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Alif Salsabila Katya
"Kehadiran pandemi Covid-19 secara tidak langsung telah membawa dampak bagi sektor UMKM di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Tidak terkecuali di Provinsi DKI Jakarta sebagai pusat perekonomian Indonesia, dimana dengan adanya kebijakan pembatasan ruang gerak masyarakat mendorong perubahan pada pola perilaku masyarakat dalam melakukan aktivitas sosial-ekonomi. Akibat dari hal tersebut banyak sektor UMKM yang mengalami penutupan usaha karena tidak mampu mentransformasikan usaha mereka ke dalam ekosistem digital. Kolaborasi lintas sektor menjadi salah satu upaya dari Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta melalui program JakPreneur dalam menangani urgensi untuk mendigitalisasikan UMKM. Adapun penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis proses kolaboratif dan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi collaborative governance itu sendiri dengan menggunakan konsep collaborative governance yang dikemukakan oleh Ansell & Gash (2008). Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan post-positivist dengan metode wawancara mendalam sebagai sumber data primer dan studi kepustakaan sebagai sumber data sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kolaborasi yang terjalin pada program JakPreneur untuk mendigitalisasikan UMKM telah memenuhi semua dimensi dari teori yang dikemukakan oleh Ansell & Gash (2008). Dalam hal ini, program JakPreneur tidak hanya memfasilitasi proses digitalisasi UMKM, melainkan turut membina pelaku UMKM untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah dari usaha mereka. Namun demikian, terdapat temuan peneliti yang menjadi hambatan, seperti adanya potensi miskomunikasi, sosialisasi program belum optimal, hingga tingkat penyerapan informasi dari pelaku UMKM yang tergolong rendah.

The presence of the Covid-19 pandemic has indirectly had an impact on the MSME sector throughout Indonesia. The DKI Jakarta Province is no exception, as the center of the Indonesian economy, where the policy of restricting people's movement space encourages changes in people's behavior patterns in carrying out socio-economic activities. As a result of this, many MSME sectors experienced business closures because they were unable to transform their businesses into a digital ecosystem. Cross-sector collaboration is one of the efforts of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government through the JakPreneur program in dealing with the urgency to digitize MSMEs. This study aims to analyze the collaborative process and the factors that influence collaborative governance itself by using the concept collaborative governance proposed by Ansell & Gash (2008). This study used post-positivist approach with in-depth interviews as the primary data source and literature study as a secondary data source. The results showed that the collaboration that exists in the JakPreneur program to digitize MSMEs has fulfilled all the dimensions of the theory proposed by Ansell & Gash (2008). In this case, the JakPreneur program not only facilitates the process of digitizing MSMEs, but also helps develop MSME actors to increase the added value of their businesses. However, there are research findings that become obstacles, such as the potential for miscommunication, program socialization is not optimal, also the level of absorption of information from MSME actors is relatively low."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai praktek collaborative innovation pada penanggulangan kemiskinan di Kota Bandung. Pemerintah telah melaksanakan banyak program top-down dalam penanggulangan kemiskinan, tetapi target angka kemiskinan pada RPJMN 2015-2019 tidak tercapai di setiap tahunnya. Kota Bandung melakukan pendekatan berbeda dalam percepatan penanggulangan kemiskinan melalui inovasi family for family secara bottom-up di mana berbagai pihak non pemerintah terlibat dalam pendanaan, penyediaan sumber daya dan pelaksanaan program. Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan collaborative innovation pada penanggulangan kemiskinan di kota Bandung. Basis teori yang digunakan adalah collaborative innovation dari Sørensen dan Torfing (2010; 2016; 2017). Peneliti menggunakan pendekatan postpositivism. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat aktor-aktor yang berperan, interactive arenas, dan metagovernance dalam collaborative innovation pada penanggulangan kemiskinan di Kota Bandung. Akan tetapi, terdapat perbedaan antara collaborative innovation yang diterapkan dalam program inovasi penanggulangan kemiskinan tersebut dengan model collaborative innovation yang dikemukakan oleh Sørensen dan Torfing. Terakhir, penulis memberikan rekomendasi yang relevan dengan hasil penelitian ini.

This thesis discusses the practice of collaborative innovation in poverty reduction in Bandung city. The government has implemented many top-down programs for reducing poverty, but the poverty reduction target in 2015-2019 RPJMN is not achieved every year. Bandung city uses different approach in accelerating poverty reduction through a bottom-up way by Family for Family innovation in which various non-government actors are involved in funding, provisioning resources and implementating innovation. This thesis aims to explain collaborative innovation approach in poverty reduction in Bandung city. The base theory which is used in this research is collaborative innovation by Sørensen and Torfing (2010; 2016; 2017). Researchers uses postpositivism approach. The results show that there are actors who play a role, interactive arenas, and metagovernance in collaborative innovation in poverty reduction in Bandung city. However, there are differences between the collaborative innovation applied in poverty reduction innovation program in Bandung city and the collaborative innovation model proposed by Sørensen and Torfing. Finally, the authors provide recommendations that are relevant to the results of this thesis."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizki Dwi Utari
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai praktik kolaborasi dalam Program 1.000 Kios untuk UMKM di Kota Depok, Provinsi Jawa Barat melalui model collaborative governance. UMKM di Kota Depok memiliki potensi yang besar untuk mendukung perkembangan Kota Depok itu sendiri. Pasalnya, pada tahun 2017, UMKM di Kota Depok dapat menyumbang sebesar 60% dari total PDRB yang dihasilkan Kota Depok. Meskipun demikian, permasalahan tak lantas menghindar dari sektor UMKM di Kota Depok. Saat ini, pemerintah sangat menyoroti permasalahan UMKM di bidang pemasaran. Oleh karenanya, melalui program Depok Sahabat UMKM, pemerintah Kota Depok menyelenggarakan Program 1.000 Kios untuk UMKM yang bertujuan untuk mendukung pelaku UMKM dalam bidang sarana dan prasarana serta pemasaran. Program ini ditekankan pada pelaksanaan kolaborasi dengan pihak non pemerintah. Di mana, untuk pemenuhan target kios di tahun 2017 hingga awal tahun 2018, pemerintah Kota Depok bekerjasama dengan 10 toko modern di Kota Depok. Dengan pelaksanaan program tersebut, terlihat adanya praktik collaborative governance, di mana konsep tersebut merupakan suatu tata kelola pemerintahan kolaboratif yang melibatkan pihak non publik dalam mengelola ataupun memecahkan suatu permasalahan publik dengan cara-cara khusus (Ansell dan Gash, 2008). Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis bagaimana implementasi Program 1.000 Kios untuk UMKM melalui pendekatan Collaborative Governance. Penelitian ini menggunaan pendekatan post-positivist dengan desain deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat proses collaborative governance dalam Program 1.000 Kios untuk UMKM. Namun, terdapat perbedaan antara praktik kolaborasi pada Program 1.000 Kios untuk UMKM dengan model collaborative governance yang dikemukakan oleh Ansell dan Gash (2008).

This thesis discusses the implementation of 1,000 Stalls for MSMEs Programme in Depok City, West Java Province through collaborative governance approach. MSMEs in Depok City have enormous potentials for supporting the development of the city. This is based on the fact that back in 2017, MSMEs in Depok City successfully made a contribution of 60 percent to the total GRDP of Depok City. Despite that, problems did not necessarily stand aside from this city’s MSME sector. At the present time, the government pays a considerable attention to the problems faced by MSMEs in the marketing sector. In West Java, the MSMEs in Depok City are falling behind those in other regions in terms of popularity. Thus, through the Depok Befriends MSMEs (Depok Sahabat UMKM) Programme, the Government of Depok City launched the 1,000 Stalls for MSMEs (1.000 Kios untuk UMKM) Programme, aimed at supporting MSMEs in facilities and infrastructure provision. This programme emphasizes collaboration with non-governmental stakeholders. To meet the number of stalls targeted for the period 2017–early 2018, the Government of Depok City cooperated with 10 modern stores in Depok City. The practice of collaborative governance is showing in the implementation of the 1,000 Stalls for MSMEs Programme, where non-governmental parties are engaged in managing or solving public issues in particular fashion (Ansell and Gash, 2008). The aim of this research is to analyse the collaborative practice in the 1,000 Stalls for MSMEs Programme viewed from the collaborative governance concept. This research used post-positivist approach and descriptive design. Research results show the presence of collaborative governance process in the 1,000 Stalls of MSMEs Programme in accordance with the model proposed by Ansell and Gash (2008)."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Malikus Sumadyo
"Pembelajaran daring menjadi alternatif pembelajaran karena untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pendidikan yang terkendala oleh jarak maupun alasan efisiensi waktu. Selain itu pembelajaran kolaboratif semakin banyak dikembangkan sejak munculnya paradigma pembelajaran konstruktivisme. Teori konstruktivisme menyatakan bahwa pengalaman belajar dan interpretasi pengetahuan yang didapat sebelumnya menjadi konstruksi pengetahuan mendalam. Teori konstruksivisme sosial menyatakan bahwa pembelajaran terjadi melalui interaksi sosial yang kemudian diinternalisasi. Berdasarkan teori dan bentuk pembelajaran tersebut, pembelajaran kolaboratif daring menjadi alternatif model pembelajaran yang terus dikembangkan dengan menumbuhkan kesadaran metakognitif. Secara empirik pembelajaran dengan memanfaatkan aspek metakognitif telah banyak dilakukan di Indonesia, bahkan kurikulum nasional pun menjadikan metakognisi menjadi salah satu tujuan pembelajaran. Kemampuan metakognitif peserta didik biasanya dinilai pada saat proses pembelajaran menggunakan think aloud atau setelah pembelajaran dengan menggunakan wawancara maupun kuesioner. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengestimasi kemampuan metakognitif dengan menilai aktivitasnya menggunakan persepsi help-seeking sebelum proses pembelajaran. Kegiatan yang bersifat estimasi membutuhkan model. Model metakognitif ini berfungsi untuk mengestimasi kemampuan metakognitif.
Kebutuhan help-seeking tidak hanya kebutuhan kognitif tetapi juga kebutuhan sosial untuk berkomunikasi dan berbagi dalam problem solving. Aktivitas help-seeking biasanya tergantung dari persepsi awalnya. Pertanyaannya adalah bagaimana persepsi help-seeking berkorelasi dengan aktivitas metakognitif. Kemudian jika peserta didik mendapatkan perlakuan tertentu dalam pembelajaran, apakah memungkinkan adanya peningkatan aktivitas help-seeking dan metakognitif serta hasil belajar. Sejauh mana perlakuan tambahan atau intervensi metakognitif terhadap proses pembelajaran akan meningkatkan efektivitas pembelajaran. Penelitian disertasi ini bertujuan untuk menjawab dan memberikan gambaran mengenai hubungan kedua faktor tersebut dengan membandingkan antara pra dan pasca intervensi sehingga gambaran tersebut dapat memprediksi aktivitas metakognitif dan frekuensi help-seeking berdasarkan persepsi help-seeking. Oleh sebab itu, model metakognitif dan help-seeking diperlukan untuk memenuhi tujuan tersebut.
Data tentang persepsi help-seeking diperoleh melalui kuesioner. Data tentang aktivitas metakognitif dan frekuensi help-seeking juga diperoleh melalui kuesioner setelah responden diberikan tugas problem solving. Adapun data hasil pembelajaran didapat dari nilai hasil pekerjaan problem solving. Kedua data yang diperoleh melalui kuesioner memberikan hasil yang sangat beragam, oleh karena itu dilakukan proses klasterisasi untuk mengetahui tipe kecenderungannya. Korelasi data persepsi help-seeking dengan aktivitas metakognitif dan frekuensi help-seeking dapat diketahui dengan cara menghubungkan kedua data tersebut pada setiap responden. Hal ini juga dilakukan pada pasca intervensi, sehingga perubahan signifikan setelah diberikan intervensi dapat diketahui.
Korelasi antara persepsi help-seeking dengan aktivitas metakognitif dan frekuensi help-seeking didapatkan dengan mengetahui hubungan masing-masing tipenya. Tipe persepsi help-seeking instrumental dan perceived benefit berkorelasi positif dengan aktivitas metakognitif individu maupun kelompok dan sebaliknya tipe persepsi help-seeking avoidance dan executive berkorelasi negatif. Dari semua tipe persepsi help-seeking hanya memberikan sedikit perubahan pada frekuensi non-human help-seeking dan tidak memberikan perubahan pada frekuensi human help-seeking. Namun setelah diberikan perlakuan intervensi, terjadi perubahan signifikan pada metakognitif individu dan kelompok maupun frekuensi non-human help-seeking tetapi tidak terjadi pada human help-seeking. Model matematis mengenai input berupa persepsi dan output berupa aktivitas metakognitif dan frekuensi help-seeking, dapat memberikan gambaran tentang korelasi persepsi help-seeking terhadap aktivitas metakognitif dan frekuensi help-seeking pada pra intervensi maupun pasca intervensi sehingga pemodelan tersebut dapat menjadi perangkat estimasi aktivitas metakognitif berdasarkan persepsi help-seeking.

Online learning is an alternative learning because it is to meet educational needs which are constrained by distance and time efficiency reasons. In addition, collaborative learning has been increasingly developed since the emergence of the constructivism learning paradigm. Constructivism theory states that learning experiences and interpretations of previously acquired knowledge become in-depth knowledge constructs. Social constructivism theory states that learning occurs through social interaction which is then internalized. Based on these theories and forms of learning, online collaborative learning is an alternative learning model that continues to be developed by cultivating metacognitive awareness. Empirically learning by utilizing metacognitive aspects has been widely carried out in Indonesia, even the national curriculum has made metacognition one of the learning objectives. Students' metacognitive abilities are usually assessed during the learning process using think aloud or after learning using interviews or questionnaires. This study aims to estimate metacognitive abilities by assessing their activities using help-seeking perceptions prior to the learning process. Estimating activities require a model. This metacognitive model serves to estimate metacognitive abilities.
Help-seeking needs are not only cognitive needs but also social needs to communicate and share in problem solving. Help-seeking activities usually depend on initial perception. The question is how the perception of help-seeking correlates with metacognitive activity. Then if students get certain treatment in learning, is it possible to increase help-seeking and metacognitive activities and learning outcomes. The extent to which additional treatment or metacognitive intervention in the learning process will increase the effectiveness of learning. This dissertation research aims to answer and provide an overview of the relationship between the two factors by comparing pre- and post-intervention so that this description can predict metacognitive activity and help-seeking frequency based on help-seeking perceptions. Therefore, metacognitive and help-seeking models are needed to fulfill these goals.
Data on help-seeking perceptions were obtained through a questionnaire. Data on metacognitive activity and frequency of help-seeking were also obtained through questionnaires after the respondents were given problem solving assignments. The learning outcome data is obtained from the value of problem solving work results. The two data obtained through questionnaires gave very diverse results, therefore a clustering process was carried out to find out the type of trend. The correlation between help-seeking perception data and metacognitive activity and help-seeking frequency can be identified by correlating the two data for each respondent. This was also done post-intervention, so that significant changes after the intervention were given can be identified.
The correlation between perceptions of help-seeking and metacognitive activity and frequency of help-seeking is obtained by knowing the relationship between each type. Types of perceptions of instrumental help-seeking and perceived benefits are positively correlated with individual and group metacognitive activities and conversely types of perceptions of help-seeking avoidance and executive are negatively correlated. Of all the types of help-seeking perception, it only gives a slight change in the non-human help-seeking frequency and does not give a change in the human help-seeking frequency. However, after being given the intervention treatment, significant changes in individual and group metacognitive as well as the frequency of non-human help-seeking did not occur in human help-seeking. The mathematical model regarding input in the form of perception and output in the form of metacognitive activity and help-seeking frequency, can provide an overview of the correlation of help-seeking perceptions of metacognitive activity and help-seeking frequency in pre-intervention and post-intervention so that the modeling can be an estimation tool for metacognitive activity based on help-seeking perception.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Salsabila Annisa Adkika Ichwan
"Pembinaan olahraga prestasi di DKI Jakarta dilakukan dengan menerapkan kolaborasi antara Dispora DKI Jakarta, KONI DKI Jakarta dan pihak swasta. Kolaborasi yang dilakukan antar lembaga tersebut mengindikasikan adanya penerapan collaborative governance. Peran yang dimiliki masing-masing lembaga tidak selalu menghasilkan kolaborasi yang baik, sebagai salah satu contoh pada tahun 2017 terdapat konflik antara Dispora DKI Jakarta dan KONI DKI Jakarta. Melihat permasalahan yang ada sebelumya, skripsi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pembinaan olahraga prestasi di DKI Jakarta dengan menggunakan pendekatan collaborative governance Ansell & Gash dan juga faktor yang mempengaruhi collaborative governance. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah post-positivist dengan tujuan deskriptif melalui teknik pengumpulan data wawancara mendalam dan studi literatur. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam pembinaan olahraga prestasi di DKI Jakarta terdapat penerapan collaborative governance sebagaimana pendekatan yang dikemukakan oleh Ansell & Gash, sebab terpenuhinya indikator-indikator dari setiap dimensi proses kolaboratif. Dari analisis faktor yang mempengaruhi diketahui bahwa desain kelembagaan dan kepemimpinan fasilitatif merupakan faktor yang juga mempengaruhi collaborative governance dalam pembinaan olahraga prestasi di DKI Jakarta.

Achievement-oriented Sports Coaching in DKI Jakarta is carried out by implementing collaboration between Dispora DKI Jakarta, KONI DKI Jakarta and the private sector. Collaboration between these institutions indicates the application of collaborative governance. The role of each institution does not always result in good collaboration, as one example in 2017 there was a conflict between Dispora DKI Jakarta and KONI DKI Jakarta. Looking at the previous problems,, this thesis aims to analyze Achievement-oriented Sports Coaching in DKI Jakarta using collaborative governance approach by Ansell & Gash and investigate factors that influences the collaborative process. The research is conducted through post-positvist approach with descriptive objectives by utilizing in-depth interview and literature studies as a data collection technique. The result indicates that the application of collaborative governance can be seen on Achievement-oriented Sports Coaching in DKI Jakarta, because the fulfillment of indicators from each dimension of the collaborative process. From the analysis of influencing factors, it is known that institutional design and facilitative leadership are factors that also influence collaborative governance in fostering achievement sports in DKI Jakarta."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Felix Aglen Ndaru Prasetya
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan collaborative governance di Kabupaten Kulon Progo melalui program One Village One Sister Company dalam penanggulangan kemiskinan dan upaya Pemerintah Kabupaten Kulon Progo untuk mengajak sektor swasta bergabung dalam program One Village One Sister Company. Teori yang digunakan adalah collaborative governance Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah post positivist dengan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara mendalam dan studi literatur.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat sepuluh dimensi dalam collaborative governance di Kabupaten Kulon Progo melalui program One Village One Sister Company dalam penanggulangan kemiskinan yaitu partisipan formalitas durasi fokus stabilitas tahap diskresi alasan. Pemerintah melibatkan sektor swasta upaya Pemerintah mengatasi keterbatasan informasi dan resiko. Pemerintah Selain itu ada tiga upaya Pemerintah Kabupaten Kulon Progo untuk mengajak sektor swasta bergabung dalam program One Village One Sister Company yaitu mempromosikan program One Village One Sister Company melalui media massa melakukan komunikasi secara langsung dengan pihak swasta dan mendayagunakan jejaring yang dimiliki pegawai Pemerintah Kabupaten Kulon Progo.

This research aims to describe collaborative governance in Kulon Progo Regency through One Village One Sister Company Program in poverty alleviation. It also describes Kulon Progo Regency Government effort to invite the private sector to join One Village One Sister Company Program. This research uses collaborative governance theory. Research appoach is post positivist that utilizes in depth interview and literature study.
The result shows that collaborative governance in Kulon Progo Regency through One Village One Sister Company Program in poverty alleviation has ten dimensions those are participants formality duration focus stability cycle discretions Government rationales to involve private sector Government efforts to deal with information shortfall and Government risks Besides Kulon Progo Regency Government has three methods to invite the private sector to join One Village One Sister Company program those are promote One Village One Sister Company program through mass media communicate directly with the private company and utilize network owned by the employees of Kulon Progo Regency Government."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratna Utami Wijayanti
Latar belakang (background): Saat ini, banyak sekali permasalahan kesehatan yang
terjadi pada remaja, termasuk juga pada remaja yang berada di sekolah. Di Indonesia,
terdapat sebuah program promosi kesehatan yang dilakukan pada tataran sekolah yaitu
Usaha Kesehatan Sekolah (UKS). Anak sekolah merupakan kelompok terorganisir yang
berpotensi untuk mampu berdaya dalam hal kesehatan. Tujuan (Objective): Memberikan
gambaran mengenai pelaksanaan program UKS pada Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Atas
(SLTA)di Provinsi DKI Jakarta dengan menggunakan pendekatan Balanced Scorecard.
Metode (Method): Informasi yang didapatkan berasal dari studi kualitatif yang dilakukan
pada sekolah dan Puskesmas di Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Studi ini dilakukan pada bulan Juli-
Oktober 2014. Informasi yang dianalisis dalam studi ini bersumber dari 17 wawancara
mendalam yang dilakukan pada sekolah dan Puskesmas, melibatkan 4 (empat) wakil
kepala sekolah, 4 (empat) guru Pembina UKS, 4 (empat) perwakilan siswa, 4 (empat)
perwakilan Puskesmas, dan seorang perwakilan staf Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi DKI Jakarta.
Hasil (result): Berdasarkan metode evaluasi Balanced Scorecard, pada keempat sekolah
yang menjadi studi penelitian ini lebih banyak menjalankan ruang lingkup kuratif saja.
Pada keempat Puskesmas diketahui lebih banyak menjalankan fungsi pelayanan kesehatan
dibandingkan dengan fungsi pendidikan kesehatan dan pembinaan lingkungan sehat.
Beberapa faktor yang mendorong belum optimalnya pelaksanaan UKS di SLTA
diantaranya adalah masih kurangnya pelatihan dan forum belajar bagi guru, belum
maksimalnya pelibatan siswa baik di sekolah maupun di Puskesmas, dan belum
maksimalnya kerjasama yang dilakukan oleh Puskesmas. Kesimpulan (conclusion):
Diperlukan sebuah upaya yang komprehensif untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut
termasuk peninjauan kembali kebijakan dan pedoman yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan
UKS di sekolah, peningkatan keterampilan bagi para guru dan petugas kesehatan melalui
pelatihan dan mengaktifkan forum komunikasi sebagai sarana belajar untuk
mengembangkan wawasan, melibatkan para orangtua siswa, dan pelibatan siswa dalam
menjalankan proses perencanaan hingga evaluasi program UKS di sekolah.

Background: Nowadays, many health problems happened in adolescent, including
adolescent in school. In Indonesia, there is a program that conducted in school, named
UKS (Usaha Kesehatan Sekolah). In school, adolescent is the organized group that has to
be capable to empower in health. Objective: Explain about implementation of UKS
program in Senior High School and equal in Province of DKI Jakarta with Balanced
Scorecard approaches. Method: information obtained from qualitative study conducted in
School and health care center in Province of DKI Jakarta. Analyzed information in this
study sourced from 17 in-depth interviews, consist of 4 (four) vice school principle, 4
(four) teachers, 4 (four) students, 4 (four) health care center staff, and representatives from
Province Health Office. Result: Based on Balanced Scorecard method, in four schools
which become the subject of the research stated that are not yet implemented
comprehensive UKS program. Most of them implement only in curative and rehabilitative
efforts. Besides senior high school, the implement program is health care center. In four
health care center, most of them implement the program only in health services function
compared with health education function. Inhibit factors which causes ineffective are lack
of training and forum for teacher for encouraging their knowledge and skill that related
with UKS, lack of involving the student in school and health care center, and lack of
partnership between health care center with other sectors like public sector, private sectors,
or non-government organization. Conclusion: Required a comprehensive effort to solve
the problems. The governments have to review the policy and guidance related to UKS
implementation di school. Besides that, it is required to improve the organizing skill from
program officer (teacher and health care officer) so that they are capable to implement
comprehensive UKS program through training and communication forum as the learning,
involve the parent of the student, and involve the students in planning until evaluation
process in UKS program.;Background: Nowadays, many health problems happened in adolescent, including
adolescent in school. In Indonesia, there is a program that conducted in school, named
UKS (Usaha Kesehatan Sekolah). In school, adolescent is the organized group that has to
be capable to empower in health. Objective: Explain about implementation of UKS
program in Senior High School and equal in Province of DKI Jakarta with Balanced
Scorecard approaches. Method: information obtained from qualitative study conducted in
School and health care center in Province of DKI Jakarta. Analyzed information in this
study sourced from 17 in-depth interviews, consist of 4 (four) vice school principle, 4
(four) teachers, 4 (four) students, 4 (four) health care center staff, and representatives from
Province Health Office. Result: Based on Balanced Scorecard method, in four schools
which become the subject of the research stated that are not yet implemented
comprehensive UKS program. Most of them implement only in curative and rehabilitative
efforts. Besides senior high school, the implement program is health care center. In four
health care center, most of them implement the program only in health services function
compared with health education function. Inhibit factors which causes ineffective are lack
of training and forum for teacher for encouraging their knowledge and skill that related
with UKS, lack of involving the student in school and health care center, and lack of
partnership between health care center with other sectors like public sector, private sectors,
or non-government organization. Conclusion: Required a comprehensive effort to solve
the problems. The governments have to review the policy and guidance related to UKS
implementation di school. Besides that, it is required to improve the organizing skill from
program officer (teacher and health care officer) so that they are capable to implement
comprehensive UKS program through training and communication forum as the learning,
involve the parent of the student, and involve the students in planning until evaluation
process in UKS program., Background: Nowadays, many health problems happened in adolescent, including
adolescent in school. In Indonesia, there is a program that conducted in school, named
UKS (Usaha Kesehatan Sekolah). In school, adolescent is the organized group that has to
be capable to empower in health. Objective: Explain about implementation of UKS
program in Senior High School and equal in Province of DKI Jakarta with Balanced
Scorecard approaches. Method: information obtained from qualitative study conducted in
School and health care center in Province of DKI Jakarta. Analyzed information in this
study sourced from 17 in-depth interviews, consist of 4 (four) vice school principle, 4
(four) teachers, 4 (four) students, 4 (four) health care center staff, and representatives from
Province Health Office. Result: Based on Balanced Scorecard method, in four schools
which become the subject of the research stated that are not yet implemented
comprehensive UKS program. Most of them implement only in curative and rehabilitative
efforts. Besides senior high school, the implement program is health care center. In four
health care center, most of them implement the program only in health services function
compared with health education function. Inhibit factors which causes ineffective are lack
of training and forum for teacher for encouraging their knowledge and skill that related
with UKS, lack of involving the student in school and health care center, and lack of
partnership between health care center with other sectors like public sector, private sectors,
or non-government organization. Conclusion: Required a comprehensive effort to solve
the problems. The governments have to review the policy and guidance related to UKS
implementation di school. Besides that, it is required to improve the organizing skill from
program officer (teacher and health care officer) so that they are capable to implement
comprehensive UKS program through training and communication forum as the learning,
involve the parent of the student, and involve the students in planning until evaluation
process in UKS program.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irwan Nugroho
"Jurnalisme kolaboratif semakin berkembang dari yang sebelumnya dilakukan media pada skala global menjadi kolaborasi dengan cakupan yang lebih kecil dalam beberapa tahun belakangan ini. Tesis ini membahas tentang penerapan jurnalisme kolaboratif untuk liputan investigasi pada tingkat nasional. Selain itu, kolaborasi media yang berbasis pada bocoran informasi tentang pelanggaran publik melalui sebuah platform whistle blower. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah kolaborasi media-media nasional di Indonesia dalam wadah IndonesiaLeaks dengan mengambil salah satu proyek liputan kolaborasinya sebagai kajian. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma konstruktivis dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mewawancara sebelas informan dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa platform whistle blower telah berperan besar dalam meningkatkan keamanan kerja jurnalistik dan kolaborasi media. Namun, kolaborasi lintas media dalam liputan investigasi tersebut berjalan kurang efektif. Kolaborasi belum dapat menghasilkan informasi yang komprehensif dan akurat. Kolaborasi itu juga belum menghasilkan dampak yang signifikan. Mundurnya media-media dari liputan kolaborasi karena perbedaan standar editorial dan evaluasi terhadap risiko ikut membuat kolaborasi tersebut tidak mencapai hasil yang diharapkan.

Collaborative journalism has recently grown from that used to do on a global scale to a collaboration with a smaller scope. This thesis discusses the application of collaborative journalism for investigative reporting at national level. In addition, media collaboration which is based on leaks of information regarding public violations through a whistle blower platform. The object of this research is the collaboration of national media in Indonesia in the IndonesiaLeaks forum by taking one of the collaborative projects as a study. This study uses a constructivist paradigm with a qualitative approach. The data was collected by interviewing eleven informants and documentation research. The results of the study indicate that the whistle blower platform has played a major role in improving the security of journalistic work and media collaboration. However, that kind of cross-media collaboration in covering the investigation of the scandal was less effective. The collaboration has not been able to produce comprehensive and accurate information. Furthermore, the collaboration has also not produced a significant impact. The withdrawal of the media from the coverage of the collaboration due to differences in editorial standards and evaluation of the risks contributed to such media collaboration not achieving the expected results."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agiananta Rizyamesa
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana persepsi yang ditunjukkan mahasiswa akuntansi terhadap metode collaborative learning yang diterapkan pada mata kuliah akuntansi. Sampel penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa akuntansi S1 Universitas XYZ angkatan 2010 hingga 2013. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan baik antara mahasiswa akuntansi yang cum laude dan non-cum laude, maupun antara mahasiswa akuntansi tingkat awal dan tingkat akhir. Ini berarti adanya collaborative learning tidak memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kegiatan belajar mahasiswa. Hal ini disebabkan oleh penerapan collaborative learning yang belum bisa optimal.

The purpose of this research is to find whether the collaborative learning will improve the studying activity significantly in accounting courses. Sample of this research consist of University of XYZ?s accounting student who still active in college. The result shows that there is no significantly different between cum laude and non cum laude student and there is no significantly different between first year student and last year student in their perception to the collaborative learning method. It means that the existence of collaborative learning doesn?t give a significant effect to the studying activity of student. Moreover, the practice of collaborative learning still should be improved."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tofa Apriansyah
Potensi ancaman terhadap masuknya Obat dan Makanan impor tanpa izin edar (TIE), masih menunjukan tren yang sangat dominan pada temuan pengawasan dan penyidikan BPOM dan DJBC. Paket Kebijakan Ekonomi XV membawa konsekwensi pengawasan post border, yang menyertakan gap pengawasan masuknya Obat dan Makanan mengarah pada kondisi lawlessness. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi kerjasama BPOM dan DJBC dalam lingkup pertukaran data dan informasi intelijen yang mendukung kebijakan pengawasan post border dan merumuskan rekomendasi model collaborative/fusion
intelligence untuk memperkuat ketahanan nasional dari hakekat ancaman tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kombinasi (mix method) yaitu metode kuantitatif menggunakan kuisioner, dan kualitatif melalui studi literatur, wawancara mendalam, dan focus group discussion, yang dianalisa menggunakan Analisa SWOT, software Discourse Network Analysis, serta Alternative Future Analysis. Untuk memperkuat analisa digunakan Delphi Methods dengan menyimpulkan opini Ahli. Informan ditentukan berdasarkan kompetensi intelijen dan keterwakilan wilayah kerja dalam beberapa skema impor, serta Ahli dari
BPOM, DJBC, SKSG-UI, dan BIN. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kerjasama BPOM dan DJBC yang telah ada perlu direvitalisasi dengan melakukan integrasi fungsi intelijen dalam konteks pengawasan post border. Model collaborative intelligence dapat diterapkan dengan implementasi Siklus Analisa Intelijen Terintegrasi yang terbagi dalam tahap pengumpulan internal, analisa terintegrasi dan diseminasi terintegrasi. Efektifitas collaborative intelligence dibangun dan
dievaluasi menggunakan lima faktor pendukung: tata kelola; riset analitik tradecraft; regulasi; SDM; dan pemanfaatan teknologi informasi. Struktur organisasi yang disesuaikan dengan lingkungan pengawasan post border berbentuk adhocracy.

The findings of Indonesian-FDA (Indonesian-Food and Drug Authority) and DGCE (Directorate General of Customs and Excise) control and investigation showed dominance of potential threat of entry of imported Drug and Food without registration number. The XV Economic Policy Package carries consequences in post border control which includes gap in control of the entry of Drug and Food leading to a state of lawlessness. This study aims to analyse the collaborative implementation of Indonesian-FDA and DGCE in the scope of data exchange and intelligence information that supports post border control policy and formulate recommendations of collaborative/fusion intelligence models to strengthen national resilience from the nature of the threat. The research was conducted by mix method, quantitatively method using questionnaires and qualitatively through literature studies, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions, which were analysed using SWOT Analysis, Discourse Network Analysis software, and Alternative Future Analysis. Further, the Delphi Methods by concluding Expert opinion was used to strengthen the analysis. Informants were determined based on intelligence competence and work area representation in several import schemes, as well as experts from Indonesian-FDA, DGCE, SKSG-UI, and BIN. The results showed tha the existing collaboration between Indonesian-FDA and DGCE needs to be revitalized by integrating the intelligence function in the context of post border control. The collaborative intelligence model can be implemented by means of Integrated Intelligence Analysis Cycle which is divided into stages of internal collection, integrated analysis and integrated dissemination. The effectiveness of collaborative intelligence is built and evaluated using five supporting factors: governance; tradecraft analytic research; regulation; human resources; and the use
of information technology. The organizational structure that is adapted to the postborder control environment is in the form of adhocracy."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Kajian Ketahanan Nasional, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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