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New York: Oxford University Press , 1990
362.734 PSY
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lewis, Michele K.
"[Same-sex attracted, and non-gender conforming African-Americans are substantial in number, yet underrepresented in the social and behavioral science literature. This volume addresses the issues of African-American LGBT psychology as a case of indigenous psychology. The authors present the research of scholars who are developing theory, practice, and services that are couched within the specific cultural complexities of this population. Some key topics addressed in AFrican-American Issues in LGBT Psychology are gender, spirituality, family, racism, "coming out", generational differences, health and safety issues, urban vs. rural realities, and implications for researchers., Same-sex attracted, and non-gender conforming African-Americans are substantial in number, yet underrepresented in the social and behavioral science literature. This volume addresses the issues of African-American LGBT psychology as a case of indigenous psychology. The authors present the research of scholars who are developing theory, practice, and services that are couched within the specific cultural complexities of this population. Some key topics addressed in AFrican-American Issues in LGBT Psychology are gender, spirituality, family, racism, "coming out", generational differences, health and safety issues, urban vs. rural realities, and implications for researchers.]"
New York: [Springer, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizky Ramadhanti
Dalam setiap perkawinan semua orang menginginkan keturunan akan tetapi pada kenyataannya tidak semua keluarga mendapatkannya, untuk itu dapat dilakukan
suatu perbuatan hukum yaitu dengan mengangkat anak. Pengangkatan anak
dilakukan dengan mengajukan permohonan penetapan pengadilan sesuai dengan
persyaratan dan tatacara yang diatur dalam perundang-undangan, yang
mengakibatkan timbulnya hak dan kewajiban antara anak angkat dan orang tua
angkat. Namun, bagaimana dengan hak-hak anak angkat tersebut jika terjadi
pembatalan penetapan pengangkatan anak, mengingat tujuan pengangkatan anak
selain untuk mendapatkan keturunan juga untuk mensejahterakan kehidupan anak
serta melindungi hak-hak anak. Dalam penelitian ini akan dibahas mengenai
persyaratan dan tatacara pengangkatan anak sesuai dengan peraturan perundangundangan
yang berlaku serta hak-hak anak dalam hal terjadi pembatalan
penetapan pengangkatan anak. Penelitian ini bersifat yuridis normatif dan
menggunakan metode kepustakaan dan analisis kasus dengan mengumpulkan data
sekunder. Analisa kasus dilakukan terhadap Putusan Pengadilan Nomor
239/Pdt.G/2013/PN.BTM Tentang Pembatalan Pengangkatan Anak, dimana
akibat dari tidak terpenuhinya persyaratan dan tatacara pengangkatan anak yang
diatur dalam perundang-undangan dapat dimintakan pembatalan, selain itu hakhak
dan jaminan masa depan anak angkat juga menjadi pertimbangan hakim
dalam memutuskan perkara tersebut serta akibat dari pembatalan penetapan
pengangkatan anak tersebut mengakibatkan hak dan kewajiban yang timbul antara
anak angkat dan orangtua angkat menjadi hapus dan beralih ke orangtua yang
diangkat oleh hakim sebagai wali melalui putusan pengadilan tersebut.

In every marriage everybody wants to have children but in reality, not all families can have it, in order to have it, one may take legal actions which is adopting achild.
Adoption is done by applying for a court decision in accordance with the
requirements and procedures established in the legislation, which resulted in the
emergence of rights and obligations between the adopted child and the adoptive
parents. However, what about the rights of the adopted child in case of adoption
cancellation, given the purpose of adoption in addition to get a descent also for the
welfare of a child's life as well as protecting the rights of children. In this research
will be discussed about the requirements and procedures for adoption in
accordance with the legislation, and also about the rights of the child in case of
adoption cancellation. This study is juridicial normative and using literature and
analysis methods over a case by collecting secondary data. Analysis of the case
conducted from Court's verdict No. 239 / Pdt.G / 2013 / PN.BTM About Adoption
Cancellation, where the effect of the non-fulfillment of the requirements and
procedures for adoption set out in legislation may be requested cancellation, judge
in deciding the case also considered about the rights and guarantee the future of
the adopted child, as well as a result of the adoption cancellation of the
determination resulting in rights and obligations between the adopted child and the adoptive parents be removed and redirected to a parent who was appointed by the judge as a trustee by the court's verdict."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Damanik, Sonia Meylani
"Keberadaan anak bagi masyarakat dianggap sebagai anugerah. Dengan berbagai alasan dan motif, banyak pihak yang memilih melakukan pengangkatan anak. Skripsi ini menganalisis dua penetapan pengangkatan anak yang ditetapkan sebelum dan setelah diberlakukannya PP No. 54 Tahun 2007. Melalui analisis tersebut diketahui bahwa peraturan tentang pengangkatan anak di Indonesia belum diaplikasikan secara ideal. Hakim dalam pertimbangannya perlu lebih banyak merujuk kepada peraturan lain terkait pengangkatan anak. Selain itu, skripsi ini juga akan membandingkan praktek pengadilan terkait ketentuan pengangkatan anak sebelum dan setelah diberlakukannya PP No. 54 Tahun 2007 berdasarkan penetapan yang dianalisis.

The existence of children is considered as a gift for the community. With various reasons and motives, many people choose to adopt children. This thesis analyzes two verdicts on the adoption of children which are established before and after the enactment of PP No. 54 of 2007. Through this analysis, it is known that regulations regarding adoption of children in Indonesia have not been applied ideally. The Judges in their legal consideration need to refer more to other regulations related to the adoption of children. In addition, this thesis will also compare court practice related to the regulations of adoption of children before and after the enactment of PP No. 54 of 2007 based on the verdicts which will be analyzed.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wrightsman, Lawrence S.
New York: Brooks/Cole , 1998
347.73 WRI p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wrightsman, Lawrence S.
California: Brooks/Cole, 1991
347.73 WRI p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Schwartz, Lita Linzer
"What if you were an adopted child and someone tried to remove you from the family you had grown to love? This work examines the psychological and forensic aspects of adoption with an emphasis on how negative events can affect children and the families that choose to adopt them - and how you can prevent those events from happening. "
United State and Canada: Haworth Press, 2006
362.734 SCH w
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amsterdam: Swets & Zeitlinger, 1991
791.019 PSY
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farhan Achmad Chandra

Penulisan skripsi ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan mengenai pengaturan pengangkatan anak (adopsi) di Indonesia dan Australia, serta untuk menemukan persamaan dan perbedaan dari pengaturan di kedua negara tersebut. selain itu juga, pembahasannya akan menitikberatkan pada akses terhadap informasi asal-usul anak angkat. Bentuk penelitain dalam skripsi ini bersifat yuridis normatif dan menggunakan metode pendekatan perbandingan peraturan perundang-undangan, yaitu dengan membandingkan hukum di dua negara yang berbeda. Di Australia khususnya di Australian Capital Territory (ACT), dalam undang-undangnya yaitu, Adoption Act 1993, telah diatur secara detail mengenai akses terhadap informasi asal-usul anak angkat, mulai dari instansi apa yang dapat memberikan pelayanan apabila terdapat permohonan informasi asal-usul anak angkat, informasi apa saja yang dapat diperoleh, pada umur berapa informasi tersebut dapat diakses, dan bagaimana prosedur dalam mendapatkan informasi tersebut. Di Indonesia, walaupun dalam PP 54/2007 dan Permensos 110/2009 telah mewajibkan orang tua angkat untuk memberitahukan kepada anak angkatnya mengenai asal-usulnya dan orang tua kandungnya, akan tetapi belum terdapat aturan lanjutan mengenai hal ini.

Dari hasil penelitian ini, ditemukan persamaan dan perbedaan dari pengaturan di kedua negara tersebut, akan tetapi dalam pengaturan pengangkatan anak di Indonesia belum diatur secara mendetail mengenai akses terhadap informasi asal-usul anak angkat. Padahal hal ini penting agar dapat dimungkinkan reunifikasi antara anak angkat dengan orang tua kandungnya. Sehingga dapat diminimalisir kasus-kasus dimana seorang anak merasa tidak utuh karena tidak mengetahui siapa orang tua kandungnya, yang tentunya hal ini bertentangan dengan tujuan utama dari pengangkatan anak yaitu kepentingan terbaik bagi anak (best interest of the child).


This research was aimed to explain the child adoption regulation in Indonesia and Australia, and also to find the similarities and differences between the regulation in both countries. this research was emphasized on the access to information about adopted children identities. The research form is normative and uses comparative approach based on the applicable law in Indonesia and Australia. In Australia, especially in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), Adoption Act 1993, has been regulated in detail about access to information about adopted children identities, from what the institution can provide the services when there is a request for the information, what information can be obtain, when the information can be obtain and how the procedures to obtaining the information. In Indonesia, although in PP 54/2007 and Permensos 110/2009 have obligated the adoptive parents to inform their adopted children about their origins and biological parents, but there is no further regulation on this matter. The results of this research, found similarities and differences between regulation in both countries, but the regulation of child adoption in Indonesia has not been regulated in detail yet regarding access to information about adopted children identities. Which is important to be able to reunification between adopted children and their biological parents. So it can be minimized cases where a child feels confuse and empty because he/she does not know who their biological parent is, which certainly is contrary to the main purpose of the child adoption the best interest of the child.


Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2003
347.066 HAN
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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