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Regina M. Pagaspas
"The study was carried out among 40 low-income households in East Jakarta. It generally aimed at examining the contribution of intra-household food distribution practices to the differences in nutritional status of individual members within and between urban poor households with underfive year old children.
Two groups represented the study households. One group with malnourished (<-2 Z-scores for weight for age indicator) 18-60 months old children and the other group with well-nourished (>:-2 Z-scores) of the same age. A three day household and individual food intake were collected through the use of a combined food weighing and 24-hour food recall method.
Results revealed that.malnourished underfive year old children were given less adequate diets in terms of nutrient requirement while parents? diet were sufficiently adequate. In contrast, the well-nourished children were adequately fed while their parents got less. The children's intake were found to have a marginal relationship with their nutritional status while significant associations were seen with parent's energy intake and household's total income.
On the whole, findings indicated inequality in the food distribution patterns among urban poor households and these patterns somehow influences the nutritional status of household members particularly the pre-school age children"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1994
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fifijanti Santoso
A total of 40 households with pre-scholars belonging to East Jakarta District were surveyed for their intra household food distribution practices using food weighing and 24 h recall method for three consecutive days. It generally aimed to examine the contribution of intra-household food distribution practices to the nutritional status of the households' members.
Two groups of 20 households represented the study households, one group with low household income (less than Rp 37,500 or US $ 17/capita/month), the other with higher household income (more or equal to Rp 66,000 or US $ 301capitalmoth).
Results revealed that fathers and children of higher income group were better nourished than fathers and children of low-income group, but no difference between the mothers. The energy distributions were more or less equal in both low and higher income group. In low-income group the parents got more protein adequacy (the mothers got 108.7 % and the fathers got 108.4 %) than the children (83.9%). In higher income group, all household members got adequate protein (the fathers got 131.4%; the mothers got 110.4 % and the children got 124.8%). Low-income households assured themselves of sufficient intake of rice; oil; sugar and snacks whereas the higher income households consumed higher intake of milk; meat; egg; fruits & vegetables. Findings seemed to indicate that there were differences in the food distribution patterns between low and higher income group and these patterns closely associated with the nutritional status of household members.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tirta Prawita Sari
"Diarrhea contributes to about 17.5% of under-five children's death in the world and about 15.2% in developing countries. These figures were much lower compared to previous years, which show a reduction in death due to diarrhea among under-five children since 1990. In Indonesia, child deaths due to diarrhea among under-five children
decreased from 15.3% in 1995 to 13.2% in 2001.
Up to 70% of diarrhea in childhood was due to pathogen transmitted through food. Although this route of transmission already well recognized, the role of food hygiene in the development of diarrhea, especially in under-five children who live in urban poor areas, is sometimes overlooked.
This study is aimed to assess the contribution of nutritional status and food hygiene practice to the occurrence of diarrhea among children aged 12 - 59 months who live in selected urban poor area in Jatinegara sub district, East Jakarta. A cross sectional study was conducted in 274 randomly selected children aged 12-59 months using interview on food hygiene practices and observation on housing and environmental
condition in one day of the period of recording the child?s stool. Seven days record on frequency and consistency of the child?s stool was done to obtain the stool of diarrhea children. Diarrhea prevalence was calculated based on percentage of children who diagnosed as diarrhea during the seven days record. At the end of recording period all
the children were measured their weight and height to obtain their nutritional status data.
All collected feces were analyzed using serology test for the presence of EPFC and ELISA for Rotavims. None ofthe feces showed the presence of EPEC and Rotavirus. There was a significant association between poor food hygiene, wasting and diarrhea among children aged 12 - 59 months, particularly in age 12 - 24 months (p-value < 0.05,
X2 test).
Diarrhea prevalence was higher in wasted children who had poor food hygiene practices (29.4%) compare to those with good food hygiene practices (7.7%). After stratification for age, wasted children aged 12 - 24 months with poor food hygiene practices had higher diarrhea prevalence (55.6%) compare to those who aged more than
24 months with the same food hygiene practices."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Since July 1997. there was a monetary crisis in Indonesia. This condition influences health and nutritional status of the communitv. There was a decrease of purchasing power. due to lack job opportunities. This condition lead to decreasing in quality and quantity of food intake of children under-five in the community.
Four cross-sectional surveys were carried out in East Jakarta in September 1993, April 1998, December 1998, and March 1999. There were totally 1859 under five children and 1622 household assessed within the four surveys. Multi stage random sampling was used in the first survey (September 1993) by Susilowati Regardless there were under fives or not the study covered all subdristricts select households having children under the age 60 months from 16 village units of 10 sub-districts. And the next three surveys used the same study area as the first study data on socio-economic, food consumption. environmental situation and nutrition status were collected using pre-coded questionaire and anthropometric measurements. The percentage of fathers without occupation increased in 1999 (7 .3 ~o) as compare to 1993 (2%). The anthropometric status of under-five children in September 1993. April 1998, December 1998 and March 1999 show the prevalence of stunting are as following 22.7%, 16.1%, 25 .4% and 22% (p value < 0.05, Chi Square). While the prevalence of wasting are as following 15%, 17.90/o, 11 .5% and 14.1 % (p value < 0.05, Chi Square). There were no significant difference in nutritional status between boys and girls within the four surveys. During the monetary crisis there were significant difference in prevalence of underweight (April'98 survey) in children from lower strata/percentile of per capitafood expenditure and upper level of strata percentile of per capita food expenditure (p < 0.05, Chi Square). Anthropometric indicators were calculated using growth reference data of the National Center for health Statistics ( 1977 )
The prevalence of stunting and wasting were also significantly higher inthcgroup receiving food aid compared to those without food aid. There is no significant difference in prevalence of malnourished mother by using cut-off point BMJ< 18.5. The prevalence of malnourished mother found in September 1993 was 14.7%. in April 1998 was 13.1%': in December 1998 was 16.2%, and in March 1999 was 13%. The same situation also describe ·n BM1>25 which has no changes from 1993 to 1999. The prevalence of overweight (BMI > 25) mother found in September 1993 was 24.2%, April 1998 was 21.3%, December 1998 19.1%, and March 1999 24.6%. It seems that the crisis has no impact on nutritional status of non pregnant mother.
The crisis was associated with a clear negative shift in household food
consumption. The intake of animal prolein sources significantly decreased (p value<
0.05.chi-square). as a coping mechanism the plant protein as well as green leafy begetables consumption increased makedly)
Based on strata/percentile of per capita food expenditure there were no
difference within the strata in all surveys in eggs consumption in the family but there were diference for poultry, meat, fish and milk (p< 0 05. Chi Square)
There was assoaciation between children nutritional starus and frequency of food intake of animal protein, milk, fruit and cooking oil (p value < 0.05 anova). There were also assoctation between nutritional status of under live children with food expenditure number of household member, mother nutrional status (BMI and MUAC). Duration of breast-feeding snack consumption, total expenditure and food and program
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Djasmidar A.T.
"Salah satu upaya agar memperoleh sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang berkualitas di masa datang dengan memperhatikan keadaan gizi balita umumnya dan anak usia 6-17 bulan khususnya. Kemiskinan erat hubungannya dengan keadaan gizi balita, karena keterbatasan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan dasar antara lain makanan. Umumnya anak yang hidup di dalam keluarga miskin menderita gangguan pertumbuhan dan kurang gizi, tetapi kenyataannya dalam keadaan sosial ekonomi miskin masih terdapat anak-anak dengan status gizi baik, sehingga timbul pertanyaan faktor-faktor apakah yang menyebabkan anak keluarga miskin mempunyai status gizi baik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan status gizi baik anak usia 6-17 bulan pada keluarga miskin di Jakarta Utara, kabupaten Bogor dan kabupaten Lombok Barat.
Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah potong lintang (cross sectional) dengan jumlah sampel yang diolah 479 orang anak dari 540 orang anak yang ada pada studi penyimpangan positif masalah KEP di Jakarta Utara, kabupaten Bogor dan kabupaten Lombok Timur.
Hasil penelitian melaporkan proporsi gizi baik pada anak usia 6-17 bulan di Jakarta Utara 64,7%,kabupaten Bogor 63,1%, kabupten Lombok Timur 59,3% dan secara keseluruhannya 62,4%. Hasil uji chi-square menunjukkan ada hubungan yang bermakna (p<0,05) asupan energi dan asupan protein dengan status gizi baik anak usia 6-1.7 bulan di Jakarta Utara, ada hubungan yang bermakna pengetahuan ibu tentang gizi dengan status gizi baik anak usia 6-17 bulan di kabupaten Bogor, ada hubungan yang bermakna pola asuh anak dengan status gizi baik anak usia 6-17 bulan di kabupaten Lombok Timur dan ada hubungan yang bermakna pengetahuan ibu tentang gizi dan keadaan rumah dengan status gizi basi anak usia 6-17 bulan pada total di tiga lokasi penelitian.
Hasil analisis multivariat regresi logistik ganda juga menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang paling dominan berhubungan dengan status gizi baik anak usia 6-17 bulan adalah asupan protein di Jakarta Utara, pengetahuan ibu tentang gizi di kabupaten Bogor, pola asuh anak di kabupaten Lombok Timur dan keadaan rumah pada total di tiga lokasi penelitian.
Dan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa proporsi gizi baik masih rendah dan adanya variasi faktor dominan yang berhubungan dengan status gizi baik anak usia 6-17 bulan di daerah miskin. Untuk itu Dinas Kesehatan kabupaten/kota dalam perencanaan perbaikan status gizi anak usia 6-17 bulan di daerah miskin tidak disamakan di semua lokasi tetapi dibedakan dengan melihat faktor dominan dimasing-masing lokasi dan perlunya perbaikan lingkungan perumahan yang disertai dengan penyuluhan perilaku hidup sehat. Untuk Puskemas perlu meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu tentang gizi melalui program promosi gizi seimbang di masyarakat.

Factors Related to Good Nutritional Status of Children Age 6-17 Months Old Among Poor Families in Northern Jakarta, Bogor District, and Eastern Lombok District in 1999. (Secondary Data Analysis)Among others, concern on under five nutritional status in general and children age 6-17 months old in particular is one important effort to improve the quality of human resource in the future. Poverty is closely related to the nutritional status of under five due to limitation to fulfill basic needs including food In general, children live within poor families suffered from growth retardation and under nutrition. However, within the poor socioeconomic environment, children with good nutritional status still can be found. This raises questions on what factors contribute to good nutritional status among poor families. The aim of this study is to investigate factors related to good nutritional status of children age 6-17 months old among poor families in Northern Jakarta, Bogor district, and Eastern Lombok district in 1999.
Design of this study is cross sectional with number of sample of analysis 479 out of 540 children who were included in the positive deviance study on protein energy malnutrition in Northern Jakarta, Bogor district, and Eastern Lombok district.
The study shows the proportion of children age 6-17 months old with good nutritional status are 64.7% in Northern Jakarta, 63.1% Bogor district, 59.3% in Eastern Lombok and the overall proportion is 62A%. The chi square test exhibits. significant association (p<0.45) between energy and protein intakes with good nutritional status among children age 6-17 months old in Northern Jakarta, significant association between mother's nutrition knowledge with good nutritional status among children age 6-17 months old in Bogor district, significant association between child care practices and good nutritional status among children age 6-17 months old in Eastern Lombok district, and significant association between mother's nutrition knowledge and house condition with good nutritional status among children age 6-17 months old.
Multiple logistic regression analysis shows that the most dominant factors for good nutritional status among children age 6-17 months old are protein intake in Northern Jakarta, mother's nutrition knowledge in Bogor district, child care practices in Eastern Lombok district, and house condition for overall places.
The study result concludes that the proportion of good nutritional status is still low and there is variation of dominant factors related to good nutritional status among children age 6-17 months old in poor areas. District Health Service have to consider the variation of determinant by making the planning of improvement of nutritional status not similar to the other districts. The planning has to be based on the real situation and the determinants which have been identified as main caused of nutritional status in each districts. There is a need to improve mother's nutrition knowledge through promotion of balance of nutrition and through promotion of nutrition in Posyandu as well as innovation of affordable nutrition balance.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simanjuntak, Yogy
"TB is still major problem even though number of TB cases had been decline steadily due to discovery and continuing research of TB drugs since 1940 and also increasing of funding and attention to global TB problem. Indonesia is the third country in descending order of TB case numbers. It is considered as the third main cause of death after cardiovascular and respiratory diseases in this country. Several years ago, East Nusa Tenggara province had the highest incidence of sputum smear positive compared with other provinces in Indonesia. TB creates certain burdens in the community, initially in health and nutrition aspect, and then followed by other human aspects including economy and social. It is, therefore, eradicating TB in an effective and efficient way becomes a very emerging issue on TB treatment strategy. Since TB is an immune-related disease, hence, enhancing the immune system might be considered as an important strategy to be considered on TB treatment. Zinc, vitamin A and a new discovered protein, leptin, take a part on that issue. A cross sectional study was conducted with a main objective of investigating the relationship between nutritional and leptin status of new diagnosed pulmonary TB disease with the disease severity in selected districts of East Nusa Tenggara province, Indonesia. This research report is divided into three parts. Part 1 includes comprehensive reviews on the background of the study, literature review, problem statement and rationale, objective, hypotheses, conceptual framework and variable indicator matrix. Part 2 wraps up the manuscript for publication, entitled "Micronutrients and Leptin status Are Associated with the Radiological Features Among New Diagnosed Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients." It is written and formatted based on author's guideline of the Journal of Nutrition. Part 3 covers the supporting documents including detailed methodology and other result, author's guideline of the journal, questionnaire, ethical approval, informed consent, official permit letter, references and curriculum vitae. It is expected that the results of this study may contribute to the body of knowledge about the severity of TB that reflects the specific profile of nutritional status (body fat, BMI, MUAC and micronutrient status) and plasma leptin. Furthermore, it will serve as reference data for further investigations, better interventions and treatments on active pulmonary TB patients."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maria Catharina Phan Ju Lan
Most poverty prevalence in developing countries is found among people living in rural areas, which depend on agricultural activities as their main source of livelihood (Suryana, 1992, Kuhonta, 1986).
This study assessed the overall condition of the rural community in Pasaman (Jambak and Sarik village) and Sawahlunto/Sijunjung (SP I and SP IV village) district regarding to the poverty and nutritional situation by using an adapted Rapid Rural assessment method which was called RAPID: Rapid Nutritional Assessment for Community Based Poverty Alleviation Projects in Developing Countries, developed by GTZ. The method consists of interviewing key persons, focus group discussion, observation and height measurement of school children (6-9 years old).
Other method to diagnose and analyze the nutritional situation of risk group is a nutritional survey. Interview and anthropometrics measurement of fewer than five children and the mother were done in this method.
A poor state of nutrition and health also leads to lower productivity and reduces the availability of food at the household level, which now forms a vicious cycle. The availability of food can describe the food security status of the household. This study also attempted to look into the main problems of food security on rural community by using food security questionnaire developed by SEARCA (South East Asian Regional Center for Agriculture). The result of interviewing the mothers by this method revealed that current food security status in Jambak and Sarik was better than SP I and SP IV while SP IV was worse than SP I. The similar result was found by other two methods.
RAPID method described the overall condition of the study area in a short time. This method also collected preliminary information on the nature and importance of poverty and nutritional problem, and supply of the resources of the study area. However this method insufficient to describe the relationship between nutritional problem and its determinant factor.
Baseline survey gave the extent of the nutritional problem in the area, nevertheless this method needed some resources; fund, personnel, equipments and time.
Food security method assessed the extent of food security problems in the area, however in this study, it was proved that the questionnaire was not fully applicable, therefore further analyses based on SEARCA method could not be completely applied."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Umaima Kamila
"Latar Belakang : Masalah status gizi kurang masih menjadi salah satu problem kesehatan yang dihadapi oleh Bangsa Indonesia hingga saat ini. Berbagai program telah dicanangkan oleh pemerintah untuk menanggulanginya namun belum membuahkan hasil. Untuk menyelesaikan masalah status gizi diperlukan pemahaman yang mendalam atas faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi status gizi, dimana salah satunya adalah asupan kalori harian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara status gizi dengan asupan kalori harian.
Metode : Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 73 orang anak usia sekolah di Yayasan Kampung Kids dengan menggunakan desain cross-sectional. Data yang diambil meliputi jenis kelamin, usia, berat badan, tinggi badan, indeks massa tubuh dan asupan nutrisi harian. Status gizi diukur dengan menggunakan persentil kurva Center for Disease Control (CDC) sedangkan asupan nutrisi harian dengan metode wawancara. Selanjutnya dicari hubungan antara keduanya dengan menggunakan software SPSS 11.5.
Hasil : Rerata tinggi badan (132,09cm) dan berat badan (27,07kg) responden tidak ideal berdasarkan Angka Kecukupan Gizi (AKG) 2004. Responden umumnya memiliki status gizi normal berdasarkan ketiga status gizi yaitu 50,7% (BB/U), 71,2% (TB/U), dan 63 % (IMT). Mayoritas responden mendapatkan asupan nutrisi harian yang normal (60,3%). Analisis variabel dengan menggunakan two sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test untuk menentukan hubungan antara status gizi dan asupan nutrisi harian adalah p=1,000 (BB/U)., p=0,461(TB/U), dan p=0,799 (IMT).
Kesimpulan : Tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara asupan kalori harian dan status gizi pada anak usia sekolah di Yayasan Kampung Kids.

Background : Nutritional Problem has been one of many health problems which are faced by Indonesian people until now. Various programmes have been launched by the government to overcome this problem but still have not get significant result. To handle this nutritional problem, we need to understand completely about all factors influnce the nutritional status. One of those key factors is daily calorie intake.
Method: This research conducted on 73 schoolaged children who were registered in KampungKids Foundation using crosssectional method. Data collected were gender, age, weight, height, body mass index (BMI) and daily calorie intake. Nutritional status was measured by using CDC percentile curve. In other hand, daily calorie intake data were collected by interviewing. The data then were analyzed with SPSS 11.5 software.
Result : The height average (132,09cm) and weight average (27,07kg) were not ideal according to Nutritional Sufficiency Value (AKG) 2004. Most of the respondent had normal nutritional status for all indicators : 50,7% for (Body Weight/Age), 71,2% for (Body Height/ Age), and 63% for (BMI/Age). Most of respondents had normal daily calorie intake (60,3%). Analysis of variables using two sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to find the association between daily calorie intake and nutritional status gave results, p=1,000 (BW/A), p=0,461(BH/A), and 0,799 (BMI).
Conclusion : There is no significant association between daily calorie intake and nutritional status among school-aged children in Kampung Kids Foundation.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nursetya Afini
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran dari status gizi dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan status gizi tersebut pada siswi di SMPN 200 Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode cross-sectional dan pengambilan sampel secara random berkelompok (cluster sampling). Pengambilan data penelitian dilakukan pada April 2013 dan menggunakan instrumen penelitian berupa timbangan, microtoise, dan kuesioner. Sampel penelitian ini terdiri dari 160 siswi kelas 7 dan 8 dan dianalasis dengan menggunakan uji chi-square.
Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 15,6% responden memiliki status gizi kurus. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa status gizi berhubungan secara signifikan dengan citra tubuh (p-value 0.000), frekuensi makan utama (p-value 0.007), dan konsumsi makan pagi (p-value 0.001).
Disarankan adanya program edukasi gizi seperti pelatihan penilaian status gizi dan penyuluhan tentang status gizi agar remaja putri dapat menilai status gizinya secara akurat dan tidak salah dalam mempersepsikan citra tubuhnya.

The aim of this study was to determine the percentage of nutritional status and its correlates among students (adolescent girls) at SMPN 200 Jakarta. This study used cross-sectional design and cluster sampling method. This study was conducted on April 2013 used scale, microtoise and questionnaire. The study sample consisted of 160 students of class 7 and 8 and analyzed using the chi- square test.
The result of this study shows that 15,6% of respondents classiffied as thinness. This study also found that nutritional status has been associated with body image (p-value 0.000), eating frequancy (p-value 0.007), and breakfast behaviour (p-value 0.001).
The researcher suggests the existence of nutrition education programs such as training about nutritional status assessment and counseling about nutritional status so that adolescent girls can assess the nutritional status accurately and not mistaken in perceiving their body image.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eman Sumarna
"The purpose of the study was to compare the nutritional status of children receiving supplementary food from the high and low performing health centers in East Sumba District, Indonesia.
Assessment of all 15 health centers was the first stage to determine the performance level using input output process approach, and 568 selected households from two performance categories was the second stage to investigate nutritional status. A Scoring system was used to determine the performance level, and anthropometry was used to assess nutritional status. SPSS 10.0 and Epilnfo 6.04b were used for data analyses. The study was conducted from February to March 2001.
All input-process-output and personnel capability variables between the two performance levels were significantly different. The supplementary feeding package fulfilled optimally the standard requirement, but the method and frequency of distribution did not The prevalence of malnutrition was significantly different between the two performance levels.
Lack of transportation and small number of personnel might have influenced the improper nutrition service management.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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