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Winda Adityaningsih Utami
Skripsi ini membahas pembentukan identitas beberapa tokoh dalam novel The
Bluest Eye karya Toni Morrison. Tokoh-tokoh tersebut adalah Pecola Breedlove,
Pauline, Cholly Breedlove, dan Three Whores (China, Poland, dan Miss Marie).
Keempat tokoh tersebut memiliki permasalahan masing-masing dalam memahami
dan membentuk identitas. Identitas kolektif yang mereka miliki, pengakuan dari
masyarakat, serta kemampuan mereka menentukan dan mempertahankan identitas
diri mempengaruhi proses pemahaman dan pembentukan identitas yang mereka
jalani. Hal ini memiliki persamaan dengan tiga poin yang terkandung dalam
konsep identitas Kwame Anthony Appiah. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis
karakterisasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses pemahaman dan
pembentukan identitas pada seseorang maupun kelompok tidak hanya dipengaruhi
oleh lingkungan sekitar tetapi juga melewati tiga poin atau tahapan dalam konsep
identitas Appiah

The focus of this research is to analyze on the formatting of identity of several
characters in The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison. The characters analyzed Pecola
Breedlove, Pauline, Cholly Breedlove, and The Three Whores (China, Poland,
dan Miss Marie). These four characters have their difficulties in understanding
and forming of their own identities. The process of understanding and forming of
identity is influenced by the existence of collective identities, recognition from
community and society, along with their capability to decide and protect their
identities. These related to three points about identity that consist in the concept of
identity of Kwame Anthony Appiah. This research uses analysis of
characterization as the basic method. The result of this research proves that the
process of understanding and forming of identity is not only influenced by the
environment but also has to go through three points or phases in Appiah?s concept
of identity.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diantri Seprina Putri
"Kapitalisme, terutama melalui media massa, telah membawa pengaruh besar bagi perubahan konstruksi citra blackness dalam pandangan masyarakat modern. Citra baru blackness sebagai sesuatu yang menawan dan eksotis direpresentasikan melalui penggunaan slogan Black is beautiful dalam pemasaran berbagai produk kapitalis. Namun di balik pesan positifnya, penggunaan slogan Black is beautiful dalam sistem kapitalisme secara implisit ikut membawa isu interseksionalitas yang direpresentasikan melalui proses komodifikasi terhadap tubuh perempuan berkulit hitam. Penelitian ini berfokus pada pembahasan analisis mengenai isu komodifikasi perempuan kulit hitam yang dialami oleh tokoh utama, Bride, dalam novel God Help The Child (2015) karya Toni Morrison. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk membongkar kaitan antara komodifikasi perempuan kulit hitam dengan upaya objektifikasi terhadap ras dan gender dalam sistem white supremacist capitalist patriarchy. Data yang dikumpulkan dari teks dianalisis menggunakan konsep critical race theory dari Bell Hooks. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, secara implisit, konsep dasar rasisme kembali dijalankan sebagai pondasi dari sistem kapitalisme. Konstruksi citra baru blackness menyiratkan bahwa standar kecantikan masyarakat kulit putih kembali diaplikasikan pada tubuh orang kulit hitam, terutama pada tubuh perempuan. Perbedaaan antara rasisme dan kapitalisme hanya terletak pada metode dan cara kerjanya. Lebih jauh, teks mengkritik sistem kapitalisme dengan menampilkan beberapa alternatif anti-kapitalisme sebagai upaya untuk mencegah dampak negatif dari sistem tersebut.

Capitalism, especially through the mass media, has a great impact in the construction of blackness in modern society.While previously undesired, blackness in the contemporary society is presented as exotic and enthralling. Black is beautiful is the new slogan in representing blackness. In spite of the positive message, however, underneath this marketing jargon is the commodification of black womans body. This article analyzes the commodification of the black woman through the narrative and characterization of the main character, Bride, in Toni Morrisons novel, God Help the Child. The purpose of the research is to unpack the intersection between the commodification of black women and race and gender construction within the white supremacist, capitalistic patriarchy. The representation of blackness in society affects the commodification methods imposed by capitalism on black women. Textual analysis is based on Bell Hooks critical race theory. The findings show that implicitly, racism is readopted in the contemporary capitalism. The new construction of blackness suggests the orientalist gaze of the White as a standard. Furthermore, this commodification is gendered, as it capitalizes especially on black women’s bodies. The difference between racism and capitalism can be seen from their ways to maintain whites standardization in society. Furthermore, the novel shows its critic towards capitalism by showing some anti-capitalism alternatives in the text."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ridanti Oktavanya
"Saat ini, telah ada tren baru dalam industri video game untuk melepaskan stereotip yang melekat pada karakter perempuan sebagai tanggapan terhadap meningkatnya kritik mengenai kesetaraan gender dalam industri video game. Sebagai contoh, Max Caulfield in Life is Strange digambarkan telah mempunyai keterampilan yang sudah berkembang dari sebelumnya dan tidak seksual yang mana telah membedakannya dengan karakter perempuan yang khas dengan ketidakberdayaan dan objectifikasi. Namun, perkembangan semacam itu belum mengubah representasi perempuan yang bermasalah secara utuh jika ditinjau dari segi narasinya. Dengan menggunakan konsep hegemoni maskulinitas, makalah ini membahas ambivalensi dalam Life is Strange dalam menantang representasi stereotip perempuan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa meskipun Life is Strange berhasil menumbangkan stereotip atas representasi fisik karakter perempuan melalui desainnya, dalam segi narasi Life is Strange masih melanggengkan
hegemoni maskulinitas melalui narasi pahlawan pengorbanan dan erotisme lesbianisme.

Nowadays, there has been a new trend in the video game industry to unleash the stereotypical female characters as a response to the increasing criticism toward gender equality in the video game industry. Life is Strange is one example of video games that challenges typical female characters who are usually described as powerless and objectified. However, such a progression has not amended the problematic female representation completely within its narrative. By using the concept of hegemonic masculinity, this paper discusses the ambivalences in Life is Strange in challenging stereotypical female representations. The result of the analysis shows that although Life is Strange successfully subverts the female physical representation through its design, the narrative still perpetuates hegemonic masculinity by means of sacrificial heroine and lesbianism eroticization."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Morrison, Tony
London: Random House, 1995
R 813.54 MOR s
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
"his paper examines the implications and issues for female employment under the rationale of “diverse regular employees,” whereby restrictions are placed on an employee’s work type, place of work, etc. In Japan, the introduction of a course-based employment management system has been advocated by employers’ associations since around the 1980s. Particularly in larger companies, the majority of male employees have been hired on the “managerial career track,” with no restriction on working hours, work type and place of work, and the majority of females on the “clerical career track,” with restrictions on work type and place of work, on the assumption of short-term employment. The conventional course-based employment management system and “diverse reg- ular employees” resemble each other, in that they both create categories of employment management in which there are restrictions on the work type and place of work, etc. But if we consider the ideal employment management sys- tem, there is a difference as to whether the respective employment is “short-term” or “medium- to long-term.” Depending on how systems are de- signed with a view to forming medium- to long-term careers, the policy of “diverse regular employees” could in fact both reinforce and eliminate Japan’s gender pay gap and gender imbalance in types of employment, which are on the large side among industrialized nations"
JLR 13:2 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This paper examines the implications and issues for female employment under the rationale of “diverse regular employees,” whereby restrictions are placed on an employee’s work type, place of work, etc. In Japan, the introduction of a course-based employment management system has been advocated by employers’ associations since around the 1980s. Particularly in larger companies, the majority of male employees have been hired on the “managerial career track,” with no restriction on working hours, work type and place of work, and the majority of females on the “clerical career track,” with restrictions on work type and place of work, on the assumption of short-term employment. The conventional course-based employment management system and “diverse reg- ular employees” resemble each other, in that they both create categories of employment management in which there are restrictions on the work type and place of work, etc. But if we consider the ideal employment management sys- tem, there is a difference as to whether the respective employment is “short-term” or “medium- to long-term.” Depending on how systems are de- signed with a view to forming medium- to long-term careers, the policy of “diverse regular employees” could in fact both reinforce and eliminate Japan’s gender pay gap and gender imbalance in types of employment, which are on the large side among industrialized nations"
344 JLR 13:2 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Theresa Bianca Swasono
"Tulisan ini membahas seksualisasi karakter perempuan di dalam video game, khususnya Honkai Impact 3rd dan Genshin Impact dan dampaknya dalam memandang cosplayer perempuan. Tulisan ini adalah tulisan kualitatif dengan model deskriptif-eksplanatori. Hasil penelitian menemukan karakter perempuan masih kerap kali didesain berdasarkan male gaze dan diobjektifikasi. Ketika perempuan cosplay sebagai karakter video game yang diseksualisasi, batas antara fantasi dan realitas seolah kabur dengan adanya standar yang diimplementasikan bagi para penikmat video game terhadap cosplayer perempuan. Standar ini seringkali mengakibatkan adanya komentar dan lelucon seksis, bermakna kekerasan dan pelecehan seksual, juga menghina tubuh cosplayer. Penelitian menggunakan visual kriminologi yang telah diintegrasikan dengan feminis kriminologi agar mendapat cara pandang untuk masalah yang diteliti.

This research discusses the sexualization of female characters in video games, especially Honkai Impact 3rd and Genshin Impact, and their impact on viewing female cosplayers. This research uses a qualitative writing style with a descriptive-explanatory model. Results found that female video game characters are often designed based on the male gaze and are usually objectified. When women cosplay as sexualized video game characters, the boundaries between fantasy and reality seem to blur due to the standards implemented by video game enjoyers towards female cosplayers. These standards repeatedly result in sexist comments and jokes, sexual harassment remarks, and insults to the cosplayer's body. The research uses visual criminology integrated with feminist criminology to get a perspective on the problem of the study.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rosa Mellinda
"Penikmat film mengenal tokoh Mulan dari film produksi Disney berjudul Mulan yang dirilis pada tahun 1998. Mulan adalah tokoh yang diceritakan menyamar menjadi laki-laki untuk menggantikan ayahnya di medan perang. Mulan memiliki banyak versi, dalam jurnal ini akan memfokuskan pada Film Mulan : Rise of a Warrior (2009) yang disutradrai oleh Jingle Ma. Film ini menceritakan konflik antara bangsa Rouran yang ingin merebut wilayah kekuasaan Wei dan bangsa Wei itu sendiri yang ingin mempertahankan wilayahnya. Menampilkan dua tokoh utama wanita dari etnis yang sedang berperang, yaitu Hua Mulan dari bangsa Wei sebagai jenderal pasukan Wei yang memimpin ratusan ribu pasukan laki-laki dalam perang serta menjadi penengah bagi kedua bangsa. Serta Putri Rouran dari bangsa Rouran yang diakhir cerita menjadi sosok yang membawa perdamaian bagi kedua bangsa.

The public is familiar with Mulan as the main character from Disneys animation film of the same name released in 1998. She disguised herself as a man to replace her father as a general in a war. There are several film adaptations of her stories and this paper focuses on Jingle Mas Mulan: Rise of a Warrior (2009) with emphasis on the role of its two conflicting ethnic female leaders. Hua Mulan leads the Weis in defending their lands against the invasion of the Rourans led by their Princess. Mulan guides her army of men into the battlefield and becomes the agent of peace with Princess of Rouran herself eventually becomes the one who restores peace for both tribes."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
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