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Averil Khalisha Paramesti
"Tesis ini meneliti bagaimana liputan media tentang krisis imigran di Italia dan Spanyol memengaruhi proses decision-making kebijakan penanganan imigran kedua negara tersebut. Tesis ini memiliki dua tujuan penelitian: (1) menjelaskan bagaimana media Italia dan Spanyol melakukan representasi diskursif aktor-aktor politik dalam krisis imigran di negara mereka dan (2) menelaah hubungan antara representasi aktor-aktor politik tersebut dan proses pengambilan keputusan (decision-making) kebijakan penanganan imigran di negaranya masing-masing. Menerapkan teori analisis wacana kritis sosiosemantik Theo van Leeuwen dan pendekatan konstruktivisme Alexander Wendt, publikasi daring dua surat kabar terbesar Italia (Corriere della Sera, La Repubblica) dan Spanyol (El País, El Mundo) antara tahun 2014 dan 2016 dianalisis. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa representasi diskursif aktor-aktor politik dalam masing-masing surat kabar mencerminkan kecenderungan ideologis mereka, di mana pemberitaan cenderung menekankan perbedaan antara “kita” (Uni Eropa dan pemerintah) dan “mereka” (para pencari suaka) serta meniadakan kemanusiaan para pencari suaka. Kecenderungan ideologis dari representasi aktor-aktor politik keempat surat kabar itu sendiri merupakan cerminan bagaimana Italia dan Spanyol memandang krisis imigran Eropa sebagai ancaman terhadap identitas nasional mereka. Dengan bantuan media massa, Italia dan Spanyol melakukan sekuritisasi terhadap krisis imigran Eropa untuk “membujuk publik agar setuju” mengambil tindakan-tindakan yang tegas, ekstrem, dan terkadang melanggar hukum dalam menghadapi ketidakstabilan dan ketidakpastian krisis. Selain itu, dalam konteks integrasi Eropa, konflik “kita” versus “mereka” menjadi sebuah bukti akan kurangnya solidaritas di antara negara-negara anggota dan naiknya kepopuleran populisme serta nasionalisme individu, sehingga hal ini mengundang pertanyaan mengenai rapuhnya Uni Eropa sebagai proyek integrasi.

This thesis investigates how media coverage of the European refugee crisis in Italy and Spain influences policymakers’ decisions on how to deal with asylum seekers and refugees in both countries. Two research objectives are outlined as the foundation of the thesis: (1) to explain how political actors in the refugee crisis are represented in the Italian and Spanish press, and (2) to investigate the relationship between the political actors’ discursive representations and their countries’ immigration policy decision-making process. Online publications about the European refugee crisis from two mainstream news agencies in Italy (Corriere della Sera, La Repubblica) and Spain (El País, El Mundo) between 2014 and 2016 are analyzed using Theo van Leeuwen’s sociosemantic approach of critical discourse analysis and Alexander Wendt’s constructivist approach. The findings of the thesis reveal that each newspaper’s discursive representations of political actors are in accordance to their ideological tendencies, with the news emphasizing the divide between “us” (the European Union and the government) and “them” (asylum seekers) and erasing asylum seekers’ humanity. The ideological tendencies in the four newspapers’ representation of political actors reveal how Italy and Spain perceive the European refugee crisis as a danger to their national identity. With the help of mass media, Italy and Spain securitize the European refugee crisis in order to “persuade the public to consent” to take bold, radical, and sometimes law-breaking measures in dealing with the crisis’ instability and uncertainty. In addition, the “us” against “them” conflict in the context of European integration reflects a lack of cooperation among member states, as well as the rising appeal of populism and individual nationalism, creating concerns about the European Union’s viability as an integration project."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agung Sulthonaulia Utama
"Krisis Zona Eropa yang terjadi pada tahun 2009 membawa berbagai dampak terhadap negara-negara anggotanya. Salah satu hal yang terlihat setelah terjadinya krisis adalah peningkatan sentimen anti Uni Eropa yang semakin jelas terlihat dan biasa disebut sebagai Euroskepticism. Dalam tinjauan literatur terhadap 16 tulisan ini, akan dilakukan pengelompokan argumen dalam literatur krisis zona euro berdasarkan tiga kategori: penyebab, dampak, dan preskripsi. Setelah itu, dua dari tiga kategori tersebut penyebab dan preskripsi ditinjau lebih dalam lagi untuk dipetakan sikapnya terhadap eksistensi Uni Eropa, serta prinsip-prinsip dan perjanjian yang ada di dalamnya, di mana akan ada dua ragam utama, yakni: golongan pro Uni Eropa dan golongan yang skeptis terhadap Uni Eropa. Tinjauan pustaka ini diharap dapat memperkaya khazanah kajian kawasan Uni Eropa, serta memudahkan pembacanya untuk lebih dapat memahami mengenai krisis zona euro dan juga Euroskepticism.

Eurozone Crisis which occurred in 2009 brought about various effects to its member countries. One of the most observable things after the crisis happened is the increase of anti European Union sentiments, a widely adopted view known as Euroskepticism. In this literature review to 16 scholarly writings, the arguments in the Eurozone Crisis literature are classified into three different categories causes, effects, and prescriptions. After that, two out of those three categories effects and prescriptions in the literature will be analyzed deeper and classified into two categories pro European Union and skeptical towards European Union. This literature review serves to enrich the regional study of European Union, as well as making the readers understand Eurozone Crisis and Euroskepticism better."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Krisnadi Yuliawan
"Tesis ini membahas fenomena munculnya kebijakan Uni Eropa di bidang perfilman, dan bagaimana kebijakan itu mempengaruhi kebijakan perfilman di negara-negara anggota Uni EropaHasil penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan perfilman Uni Eropa terbentuk karena adanya shared ideas yang dimiliki para pemimpin dan pejabat Uni Eropa, serta pemimpin dan pejabat di negara-negara anggotanya. Shared ideas itu tumbuh karena pemahaman yang sama akan ancaman dan kepentingan yang dihadapi, terutama di bidang perfilman.Berdasarkan studi kasus kebijakan perfilman di negara-negara Jerman, Inggris, Italia dan Perancis, terlihat bahwa kebijakan dan regulasi perfilman di negara-negara itu sangat dipengaruhi oleh kebijakan perfilman Uni Eropa. Namun, kebijakan di level nasional itu, juga mempengaruhi kebijakan di tingkat Uni Eropa.

The Focus of this study is about European Union Film Policy, and how those policy influence film policy in European Union member state.This research showed that the formulation of European Unon Film Policy, is based on shared ideas that slowly develop among European Union leaders and its member states leaders. This shared ideas is came from the same feeling of treat and interest that developed among European leader.Based on case studies of Germany, Britain, Italy and France national film policy, we can see that regulation and film policy in those country is definitely being influenced by European Union Film Policy. But those country policy also influence decision making in European level."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Apsari Aulia Rachmawati
"Tesis ini membahas tentang negara-negara Visegrad Group pada masa krisis Uni Eropa. Krisis-krisis yang dibahas adalah krisis ekonomi, krisis keamanan energi, dan krisis keamanan migrasi. Pertanyaan penelitian yang dianalisis dalam tesis ini adalah bagaimana upaya negara-negara Visegrad Group bertahan dari krisis-krisis Uni Eropa dan bagaimana pengaruh krisis-krisis tersebut terhadap politik domestik negara-negara Visegrad Group. Negara-negara Visegrad Group dikaji sebagai suatu negara berdaulat dan sebagai institusi sub-regional dalam Uni Eropa. Perspektif English School menjadi acuan utama dalam penulisan tesis ini. Kerangka teori yang digunakan adalah teori Sekuritisasi dari Barry Buzan dan teori Eropanisasi sebagai bagian dari teori integrasi Eropa.

The focus of this study is the Visegrad Group states at the time of the European Union crises. The crises covers economic crisis, energy security crisis, and migration security crisis. The purposes of this study are to explain the efforts of the Visegrad Group states to survive from the crises, and to analyze the effect of the crises on the domestic politics of Visegrad Group states. Visegrad Group states are examined as sovereign states and as sub regional institution in the European Union. English School perspective is the major view of this study. Theoretical frameworks that are used to analyze the research question are Securitization theory from Barry Buzan and Europeanization theory as a part of European integration theory.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eriz Ageng Wicaksono
Inisiatif Silk Road Economic Belt SREB dari China menimbulkan baik entusiasme maupun keresahan di seluruh penjuru dunia. Pembangunan dari SREB akan memudahkan aliran ekonomi antara Eropa dengan Asia yang kemudian meningkatkan kerjasama dan kemakmuran di kawasan tersebut. Namun motif asli dibalik pengembangan SREB masih menjadi pertanyaan besar. Uni Eropa hingga saat ini belum memberikan respons resmi terhadap inisiatif tersebut, sementara Jerman telah menunjukkan dukungan mereka atas hal tersebut. Studi ini menganalisa motivasi dari Jerman untuk mendukung SREB melalui Teori International Political Economy. Variabel Pursuit of Wealth digunakan untuk menganalisa manfaat ekonomi yang didapat oleh Jerman dari pengembangan SREB, dan variable Pursuit of Power digunakan untuk menjelaskan kepentingan politik antara Jerman, SREB, dan juga Uni Eropa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Jerman tengah berusaha menggunakan SREB sebagai alatnya untuk merealisasikan kepentingan ekonomi dan politiknya di Uni Eropa.

China rsquo s Silk Road Economic Belt SREB initiative is raising both concerns and excitement around the globe. The development of the SREB will increase the flow of economy between Europe and Asia and in turn is supposed to raise cooperation and prosperity amongst the region. However the true motive of SREB either it be politics or economics, remains a big question. The European Union have not made an official stance towards the initiative, however Germany have shown indications of their support. This study analyzes the motivation of German in doing so through the International Political Economy Theory. The Pursuit of Wealth variable is used to analyze the economic benefits Germany may receive from the SREB, while the Pursuit of Power variable is used in attempts to understand the politics involving Germany, SREB and the European Union. The results shows that Germany is trying to utilize the SREB as a vehicle in pursuing its economic and political interest in the European Union. "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yessy Yasminy
"Multilingualism in EU is a state of affairs emerged as a range of different languages encounter one another. The history of European integration and the course of language policy in EU show that there is no policy on the language of EU. Issues related to language regulate themselves to practical tenets. This is what is identified as laissez-faire policy model. The putting into practice of this laissez-faire policy model in EU has significant implications to French language. They are closely correlated with the question of power. France, as a member-state having a vital role and strong leadership character in integration, perceives this circumstance as a form of threat against the strength and the popularity of its language.
Situations of multilingualism and language policy belong to one theoretical framework of sociolinguistics study and come into surface alongside political thinking_ One of the sociolinguistics scholars is Pierre Bourdieu, who suggests diverse concepts; among them are champ, capital, habitus, ilhrsio, libido and symbolique violance. Bourdieu develops sociology theory and associates it with other studies, such as media, literature, and politics. The study on Ianguage policy in ELI in this thesis applies the approaches put forward by Bourdieu. EU has been an arena of political interest struggle (champ) to two key member states i.e. France and the UK. Both states engage in the champ and draw on different capital. Language policy is the primary factor determining the dissemination and reinforcement of French language. France has vigorously promoted its language by employing massive policies on language and culture. Nevertheless, the results of these efforts cannot go beyond the popularity of English in EU, which in this case is influenced by the factors of economy, culture, and politics.
There is in fact another factor that determines the dissemination and reinforcement of English language, i.e_ the factor of the U.S. soft power. This thesis uses the concepts of power proposed by Joseph Nye Jr as well. Nye Jr defines soft power as an ability to gain what is desired by means better than force or money. English has ties to the economic system and global network dominated by the U.S. English itself is an integral part of globalization. The power of globalization becomes a habitus which at the end supports the dissemination and reinforcement of English language. The government of the UK does not need to carry out massive efforts similar to the ones done by the French government to elevate its language on top of language hierarchy. If hierarchy of language is regarded as something that is proper and natural, the acknowledgment of one single dominant language will easily take place. English will easily become the lingua franca of EU. EU's language policy which regulates to practical tenets will turn English into the de facto dominant language. This condition can eventually deteriorate EU's slogan of united in diversity_ The challenge for EU now lies on the ways of how to manage and regulate issues concerning language to strengthen the slogan without having to diminish the national identity of its member states."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zalvin Anindyo Prakoso
"Europe's attempts to be able to be more independent on security and defense areas have been started since it tried to create EDC 1950's as the first security cooperation. Though EDC was never formally conceived, Europe has continued its efforts to develop cooperations in security and defense areas. Fouchet Plan, EPC, SEA and CFSP are several examples of its efforts attempted to be independent in these areas. CFSP is one of Europe's greatest innovations in strengtening these efforts. Specific articles in Treaty of Maastricht and Treaty of Amsterdam state that CFSP is the guidelines of mapping Europe's common security policy that will lead to common defense. What is stated by the articles is ambiguous as Europe up to now is still dependent on NATO/the US and will continously do so, in contrary Europe has EU/WEU which has been determined as an organization that will implement EU's defense policies.
This thesis tries to find out which security organization Europe will later use as its main security instrument and whether Europe actually aims at common defense or merely at common defense policy. This thesis concludes that EU will combine the usage of EU/WEU and NATO. NATO will remain to be Europe's military defense organization and EU/WEU will develop to be the organization that will ensure the security of Europe. This is a fact of the attainment of common defense policy in regard that the formation of European Army, as a form of common defense, is not viable. The establishment of a common defense requires radical adaptations and changes, for instance, EU has to construct the Europe's Ministry of Defense, European Minister of Defense and European Army. CFSP/ESDP will continue to develop and to determine resolutions on Europe's security cooperations. As long as the three EU core states (England, Germany and France) maintains diverse perpectives on common security and defense concepts, Europe will remain dependent on those two organizations (EU/WEU and NATO).
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tsurayya Fajri Islami
"Jurnal ini membahas keunggulan digital storytelling pada media
alternatif: Middle East Monitor sebagai upaya contra-flow dalam menyajikan
berita krisis pengungsi di eropa. Hasil penelitian menyarankan bahwa digital
storytelling memiliki keunggulan dalam upaya contra-flow terhadap
pemberitaan krisis pengungsi yakni memberi pengalaman lebih interaktif terkait
dilema pengungsi di tengah krisis, menarik pembaca untuk mengetahui narasi
berita sampai akhir, dan menyajikan berita krisis pengungsi yang relatif sesuai
dengan Refugee Reporting Guide dari Ethical Journalism Network.

This journal discusses the advantages of digital storytelling on
alternative media: Middle East Monitor as a means for contra-flow in presenting
news of the refugee crisis in Europe. The results of the study suggest that the
digital storytelling has an excellence in contra-flow efforts towards the
reporting of the refugee crisis which provides more interactive experiences
related to refugee dilemmas in the midst of crisis, attracts readers to finish the
story from the feature , present refugee crisis news based on Refugee Reporting
Guide from the Ethical Journalism Network.
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Felicia Amelinda Dewi Priatna
"Permasalahan kondisi masyarakat sebagai potret sosial bukan lagi hal yang asing untuk diangkat dalam bentuk film. Gambaran banlieue sebagai aspek yang berkaitan dengan isu sosial di Prancis sudah menjadi potret sosial, seperti permasalahan yang terjadi di kelompok imigran. Pada perkembangannya, film Prancis banyak mengambil isu-isu mengenai imigran, terutama imigran kulit hitam. Film Banlieusards: Street Flow (2019) karya Leïla Sy dan Kery James mengisahkan tiga bersaudara dari Senegal yang tinggal di banlieue wilayah Paris dengan konflik dan permasalahan rasial yang terjadi di dalamnya. Berdasarkan paparan tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperlihatkan usaha tokoh melawan stigma dan bentuk tindakan rasisme imigran kulit hitam yang dihadirkan dalam film. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan struktur naratif dan sinematografis Boggs dan Pettrie untuk kajian film, teori interaksi simbolik George Herbert Mead untuk menganalisis konsep rasisme, serta teori stigmatisasi Erving Goffman untuk menganalisis konsep stigma pada film. Hasil dari analisis, ditemukan bahwa rasisme dan stigma negatif terhadap tokoh Soulaymaan, Demba, dan Noumouké dapat dilakukan oleh siapa pun tanpa memandang status dan kedudukan yang bisa mengarah pada tindakan diskriminasi. Stigma negatif dan tindakan rasisme yang Soulaymaan, Demba, dan Noumouké dapatkan sebagai imigran kulit hitam pada film Banlieusards dapat didobrak dan dibantah dengan prestasi tanpa harus mengubah budaya asli asalnya dan tradisi.

The issue of the condition of society as a social portrait is no longer a strange thing to be raised in the form of a film. The image of banlieue as an aspect related to social issues in France has become a social portrait, such as the problems that occur in immigrant groups. In its development, many French films took issues about immigrants, especially black immigrants. The film Banlieusards: Street Flow (2019) by Leïla Sy and Kery James tells the story of three brothers from Senegal who live in the banlieue area of ​​Paris with conflicts and racial problems that occur in them. Based on this explanation, this study aims to show the character's efforts to fight the stigma and forms of racism of black immigrants that are presented in the film. This study uses a qualitative method by using Boggs and Pettrie's narrative and cinematographic structure for film studies, George Herbert Mead's symbolic interaction theory to analyze the concept of racism, and Erving Goffman's stigmatization theory to analyze the concept of stigma in films. The results of the analysis, it was found that racism and negative stigma against the characters Soulaymaan, Demba, and Noumouké can be done by anyone regardless of status and position which can lead to acts of discrimination. The negative stigma and acts of racism that Soulaymaan, Demba, and Noumouké get as black immigrants in the film Banlieusards can be broken and refuted with achievements without having to change their native culture and traditions."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Lestari
Tesis ini membahas mengapa Turki menerapkan kebijakan luar negeri untuk menyepakati kerjasama dengan Uni Eropa menerima imigran ireguler yang ditolak oleh Uni Eropa dan membendung arus imigran ireguler ke Eropa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan analisis studi kasus. Jumlah imigran ireguler ke Eropa dan Turki semakin meningkat seiring dengan berlangsungnya Arab Spring terutama sejak pecahnya perang sipil di Suriah. Peningkatan jumlah imigran ireguler ke Eropa dapat memunculkan beberapa masalah stabilitas sehingga mendorong Uni Eropa untuk meminta bantuan Turki dalam membendung aliran imigran ireguler melalui kerjasama. Turki yang kekuatannya tidak sebesar Uni Eropa dan sebagai penampung pengungsi terbanyak menyepakati kerjasama tersebut. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Turki menyepakati kerjasama berdasarkan pertimbangan pengambilan kebijakan luar negerinya yang dipengaruhi oleh situasi pembuatan keputusan, faktor psikologi, faktor internasional dan faktor dalam negeri. Lebih khusus,Turki menggunakan kerjasama ini untuk memperoleh keuntungan antara lain bantuan dana, penguatan kerjasama ekonomi melalui Customs Union, tindakan kemanusiaan bagi pengungsi Suriah dan yang terpenting adalah aksesi masuk dalam keanggotaan Uni Eropa serta pembebasan visa bagi warga Turki yang berkunjung ke wilayah Schengen.

This study discusses why Turkey implemented their foreign policy for dealing with EU to accommodate rejected irregular migrants from Europe and combat irregular migrants flow to Europe. This study is using qualitative method with case study approach. The number of irregular migrants are increasing during Arab Spring especially since Syrian civil war began. This condition may bring problems for European stability. Therefore the EU includes Turkey in a deal to manage irregular migrant issue. Turkey which has their own migrant issues as host of country with the largest refugee population in the world, ends up making agreement on this deal. The result of the study shows that Turkey made agreement with EU on their basis of their foreign policy considerations which are affected by decission environment, psychological factors, international factors, and domestic factors. Turkey using this issue to get some interests such as humanitarian assistances, strengthen economy coorporation through Customs Union, humanitarian action for syrian refugees and most importantly to get accession to EU and visa liberation for Turkey citizen to visit Schengen area."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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