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Jakarta: Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perhubungan Departemen Perhubungan, 2009
R 388 Ind p
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riris Hidayani
Artikel ini membahas pembentukan jaringan sosial melalui status kerja di sektor informal dalam menghadapi peningkatan permintaan kualitas pekerja dalam pasar kerja eksternal. Studi terdahulu menjelaskan tentang modal yang dibutuhkan oleh pekerja dalam mendapatkan pekerjaan, yaitu tingkat pendidikan dan keterampilan kerja sebagai syarat kualifikasi kerja utama yang ditetapkan oleh perusahaan, dan jaringan sosial sebagai modal pendukung bagi pekerja dalam mendapatkan status pekerjaan. Tinjauan terhadap studi-studi tersebutmenemukan bahwa jaringan sosial yang dimiliki oleh pekerja dapat memberikan akses informasi yang lebih baik bagi pekerja. Penulis berpendapat bahwa jaringan sosial memiliki peran yang tidak kalah penting dibandingkan dengan pemenuhan kualifikasi kerja untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan, khususnya ketika pekerja tidak mampu memenuhi syarat kualifikasi kerja. Melalui artikel ini penulis menjelaskan bagaimana upaya yang diterapkan oleh pekerja dalam memanfaatkan sektor pekerjaan informal sebagai upaya peningkatan status kerja kedalam sektor formal, yaitu dengan memanfaatkan jaringan sosial yang terbentuk dalam pekerjaan di sektor informal tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi pada pengemudi transportasi online sebagai sektor pekerjaan informal yang dimanfaatkan. Artikel ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode wawancara mendalam pada studi kasus pada pengemudi armada transportasi berbasis aplikasi.

This article discusses the formation of social networks through working status in the informal sector in the face of increasing demand for skilled-workers in the external labor market. Previous studies describes the capital needed by workers in obtaining employment, namely the level of education and occupational skills as a condition of the main job qualification set by company, and social networks as a supporting capital for workers in obtaining employment status. Review of these studies found that social networks owned by workers can provide better access to information. Authors argue that social networks have a role that is not less important than the fulfillment of job qualifications, especially when workers are unable to qualify the work qualifications. Furthermore, this article explains how the efforts give by workers in utilizing the informal employment sector as a way to improve the work status into the formal sector, by utilizing social network that formed in the informal sector. This study uses a study on an online transport driver as an informal employment sector that is utilized. This article uses a qualitative approach and an in-depth interview method on a case study on an application-based transportation fleet driver."
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
B. Barzach
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 1981
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
JJJ 24:3 (2007)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dedi Priadi
Suyono Dikun, PhD Transportaion Bureau, Bappenas
The Wisdom :
Our unity as nation is sustained by free communication of thought and by easy transportation of people and goods .... Together, the uniting forces of our .communication and transportation systems are dynamic elements in the very name we bear- United States, Without them, we would be a mere alliance of many separate parts (President Dwight D Eisenhower message to Congress, February 22, 1955)
While our world is now in the process of shrinking and reshaping due to the transport technology, our big cities, paradoxically, are enlarging, and overcrowding in such a way that even the same technology is not able to overcome time and distance.
It is the movement of people that matters, not the movement of such mechanical deices as motorized private vehicles.
Urban transportations (and its related issues) is perceived to be a domain where complexity and mega-conflicts prevail : population concentration vs employment deconcentration.
Urbanization vs rural empowerment
Old fashioned, "power approach" law vs development, "welfare approach" law."academic thought" spatial planning vs economic driven urban activities. Economic growth vs regional disparity. High intensity of development vs land carrying capacity land use vs transport services (endless cycles) vehicle movement vs people movements mass rapid transit vs urban expressway comfort movements of the affluent vs forgotten transport disadvantages no government intervention vs redistribution of income environmental depletion vs taking nature into account
Problem Statements ( in Search of the Equilibrium)
1. The problem of urban congestion has become so great that we are coming to the conclusion that there could be sufficient highway space and parking capacity to permit the movement of all people in private cars.
2. Expressways and parking facilities not only will solve the problem of congestion but will actually make it worse. Elaborate urban expressways are futile because of the tremendous reservoir of traffic waiting to absorb any new street capacity.
3. Those who try to accommodate private cars "is doomed to inevitable failure; the better they do their job the greater will be their failure".
4. The cities just cannot resign themselves to private cars and let mass transportation slide to ruin and extinction, They must preserve mass transportation or stagnate. Downtown is doomed to die unless cities streets movement of people rather than movement of vehicles.
5. Neither private cars nor mass transportation nor any other mechanical contrivance can solve the problems of urban congestion. As a solution of the traffic problem these devices are pure deception. Putting the emphasis on supplying transportation facilities rather than controlling the demand: serves only to aggravate congestion is long , as nothing is done fundamentally to rehabilitate the cities themselves, the quicker will people forsake them and the greater the problems for those left behind to cope with.
6. Private cars and mass transportation are both guilty of promoting congestion; and that have resulted in the .successful attempt to crowd too many people and too much economic activity into too little space.
7. Metropolitan areas face difficult task of arriving at decisions than will determine the physical and financial future of tomorrow's city.
8. Emphasizing expressways and parking facilities to accommodate private car use, or modernizing mass transportation facilities to reduce the number of vehicles entering the city? Or will solutions depend instead on the extensive replanning and rebuilding of the city?
The solution of urban transport massive congestion does not he in ;her two extremes MRT or Urban Expressways.
The solution lies in between, not only between those two system but in the equilibrium among transport supply systems, between supply and demand slides, between capital and non-capital management strategies, between public and private initiatives, and between growth and environmental quality.
The equilibrium is represented by an integrated, intermodal transport system which is safe, efficient, reliable and professional, where urban trip makers can have modal choice given by economically competitive services and their perceived travel time values.
For our big cities, the equilibrium can only be achieved by undertaking reforms and restructuring of our institutional settings dealing with urban transport, legal and regulator frameworks supporting the system, capacity building of the human resources, pricing and cost policy of urban travels, management skills and software's, and private sector participation.
The center point is of course of having a strong political will, emerging to the surface because of professional support systems, provided by professional transport groups/ organization.
Universitas Indonesia, 1997
Prosiding - Seminar  Universitas Indonesia Library
Norma Yuli Jayanti
"Skripsi ini membahas persepsi mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia terhadap kualitas pelayanan KRL Commuter Line rute Jakarta-Bogor. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan tujuan deskriptif dimana peneliti berusaha untuk menggambarkan kualitas pelayanan KRL Commuter Line berdasarkan persepsi mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia.
Hasil penelitian menyarankan bahwa pelayanan KRL Commuter Line perlu ditingkatkan dari segi frekuensi perjalanan, ketepatan waktu, fasilitas pendukung, penyesuaian harga, pusat informasi mengenai jadwal, layanan informasi dalam gerbong, kemampuan petugas, keamanan, kebersihan serta kenyamanan dalam gerbong KRL Commuter Line, guna memberikan pelayanan maksimal kepada penumpang.

The focus of this study is about the student’s perceptions in University of Indonesia about service quality of the KRL Commuter Line especially in Jakarta- Bogor’s route. This is a quantitative’s research with the descriptive purpose, in which researcher try to describe service quality of KRL Commuter Line based on tudent’s perception in University of Indonesia.
The result suggests that services of the KRL Commuter Line should be improve in many ways, such as the requency of schedule, accuration of time, facilities, adequacy of the price, nformation centre about the schedule, information service in the cab of KRL Commuter Line, ability of the officer, security, cleanliness, and also comfortness cab of the KRL Commuter Line, for give a maximum service for the passenger.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Washington: American Associations of State Highway and Transportations Official, 2008
R 388.049 Sta
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sjafri Kurin
Setelah pembangunan nasional secara teratur dan terencana dilakukan selama empat Pelita, adalah menarik untuk mengkaji masalah-masalah yang ada kaitannya dengan pembangunan ekonomi daerah. Di beberapa daerah tampak adanya ketimpangan dalam pemerataan pembangunan ekonomi, padahal kontribusi daerah-daerah tersebut sebagai penghasil ekspor nasional cukup tinggi. Selain itu terdapat kelemahan-kelemahan dalam Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Daerah (APBD) seperti: belum seimbangnya perbandingan anggaran rutin dengan anggaran pembangunan, masih terlalu besarnya Sisa Anggaran Pembangunan (SIAP) dan banyaknya ketergantungan APBD pada bantuan pemerintah pusat. Karena menurunnya harga minyak bumi sehingga kemampuan pemerintah pusat menyediakan dana semakin terbatas, maka dalam meneruskan pembangunan nasional diusahakan agar pemerintah daerah tidak terlalu tergantung lagi pada pemerintah pusat. Sehubungan dengan itu masalah-masalah yang ada di dalam penelitian ini dirumuskan sebagai berikut:
(1) Sampai berapa jauh potensi ekonomi daerah dapat dikembangkan agar tidak terlalu tergantung pada pemerintah pusat.
(2) Bagaimana pola pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah selama empat Pelita dan bagaimana pola perkiraan di masa depan.
(3) Bagaimana bentuk peranan butir (1) dan butir (2) tersebut dalam menunjang Ketahanan Nasional, mengingat masalah-masalah tersebut dapat mengganggu Ketahanan Nasional.
Penelitian ini bertujuan:
[1]Mendeskripsikan potensi dan pembangunan ekonomi daerah dalam hubungannya dengan ekonomi nasional.
[2]Mengukur distribusi pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah selama empat Pelita dan mencoba menprediksi faktor-faktor apa yang menentukan pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah di masa yang akan datang.
[3]Menghubungkan dan mengevaluasi butir (1) dan butir (2) tersebut dalam menunjang Ketahanan Nasional masa kini dan masa yang akan datang.
Metode yang digunakan antara lain: analisis pergeseran dan pangsa, analisis perbandingan anggaran rutin dengan anggaran pembangunan daerah, regresi linier, serta analisis cross impact matrix antar gatra Ketahanan Nasional. Penemuan utama yang didapat ialah:
[1]Laju pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah, penyerapan tenaga kerja daerah, dan ekspor daerah merupakan variabel﷓variabel penentu pembangunan ekonomi daerah yang ikut menunjang Ketahanan Nasional.
[2]Hasil prediksi pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah menunjukkan bahwa 70% dari variansi pertumbuhannya ditentukan oleh variabel ekspor daerah dan variabel tenaga kerja daerah, sedangkan sisa yang 30% ditentukan oleh variabel-variabel lain termasuk gatra-gatra lain dari Ketahanan Nasional.
[3]Daerah perbatasan dan daerah terpencil, antara lain: propinsi-propinsi Daerah Istimewa Aceh, Riau, Kalimantan Timur, Irian Jaya, Timor Timur dan Maluku dalam konteks Ketahanan Nasional merupakan daerah-daerah strategis dan rawan terhadap tantangan, ancaman, hambatan dan gangguan (TANG).
[4]Daerah-daerah Indonesia Bagian Barat relatif lebih maju dari pada daerah-daerah Indonesia Bagian Timur.
[5]Daerah-daerah yang memiliki subkomponen Industrial Mix (IM) yang positif antara lain propinsi Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta dan subkomponen Competitive Share (CS) yang positif menyerap banyak tenaga kerja."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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