan dalam rangka untuk memahami lebih dalam perilaku setiap start-up dalam strategi pertumbuhan menggabungkan.
Pengertian strategi dalam kacamata startup dipandang sebagai gabungan antara perencanaan dan pendekatan. Semua partisipan menunjukkan implementasi strategi dengan fleksibilitas tinggi.
Studi ini menunjukkan terdapat beberapa faktor positif yang mempengaruhi perumusan strategi. Orientasi entrepreneurial serta pandangan manajerial atas pertumbuhan organisasi juga berpengaruh terhadap pembentukan strategi bertumbuh terutama dalam mendukung visi sang pendiri serta kesempatan dalam mencari peluang sebagai salah satu faktor internal Perusahaan.
Melalui wawancara, terindikasi bahwa akses ke sumber daya keuangan, manusia dan social cukup berpengaruh pada Perusahaan merumuskan strategi. Namun, tidak seperti wiklund, kondisi lingkungan bisnis terlihat belum terlalu berpengaruh terhadap pembentukan strategi bertumbuh.
Peta strategi produk-pasar milik Ansoff dianggap cukup mewakili klasifikasi strategi yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan startup. Sayangnya, Penetrasi pasar dalam studi ini belum mampu menunjukkan perbedaan atas strategi yang dipilih dalam bertumbuh.
Temuan lain memperlihatkan bahwa pengalaman strategis mampu memberikan pertimbangan tambahan bagi startup dalam memilih strategi bertumbuh. Pertimbangan positif juga ditemukan bahwa kolaborasi dapat menjadi pilihan para startup dalam rangka membangun pertumbuhan strategis dan lebih berkelanjutan.
Kata kunci: Startup, Strategi Bertumbuh, Peta Strategi, New-Small Business, Aksi Berwirausaha
ABSTRACTThe interest over entrepreneurship is manifested in start-ups or new-small businesses, but the number of startup entrepreneur is still low. One of many reasons for that is the risk of failures. People tend to adverse risk and come to more stability profession. These failures then become motivational factors and the need of management capability that role as internal barrier (Cooney, 2012) for being an entrepreneur. These failure often affected by their incapability of creating sustainable growth, making strong direction, and formulating strategies in order to continue being relevant.
This study emphasize on how newly-business would be able to encompass their strategies to grow, iterate them into business targets and activities, and what the essential logic and values that enable them to do so . Thus it will create an interpretation on how growth strategies are incorporated in start-up context.
Qualitative approach is selected in order to study how growth strategies affecting how start-up/small-new business perform. The approach is performed in multiple case studies including 27 startup/new-small businesses in semi-structured interviews supported by complement data from various secondary sources. Classification of Start-up by Start-up Genome Report (2014) and Blank-Marmer Phase are implemented in order to understanding more deeply behavior between one company to the other in incorporate growth strategies.
The study indicates that some of the firms in the strategy positively use emergent approach in strategy formulation, while the other combined between planning and emergent approach. All of the firms adapt the high-level of flexibility over implementation and formal strategies. This approach help some of the firms to made clear into steps taken by them to explore their entrepreneurial behavior in opportunity seeking behavior while maintained their sustainable source of advantages.
Through the interview, it is found that different elements affected the fabrication of growth strategies. External environment, access to financial, human and social resources is quite affected on how firms formulate strategies. Other factors that proposed internally affected the process such as entrepreneurial orientation and the owner-manager orientation towards growth are also affected the process of growth strategies manufacturing.
There also findings that Ansoff strategy map able to classify growth strategy taken by the participant. Another finding is that strategic experience does give the firms more consideration in selecting strategies. It also will be a positive consideration for new-small business should consider collaboration in order to expand their own capabilities and cooperate with externals as strategic steps to obtained more sustainable growth.
The establishment and growth of multicultural startup company urge intercultural communication in work place context becomes inevitable. This qualitative research uses empirical case study attempts to comprehend the adaptation experience within intercultural communication that applies to Chengdu employee in a startup company in Jakarta and how the adaptation experience is taking role in order to form the existent organization culture. The study shows the pattern of adaptation and its significance in forming organization culture; within the adaptation pattern, Chengdu employee succeeding the adaptation process to run their job well and achieve the company goals.