"Perusahaan baik korporasi maupun BUMN selalu berupaya untuk memenangi pasar dan mencapai tujuan, dan target keuntungan. Perusahaan dapat membuat perencanaan yang terstruktur untuk mengoptimalkan pekerjaan. Dari total 31 proyek pengembangan produk yang dikerjakan tahun 2021, hanya 12 proyek yang telah dan selesai, serta dua proyek lainnya sedang berjalan. Hal tersebut merugikan perusahaan dan berdampak pada penguasaan pasar. Hal tersebut disebabkan tidak adanya pedoman tentang cara untuk melakukan mengembangkan produk perangkat lunak. Dampaknya, banyak proyek yang tidak tepat sasaran, tidak berhasil dieksekusi, dan tidak berhasil mencapai kesepakatan awal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan rekomendasi metodologi pengembangan produk perangkat lunak yang dapat menjadi pedoman bagi perusahaan berdasarkan konsep dari Essence Framework. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Design Science Research (DSR) dalam melaksanakannya. Penelitian melibatkan tim internal perusahaan melalui Focus Group Discussion (FGD) untuk memberikan informasi artefak dan praktik, memilih artefak dan praktik, dan evaluasi proses. Evaluasi juga diberikan oleh expert dalam sesi Expert Judgement dari lima orang ahli untuk memberikan tanggapan dari eksternal perusahaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebanyak 24 praktik terpilih yang bersifat iteratif berdasarkan prinsip kerja Agile yang dibagi menjadi tiga aktivitas communication, enam aktivitas planning, tiga aktivitas modelling, enam aktivitas construction, dan enam aktivitas deployment. Praktik tersebut didapatkan dari metode Agile yang paling populer tahun 2021, yakni Scrum, Kanban, Extreme Programming (XP), SAFe, Scrum of Scrums, Enterprise Scrum, Spotify Model, LeSS,dan Nexus, serta dua metode pengembangan perusahaan saat ini, yakni Watefall dan Prototyping.
Both corporations and state-owned companies always strive to win the market and achieve their goals and profit targets. Companies can make structured plans to optimize work. By the total of 31 product development projects that will be carried out in 2021, only 12 projects have been completed and 2 others are currently in progress. These are detrimental to the company and has an impact on market share. This is happened because of the absence of guidelines on how to develop software products. As a result, many projects were not on target, were not successfully executed, and failed to reach the initial agreement. This study aims to provide recommendations for software product development methods that can be used as guidelines for companies based on the concept of the Essence Framework. This study uses the Design Science Research (DSR) method. The research involved the company's internal team through Focus Group Discussions (FGD) to provide information on artifacts and practices, select artifacts and practices, and evaluate processes. Evaluation was also given by the expert in the Expert Judgment session of five experts to provide feedback from external companies. The results showed that there were 24 selected iterative practices based on Agile working principles which were divided into three communication activities, six planning activities, three modeling activities, six construction activities, and six deployment activities.These practices are derived from the most popular Agile methods used in 2021, namely Scrum, Kanban, Extreme Programming (XP), SAFe, Scrum of Scrums, Enterprise Scrum, Spotify Model, LeSS, and Nexus, as well as two of the company's current development methods, Waterfall and Prototyping."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2022