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Dadang Surjasa
Era globalisasi dewasa ini telah melanda seluruh dunia. Seluruh industri manufaktur maupun jasa berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk tetap hidup, sehingga semua faktor pendukungnya seperti keunggulan kompetitif dan komparatif yang meliputi kualitas, biaya dan waktu harus diprioritaskan.
Masalah yang sekarang sedang menjadi pusat perhatian di negara-negara maju adalah komunikasi dan pengantaran (communication and delivery) pada rantai suplai (supply chain). Dalam hal ini, respon yang cepat (quick response) dapat meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan maupun klien. Kurangnya perhatian terhadap masalah ini dapat mengakibatkan kurangnya daya saing suatu pelaku bisnis, sehingga secara perlahan membuat mereka kalah bersaing.
Konsep Just In Time (JIT) yang sering didengung-dengungkan dalam dunia industri sudah merupakan suatu keharusan untuk diaplikasikan. Karena konsep JIT dapat mereduksi proses pergudangan. Untuk itulah tulisan ini memperkenalkan suatu konsep dan aplikasi yang mencoba menjawab pusat permasalahan tersebut. Konsep dan aplikasi tersebut adalah EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) dan Barcode pada Supply Chain Management. Pada tulisan ini diperlihatkan model konseptual bagaimana komunikasi dan transaksi bisnis meialui EDI dan Barcode tersebut dapat berjalan diantara para pelaku bisnis, khususnya diantara dua pelaku bisnis, manufaktur dan retailer.

The era of globalization have impacted the world. All manufacture or service industries are attempting to survive as maximum as possible. According to it all of the support factors like competitive and comparative advantages which includes quality, cost and time must be done in priority.
The problem that being centre of interest by advance countries are communication and delivery to supply chain. In this case quick response can improve customer satisfaction. Less attention to this problem could result in decrease of competition by the businessman, that make them could not able to compete any more.
J I T (Just In Time) concept that familiar in industrial management must be applied. This is because J I T concept will reduce warehousing process. In accordance to that this article tried to introduce a concept and application that could be answer the centre of the problem. The concept and application are EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) and Barcode of supply chain management. This article showed conceptual model of how communication and businessman transaction can practice through EDI and Barcode among businessman, especially among two businessman, manufactory and retailer.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Azzinar Faizien
Gerakan Nasional Non Tunai (GNNT) merupakan gerakan yang mendorong
dan meningkatkan penggunaan sarana pembayaran non tunai. Salah satu cara
industri perbankan mendukung program GNNT adalah dengan cara menempatkan
mesin EDC pada toko atau gerai di mall untuk mempermudah masyarakat dalam
melakukan transaksi pembayaran non tunai.
Permasalahan yang timbul pada implementasi jaringan komunikasi mesin EDC
adalah biaya transaksi yang dirasa cukup tinggi dengan menggunakan teknologi
General Packet Radio System (GRPS) yang dipakai oleh operator telekomunikasi.
Dengan adanya pilihan teknologi koneksi mesin EDC selain menggunakan
GPRS, yaitu dengan teknologi wireline (fiber optic) atau wireless (radio link)
membuat biaya transaksi komunikasi mesin EDC dapat diturunkan secara
signifikan sehingga biaya transaksinya menjadi lebih rendah daripada
menggunakan teknologi yang digunakan saat ini (GPRS).
Pemilihan penggunaan teknologi diatas harus disertai dengan kebijakan
investasi dan operasi yang berbeda, untuk itu pada tesis ini telah dibuatkan sebuah
pemodelannya sehingga memudahkan para pemimpin untuk mengambil keputusan.
Pemodelan tersebut terdiri dari lima pilihan skenario yang dapat digunakan dalam
kondisi jumlah mesin EDC dan payback periode yang berbeda.

National Movement of Non-Cash (GNNT) is a movement that encourages
and increases the non-cash payment. One way the industry supports GNNT
program is a way to put Electronic Data Capture (EDC) machine at the store or
stores in the mall to facilitate the public in non-cash payment transactions.
The problems that arise in the implementation of the communication
network EDC machine is transaction costs are considered high by using technology
General Packet Radio System (GRPS) which is used by telecom operators.
With the choice of connection technology EDC machine in addition to using
GPRS, ie with technology of wireline (fiber optic) or wireless (radio link) making
communication EDC transaction costs can be significantly reduced so that the cost
of the transaction to be lower than using a technology that is used today (GPRS ).
Selection of use of the above technologies should be accompanied by
investment policy and different operations, for it was on this thesis has made a
modeling making it easier for leaders to take a decision. The modeling scenario
consisted of five options that can be used in a number of EDC conditions and
payback periods are different.;National Movement of Non-Cash (GNNT) is a movement that encourages
and increases the non-cash payment. One way the industry supports GNNT
program is a way to put Electronic Data Capture (EDC) machine at the store or
stores in the mall to facilitate the public in non-cash payment transactions.
The problems that arise in the implementation of the communication
network EDC machine is transaction costs are considered high by using technology
General Packet Radio System (GRPS) which is used by telecom operators.
With the choice of connection technology EDC machine in addition to using
GPRS, ie with technology of wireline (fiber optic) or wireless (radio link) making
communication EDC transaction costs can be significantly reduced so that the cost
of the transaction to be lower than using a technology that is used today (GPRS ).
Selection of use of the above technologies should be accompanied by
investment policy and different operations, for it was on this thesis has made a
modeling making it easier for leaders to take a decision. The modeling scenario
consisted of five options that can be used in a number of EDC conditions and
payback periods are different.;National Movement of Non-Cash (GNNT) is a movement that encourages
and increases the non-cash payment. One way the industry supports GNNT
program is a way to put Electronic Data Capture (EDC) machine at the store or
stores in the mall to facilitate the public in non-cash payment transactions.
The problems that arise in the implementation of the communication
network EDC machine is transaction costs are considered high by using technology
General Packet Radio System (GRPS) which is used by telecom operators.
With the choice of connection technology EDC machine in addition to using
GPRS, ie with technology of wireline (fiber optic) or wireless (radio link) making
communication EDC transaction costs can be significantly reduced so that the cost
of the transaction to be lower than using a technology that is used today (GPRS ).
Selection of use of the above technologies should be accompanied by
investment policy and different operations, for it was on this thesis has made a
modeling making it easier for leaders to take a decision. The modeling scenario
consisted of five options that can be used in a number of EDC conditions and
payback periods are different.;National Movement of Non-Cash (GNNT) is a movement that encourages
and increases the non-cash payment. One way the industry supports GNNT
program is a way to put Electronic Data Capture (EDC) machine at the store or
stores in the mall to facilitate the public in non-cash payment transactions.
The problems that arise in the implementation of the communication
network EDC machine is transaction costs are considered high by using technology
General Packet Radio System (GRPS) which is used by telecom operators.
With the choice of connection technology EDC machine in addition to using
GPRS, ie with technology of wireline (fiber optic) or wireless (radio link) making
communication EDC transaction costs can be significantly reduced so that the cost
of the transaction to be lower than using a technology that is used today (GPRS ).
Selection of use of the above technologies should be accompanied by
investment policy and different operations, for it was on this thesis has made a
modeling making it easier for leaders to take a decision. The modeling scenario
consisted of five options that can be used in a number of EDC conditions and
payback periods are different., National Movement of Non-Cash (GNNT) is a movement that encourages
and increases the non-cash payment. One way the industry supports GNNT
program is a way to put Electronic Data Capture (EDC) machine at the store or
stores in the mall to facilitate the public in non-cash payment transactions.
The problems that arise in the implementation of the communication
network EDC machine is transaction costs are considered high by using technology
General Packet Radio System (GRPS) which is used by telecom operators.
With the choice of connection technology EDC machine in addition to using
GPRS, ie with technology of wireline (fiber optic) or wireless (radio link) making
communication EDC transaction costs can be significantly reduced so that the cost
of the transaction to be lower than using a technology that is used today (GPRS ).
Selection of use of the above technologies should be accompanied by
investment policy and different operations, for it was on this thesis has made a
modeling making it easier for leaders to take a decision. The modeling scenario
consisted of five options that can be used in a number of EDC conditions and
payback periods are different.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andi Prabawa
"Untuk mendukung rencana melakukan otomasi pelayanan BC 2.3 diKantor Pelayanan dan Pengawasan Bea dan Cukai (KPPBC) ini maka Direktur Jenderal Bea dan Cukai mengeluarkan peraturan P-42/BC/2009 tanggal 18 November 2009 tentang Pelaksanaan Uji Coba Pertukaran Data Elektronik (PDE) Pemberitahuan Impor Barang untuk ditimbun di Tempat Penimbunan Berikat (BC 2.3) sebagai dasar hukum penerapan Program Aplikasi PDE BC 2.3. Pelayanan kepada Pengusaha di Tempat Penimbunan Berikat dilaksanakan oleh Kantor Pelayanan dan Pengawasan Bea dan Cukai (KPPBC) yang merupakan unit operasional Direktorat jenderal Bea dan Cukai. Mengingat pentingnya tugas yang diemban oleh KPPBC maka perlu diukur sejauh manakah kualitas pelayanan KPPBC dan Kepuasan Pengusaha di Tempat Penimbunan Berikat (sebagai penerima pelayanan/ pelanggan).
Penelitian ini berusaha untuk menjawab bagaimana deskripsi kualitas pelayanan yang diberikan oleh Kantor Pelayanan dan Pengawasan Bea dan Cukai melalui penerapan Program Aplikasi PDE BC 2.3; bagaimana deskripsi kepuasan pengusaha di Tempat Penimbunan Berikat melalui penerapan Program Aplikasi PDE BC 2.3; dan adakah pengaruh kualitas pelayanan Program Aplikasi PDE BC 2.3 terhadap kepuasan pengusaha di Tempat Penimbunan Berikat. Tinjauan pustaka yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini berkaitan dengan teori-teori dan konsep-konsep adminisrasi publik, kualitas pelayanan, kepuasan pelanggan, aplikasi pertukaran data elektronik, serta konsep Tempat Penimbunan Berikat.
Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian eksplanasi. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dipakai adalah pengumpulan data primer berupa kuesioner kepada pengusaha dan wawancara kepada pihak Bea dan Cukai dan pengumpulan data sekunder modul dan laporan akuntabilitas DJBC. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah Pengusaha di Tempat Penimbunan Berikat yang telah menggunakan modul aplikasi PDE BC 2.3 yang telah melakukan uji coba di KPPBC Tipe A1 Jakarta. Sedangkan sampel yang dipilih adalah Total Sampling, jadi keseluruhan jumlah pengusaha yang telah terdaftar dalam database sebagai pengguna aplikasi PDE BC 2.3, yaitu sebanyak 116 pengusaha. Dari total sampling tersebut sejumlah 66 pengusaha yang mengembalikan kuesioner. Sehingga jumlah sampel yang dipakai pada penelitian ini adalah 66 data.
Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deskripsi frekuensi (terhadap indikator variabel kualitas pelayanan dan kepuasan pelanggan) dan uji spearman?s rank untuk meneliti hubungan antar variabel. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa kualitas pelayanan dan kepuasan pelanggan yang dirasakan oleh pengusaha ditanggapi secara positif dan terhadap hubungan signifikan antara kualitas pelayanan dan kepuasan pelanggan. Saran yang diajukan berdasarkan hasil penelitian meliputi pengusaha yang berkaitan dengan aplikasi PDE BC 2.3, Sumber Daya Manusia di KPPBC Tipe A1 Jakarta, dan pelayanan yang diberikan KPPBC Tipe A1 Jakarta kepada pengusaha di Tempat Penimbunan Berikat.

Director General Customs and Office has issued the regulation p-42/BC/2009 on 18 November 2009 as the direction to conduct the automation of BC2.3 service. Since, the regulation was dated the customs office throughout Indonesia should change their way of delivering service at bonded zone from conventional service into the new one via electronic document. Eventually, P- 42/BC/2009 became underlying law of mandatory use of electronic data interchange on bonded zone customs service.
Even though the regulation issued by Directorate General Customs and Office (DGCE), the branch customs office as the operational unit of DGCE, is the customs office in charge to delivering service at bonded zone. Based upon the goal to delivering excellent service to the user of bonded zone, it is very important to measure the level of quality of delivering service by Indonesia customs office Jakarta.
This research is aimed to conduct deep analysis of the description of the quality of electronic data interchange services (BC 2.3) providing by customs office, how the description of the user satisfaction on the bonded zone after experiencing the new electronic bonded zone service and another objective is to answer the question, what is the relationship among quality of service and user satisfaction of electronic data interchange service at bonded zone. Another aspect also covered by this research are including literature study, concept and theory of public administration, customer satisfaction, electronic data interchange and study about administering bonded zone.
This research follows quantitative research methodology with typical of research can be categorized as explanation research. The data gathered from primary data source i.e spreading the questioner to the user of bonded zone and also through direct interview with the Indonesian customs officer who involve in electronic service and conducting interview with the some bonded zone owner. The secondary data source obtained from a booklet and official accountability report of DCGE. The population on this research are user at bonded zone who had used electronic data service of BC2.3. Initially this research using total sample, however from total 116 user, as much 66 user has participated of this research by fulfilled the questioner.
This research using frequency description analysis (toward quality service indicators and customer satisfaction) and spearman?s rank test to examine the relation variable among other.This research reveal that the quality of service and customer satisfaction had been responded positively by the user and answering the question that there is significant relationship between quality of service and customer satisfaction.This research also offering some suggestion to improve the quality of service, the suggestion includes the improvement of application of BC2.3 itself, upgrading the human skill and suggestion the breakthrough on the way of delivering service."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Goldman, James E.
New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1988
658.4038 GOL d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Awad, Elias M.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1966
001.63 AWA a
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kaufman, Felix
New York: The Ronald Press Co. , 1961
657.068 KAU e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadira Utami Salmanury
"Laporan magang ini disusun karena penulis menyadari adanya risiko input error pada pekerjaan data entry contract assessment yang dilakukan secara manual oleh KAP LIN pada proyek dengan PT RED. Pada laporan ini, akan dibahas evaluasi terhadap aktivitas kontrol berupa data entry control dan independent check yang dilakukan untuk meminimalisir risiko input error tersebut. Metode evaluasi yang dilakukan yaitu dengan cara memperbandingkan antara pelaksanaan kontrol yang dilakukan KAP LIN saat ini dengan rekomendasi yang terdapat pada teori data entry control dan independent check yang digunakan oleh penulis pada laporan ini. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas kontrol yang dilakukan KAP LIN pada proyek ini masih kurang memadai, karena kontrol yang ada belum dilakukan secara otomatis, pelaksanaan independent check yang belum rutin, dan sosialisasi hasil independent check yang belum menyeluruh kepada seluruh anggota tim yang melakukan pekerjaan data entry.

This internship report was prepared because the author is aware of the risk of input errors in the data entry contract assessment work which is carried out manually by KAP LIN on their project with PT RED. This internship report will discuss about the evaluation of control activities in the form of data entry controls and independent checks that were carried out to help minimize the risk of input error. The evaluation method used is by comparing the implementation of controls carried out by KAP LIN at this time, with the recommendations contained in the theory of data entry controls and independent check used by the author in this report. The evaluation shows that the control activities carried out by KAP LIN in this project are still inadequate, because the existing controls have not been carried out automatically, the implementation of independent checks has not been done routinely, and the socialization of the results of independent checks has not been fully conveyed to all team members who did the data entry work."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1993
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vazsonyi, Andrew
Homewood, Illinois : Richard D. Irwin, 1980
651.84 VAZ i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fried, Louis
Reston, VA: Reston Publishing, 1979
658.05 FRI p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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