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Ditemukan 4075 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 1961
324.6 PRE
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Washington, DC: Brookings Institution , 1971
351.7 SET
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Belenky, Alexander S.
"The book discusses how the use of some election rules embedded in the U.S. Constitution and in the presidential succession Act may cause skewed or weird election outcomes and election stalemates. The book argues that the act may not cover some rare though possible situations which the twentieth amendment authorizes congress to address. Also, the book questions the constitutionality of the national popular vote plan to introduce a direct popular presidential election de facto, without amending the constitution, and addresses the plan?s ?achilles? heel.? In particular, the book shows that the plan may violate the equal protection clause from the fourteenth amendment of the constitution. Numerical examples are provided to show that the counterintuitive claims of the NPV originators and proponents that the plan will encourage presidential candidates to ?chase? every vote in every state do not have any grounds. Finally, the book proposes a plan for improving the election system by combining at the national level the ?one state, one vote? principle, embedded in the constitution, and the ?one person, one vote? principle. "
Berlin: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Clancy, Herbert J.
Chicago: Loyola University Press, 1958
973 CLA p
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Basuki Erwin Setiyadi
Nama : Basuki Erwin Setiyadi
Bidang Ilmu : Interdisiplin
Program Studi : Kajian Ketahanan NasionalPeminatan : Kajian Stratejik Intelijen
Judul Tesis : Kontra Intelijen Aksi Spionase Siber Terhadap Anggota Democratic National Committee Menjelang Pemilihan Presiden AS Tahun 2016
xiv, 131 halaman, 19 buku, 14 jurnal, 6 perundang-undangan, 56 website
Penelitian ini adalah studi kasus mengenai peristiwa spionase siber kepada anggota Democratic National Committee DNC menjelang pilpres AS tahun 2016, yang mengakibatkan kebocoran email Hillary Clinton yang dirilis oleh WikiLeaks. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas intelijen telah berkembang ke ranah siber dan dapat menganggu ketahanan nasional, sehingga perlu dilakukan kontra intelijen sebagai upaya untuk menjaga keamanan siber. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dan studi literatur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1 level ancaman dari aktivitas spionase siber kepada DNC, 2 metode kontra intelijen terhadap ancaman tersebut, dan 3 strategi Indonesia untuk menghadapi ancaman siber. Teori yang digunakan adalah Teori Kontra Intelijen dan Teori Ancaman, serta analisis SWOT. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah 1 analisis ancaman spionase siber menunjukkan bahwa pelaku adalah sebuah ancaman dengan level tinggi sehingga membahayakan kepentingan negara dan dapat mempengaruhi ketahanan nasional, 2 kontra intelijen siber dilakukan melalui dua metode yaitu, kontra intelijen defensif yang bertujuan untuk memblokir dan mendeteksi terhadap aktivitas akses lawan dan kontra intelijen ofensif bertujuan untuk mengumpulkan informasi, memanipulasi, mengontrol, dan menggagalkan aksi lawan, 3 strategi Indonesia untuk menghadapi ancaman siber adalah dengan melakukan penguatan baik pada segi regulasi, teknik, organisasi, kemampuan, dan kerjasama.Kata kunci : kontra Intelijen; democratic national committee; spionase siber; email; hillary clinton; wikileaks.

Name Basuki Erwin Setiyadi
Study Program National Ressilience Studies
Specificity Intelligence Strategic Studies
Title Counterintelligence Against Cyber Espionage Conducted Against Member of Democratic National Committee Towards US Presidential Election of 2016
xiv, 131 pages, 19 books, 14 journals, 6 legislations, 56 website
This research is a case study of cyber espionage conducted against the member of Democratic National Committee DNC towards the 2016 US presidential election, caused Hillary Clinton 39 s email leaked and published by WikiLeaks. It indicates the intelligence activities have entered into cyberspace and can disrupt the national ressilience, so it is necessary to do counterintelligence as an effort to maintain the cyber security. This research uses qualitative approach, data collected from interviews and literature study. The purposes of this research are 1 to determine the threat level of cyber espionage conducted against DNC, 2 counterintelligence methods against the threat, 3 and Indonesian Government Strategy against cyber threat. This research use counterintelligence theory, threat analysis theory, and SWOT analysis. The results of this research are 1 the threats analysis of cyber espionage indicating the threat agent has high level threat, it could harms the national interest and affect the national ressilience, 2 cyber counterintelligence are conducted by two ways i.e., defensive counterintelligence to block and detect enemy 39 s access activity, and offensive counterintelligence to collect informations, manipulate, control, and thwart enemy rsquo s action, 3 Indonesian Government Strategies against cyber threat are strengthening legal measure, technical measure, organizational measure, capacity building, and cooperation.Keyword counterintelligence democratic national committee cyber espionage email hillary clinton wikileaks.
Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dody Nur Andriyan
One of the agendas and results of the I until IV Amendment to the 1945 Constitution is to strengthen the Presidential system. Strengthening the presidential system synergized with reforming the party and election system must be carried out in order to achieve the objectives of governance and institutions in the framework of Indonesia 2045. The 2019 elections are simultaneously legislative and presidential elections as stipulated in Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections. The purpose of this article, the first simultaneous election should be legislative, presidential and regional head elections simultaneously. Secondly, there are 4 objectives 1. Effectiveness and efficiency, 2. Righteous democracy, 3. creating a solid and effective government, 4. period that is more organized. Using the optics of constitutional law studies, and socio legal, strengthened and enriched historical studies of presidential, party and election systems in Indonesia and comparisons with the United States, Brazil, Argentina. There are seven recommended strategies offered in the article 1. Synergizing the Presidential Election, Legislative Elections and Regional Head Elections simultaneously in 2029, 2. Preparing the Draft Law for Regional Head Election Courts, 3. Making a blueprint of the Presidential Institution Bill, 4. Simplify party systems with an electoral threshold, 5. Simplify the number of parties in parliament with parliamentary threshold, 6. Implement a threshold presidential order to create balance in a multi party presidential system, 7. Make changes to the Election Law and Evaluate the Proposal Election system with the Sainte Lague calculation method."
Jakarta: Kementerian PPN/Bappenas, 2019
330 BAP 2:1 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizal Librek Saukoly
Di awal tahapan Pilpres 2019, muncullah satu gerakan yang bertagar #2019gantipresiden. Gerakan ini merupakan respon dari dukungan kepada Jokowi untuk Dua Periode. Kedua gerakan ini dimainkan hingga sampai ke dunia maya dengan adanya sosial media. Gerakan ini menghasilkan hate spin (pelintiran kebencian) yang marak menjelang Pilpres 2019. Hate speech yang dimainkan sehingga menimbulkan hate spin pada masa kampanye bertujuan menciptakan gerakan untuk menolak kandidat paslon tertentu dan meruntuhkan demokrasi yang sudah ada. Selama ini Polri sudah melakukan penanggulangan hate speech (ujaran kebencian), namun dengan berkembangnya geopolitik Indonesia, hate spin menjadi tantangan baru yang dihadapi oleh Polri.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis konten untuk menganalisa hate speech dan hate spin yang terjadi di Twitter menjelang Pilpres 2019. Metode deskriptif analisis digunakan untuk menganalisa pola penanggulangan Polri terhadap hate spin dengan menggunakan pendekatan Sun Tzu. Konten hate spin di Twitter memiliki ciri antara lain yaitu berupa hashtag yang bermakna negatif (menghina, menyinggung, menghasut). Jika melihat dari data penyebaran hate spin selama masa kampanye hingga mendekati Pilpres 2019 yaitu dari tanggal 15 Februari hingga 15 April 2019, hate spin yang tersebar di media sosial Twitter terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu yang menyerang kandidat paslon 01 dan juga kandidat paslon 02. Terdapat 36 (tiga puluh enam) hate spin yang menyerang kandidat paslon 01 dan 12 (dua belas) hate spin yang menyerang kandidat paslon 02. Pola hate spin yang menjadi trending topic di Twitter selama masa kampanye muncul karena adanya kejadian di dunia nyata yang menjadi trigger kemunculan hate spin. Strategi Polri dalam upaya menanggulangi hate spin dengan menggunakan 5 (lima) dari 36 (tiga puluh enam) pedekatan strategi Sun Tzu. Hambatan yang ditemui Polri dalam penanggulangan hate spin menjelang Pilpres 2019 antara lain jumlah penyebaran hate spin semakin meningkat, jumlah personil Polri yang masih sedikit serta adanya diskresi kepolisian menyebabkan penyebar hate speech yang menjadi awal penyebaran hate spin tidak dapat langsung di tangkap.

At the beginning of the stages of the 2019 Presidential Election, a movement that was #2019gantipresiden emerged. This movement was a response from support for Jokowi for the Two Periods. Both of these movements were played to reach the virtual world with social media. This movement produces hate spin which is rife ahead of the 2019 Presidential Election. Hate speech which is played to cause hate spin during the campaign period aims to create a movement to reject certain candidate candidates and undermine existing democracies. So far, the National Police has tackled hate speech, but with the development of Indonesian geopolitics, hate spin has become a new challenge faced by the National Police.
This study uses content analysis methods to analyze hate speech and hate spin that occur on Twitter ahead of the 2019 Presidential Election. Descriptive analysis method is used to analyze the pattern of police response to hate spin using the Sun Tzu approach. Hate spin content on Twitter has the characteristics, among others, in the form of hashtags that are negative (insulting, offensive, inciting). If you look at hate spin dissemination data during the campaign period to approach the 2019 Presidential Election, which is from February 15 to April 15 2019, hate spin spread on Twitter social media is divided into two, namely those attacking candidate candidate 01 and candidate candidate candidate 02. There are 36 ( thirty six) hate spins that attack candidate candidate 01 and 12 (twelve) hate spins attack candidate candidate pair 02. The pattern of hate spin which is a trending topic on Twitter during the campaign period arises due to real-world events that trigger the emergence of hate spin . The strategy of the National Police in an effort to combat hate spin by using 5 (five) of 36 (thirty six) approaches to Sun Tzu's strategy. The obstacles encountered by the National Police in overcoming hate spin ahead of the 2019 Presidential Election include the increasing number of spreads of hate spin, the relatively small number of Indonesian National Police personnel and the existence of police discretion that can cause the spread of hate spin to be captured immediately."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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