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"Latar belakang pemilihan judul tesis ini didasarkan pada kenyataan yaitu munculnya berbagai masalah di Biro Keuangan, diantaranya yaitu pegawai yang tidak taat pada jam kerja seperti datang terlambat atau pulang lebih awal, meninggalkan ruangan pada jam-jam kerja tanpa alasan yang jelas, lambat dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaan, sering tidak masuk kerja, lebih banyak mengobrol dengan sesama pegawai dari pada menyelesaikan pekerjaan. Dengan kata lain, masih terjadi pelanggaran-pelanggaran terhadap kedisiplinan, dan peraturan kepegawaian oleh para pegawai di lingkungan Biro Keuangan. Fenomena-fenomena tersebut sudah cukup untuk menggambarkan keadaan suatu organisasi pemerintahan yang tidak sehat, dan indikasi penyebabnya adalah proses kepemimpinan, rendahnya tingkat kepuasan kerja, dan buruknya lingkungan kerja. Hal ini dapat membawa dampak kepada rendahnya produktivitas pegawai.
Landasan teori yang dipergunakan dalam penulisan tesis ini adalah teori organisasi dalam konteks pengembangan sumber daya manusia. Dikatakan oleh Simanjuntak ( 1985,41 ), dalam rangka peningkatan produktivitas kerja disuatu organisasi diperlukan pemimpin yang partisipatif dan kreatif. Disinilan peranan yang sangat penting seorang pemimpin dalam meningkatkan produktivitas pegawai. Disamping kepemimpinan yang mempunyai hubungan dengan produktivitas pegawai, terdapat pula faktor lain yang juga berhubungan dengan produktivitas pegawai yaitu kepuasan kerja, dan lingkungan kerja. Dengan demikian terdapat tiga faktor yang berhubungan dengan produktivitas pegawai.
Menurut Munandar ( 1985,51 ), bahwa kepuasan kerja adalah adanya interaksi antar tenaga kerja yang menghasilkan efek positif, sehingga timbul kepuasan kerja. Adanya kepuasan kerja tersebut dapat mempengaruhi produktivitas tenaga kerja. Dengan demikian bahwa kepuasan kerja mempunyai hubungan dengan produktivitas pegawai. Faktor lain yang berhubungan dengan produktivitas pegawai adalah lingkungan kerja. Lingkungan kerja merupakan lingkungan manusia yang didalamnya para pegawai organisasi melakukan pekerjaan. Sagir ( 1985, 38 ), berpendapat bahwa lingkungan kerja yang baik dan nyaman dapat menciptakan produktivitas karyawan yang lebih tinggi dari pada bekerja dalam lingkungan kerja yang tidak menyenangkan. Dengan demikian terdapat hubungan antara lingkungan kerja dengan produktivitas pegawai.
Selanjutnya pengertian produktivitas adalah keluaran, dirumuskan sebagai ratio darn apa yang dihasilkan terhadap keseluruhan masukan. Dengan kata lain, produktivitas merupakan ukuran dari kemampuan ( baik individu, kelompok, mapun organisasi ) untuk menghasilkan sesuatu produk! jasa dalam kondisi dan situasi tertentu, demikian pendapat Sagir ( 1985,50 ).
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif-kuantitatif dengan jumlah populasi di Biro Keuangan sebanyak 78 orang. Pengambilan data responden dilakukan dengan menggunakan tehnik sensus, berstrata, dan proporsional. Sedangkan prosedur pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan instrumen kuesioner, survey dan wawancara. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kepemimpinan, kepuasan kerja, dan lingkungan kerja dengan produktivitas pegawai baik secara sendiri-sendiri mapun secara bersama-sama.
Dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa : (1 ). Terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara kepemimpinan, kepuasan kerja, dan lingkungan kerja dengan produktivitas pegawai, yang berarti meningkatnya kepemimpinan, kepuasan kerja, dan lingkungan kerja akan meningkatkan produktivitas pegawai. (2 ). Terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara kepemimpinan, kepuasan kerja, dan lingkungan kerja secara bersama-sama dengan produktivitas pegawai, yang berarti meningkatnya kepemimpinan, kepuasan kerja, dan lingkungan kerja secara bersamasama akan meningkatkan produktivitas pegawai.
Disamping itu dari hasil Crosstab variabel kepemimpinan, kepuasan kerja, dan lingkungan kerja terhadap jabatan, golongan, pendidikan dan usia pegawai dapat diketahui persepsi pegawai tentang : (1 ). Kepemimpinan, semakin tinggi jabatan, golongan, pendidikan, dan usia pegawai maka persepsi tentang kepemimpinan semakin baik. (2 ). Kepuasan kerja, semakin tinggi jabatan, golongan, pendidikan, dan usia pegawai maka persepsi tentang kepuasan kerja semakin baik. ( 3 ). Lingkungan kerja, semakin tinggi jabatan, golongan, pendidikan, dan usia pegawai maka persepsi tentang lingkungan kerja semakin baik.
Atas dasar hasil penelitian tersebut, maka saran yang dapat penulis sampaikan adalah hendaknya pimpinan dalam mengusulkan pegawai untuk promosi jabatan dilakukan secara obyektif dan transparan, usul kenaikan pangkatl golongan pegawai agar dilaksanakan tepat waktu, pimpinan dapat merangsang pegawai untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemampuan baik melalui pendidikan formal maupun informal, serta pimpinan juga perlu memperhatikan kelompok usia pegawai.

Background Election of this thesis title is relied on fact that is appearance various problem of in Monetary Bureau, among others that is officer which do not meekly at work like coming lose timing or go home earlier, leaving room at office hours without reason of clear, tardy in finishing work, often do not enter activity, more chatting with officer humanity from at finishing work. Equally, still happened collision to discipline, and regulation of officer by all officer in monetary Bureau environment. The Phenomenon have last for depicting situation and indisposed governance organization, and its cause indication is leadership process, low of mount satisfaction of activity, and environmental obsolesce of activity. This matter can bring impact to lowering of officer productivity.
Basis for theory which is utilized in writing of this thesis is organizational theory in human resource development context. Told by Simanjuntak ( 1985,41 ), in order to make-up of work productivity a[n organization needed by creative and participative leader. Here very important role a leader in improving officer productivity. From other side leadership having relation with officer productivity, there are also other factor which is also relate to officer productivity that is satisfaction of activity, and activity environment. Thereby there are three factor related to officer productivity.
According To Munandar ( 1985,51 ), that satisfaction work is the existence of interaction between labor yielding positive effect, so that arise satisfaction of activity. Existence of satisfaction of the activity can influence labour productivity. Thereby that satisfaction of activity has relation with officer productivity, other related Factor with officer productivity is activity environment. Environmental of activity represent human being environment which in it all organizational officer conduct work. Sagir ( 1985,38 ), having a notion that balmy and good activity environment can create higher level employees productivity from at working inconvenience in the working environment Thereby there are relation between environment work with officer productivity.
Hereinafter congeniality of productivity is output, formulated as ratio from what yielded to overall of input. Equally, productivity represent size measure from ability (good of individual, group, and also organization) to yield something product/ service in a condition and certain situation, that way Sagir opinion ( 1985,50 ).
Used by Research method is descriptive method of qualitative - quantitative with amount of population in Monetary Bureau counted 78 people. Intake of Data responder conducted by using is techniques of census have, strata, and proportional. While data collecting procedure by using questioner instrument, interview and survey. This research is meant to know relation between leadership, satisfaction of activity, and environment work with officer productivity either through by self and also by together.
From result of research can know that (1). There are [relation/link] which are positive and significant between leadership, satisfaction of activity, and environment work with officer productivity, meaning the increasing of leadership, satisfaction of activity, and activity environment will improve officer productivity (2 ). There are relation which are positive and significant between leadership, satisfaction of activity, and environment work by together with officer productivity, meaning the increasing of leadership, satisfaction of activity, and environment work by together will improve officer productivity.
Beside that from result of Cross tab leadership variable, satisfaction of activity, and environment work to position, faction, officer age and education can know by officer perception about (1). Leadership, position excelsior, faction, education, and officer age hence perception about leadership progressively goodness (2 ). Satisfaction of activity, position excelsior, faction, education, and officer age hence perception about satisfaction work progressively goodness (3). Activity environment, position excelsior, faction, education, and officer age hence perception about environment work progressively goodness.
On the basis of result of the research, hence writer suggestion able to submit is head shall in proposing officer for the promotion of position conducted objectively and is transparent, promotion suggestion, officer faction so that executed on schedule, head can stimulate officer to increase ability and knowledge either through informal and also formal education, and also head also require to pay attention officer age group.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Work satisfaction is a pre-condition for productivity, work quality responsiveness, and customer services enhancement (Kaplan & Norton, 1996: 112). An employee satisfied with his/her work and all aspects of the environment will have positive work behavior in completing the organizational tasks and will give positive impact on task performance. Human resources at Secretariat Directorate General HAKI today cannot escape from the vast dynamics of change. The ever fast growing of technology development and work structure which demand more efficiency demanded employees to adapt. Not all employees can adjust in a short time and many of them became contra-productive, such as taking day-offs, have many backlogs, etc. This symptoms assume to DB forms of work dissatisfaction. Work load of the Secretariat which supported other units work activity had to pay attention to aspect of today work design. Work characteristic approach is one of the many approaches used in determining the employees' opinion toward work and aspects surrounding them. The aim of this research is to determine how the relation between work characteristic and work satisfaction. The existing literatures mentioned the existence of relation between work characteristic (Hackman & Oldham, 1976) to work satisfaction (Spector 1 997: 30).
The population of this research is employees at Secretariat Ditjen HAKI. Total respondents of this research are 59 people. This research used survey and questioner method. Two questioners are used, work characteristic and work satisfaction questioners. Data is analysed by simple correlation and multiple correlation analyses. Validity and reliability data shown questioners items used get above margin score.
Correlation test result shown there is a positive and significant relation between the seven dimensions of work characteristic (work firmness. skill variety, autonomy, task identity, work significant, feed back, duty) with work satisfaction. This fault ls similar with previous research done by Spector (19972 4). An important finding from this research is that work dimension is the strongest dimension related to employees' work satisfaction (0,710). While the multiple correlation score to determine the relation between work characteristic and work satisfaction is 0.797 and proven to be signilicant.
This finding can be used bythe management of Secretariat of Ditjen HAKI in improving the employees' performance through work characteristicapproach. Improvement on dimensions of work characteristic which have potentials in enhancing work satisfaction. such as giving support and spirit as well as giving attention to daily employees? problem are ways to directly involved with enhancing work satisfaction level."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tanti Sumartini
"Tak dapat dipungkiri bahwa keberadaan suatu organisasi adalah dalam rangka mewujudkan suatu tujuan. Tujuan organisasi akan dapat cepat diwujudkan apabila semua komponen dan sumber daya yang dimiliki dapat dipergunakan dengan efektif dan efisien.
Kinerja sebagai salah satu output dari sumber daya manusia yang berada dalam organisasi merupakan hal terpenting yang selalu harus diupayakan untuk ditingkatkan guna mencapai kinerja organisasi. Banyak faktor dapat mempengaruhi kinerja pegawai dalam melaksanakan pekerjaannya. Di antaranya adalah kepemimpinan dan motivasi.
Pemimpin dalam menjalankan fungsi kepemimpinannya mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting dalam memimpin, mengarahkan, membimbing, dan memberi teladan bagi pegawai dalam melaksanakan pekerjaannya, sehingga mereka dapat melaksanakannya dengan optimal sesuai harapan pimpinan khususnya dan organisasi umumnya. Motivasi yang merupakan kekuatan yang mendorong para pegawai untuk bekerja dengan baik, karena di balik dorongan tersebut terdapat hal-hal yang dianggap dapat memenuhi harapan dan kebutuhan pegawai.
Dalam penelitian ini, tujuan yang ingin dicapai adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kepemimpinan dan motivasi dengan kinerja pegawai di lingkungan Setjen DPR RI khususnya pada Biro Persidangan. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif.
Untuk mengukur kepemimpinan, Motivasi dan kinerja digunakan pendapat dari Bernad Bass, dkk , Frederick Herzberg dan Thomas S. Bateman. Kinerja pegawai dinilai melalui persepsi atasan langsung terhadap hasil kerja mereka dengan kriteria-kriteria yang dianggap relevan dengan kondisi dan lingkungan kerja. Kepemimpinan seorang atasan dinilai melalui persepsi bawahan mereka. Sedangkan motivasi pegawai dinilai melalui persepsi mereka terhadap pemenuhan hal-hal yang menjadi kebutuhan mereka di lingkungan pekerjaannya.
Populasi penelitian ini adalah pegawai Setjen DPR RI yang ditempatkan di lingkungan biro persidangan sebanyak 149 orang, dengan pengambilan data dilakukan atas dasar sampel 50 orang dengan teknik berstrata, proporsional dan random.
Data diambil dengan instrumen penelitian berupa daftar pertanyaan dengan didukung wawancara langsung dengan responden. Setelah dilakukan uji validitas dan reliabilitas data dengan korelasi split half method dan rumusSpearman Brown kemudian dilakukan analisis dengan teknik analisis korelasi product moment Pearson, korelasi berganda dan tabel Anova dari analisa regresi linear dengan last square method.
Dari kuestioner yang disebarkan kepada 65 responden, diambil 50 responden sesuai dengan jumlah pengambilan sampel yang ditetapkan yang mewakili populasi sejumlah 149 orang.
Dari data penelitian yang telah valid dan reliabel dilakukan analisis dengan hasil, bahwa :
1. Ada hubungan positif dan signifikan antara variabel kepemimpinan dengan kinerja, dengan nilai koefisien korelasi (r) sebesar : 0.950
2. Ada hubungan positif dan signifikan antara variabel motivasi dengan kinerja, dengan nilai koefisien korelasi (r ) sebesar : 0.859
3. Ada hubungan positif dan signifikasi antara variabel kepemimpinan dan motivasi dengan kinerja, dengan nilai koefisien korelasi ( R2 ) sebesar : 0.948
Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa hubungan antara variabel-variabel yang diteliti adalah sangat erat.
Adapun saran-saran yang disampaikan berhubungan dengan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, antara lain :
(1) menekankan pentingnya faktor kepemimpinan dalam upaya peningkatan kapasitas sumber daya manusia pada sebuah instansi pemerintah, seperti Sekretariat Jenderal DPR RI. (2) dalam usaha peningkatan kinerja pegawai pada Sekretariat Jenderal DPR RI, maka perlu pula dipertimbangkan dan diperhatikan faktor-faktor yang akan membangkitkan motivasi kerja pegawai, seperti : (a) diadakannya sistim reward and punishment (b) kesempatan bagi para pegawai untuk terus meningkatkan kemampuan, ketrampilan maupun pengetahuannya (c) sistim pengembangan karir yang berpedoman pada sistim penilaian kinerja yang efektif pada intern organisasi (d) penciptaan linkungan kerja yang kondusif dan sehat dengan membina rasa saling percaya dan transparansi (e) dilakukannya pengawasan langsung yang bersifat membina dan mengarahkan bukan menghakimi.
xvii + 126 halaman + 16 tabel + 3 gambar + 33 lampiran
Daftar pustaka : 34 + 1 artikel+ 6 Peraturan Perundang-undangan (Tahun 1979-2OO2).

the Bureau of Meeting) It is clear that an organization exists to achieve a goal. The objectives of an organization could be accomplished quickly on the condition that all components and the possessed resources are utilized effectively and efficiently.
Performance as an output of the resources possessed by an organization constitutes a significant aspect that should be upgrade aiming at achieving the performance of organization. Amount of factors may affect the works performed by the employees in carrying out their jobs. They are, among others, leadership and motivation.
A leader in executing his function of leadership plays a very important role necessarily to take the lead, to give directions, to guide and to pioneer the staffs in going through with their works, so that they can optimally their performance in conformity with the wishes of the leader, particularly, and ones of the organization, generally. Motivation constitutes a strength which motivates the staffs to have good performance, because there, behind the motivation, it exists many things believed to be able to realize the wishes and to fulfill the needs of the staffs.
The research intends to achieve a goal aiming at comprehending the correlation between leadership and motivation with performance achieved by the staffs of the House of Representatives particularly ones who are at the Bureau of meeting. The research method utilized by the research is quantitative descriptive research.
In measuring leadership, motivation and performance, the research applied the theories and opinions of DR Bernard Bass and his colleagues, Frederick Hersberg and Thomas S. Bateman and his colleagues. The performance achieved by a staff is appraised by the means of perception expressed by his direct supervisor to his achievement in accordance with the criteria?s relevant to the situation and the working environment. Leadership of a supervisor is appraised by the means of perception expressed by his staffs. While motivation of the employees was appraised by the means of their perceptions to the fulfillment of what they need in the working site.
Population of the research was 149 House's staffs employed at the Bureau of session, and compiling the data was done by taking sample of 50 respondents and by applying the methods of random, proportional and layered technique.
The data was handled with care by using a research instrument of questionnaire Which was supported by direct interviews to the respondents. After having examined the validity and reliability of the data by application the split half method correlation and the formula of Spearman Brown, an analyze to the data was accomplished by using the correlation analysis technique of product moment Pearson, multiple correlation and Anova table derived from analyze of linear regression and last square method.
Based on the questionnaires disseminated to 65 respondents, 50 were taken in accordance with the due sampling representing the population of 149 staffs.
From the reliable and valid data, an analyze was carried out, and the results were as follows:
1. There was a significant and positive correlation between leadership with performance, with correlation coefficient value (r) : 0.950
2. There was a significant and positive correlation between motivation with performance, with correlation coefficient value (r) : 0.859
3. There was a significant and positive correlation between leadership and motivation with performance, with correlation coefficient value (R2) : 0.948
It is assumed that there are tight correlations between the variables analyzed in the research.
Some suggestions are proposed relating to the results reflected in the research, among others:
(1) to emphasize on the leadership as a significant factor in enhancing the capacity of the human resources possessed by governmental institutions, such as Secretariat General of the House. (2) in order to enhance the works performed by the House's employees, consideration and attention should be paid to several factors which can generate the motivation of staffs, such as below: (a) reward and punishment system should be implemented (b) any possible chance to improve their capacity, skills and knowledge should be provided (c) career development should be based on the appraisal to the effectiveness of performance at the intern of organization (d) a healthy and conducive working environment should be created by the means of transparency and confidence building (e) direct supervision should be applied aiming at to give guidance and direction, not to judge.
xvii + 126 pages + 16 tables + 3 pictures + 33 annexes
Bibliography: 34 + 1 article + 6 laws and regulations of 1979 - 2002
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Johannes O. P. S.
Penyusunan program kegiatan di lingkungan Biro Perencanaan Departemen Hukum dan HAM dewasa ini dirasakan masih sangat belum optimal disebabkan adanya hambatan-hambatan yang mempengaruhi proses penyusunan kegiatan tersebut. Untuk itu diperlukan suatu strategi yang dapat mengatasi permasalahan yang terdapat di Ingkungan Biro Perencanaan dalam hal penyusunan kegiatan. Strategi penyusunan program kegiatan tersebut harus mengacu pada langkah-langkah perumusan strategi setts mempertimbangkan siklus perencanaan yang digunakan.
Penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan metode pendekatan kuantitatif. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini yaitu para pejabat struktural yang telah bekerja di lingkungan perencana selama 5 (lima) tahun terakhir. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dan kuesioner dengan metode observasi dan melalui studi kepustakaan (library research).
Dari hasil mekanisme pelaksanaan kegiatan penyusunan program yang selama ini dilaksanakan, bahwa melalui pendekatan sildus perencanaan dari Jones, ditemukan bahwa proses perencanaan operasional, penganggaran, pengendalian, dan pelaporan analisis belum dilaksanakan secara tepat. Kebijakan Pimpinan tertinggi di setiap Bagian dalam penyusunan program kegiatan merupakan keputusan yang paling menetukan dalam proses penyusunan kegiatan.
Dalam mengukur sejauh mana faktor yang mempengaruhi proses penyusunan program kegiatan di lingkungan Biro Perencanaan, maka melalui metode SWOT penuiis mencoba mengukur faktor-faktor internal dan ekstemal yang selama ini mempengaruhi proses penyusunan program kegiatan di lingkungan Biro Perencanaan. Hasil dad analisa SWOT tersebut menghasilkan perumusan strategi yang menjadi prioritas untuk menghadapi faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal tersebut.

Nowadays, the compiling of activity program in the Planning Bureau environment of Law & Human Rights Department still hasn't been felt optimal due to the obstacles which affect the process of compiling the activity. Therefore, a strategy that able to solve the problem which occurred in the Planning Bureau environment in the case of compiling activity will be needed. The strategy of compiling activity program should refer to the steps of strategy abbreviation and consider the planning cycle that is used.
The research method that been used is descriptive with the approach of quantitative method. The data sources in this research are the structure functionaries who have been worked in Planning Authority environment for these past five years. The data have been collected by interview and questionnaire with observation method and library research.
According to the outcome of activity implementation mechanism of compiling program which has been implemented, that through the planning cycle of Jones's approach, discovered that the operational planning process, budgeting, controlling, and analysis report haven't been done properly. Policy of the Highest Functionary on every Division in compiling activity program is the most determine decision in the process of activity compiling.
In measuring how far the factors are affecting the process of compiling activity program in Planning Bureau, therefore through the SWOT method, the writer is trying to measure the internal and external factors which have affected the process of compiling activity program in Planning Bureau environment. The result of SWOT analysis has produced the strategy abbreviation which became the priority to face those internal and external factors.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"In the era reformation, transparency and globalization the organization of financial bureau is demanded to be responsible to its environmental, accountable, and it must reflect and transform the constitution mandate and justice principles. Those things are getting more important in order to give the public service so the government officers must provide a variative and qualify service.
That situation becomes a challenge for the government to change its paradigm, method for system and procedure of accomplishment so it can be fitting up with the social development. in order to create an government which can provide a high quality of goods and services it needs to be supported by government's policy which matching with government tasks and functions.
According to the analysis results the Financial Bureau is less effective on doing its tasks. It can be found on how much barriers faced by the Budget Drafting Department, such as the realization of spending budget is over the limit, a lack of budget in case of the employees mutation, some compensatory demands by employees, and a disorder on Budget Realization Reports founded by Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK).
In order to analyze the factors which influence the effectiveness of organization, this research is using a 7S framework that formulated by Mc Kinsey which including: structure, strategy, system, staff, skills, style and shared value. This research is using an explanative research method that explain the relationship between two variables or more; in this case are the dependent variable and the independent variable. The dependent variable is organization effectiveness and the independent variable are structure, strategy, system, staff, skills, style and shared value. This research is using a primary and secondary data. In order to increase the effectiveness of the organization there are some factors that needed to be repaired soon, especially the quality and the quantity of human resources. It needs an administrator to coordinate and activate all elements. There must be a professional person on documentation handling. The organization must create a working system and a job description as the employees working guide, and also doing an orderly administration and documentation. If those clauses could be provided there will be a high consciousness on every employee to appreciate the already exist constitution so the Financial Bureau organization's effectiveness will be done.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Nengah Priadi
Xl + 126 halaman + 16 tabel + 1 bagan + VII Lampiran
Daftar Pustaka : 45 + 1 artikei + 4 Peraturan Perundang-undangan (T h.1976 -
Th. 2001)
Keberhasilan suatu organisasi sangat ditentukan oleh produktivilas
organisasi tersebut dan tinggi rendahnya produktivitas organisasi sangat
ditentukan oleh produlctivitas para pegawainya- Oleh karena itu, setiap organisasi
akan berusaha mengajak pegawainya untuk senantiasa dapat bekerja dengan
baik, sehingga tujuan organisasi dapat tercapai- Dalam hal ini pimpinan
mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting dalam mengarahkan, membimbing,
dan memberikan contoh yang baik kepada bawahannya, sehingga para pegawai
dapat melaksanakan tugasnya sesuai yang diharapkan pimpinan untuk
kemajuan organisasi.
Penefitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara
kepemimpinan, kepuasan kerja, dan lingkungan kerja dengan produktivitas
pegawai di Iingkungan BKN. Metode peneltian yang digunakan dalam penulisan
ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian adalah pegawai
BKN Pusat Jakarta dan pengambilan data dilakukan atas dasar sampel. Teknik yang digunakan dalam pengambilan sampe! adalah gabungan dari tiga teknik
yaitu ; berstrata, proporsiona! dan acak atau random, sedangkan teknik
pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan daftar pertanyaan ( angket ),
dan dalam analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik korelasi.
Dari penelitian yang dilakukan dapat diketahui bahwa :
1. Terdapat hubungan yang positip dan signifikan antara kepemimpinan
dengan produktivitas pegawai
2. Terdapat hubungan yang positip dan signilikan antara kepuasan kerja
dengan produktivitas pegawai
3. Terdapat hubungan yang positip dan signiiikan antara lingkungan kerja
dengan produktivitas pegawai
4. Terdapat hubungan yang positip dan signifikan antara kepemimpinan,
kepuasan kerja, dan lingkungan kerja dengan produktivitas pegawai
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, maka kepemimpinan, kepuasan
kerja. dan lingkungan kerja perlu kiranya mendapat perhatian agar pegawai
dapat melaksanakan tugasnya dengan baik. Disamping itu perlu pula
diperhatikan faktor yang lain, yang juga berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2001
T 5886
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rifqi Adrian Kriswanto
"Based on the writer experience in the Financial Bureau of the Ministry of Law and Human Right, the Officials, work performance is found to be still very low as shoure by the facts as follow ; no discipline in working hours, late arrival or early departure, leaving office space during working hours without clear reasons, slowness in work accomplishment, frequent absence of workdays, talking more with other officials rather than completion of work. The role of office leader in combining and making all resources Boned by the Financial Bureau of the Ministry of Law and Human Right is not yet full optimum. This situation al also suspected as the consequence of several factors such as low work satisfaction and low work compensation an the part of official (workers).
The goal this research is the identification of how close the leadership style and compensation award correlation with the work Satisfaction on the part of the Financial Bureau official the Ministry of Low and Human Right. The purposes of this research are for knowledge development and contribution correlated with officials satisfaction.
The Research methodology used is the explanatory survey through verificatively descriptive Research nature. The data collection method consists of observation, interview, and questionnaire-fof validity test, the writer uses the technique of split half. The analysis for data measurement uses correlation coefficience.
The validity and reliability tests of the instruments show that the result is significant, meaning that all instruments are acceptable and thrust worthy. The statistical analysis using correlation coefficience reveals that the correlation between the leadership style and the work satisfaction is 0.425, while the correlation between compensation and work satisfaction of the officials is 0.530.
The result of the hypotesis test shows that leadership style and compensation have significant correlation with the work satisfaction of the officials, both partially and simultanlously. Leadership style together with compensation correlates significantly with the work satisfaction of the officials of the Financial Bureau of the Ministry of Low and Human Right. Compensation has bigger individual corelation than leadership style with work satisfaction, meaning that the work satisfaction of the officials is triggered by compensation awarded by the Financial Bureau of the Ministry of Low and the Human Right."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arvin Gumilang
"One of the signs of organizational destruction was the low level of its employees' work satisfaction. This is a challenge to the organization on how to increase the employees' work satisfaction. The organization's success in maintaining and developing human resources depended an the leader. Leadership is an ability to influence people in order to achieve the organizational aims with high spirit. Henceforth a leader should play double role, as a supervisor and also a colleague in giving support to others.
This opinion goes parallel with Locke (1976: 192 - 193) that leader or supervisor also acts as a fellow colleague and therefore leaders' attitude is one of dominant factors in determining work satisfaction. A good leadership in maintenance and development of human resources can give equal chance for employees to develop their career. Gilley and Eggland (1989: 93) stated that organization using career development to increase productivity, repair attitude and increase work satisfaction.
This research conducted to (1) know the relationship between leadership and work satisfaction, (2) relationship of career development and work satisfaction, (3) relationship of leadership and career development to work satisfaction of employees at Directorate General of Immigration.
This research is. a descriptive and correlation research-using-survey-method. Research instrument is using questioner in Likert Scale. Validity test of variables is conducted by using correlation technique of Product Moment, while reliability used Alpha Cronbach technique. The sample collected by Stratified Purposive Sampling. Analyses of each independent variable's relation to dependent variable is using simple correlation analysis with Spearman's Rho technique, while the relationship of both independent variables to dependent variable is using multiple correlation analysis of Product Moment.
From this research can be concluded that: I. There is a significant and positive relation between leadership to work satisfaction. Better leadership can guarantee higher level of work satisfaction. 2. There is a significant and positive relation between career development to work satisfaction, Better career development can ensure higher work satisfaction. 3, There is a significant and positive relation between leadership and career development to work satisfaction. The better quality of leadership and career development, the higher work satisfaction of employees.
The conclusion of this research is that leadership and career development both individually or together related to the level of work satisfaction, although there are still some weaknesses of variables from the frequency distribution.
Suggestion that can be put forward is improvement and increase to ensure an optimal variables of leadership and career development to ensure better work satisfaction of employees."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The main duties and functions of Employee's Education and Training Center (ETC) of Department Justice and Human Rights are to conduct, to coordinate and to organize especially related with the field of employee's education and training center to all human resources of Department Justice and Human Rights which divided in to 10 units of Echelon I, 59 Echelon II, 203 Echelon III, 549 Echelon IV, also 30 provincial office with total employees consists of 52.188 people.
The factual problems is the existence of phenomenon that the performance level of employees of Education and Training Center isn't optimal. Meanwhile the conceptual problems is if the employees have high quality, so the performance level is also high.
Davis (1993: 227) explain that one's performance is influenced by competence and motivation one has, the competence is influenced by knowledge and skill, meanwhile motivation is influenced by attitude and situation, next the performance of employee and resource will influence the organization's achievements.
The objective of this research is to know and to prove how strong is the performance of employee. This research uses survey sampling or "census" by taking population of all employees of ETC at Department Justice and Human Right especially those who are at staff level consists of 80 people. Meanwhile the instrument that is used to collect variable data of competence is using statement essay form questioner which consists of 17 questions, meanwhile the statement for work motivation variable consists of 9 questions, each score uses liken scale 1 to 5.
Meanwhile performance variable data collecting is by direct scoring to staff performance by each direct superior (Head of subsection or head of sub field). Around 95 % of all performance evaluation at low and mid level of organization is conducted by direct superior of that employee (Robbins, 2001: 260), the scoring instrument that is used is the evaluation design model which developed by James E. Neal (2004 : 25 - 51) with scoring scale 1 to 5.
The data analysis technique uses correlation analysis Spearman rho, the result of finding in the research shows:
1. There is positive and significant relations between competence variable and performance variable, with correlation coefficient (r) is 0.430 with significance level is 0.027, and this relations means that the higher the competence level one has, so the higher the performance level.
2. There is positive and significant relations between work motivation variable and performance variable, with correlation coefficient (r) is 0.445 and significance level is 0.021, and this relations means that the higher an employee is motivated, the higher the performance level.
In order to deal. with Reform Era Nowadays which result a lot of implication especially about strong demand of community to public organization performance especially with changing is service sector, so it is urgent to be balanced with the improvement of human resource quality through education and training way so the knowledge improvements, because along with the improvement of human resource quality will also increase the individual performance, and so on will also influence the organization performance. Result of this research will show that the competence and work motivation of employee has positive and significant relations with employee's performance. So the two factors have big advantage to employee individually.
The performance improvement of employee will be better and will give bigger advantage if started with increasing employees work motivation first, then followed by improving employee competence, because based on result of statistical test, work motivation variable, shows the relation which stronger if compared with the competence variable even the score differences is not too big. The policy directs to the improvement of employee work motivation should orient the valent factor, hope and instrumentality. Meanwhile, the improvement of employee's competence should be by giving education and training based on competence which is suited organizational needs."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Budiono Widagdo
"Keberhasilan suatu organisasi sangat ditentukan oleh Kinerja organisasi tersebut dan tinggi rendahnya Kinerja organisasi sangat ditentukan oleh Kinerja semua pegawainya. Dan setiap organisasi akan berusaha membuat pegawainya untuk senantiasa dapat bekerja dengan baik, sehingga tujuan organisasi dapat tercapai. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut pimpinan mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting dalam mengarahkan, membimbing, membuat suasana kerja dan memberikan contoh yang baik kepada bawahannya, sehingga para pegawai dapat melaksanakan tugasnya sesuai yang diharapkan pimpinan untuk kemajuan organisasi. Dalam kaitan dengan tujuan penelitian ini, peneliti ingin mengetahui hubungan antara Kepemimpinan, Kepuasan Kerja dan Iklim Organisasi dengan Kinerja pegawai di Ditjen Perlindungan HAM. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini adalah dengan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian adalah pegawai Ditjen Perlindungan HAM dan pengambilan data dilakukan atas dasar sample. Tehnik yang digunakan dalam pengambilan sample adalah gabungan dari tehnik, yaitu : berstrata, proporsional dan acak atau random, sedangkan tehnik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan daftar pertanyaan dan analisa data dilakukan denga tehnik korelasi.
Dari penelitian yang dilakukan dapat diketahui bahwa:
1. Terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara Kepemimpinan dengan Kinerja pegawai , dengan koefisein korelasi 0,739.
2. Terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara Kepuasan Kerja dengan Kinerja pegawai, dengan koefisein korelasi 0,833.
3. Terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara Iklim Organisasi dengan Kinerja pegawai, dengan koefisein korelasi 0, 875.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitin tersebut , maka Kepemimpinan, Kepuasan Kerja dan Iklim Organisasi perlu mendapat perhatian agar pegawai dapat melaksanakan tugasnya dengan baik untuk mencapai Kinerja yang maksimal, disamping faktor faktor lainnya yang juga mempengaruhi Kinerja pegawai.

The Organization Successfully was very stipulated by that organization and degree of organization performances was very stipulated by every staff's performances. And every organization will make an effort their officers so as to usually able to work effectively; therefore the organization purpose can be achieved. Related to that matters the leader have the role that very important in directing, conducting, create work condition and give the good paragon to lower staffs can be implementing their duty according to the leader expectation for organization progress. Related to this research purpose, researcher would like to know the relationship between Leadership, Satisfaction and Organization climate with staff's performances in Directorate General of Human Rights Protection. Research method that applied in this paper was quantitative and explanative descriptive method. Research population was officer of Directorate General of Human Rights Protection and data removal take on based of sample. Technique that used in sample removal was combination from technique, that is: stratum, proportional and random, whereas data removal technique was taken by used questioner and data analyze was taken by correlation technique. From the research that was taken can be discerned that:
1. There is positive and significant relationship with correlation coefficient 0.739 between Leadership with staff's performances.
There is positive and significant relationship with correlation coefficient 0.833 between work satisfactions with staff's performances.
3. There is positive and significant relationship with correlation coefficient 0.875 between Organization Climate and staff's performances.
Based on result of that research, therefore Leadership, Satisfaction and Organization Climate need get attention in order to officer can implement their duty effectively to achieve maximal performances, beside other factors that influence staff's performances too."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
T 14125
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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