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Alicia Lourdes Joaqin
"Kajian literatur ini membahas mengenai dukungan sosial komunitas terhadap kesehatan jiwa lansia di Indonesia. Kajian literatur ini ditulis dengan bentuk critical review, yakni penulis mengulas kelebihan serta kekurangan yang dimiliki masing-masing penelitian berlandaskan kaidah-kaidah penulisan ilmiah sembari mengulas hasil temuan lapangan  penelitian terkait dalam menjawab pertanyaan penulisan. Adapun tiga penelitian empirik sebelumnya yang menjadi acuan dalam penulisan kajian literatur ini, yakni penelitian milik Khuzaimah et al. (2021), Yunita et al. (2018), dan Zulfahmi et al. (2020). Hasil pengkajian literatur dalam penulisan ini menunjukkan bahwa kesehatan jiwa lansia merupakan suatu fenomena yang kompleks. Terlebih lansia merupakan individu yang mengalami banyak perubahan, meliputi aspek biologis, psikologis, dan sosial yang ekstrem. Salah satu cara efektif dan efisien dalam menghambat permasalahan kesehatan jiwa ini dan/atau meningkatkan taraf kesehatan jiwa ialah dengan memberikan dukungan sosial melalui komunitas sebagai lingkungan terdekat pada kehidupan keseharian lansia. Kesimpulan pengkajian hasil penelitian terakit ialah dukungan sosial yang dapat diupayakan komunitas meliputi Dukungan Psikologis (Self-esteem support), Dukungan Keberfungsian Sosial (Appraisal Support), Dukungan Jaringan Sosial (Belonging Support), dan Dukungan Pemberdayaan dan Perawatan biologis/fisik (Tangible Support) dengan mengkoordinir program dan/atau kegiatan sosial khusus lansia meliputi program promotif (pencerdasan dasar), preventif (pencegahan dini), kuratif (pendeteksian dan penanganan dini), dan rehabilitatif (pemulihan).

This literature review discusses community social support for the mental health of the elderly in Indonesia. This literature review is written in the form of a critical review, in which the author reviews the advantages and disadvantages of each research based on the principles of scientific writing while reviews the findings of related research fields in answering writing questions. There are three previous empirical studies that serve as references in writing this literature review, namely the research of Khuzaimah et al. (2021), Yunita et al. (2018), dan Zulfahmi et al. (2020). The results of the literature review of this paper indicate that the mental health of the elderly is a complex phenomenon. Moreover, the elderly are individuals who experience many changes, including extreme biological, psychological, and social aspects. One of the effective and efficient ways to prevent these mental health problems and/or improve mental health levels is to provide social support through the community as the closest environment in the daily life of the elderly. The conclusion of this literature review of related research is that social support that can be sought by the community includes Psychological Support (Self-esteem support), Social Functional Support (Appraisal Support), Social Network Support (Belonging Support), and Biological/physical Empowerment and Treatment Support (Tangible Support) by coordinating special social progream for the elderly including promotive (basic intelligence), preventive (early prevention), curative (early detection and treatment) and rehabilitative (recovery) programs."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mia Tri Fitriani
"[Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pengaruh dari dukungan sosial melalui kelompok dukungan terhadap kesehatan mental pengungsi dan pencari suaka yang bertempat tinggal di akomodasi komunitas. Pendekatan kesehatan mental secara menyeluruh (complete mental health) digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu sebuah kondisi yang tidak sekedar bebas dari penyakit namun juga melibatkan hadirnya kondisi kesehatan mental positif Kelompok dukungan menggunakan disain quasi eksperimen berupa one group pre-test and post-test design dilakukan dalam tiga sesi dan diikuti oleh sembilan orang pengungsi dan pencari suaka perempuan dari Afghanistan, Iran, Palestina dan Sri Lanka yang bertempat tinggal di akomodasi komunitas Tangerang Selatan. Terdapat peningkatan kondisi kesehatan mental pada pengungsi dan pencari suaka setelah mengikuti kelompok dukungan, yang ditandai dengan penurunan nilai rata-rata gejala penyakit mental dan kenaikan nilai rata-rata kondisi kesehatan mental positif, namun perubahan yang dihasilkan pada intervensi ini tidak signifikan secara statistik;The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of social support through group support on mental health of refugees and asylum seekers. The complete mental health approach was used in this study, which is a condition that is not merely the absence of mental illness but also involving the presence of positive mental health. A support group using one group pre-test and post-test quasi experimental design was carried out in three sessions and participated by nine refugee and asylum seeker women from Afghanistan, Iran, Palestine and Sri Lanka living at community accommodation in South Tangerang. The mental health of refugees and asylum seekers improved after participating the support group which was marked by the decrease in mean score of mental illness symptoms and the increase in mean score of positive mental health, however the improvement of mental health resulted from this intervention was not
statistically significant., The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of social support through group
support on mental health of refugees and asylum seekers. The complete mental health
approach was used in this study, which is a condition that is not merely the absence
of mental illness but also involving the presence of positive mental health. A support
group using one group pre-test and post-test quasi experimental design was carried
out in three sessions and participated by nine refugee and asylum seeker women from
Afghanistan, Iran, Palestine and Sri Lanka living at community accommodation in
South Tangerang. The mental health of refugees and asylum seekers improved after
participating the support group which was marked by the decrease in mean score of
mental illness symptoms and the increase in mean score of positive mental health,
however the improvement of mental health resulted from this intervention was not
statistically significant.]"
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rike Triana
"Gangguan jiwa mulai terjadi pada usia 10-29 tahun sebanyak 10-20%. Faktor protektif untuk mencegah terjadinya gangguan jiwa pada remaja adalah harga diri (self-esteem), hubungan keluarga dan dukungan sosial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan faktor protektif: self-esteem, hubungan keluarga dan dukungan sosial dengan kesehatan jiwa remaja. Desain penelitian menggunakan deskriptif korelatif dengan teknik purposive sampling dan jumlah responden sebanyak 452 orang. Data diambil menggunakan lima kuesioner yaitu data demografi, Rossenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Index Family Relation, Child and Adolescent Sosial Support Scale, Mental Health Continuum Short Form.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan mayoritas remaja SMP memiliki kesehatan jiwa tingkat sedang (moderate). Faktor protektif yang dimiliki remaja diantaranya harga diri tingkat sedang, hubungan baik dalam keluarga serta memperoleh dukungan sosial yang tinggi dari orang tua, guru, teman sekelas dan teman dekat. Remaja kurang mendapatkan dukungan sosial dari sekolah. Faktor protektif: self-esteem, hubungan keluarga dan dukungan sosial (orang tua, guru, teman sekelas, teman dekat dan sekolah) memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan kesehatan jiwa remaja. Penelitian ini diharapkan menjadi dasar dalam pengembangan program promosi kesehatan jiwa remaja dengan meningkatkan faktor protektif: harga diri, hubungan keluarga dan dukungan sosial.

Mental disorders begin to occur at the age of 10-29 years about 10-20 %. Protective factors to prevent mental disorders in adolescents were self-esteem, family relationships and social support. This study aims to determine the relationship of protective factors: self-esteem, family relationships and social support to adolescent mental health. The desain study was descriptive correlative and sample using purposive sampling technique with 452 people. Data were collected by five questionnaires: demographic data, Rossenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Family Relation Index, Child and Adolescent Social Support Scale, Mental Health Continuum Short Form.
The results showed that the majority of junior high school adolescents have moderate mental health. Protective factors of adolescents include moderate self-esteem, good relationships in the family and high social support from parents, teachers, classmates and close friends. Adolescents got less social support from school. Protective factors: self-esteem, family relationships and social support (parents, teachers, classmates, close friends and school) have a meaningful relationship with adolescent mental health. This research is expected for basic the development of youth mental health promotion program by increasing the protective factors: self esteem, family relationship and social support.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Umi Rachmawati Wasil Sardjan
"Isolasi sosial adalah salah satu diagnosis keperawatan yang ditemukan pada klien skizofrenia. Tujuan karya ilmiah adalah diketahuinya hasil asuhan keperawatan berupa Terapi Aktivitas Kelompok Sosialisasi (TAKS), Social Skill Training (SST) dan Family Psychoeducation (FPE) serta peran kader kesehatan jiwa merawat klien isolasi sosial melalui pendekatan Community as Partner Model. Pemberian Terapi Aktivitas Kelompok Sosialisasi (TAKS), tindakan keperawatan spesialis Social Skill Training (SST) bagi klien, dukungan sosial keluarga melalui Family Psychoeducation (FPE), serta kegiatan kader kesehatan jiwa dengan cara home visite pada 4 klien isolasi sosial dengan skizofrenia. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan penurunan tanda dan gejala disertai peningkatan kemampuan sosialisasi klien. Direkomendasikan penelitian mengenai asuhan keperawatan klien isolasi sosial disertai pemberdayaan kader kesehatan jiwa dengan responden yang lebih banyak.

Social isolation is one of nursing diagnosis that found on the client's nursing schizophrenia. The aims of this paper were known outcomes of nursing care such as Socialization Therapeutic Group Activities (TAKS), Social Skill Training (SST) and Family psychoeducation (FPE) and roles of mental health workers care for social isolation clients by Community as Partner Model approach. Socialization Therapeutic Group Activities (TAKS), Social Skill Training (SST), family social support by the Family psychoeducation (FPE), as well as the activities of mental health workers to visite the 4th of social isolation clients with schizophrenia. The results showed a decrease in signs and symptoms of clients with increased social skills. Was recommend research on nursing care with empowering mental health workers care for social isolation clients with more respondents.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizka Amalia Putri
Skripsi ini membahas hubungan dukungan sosial keluarga, teman, dan petugas kesehatan jiwa dengan beban keluarga penderita gangguan jiwa. Responden dari penlitian ini adalah keluarga yang memiliki dan merawat anggota keluarga dengan gangguan jiwa seperti skizofrenia, bipolar, dan deperesi berat. Dukungan sosial merupakan sistem dukungan yang penting dimiliki oleh keluarga penderita gangguan jiwa, untuk mencegah beban keluarga yang dapat menyebabkan tekanan emosional. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan accidental sampling. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan adanya korelasi negatif antara dukungan sosial keluarga, teman dan petugas kesehatan terhadap beban keluarga penderita gangguan jiwa. Hasil negatif tersebut menunjukan bahwa semakin rendah dukungan sosial keluarga, teman, dan petugas kesehatan jiwa yang dimiliki maka semakin berat beban keluarga yang dirasakan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Dharmawangsa dengan sampel 100 orang responden.

This undergraduate thesis discusses correlation of social support from family, friend, and mental health professional with family burden of mental ilness patient. Subject of this undergraduate thesis is the family living with family member diagnosed with mental illness such as schizophrenia, bipolar, severe depression, and personality disorder. Social support is a support system that family who lives with family member with mental illness needed as protector from stress that is caused by taking care of family member with mental illness. This research use quantitative approach with descripitive research type. Accidental sampling was used as a sampling methode for this research The result of this research show low social support received from family and friends, high social support receives from mental health professional. This research also show low level of family burden. Negative correlates was found in this research. This research has taken place in Dharmawangsa Mental Hospital with 100 responden."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Avicenia Andita Putri
"Populasi remaja rentan mengalami masalah kesehatan mental (Gadagnoto dkk., 2022) dan ditemukan adanya kenaikan prevalensi gangguan kesehatan mental pada populasi usia remaja di Indonesia (Riskesdas, 2018). Riset menunjukkan bahwa intensi yang dimiliki untuk mencari bantuan kepada tenaga profesional masih rendah (Moen dkk., 2018; Barus, 2022). Salah satu faktor protektif remaja terhadap masalah kesehatan mental adalah dukungan sosial dan persepsi mereka terhadap ketersediaan sumber dukungan tersebut dari lingkungan sekitarnya dinilai penting. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat hubungan antara persepsi dukungan sosial dan intensi mencari bantuan kesehatan mental profesional pada remaja SMA/sederajat di Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian korelasional. Pengukuran persepsi dukungan sosial menggunakan Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) dan intensi mencari bantuan kesehatan mental profesional menggunakan Mental Help-Seeking Intention Scale (MHSIS) dilakukan kepada 144 partisipan remaja SMA/sederajat di Kota Bandung. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara persepsi dukungan sosial dan intensi mencari bantuan kesehatan mental profesional (r = 0,410, p < 0,01).

The adolescent population is prone to experiencing mental health problems (Gadagnoto et al., 2022) and an increase in the prevalence of mental health disorders has been found in the adolescent population in Indonesia (Riskesdas, 2018). Research shows that the intention to seek help from professionals is still low (Moen et al., 2018; Barus, 2022). One of the protective factors for adolescents against mental health problems is social support and their perception of the availability of this source of support from the surrounding environment is considered essential. This research examined the relationship between perceived social support and mental health professional help-seeking intention among high school adolescents in Indonesia. The research method used is a quantitative method with a correlational research design. Measuring perceived social support using the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) and mental health professional help-seeking intention using the Mental Help Seeking Intention Scale (MHSIS) was conducted on 144 high school adolescent participants in Bandung. The study found a positive and significant relationship between perceived social support and mental health professional help-seeking intention (r = 0.410, p < 0.01)."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elvira Dewina
"Kesepian merupakan salah satu gangguan psikososial yang disebabkan oleh isolasi sosial dan emosional. Pandemi COVID-19 memberikan dampak berupa isolasi sosial akibat dari pembatasan sosial. Lansia termasuk dalam kelompok rentan terdampak COVID-19. Selama masa pandemi COVID-19 lansia mengalami pembatasan interaksi sosial sehingga berdampak mengalami kesepian. Kesepian dapat diatasi oleh beberapa faktor diantaranya dengan dukungan sosial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan antara kesepian dengan dukungan sosial pada lansia di Pelayanan Kesehatan Sosial di Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan desain cross-sectional. Jumlah responden penelitian ini sebanyak 95 lansia (> 60 tahun), dikumpulan dengan teknik purposive sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah The University of California Los Angeles Loneliness Scale version 3 dan Social Support Quistionaire. Hasil penelitian didapatkan nilai p value 0,000 (p<0,05). Sehingga, dapat disimpulkan terdapat hubungan antara kesepian dengan dukungan sosial pada lansia. Dukungan sosial dapat dtingkatkan selama masa transisi dan atau sudah mulai selesainya PPKM untuk mnegurangi risiko kesepian pada lansia.

Loneliness is one of the psychosocial disorders caused by social and emotional isolation. The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact in the form of social isolation due to social distancing. The elderly are among the vulnerable groups affected by COVID-19. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the elderly experienced restrictions on social interactions, which resulted in experiencing loneliness. Loneliness can be overcome by several factors including social support. This study aims to identify the relationship between loneliness and social support in the elderly at the Social Health Service in Jakarta. This study uses quantitative methods with cross-sectional design. The number of respondents to this study was 95 elderly (> 60 years), collected using purposive sampling techniques. The instruments used are The University of California Los Angeles Loneliness Scale version 3 and Social Support Quistionaire. The results of the study obtained a p value of 0.000 (p<0.05). Thus, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between loneliness and social support in the elderly. Social support can be increased during the transition period and or the completion of PPKM to reduce the risk of loneliness in the elderly."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deviana Putri Sadikin
"Latar belakang: Petugas kesehatan terdampak kesejahteraannya akibat pandemi COVID-19, padahal tuntutan pekerjaan meningkat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kebutuhan dukungan kesehatan jiwa dan psikososial (DKJPS) petugas kesehatan pada gelombang kedua pandemi COVID-19 di Indonesia.
Metode: Penelitian deskriptif menggunakan data sekunder dari Survei Kebutuhan DKJPS Petugas Kesehatan di Indonesia pada Gelombang Kedua Pandemi COVID-19. Survei dilakukan tahun 2021, menargetkan petugas kesehatan di berbagai tingkatan pelayanan kesehatan untuk berpartisipasi secara sukarela. Data yang lengkap dianalisis untuk melihat proporsi karakteristik responden serta kebutuhan DKJPS-nya.
Hasil: Terdapat 577 responden yang dianalisis. Median usia responden 36 tahun (18-78 tahun), lama kerja 10 tahun (0-40 tahun), mayoritas perempuan, perawat, pendidikan terakhir D3/setara, bekerja di fasilitas kesehatan rujukan tingkat lanjut di Pulau Jawa, berdomisili di non ibu kota propinsi. Kebutuhan tertinggi adalah kejelasan etik dalam manajemen wabah yaitu perlindungan untuk petugas di fasilitas kesehatan (89,1%); informasi dan edukasi terkait standar manajemen kasus dan terduga COVID-19 serta transparansi dan penyediaan informasi yang spesifik (87,3%); pemeriksaan kesehatan bagi keluarga petugas (83,4%); menyampaikan keluhan pada profesional kesehatan (81,1%); dan layanan kesehatan jiwa berupa konseling (52,5%).
Kesimpulan: Kebutuhan petugas berupa kejelasan etik, informasi standar baru dalam bertugas, pemeriksaan dan akses ke layanan kesehatan. Konseling juga dibutuhkan oleh petugas selama masa pandemi.

Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has an impact on the mental health and psychosocial of health workers. These problems can cause the performance of health services to decline if not handled properly. Therefore, an assessment of the need for mental health and psychosocial support (MHPS) is needed, especially for health workers in the second wave of the pandemic in Indonesia.
Methods: A cross-sectional design study from a survey conducted from July 2021 to May 2022. 577 selected subjects were discussed for their demographic description and MHPS needs.
Results: The demographic characteristics were the median age of 36 years and 10 years of work, women, nurses, D3/equivalent, working on the island Java, non-provincial capital, Third Level Health Service Facility. The highest needs for ethical clarity in outbreak management are protection (89.1%); information and education related to standard management of cases and suspected COVID-19 as well as transparency and provision of specific information (87.3%); health checks for family (83.4%); submit complaints to health professionals (81.1%); mental health services of counseling (52.5%).
Conclusion: Health workers in the second wave of the pandemic still have a high need for MHPS. However, the need for mental health services is much lower than other aspects of needs.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amilia Wahyuni
"Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menguji kembali hubungan dan pengaruh antara stigma sosial terhadap kesehatan mental petugas kesehatan yang ada di indonesia. Pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini dilakukan dnegan metode survey, diperoleh responden sejumlah 284 petugas kesehatan yang tersebar di berbagai kawasan indonesia. Pengolahan data menggunakan SEM program lisrel 8.70 yang menunjukkan hasil bahwa stigma sosial memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap kesehatan mental petugas kesehatan. Dalam penelitian ini juga menggunakan job demand sebagai variabel moderasi, terbukti tidak memoderasi hubungan antara stigma sosial dengan kesehatan mental petugas kesehatan. Selain itu, self-efficacy juga terbukti memiliki pengaruh negatif terhadap mental health problem dan stigma sosial yang dialami oleh petugas kesehatan indonesia.

This study was conducted with the aim of re-examining the relationship and influence between social stigma on the mental health problem of health workers in Indonesia. Data collection in this study was carried out using a survey method, obtained by respondents a total of 284 health workers spread across various regions of Indonesia. Data processing using SEM program lisrel 8.70 which shows the results that social stigma has a positive influence on the mental health problem of health workers. This study also uses job demand as a moderating variable, it is proven not to moderate the relationship between social stigma and mental health problem of health workers. In addition, self-efficacy has also been shown to have a negative effect on mental health problem and social stigma experienced by Indonesian health workers."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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