ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas penyelenggaraan manajemen sekuriti fisik pada PT Gaya
Motor yang terletak di Sunter, Jakarta Utara. Sebagai upaya melindungi assetasset
perusahaan khususnya dalam kegiatan perakitan kendaraan bermotor yang
dimana bila terjadi kehilangan satu suku cadang saja dapat menyebabkan kerugian
yang fatal di masa depan. Menyikapi permasalahan tersebut, penulis ingin
mengetahui begaimana pelaksanaan sistem manajemen keamanan fisik yang
berlangsung di PT Gaya Motor serta kelebihan dan kekurangan dari sistem
Penelitian ini menguraikan analisis sistem pengamanan perakitan kendaraan di
PT. Gaya Motor yang terjadi berdasarkan teori dan konsep yang ada dengan
menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif ditambah dengan temuan hasil
penelitian yang didapat oleh peneliti saat melakukan wawancara, observasi dan
dokumentasi langsung produksi perakitan kendaraan PT. Gaya Motor di Jl. Gaya
Motor Raya, Sunter II Jakarta.
Konsep sekuriti dengan penyelenggaraan manajemen sekuriti fisik di PT. Gaya
Motor bertujuan mengamankan aset untuk menghilangkan ancaman dan kerugian.
Dari insiden yang ada maka perlu untuk mengidentifikasi kendala-kendala yang
terjadi. Hal ini dengan melakukan Melakukan pemetaan (mapping) terhadap
kasus-kasus yang terjadi di lingkungan PT.Gaya Motor, melakukan interogasi
atau wawancara dengan beberapa karyawan terkait yang berhubungan dengan
pekerjaan dan melakukan evaluasi terhadap pola/ system keamanan yang sedang
berlangsung apakah masih relevan atau sesuai dengan beberapa kasus yang
ABSTRACTThis thesis discusses the implementation of physical security management at PT
Gaya Motor, located in Sunter, North Jakarta. In an effort to protect the assets of
the company, especially in the motor vehicle assembly activities which in case of
loss of the parts alone can cause fatal losses in the future. In response to these
problems, the authors wanted to know how to both physical security management
system implementation that took place at PT Gaya Motor as well as the
advantages and disadvantages of such a system.
This study describe the analysis of the security system in the vehicle assembly PT.
Gaya Motor is happening based on existing theories and concepts using
qualitative research methods coupled with the findings of the research results
obtained by researchers when conducting interviews, direct observation and
documentation of vehicle assembly production PT. Gaya Motor in Jl. Gaya Motor
Raya, Sunter II, Jakarta.
The concept of security with physical security management implementation in PT.
Gaya Motor aims to secure assets to eliminate the threat and loss. Of incidents
there it is necessary to identify the obstacles that occur. It is by doing Mapping of
the cases that occur in the environment PT.Gaya Motor, conduct interrogations or
interviews with some of the related employees associated with the job and
evaluate the pattern / security system of ongoing if still relevant or appropriate in
some cases., This thesis discusses the implementation of physical security management at PT
Gaya Motor, located in Sunter, North Jakarta. In an effort to protect the assets of
the company, especially in the motor vehicle assembly activities which in case of
loss of the parts alone can cause fatal losses in the future. In response to these
problems, the authors wanted to know how to both physical security management
system implementation that took place at PT Gaya Motor as well as the
advantages and disadvantages of such a system.
This study describe the analysis of the security system in the vehicle assembly PT.
Gaya Motor is happening based on existing theories and concepts using
qualitative research methods coupled with the findings of the research results
obtained by researchers when conducting interviews, direct observation and
documentation of vehicle assembly production PT. Gaya Motor in Jl. Gaya Motor
Raya, Sunter II, Jakarta.
The concept of security with physical security management implementation in PT.
Gaya Motor aims to secure assets to eliminate the threat and loss. Of incidents
there it is necessary to identify the obstacles that occur. It is by doing Mapping of
the cases that occur in the environment PT.Gaya Motor, conduct interrogations or
interviews with some of the related employees associated with the job and
evaluate the pattern / security system of ongoing if still relevant or appropriate in
some cases.]"