"Nowadays, service quality given by government oflicer is a central issue in implementing good that the government is conceming, quick service process, accurate, economical and transparence are hopes that the society waits for. Focus in this research meant by getting the datas and information about service quality given by East Telukjambe sub district officers in giving service of making citizen identify card that is measured with dimension of Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance and Empaty.
The research method used in this research is descriptive research. The technique of taking sample done into 2 stage : firt, area sample and respondent sample that is done at random. Collecting data is done by using questioner as a main instrument. The acquired data is managed, tested by technique quality. Then, it is interpreted and analyzed.
The result research shows that all of the realization service that is given by East Telukjambe sub district officer in making the citizen identify card according to society?s judgment is less satisfied. It can be seem at the average scores on level quality of service per dimension totally, namely -0,19, in formula R - H < 0 so the service is less satisfied. On of the best explanation to understand the problem quality ofservice in making citizen identify card in East Telukjambe sub district office is trough improvement of manner of sub district officers to professionalism."