Herlina K. Nurtjahyo
"Dengan semakin meningkatnya kompetisi antara Perguruan Tinggi Swasta, Perguran Tinggi Negeri dan Perguruan Tinggi di Luar Negeri dan tuntutan kualitas lulusan dari masyarakat industri yang semakin kompleks serta keterbatasan sumber daya, maka perlu suatu perencanaan strategis yang membantu mengarahkan langkah-langkah apa yang akan dilaksanakan dalam pengembangan pendidikan tinggi.
Meskipun universitas "X? telah ada misi (mission), sasaran (objectives), strategi (strategies) serta kebijaksanaan (policies), pelaksanaan kegiatan-kegiatan sehari-hari kurang mencerminkan misi, sasaran serta strategi yang telah dibuat/direncanakan sebelumnya. Penyebab utama dari keadaan yang tidak "Walk the Talk? ini adalah tidak tersedianya alat /cara-cara (means) untuk merencanakan, memonitor serta mengontrol yang baik.
Dalam penelitian ini akan difokuskan pada hal-hal pengidentifikasian kembali mengenai misi, sasaran, strategi dan kebijaksanaan dari Universitas penyusunan langkah-langkah perencanaan strategis (strategic planning) dengan menggunakan metode Hoshin Planning, menentukan variabel-variabel yang terdapat di dalam perencanaan strategis (strategic planning) yang kemudian mengkomputerisasikan perencanaan strategis (Strategic Planning) ke dalam perangkat lunak Hoshin Planning yang sangat membantu dalam segi pelaksanaan dan pengontrolan perencanaan strategis. Hoshin Planning dapat dikatakan merupakan suatu sistem informasi yang memiliki fleksibilitas yang tinggi dan mampu mengakomodir perubahan situasi lingkungan, terbukanya peluang-peluang, dan perubahan organisasi secara cepat dan terkini (up to date).
Competitiveness in the higher education system is one of the major factors that make every higher education institution try so hard to improve their quality of education. Furthermore, the industries are demanding to have a good quality of fresh graduates to work in the ever increasing competition era.
The above situation is not happening only in other countries, but also in Indonesia. The case is getting worse if the problems are also related to the resources (people, capital, etc.). To handle these problems, one thing that a higher education institution can do is to make a good strategic planning that works, specially in the implementation phase.
The University "X° already has a mission, objectives, strategies, and policies. Hence it has a strategic planning But there is a gap between the strategic planning and the action performed to achieve the mission. Not "walk the talk" is the common jargon in the quality management to name the gap. The main cause of not being "walk the talk" is, the university "X" does not have a good and workable method or means to plan, monitor, and control the implementation of the strategic planning.
The focus of this study is to re-identify the mission, objectives, strategies and policies of the university as such that the strategic planning can be implemented in a clear step by step basis based on a methodology called hoshin planning method.
The variables of the strategic planning and the values of the variables are to be identified and defined by this study, in order to be able to use the method. In this study, a computer software called hoshin planning software is being used to make the implementation phase more affective.
The hoshin planning software has flexibility in terms of its capability to cope with a changing environment, a new opportunity, and an organization dynamic in a fast and up to date manner."