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Nabila Tidara Poetri
"Ketoprofen merupakan golongan AINS non selektif COX-2 yang umum digunakan sebagai pengobatan rheumatoid arthritis. Ketoprofen umumnya digunakan dalam bentuk sediaan oral, tetapi pemberian secara oral dapat menyebabkan ketoprofen mengalami first pass metabolism. Oleh karena itu, pemberian obat diubah melalui rute transdermal mikroemulsi agar dapat meningkatkan kelarutan ketoprofen pada penelitian ini. Namun, penetrasi ketoprofen obat secara transdermal tidak efisien, sehingga diperlukan penambahan kamfer sebagai peningkat penetrasi. Peneltian ini betujuan untuk memperoleh formulasi dengan stabilitas fisik yang optimum setelah diberikan penambahan kamfer dan melihat pengaruh kamfer pada berbagai konsentrasi terhadap penetrasi transdermal ketoprofen dalam sediaan mikroemulsi. Sediaan mikroemulsi dihasilkan dengan konsentrasi smix 45% dengan rasio smix 5:4 (25% tween 80: 20% propilen glikol), Virgin Coconut Oil 3%, etanol 3%, metil paraben 0,3%, propil paraben 0,05%, BHT 0,1%, dan konsentrasi kamfer 0% pada FA8, 1% pada FB8, 3% pada FC8, dan 5% pada FD8. Evaluasi keempat formulasi mikroemulsi dilakukan dengan pengukuran globul sediaan, tegangan permukaan, pH, viskositas, bobot jenis, pengamatan uji stabilitas fisik, cycling test, dan uji sentrifugasi. Uji penetrasi ketoprofen menunjukkan bahwa persentase jumlah kumulatif ketoprofen yang terpenetrasi pada FA8, FB8, FC8, dan FD8 secara berturut-turut sebesar 12,17%, 36,75%, 31,94%, 21,46%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa keempat mikroemulsi yang dihasilkan jernih dan stabil selama pengamatan. Pada hasil uji penetrasi obat kumulatif, tingkat penetrasi pada FB8 yang mengandung kamfer sebesar 1% memberikan jumlah penetrasi zat aktif yang paling tinggi.
.....Ketoprofen is a COX-2 non-selective NSAID which is commonly used as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. Ketoprofen is generally used in oral dosage forms, but oral administration can cause ketoprofen to undergo first pass metabolism. Therefore, the administration was changed to transdermal microemulsion dosage form to increase the solubility of ketoprofen in this study. However, transdermal penetration of ketoprofen is not efficient, so the addition of camphor is needed as a penetration enhancer. This study aims to obtain a formulation with optimal physical stability after the addition of camphor and to see the effect of camphor at various concentrations on transdermal penetration of ketoprofen in microemulsion preparations. Microemulsion preparation was produced from 45% smix concentration with a 5:4 smix ratio (25% tween 80: 20% propylene glycol), 3% Virgin Coconut Oil, 3% ethanol, 0,3% methyl paraben, 0,05% propyl paraben, 0,1% BHT, and the concentration of 0% camphor on FA8, 1% on FB8, 3% on FC8, and 5% on FD8. The evaluation of four ketoprofen microemulsion formulations with the following smix ratio and camphor concentrations was carried out by examinating size of globule, surface tension, pH, viscosity, specific gravity, physical stability, cycling, and centrifugation. Ketoprofen penetration test showed the cumulative penetration of the FA8, FB8, FC8, and FD8 formulation were 12,17%, 36,75%, 31,94%, and 21,46%, respectively. To conclude, the four microemulsion preparations were clear and stable. Cumulative drug penetration test showed the penetration rate of FB8 with 1% camphor gave the highest penetration result."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shilvia Agita Putri
"Mikroemulsi adalah suatu sistem yang terdiri dari campuran minyak, air, surfaktan, dan / atau kosurfkatkan. Sistem ini bersifat jernih dan stabil secara termodinamik. Mikroemulsi menjadi salah satu pilihan sebagai alternatif dalam memformulasikan obat yang kelarutannya buruk. Minyak nabati seperti minyak kelapa sawit dan virgin coconut oil (VCO) dapat digunakan sebagai pembawa pada mikroemulsi, karena minyak tersebut memiliki keunggulan diantaranya adalah dapat didaur ulang, tidak mudah terbakar, ramah lingkungan, bersifat tidak toksik, serta mudah didapatkan. Berdasarkan literatur yang sudah ada, komposisi surfaktan, cara pembuatan, dan jenis minyak mempengaruhi sifat fisikokimia dari mikroemulsi. VCO menghasilkan ukuran partikel mikroemulsi yang lebih kecil dibandingan dengan minyak kelapa sawit. Namun, pada stabilitas kimia dari mikroemulsi, minyak kelapa sawit lebih unggul dibandingkan dengan VCO. Hasil yang optimum mungkin didapatkan dengan menambahkan konsentrasi surfaktan pada mikroemulsi minyak kelapa sawit dan antioksidan pada mikroemulsi VCO.

Microemulsion is a system that consisting of a mixture of oil, water, surfactants, and / or cosurfactants. This system is clear and thermodinamically stable. A microemulsion is an option as an alternative for the formulation of drugs with poor solubility. Vegetable oils such as palm oil and virgin coconut oil (VCO) can be used as carriers for microemulsions, because these oils have advantages such as being recyclable, non-flammable, environmentally friendly, non-toxic, and easy to get. Based on the existing literature, the composition of the surfactant, the process of making the microemulsion, and the type of oil gave some differences in the physicochemical properties of the microemulsion. VCO produced smaller microemulsion particle sizes compared to palm oil. However, in the chemical stability of microemulsions, palm oil gave better result compared to VCO. The optimum result might be reached by increasing surfactant concentration on palm oil microemulsion and antioxidant on VCO microemulsion."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Novi Tri Utami
"Ketoprofen merupakan obat non selektif siklooksigenase-2 untuk terapi rheumatoid arthritis dan osteoarthtritis. Pemberian ketoprofen secara peroral dapat mengalami first pass metabolism, sedangkan dalam bentuk sediaan topikal tingkat penetrasi ke dalam kulit masih rendah. Ketoptofen juga memiliki kelarutan rendah dalam air, sehingga penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memformulasikan ketoprofen dalam bentuk mikroemulsi transdermal yang stabil dan memiliki tingkat penetrasi yang baik. Lemon essential oil digunakan sebagai fase minyak sekaligus penetration enhancer, mikroemulsi dibuat dengan metode titrasi fase. Mikroemulsi yang jernih dan stabil yaitu pada konsentrasi smix 60% dengan perbandingan 1:1. Konsentrasi lemon essential oil adalah FA (3%), FB (5%), dan FC (10%). Evaluasi dilakukan dengan mengukur ukuran globul, tegangan permukaan, bobot jenis, pH, viskositas, uji sentrifugasi, uji stabilitas fisik, cycling test dan penetapan kadar ketoprofen. Uji penetrasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan sel difusi Franz selama 8 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ketiga formula stabil secara fisik selama penyimpanan 12 minggu dan hasil uji penetrasi pada jam ke-8, jumlah kumulatif Formula A sebesar 821,6031 ± 112,4390 μg/cm2, Formula B 1591,1888 ± 275,3595 μg/cm2, dan Formula C sebesar 3515,9289 ± 385,7081 μg/cm2. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi konsentrasi lemon essential oil yang digunakan dalam formula mikroemulsi maka semakin tinggi tingkat penetrasinya.

Ketoprofen is a non-selective cyclooxygenase-2 that is used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Oral administration of ketoprofen has disadvantages on first-pass metabolism. Also, the penetration rate into the skin is relatively low if it is given in topical dosage forms. Ketoprofen is a drug which has low solubility in water, therefore this study aimed to formulate ketoprofen in the form of a transdermal microemulsion that is stable and has a good penetration rate. Lemon essential oil is used as an oil phase as well as a penetration enhancer, microemulsions are made using the phase titration method. The microemulsion was clear and stable at 60% smix concentration with a ratio of 1:1. The concentration of lemon essential oil is FA (3%), FB (5%), and FC (10%). Microemulsion evaluation was carried out by measuring globule size, surface tension, density, pH, viscosity, centrifugation test, physical test, cycling test, and determination of ketoprofen content. Ketoprofen penetration test was carried out using a Franz diffusion cell for 8 hours. The result of the triplicate test showed that the formula was physically stable for 12 weeks of storage and based on the results of the penetration study at the 8th hour, the cumulative amount of Formula A was 821.6031 ± 112.4390 μg/cm2, Formula B was 1591.1888 ± 275.3595 μg/cm2, and Formula C was 3515.9289 ± 385.7081 μg/cm2. This study showed that higher the concentration of lemon essential oil used in the microemulsion formula increases its penetration rate."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sisi Praista
"Natrium diklofenak merupakan obat golongan NSAID yang sering digunakan untuk mengatasi osteoartritis dengan persentase sebesar 55,88% di Indonesia. Pemberian peroral natrium diklofenak memiliki efek samping gangguan pada saluran cerna dan memiliki waktu paruh singkat. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, dibuat sediaan mikroemulsi dengan sistem penghantaran transdermal. Namun, dalam penghantaran sistem transdermal stratum korneum dapat menghalangi absorpsi obat melewati kulit karena stratum korneum tersusun dari sel mati dan pipih yang tersusun dari keratin kaya protein. Mentol merupakan peningkat penetrasi yang dapat meningkatkan absorpsi obat melewati kulit dengan cara meningkatkan permeabilitas kulit. Mikroemulsi merupakan sistem dua fase yang terdiri dari dari minyak dan air serta distabilkan oleh surfaktan. Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui konsentrasi optimum mentol yang dapat menghasilkan penetrasi yang tinggi. Mikroemulsi natrium diklofenak dalam penelitian ini dibuat dengan menggunakan metode titrasi fase. Mikroemulsi jernih dan stabil didapatkan dengan konsentrasi tween 80 20%, propilen glikol 30%, minyak 3%, dan mentol (0%, 1%, 3%, dan 5%). Evaluasi sediaan mikroemulsi yang dilakukan adalah pengukuran pH, ukuran globul dan zeta potensial, bobot jenis, viskositas, tegangan permukaan, uji sentrifugasi, uji stabilitas, dan cycling test. Uji penetrasi obat melewati kulit dilakukan secara in vitro dengan metode Sel Difusi Franz. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persen jumlah kumulatif terpenetrasi pada F1, F2, F3, dan F4 sebesar 9,2581%, 9,5114%, 28,1514%, dan 13,3155% dan keempat formulasi stabil secara fisik selama penyimpanan 12 minggu. Formulasi dengan mentol 3% memiliki penetrasi yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan formulasi dengan mentol 0%, 1%, dan 5%.

Diclofenac sodium is one of NSAID group often used to treat osteoarthritis with percentage of 55,88% in Indonesia. Oral administration sodium diclofenac gives side effect on gastrointenstinal tract and has short half-life. To overcome this problem, diclofenac sodium was prepared by microemulsion with transdermal administration. However, on transdermal delivery system stratum corneum can inhibit drug absorption because stratum corneum consist of a dead and flatted cells that rich of protein. Menthol is one of penetration enhancer which can increase drug absorption through the skin by increasing skin permeability. Microemulsion is double phase system consisting of water and oil stabilized by surfactant. The aim of this study was to determine optimum concentration of menthol that can produce high penetration. Microemulsion of diclofenac sodium in this study was prepared by phase titration method. Clear and stable microemulsion were obtained with concentration of tween 80 20%, propylene glycol 30%, oil 3%, and menthol (0%, 1%, 3%, and 5%). Evaluation of microemulsion done by measuring pH, diameter of globul and zeta potential, density, viscosity, surface tension, stability testing, and cycling test. In Vitro drug penetration test was conducted using Franz Diffusion Cell menthod. The result show percent cumulative in F1, F2, F3, and F4 were 9,2581%, 9,5114%, 28,1514%, and 13,3155% and four formulation physically stable during storage 12 weeks. The formulation with 3% menthol had higher penetration that the formulation with 0%, 1%, and 5% menthol."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suesti Devi Purnamasari
"Natrium diklofenak adalah obat antiinflamasi yang dapat mengiritasi lambung dan mengalami metabolisme lintas pertama. Untuk mengatasi hal ini, natrium diklofenak dibuat dalam bentuk sediaan transdermal. Dalam penelitian ini dibuat dua bentuk sediaan transdermal yaitu emulsi dan mikroemulsi, guna membandingkan perbedaan jumlah kumulatif natrium diklofenak yang terpenetrasi. Formulasi sediaan emulsi dan mikroemulsi menggunakan Virgin Coconut Oil sebagai fase minyak dengan natrium diklofenak sebagai model obat. Daya penetrasi sediaan emulsi dan mikroemulsi melalui kulit diuji secara in-vitro dengan alat sel difusi Franz menggunakan membran abdomen tikus galur Spraque-Dawley. Jumlah kumulatif natrium dikofenak yang terpenetrasi selama 8 jam dari sediaan emulsi dan mikroemulsi berturut-turut adalah 911,00 ± 3,67 μg/cm2 dan 445,41 ± 6,14 μg/cm2. Fluks natrium diklofenak pada sediaan emulsi dan mikroemulsi berturut-turut adalah 107,42 ± 1,25 μg/cm2.jam dan 49,29 ± 0,63 μg/cm2.jam. Persentase kumulatif jumlah natrium diklofenak dalam sediaan emulsi dan mikroemulsi yang terpenetrasi berturut-turut adalah 15,68 ± 1,17 % dan 8,80 ± 0,12 %. Selain itu juga dilakukan uji stabilitas fisik meliputi cycling test, uji sentrifugasi dan pengamatan pada penyimpanan selama 8 minggu pada suhu kamar (28° ± 2°C), suhu rendah (4° ± 2°C) dan suhu tinggi (40° ± 2°C). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sediaan mikroemulsi memiliki stabilitas fisik yang lebih baik daripada sediaan emulsi.

Diclofenac sodium is a drug that can irritate the gastrointestinal tract and has first pass metabolisme, to overcome this problem, diclofenac sodium was made in transdermal dosage form. In the present study was formulated two kinds of transdermal dosage form in order to compare the differences in the total cumulative penetration of diclofenac sodium, i.e. emulsion and microemulsion using Virgin Coconut Oil as Oil Phase. Penetration ability through skin was examined by in-vitro Franz diffusion cell test using Sprague-Dawley rat abdomen skin. Total cumulative amount of diclofenac sodium penetrated from emulsion and microemusion were 911,00 ± 3,67 μg/cm2 and 445,41 ± 6,14 μg/cm2, respectively. Flux of diclofenac sodium from emulsion and microemulsion were 107,42 ± 1,25 μg/cm2.jam and 49,29 ± 0,63 μg/cm2.jam, respectively. The cumulative percentage of diclofenac sodium penetrated from emulsion and microemulsion were 15,68 ± 1,17 % and 8,80 ± 0,12 %, respectively. On the other hand, stability test including cycling test, centrifugation test and eight weeks storage at room temperature (28° ± 2°C), low temperature (4° ± 2°C) and high temperature (40° ± 2°C) was also done. The results showed that the microemulsion was more physically stable than emulsion.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Ravie Pradana
"Ketoprofen merupakan nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drug (NSAID) yang kuat, tidak selektif siklooksigenase 2(COX 2). Obat ini biasa digunakan untuk pengobatan osteoarthritis dan rheumatoid arthritis. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan fase minyak berbeda, yaitu palm olein dan asam oleat yang mempunyai mekanisme memberikan efek fluidisasi pada lapisan bilayer stratum corneum serta dapat meningkatkan tingkat penetrasi obat ke dalam kulit. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memformulasikan ketoprofen dalam mikroemulsi dengan konsentrasi 1% menggunakan konsentrasi masing-masing pembawa sebesar 3%, mikroemulsi diaduk dalam homogenizer dan dilakukan optimasi formulasi smix (surfaktan dan kosurfaktan) dengan perbandingan konsentrasi (8:1) sehingga menghasilkan formulasi mikroemulsi yang jernih dan stabil. Ukuran partikel mikroemulsi ketoprofen dalam pembawa palm olein 28,73 nm, nilai indeks polidispersitas 0,343 dengan zeta potensial -15,1 mV, dan pada pembawa asam oleat mempunyai ukuran partikel 23,79 nm, nilai indeks polidispersitas 0,290 dengan zeta potensial -19,9 mV. Uji stabilitas fisik mikroemulsi ketoprofen dilakukan pada tiga suhu yang berbeda, yaitu pada suhu rendah (4±2°C), suhu ruang (25±2°C), dan suhu tinggi (40±2°C). Uji stabilitas fisik mikroemulsi ketoprofen dalam pembawa palm olein dan asam oleat tidak menunjukkan pemisahan fase pada setiap suhu penyimpanan. Untuk uji penetrasi obat jumlah kumulatif pada palm olein yang terpenetrasi sebesar 3401,8801µg/cm2 ± 0,5538% dan formulasi asam oleat adalah 3244,5788µg/cm2 ± 0,5536%. Sedangkan jumlah fluks pada formulasi palm olein sebesar 425,235µg/cm2.jam ± 0,2224% dan formulasi asam oleat 405,58µg/cm2.jam ± 0,2244%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedua formulasi mikroemulsi stabil selama penyimpanan dan pada formulasi yang menggunakan minyak pembawa palm olein memberikan penetrasi sediaan lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan minyak pembawa asam oleat.

Ketoprofen is a strong non-selective cyclooxygenase-2 non-steroidal anti inflamatatory drug that is widely used to cure osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. This research is meant to study the two different oil phases, Palm Olein and oleic acid, some excipients that give a fluidization effect on a stratum corneum lipid bilayer, and also being used as drug penetration enhancers. This research was conducted to formulate 1% ketoprofen w/w in a microemulsion, using each of base concentration of 3% oil. Microemulsion was homogenized and an smix optimization was made in an optimum concentration of 8:1 (surfactant:co-surfactant) to bring a clear and stable microemulsion. The obtained particle size of ketoprofen microemulsion in a Palm Olein base is 28,73 nm with the obtained polydispersity index is 0,343 with a -15,1 mV zeta potential, whereas the obtained particle size of oleic acid base is 23,79 nm, with the polydispersity index obtained at 0,290 and the zeta potential around -19,9 mV. The physical stability study of ketoprofen microemulsion was investigated at three different storage conditions, those are freezing at (4±2°C), room temperature (25±2°C), and thawing at (40±2°C). The result of this stability study is that there is no phase separation in both oil phase of Palm Olein and oleic acid in each storage condition. The penetration study of the cumulative drugs of the Palm Olein base that is penetrated is around 3401,8801µg/cm2 ± 0,5538%, and around 3244,5788µg/cm2 ± 0,5536% for the oleic acid base. Whilst the total flux of the oleic acid formulation is 425,235µg/cm2.hour ± 0,2224% and the total flux of Palm Olein is 405,58µg/cm2.hour ± 0,2244%. It was concluded that both formulations are stable during storage conditions and the formulation of Palm Olein base gives the greater penetration rather than the oleic acid base."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Sela Aksad
"Jerawat merupakan penyakit kulit yang sering terjadi pada usia remaja terutama dibagian wajah yang dapat menyebabkan kepercayaan diri seseorang berkurang. Oleh sebab itu, dibutuhkan pengobatan yang tepat untuk menghambat pertumbuhan jerawat. Secara klinis zat aktif asam azelat telah terbukti efektif sebagai anti jerawat yang dapat menghambat bakteri Propionibacterium acnes sehingga menurunkan produksi protein yang dibutuhkan bakteri untuk bertahan hidup. Untuk mencapai efek terapi yang baik, asam azelat memiliki keterbatasan dalam kemampuan penetrasi ke kelenjar sebasea di dermis kulit. Maka dari itu, untuk mengatasi keterbatasannya diformulasikan dalam bentuk mikroemulsi dengan minyak pembawa olive oil yang dibandingkan dengan palm oil dalam meningkatkan penetrasi, masing-masing konsentrasi yang digunakan sebesar 3%. Metode yang digunakan dengan cara di homogenizer dan dilakukan optimasi formulasi smix (surfaktan dan kosurfaktan) dengan konsentrasi (8:1) untuk mendapatkan formulasi mikroemulsi yang jernih dan stabil. Untuk uji penetrasi obat jumlah kumulatif pada formulasi olive oil yang berpenetrasi adalah 6457,94 μg/cm2 ± 0,75% dan formulasi palm oil adalah 5597,44 μg/cm2 ± 1,86%. Sedangkan, jumlah fluks yang didapatkan pada formulasi olive oil adalah 807,24 μg/cm2.jam ± 0,74% dan formulasi palm oil adalah 669,68 μg/cm2.jam ± 1,82%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedua formulasi mikroemulsi tetap stabil secara fisik selama penyimpanan dan pada formulasi yang menggunakan minyak pembawa olive oil memberikan penetrasi sediaan lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan formulasi palm oil.

Acne is a skin disease that often occurs in adolescence, especially on the face, which can cause a person's confidence to decrease. Therefore, it takes the right treatment to inhibit acne growth. Clinically, the active substance of azelaic acid has been shown to be effective as an anti-acne agent that can inhibit the Propionibacterium acnes bacteria, there by reducing the production of protein needed by bacteria to survive. To achieve a good therapeutic effect, azelaic acid has limited penetration of the sebaceous glands in the dermis of the skin. Therefore, to overcome its limitations it is formulated in the form of a microemulsion with olive oil as a carrier oil compared to palm oil to increase penetration, each concentration used by 3%. The method used was homogenizer and optimization of the smix formulation (surfactant and cosurfactant) with a concentration (8: 1) to obtain a clear and stable microemulsion formulation. For the drug penetration test, the cumulative amount of the olive oil formulation with penetration was 6457.94 μg/cm2 ± 0.75% and the palm oil formulation was 5597.44 μg/cm2 ± 1.86%. Meanwhile, the amount of flux obtained in the olive oil formulation was 807.24 μg/cm2.hour ± 0.74% and the palm oil formulation was 669.68 μg/cm2.hour ± 1.82%. The results showed that the two microemulsion formulations remained physically stable during storage and the formulations using olive oil as a carrier oil provided more penetration than the palm oil formulations."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agetha Lautania Harsono
"Minyak zaitun merupakan minyak yang termasuk ke dalam asam lemak rantai sedang (medium-chain triglycerides (MCT)). Minyak ini dapat digunakan untuk pembuatan mikroemulsi dan menghasilkan mikroemulsi yang lebih jernih, lebih stabil, dan ukuran partikel lebih kecil jika dibandingkan dengan asam lemak rantai panjang (long-chain triglyserides (LCT)). Tujuan dari ulasan ini adalah untuk melihat potensi minyak zaitun yang digunakan sebagai pembawa mikroemulsi dalam penghantaran obat transdermal. Terdapat data perbandingan evaluasi minyak zaitun terhadap beberapa minyak nabati lainnya dalam pembuatan mikroemulsi. Dari data tersebut minyak zaitun memiliki kelarutan yang lebih tinggi dibanding minyak yang lain, serta penetrasi dari mikroemulsi yang mengandung minyak zaitun lebih efektif untuk penghantaran obat secara transdermal.

Olive oil is the oil that belongs to the medium-chain triglycerides (MCT). The oil can be used to make microemulsions and produce more transparent microemulsions, more stable and smaller particle size than long-chain triglycerides (LCT). The purpose of this review is to see the potential of olive oil as a microemulsion carrier in transdermal drug delivery. There was a comparative data evaluation of olive oil to several other vegetable oils in making microemulsions. From those data, olive oil has a higher solubility than other oils, and the penetration of microemulsions which contain olive oil is more effective for transdermal drug delivery."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shehla Mughal Endo
Kasus Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) dan demam dengue (DD) dilaporkan meningkat di seluruh dunia setiap tahunnya, terutama di negara Asia Tenggara termasuk Indonesia Gambaran klinis dari DBD/DD adalah demam, sakit kepala, nyeri otot dan sendi, ruam kulit yang mirip dengan campak, dan hasil lab menunjukkan penurunan jumlah trombosit. Hingga saat ini belum ada antiviral khusus untuk DBD. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh virgin coconut oil (VCO) terhadap replikasi virus dengue (DENV). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental yang dilakukan di Laboratorium Mikrobiologi, Departemen Mikrobiologi, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia. Data yang diperoleh ini berasal dari hasil eksperimen yang dilakukan dengan 6 pengulangan untuk setiap perlakuan yaitu pemberian VCO 5%, 1%, 0,5% dan 0,1%, kontrol negatif dan Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO).
Penghambatan replikasi DENV dilihat dengan menghitung titer virus setelah perlakuan VCO. Titer virus dihitung dengan menggunakan metode focus assay. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa IC50 dari VCO adalah kuat, sementara CC50 VCO adalah moderat. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa secara signifikan VCO menghambat replikasi DENV dengan kisaran cukup aman untuk digunakan pada sel dalam dosis terbatas. Penelitian lebih lanjut perlu dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi efek VCO pada replikasi DENV in vivo, sehingga dapat ditemukan kandidat anti DENV di masa mendatang.

Cases of the Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF)/Dengue Fever (DF) were reported increasing worldwide annually, especially in South Asia counties including Indonesia The clinical features of DF/DHF are fever, headache, muscle and joint pains, a characteristic skin rash that is similar to measles, which lead to thrombocytopenia as a lab result. Until now, specific antiviral for dengue virus (DENV) is not available yet.
The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of virgin coconut oil (VCO) to the DENV replication. This research was experimental study and was conducted at Microbiology laboratory, Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia. The data that was obtained for this study came from the experimental studied with 6 repeated experiments for each treatment of various concentartion of 5%, 1%, 0.5% and 0.1% as well as negative control and Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO). Inhibition of DENV replication was determined by calculating of DENV titer after treated with VCO. The focus assay was used to calculate the DENV titer. The result showed that IC50 and CC50 of VCO was strong and moderate respectively. VCO was significantly inhibited the replication of DENV with adequate safe range to use for cells within limited dosages. Therefore, we concluded that VCO can be a candidate antiviral for DENV. Next study is needed to evaluate the effect of VCO in vivo, therefore we will find an antiviral of DENV virus in future.;Cases of the Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF)/Dengue Fever (DF) were reported increasing worldwide annually, especially in South Asia counties including Indonesia The clinical features of DF/DHF are fever, headache, muscle and joint pains, a characteristic skin rash that is similar to measles, which lead to thrombocytopenia as a lab result. Until now, specific antiviral for dengue virus (DENV) is not available yet.
The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of virgin coconut oil (VCO) to the DENV replication. This research was experimental study and was conducted at Microbiology laboratory, Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia. The data that was obtained for this study came from the experimental studied with 6 repeated experiments for each treatment of various concentartion of 5%, 1%, 0.5% and 0.1% as well as negative control and Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO).
Inhibition of DENV replication was determined by calculating of DENV titer after treated with VCO. The focus assay was used to calculate the DENV titer. The result showed that IC50 and CC50 of VCO was strong and moderate respectively. VCO was significantly inhibited the replication of DENV with adequate safe range to use for cells within limited dosages. Therefore, we concluded that VCO can be a candidate antiviral for DENV. Next study is needed to evaluate the effect of VCO in vivo, therefore we will find an antiviral of DENV virus in future., Cases of the Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF)/Dengue Fever (DF) were reported increasing worldwide annually, especially in South Asia counties including Indonesia The clinical features of DF/DHF are fever, headache, muscle and joint pains, a characteristic skin rash that is similar to measles, which lead to thrombocytopenia as a lab result. Until now, specific antiviral for dengue virus (DENV) is not available yet.
The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of virgin coconut oil (VCO) to the DENV replication. This research was experimental study and was conducted at Microbiology laboratory, Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia. The data that was obtained for this study came from the experimental studied with 6 repeated experiments for each treatment of various concentartion of 5%, 1%, 0.5% and 0.1% as well as negative control and Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO).
Inhibition of DENV replication was determined by calculating of DENV titer after treated with VCO. The focus assay was used to calculate the DENV titer. The result showed that IC50 and CC50 of VCO was strong and moderate respectively. VCO was significantly inhibited the replication of DENV with adequate safe range to use for cells within limited dosages. Therefore, we concluded that VCO can be a candidate antiviral for DENV. Next study is needed to evaluate the effect of VCO in vivo, therefore we will find an antiviral of DENV virus in future.]
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Aryani Suryadi
"Virgin coconut oil, Olive oil, dan Minyak Jinten hitam merupakan beberapa minyak tumbuhan yang banyak dikembangkan sebagai sediaan nutrasetika. Banyak penelitian telah membuktikan bahwa ketiga jenis minyak tumbuhan ini dapat digunakan untuk menurunkan kadar kolesterol dalam darah. Melalui penelitian ini, dibuat mikroemulsi dari ketiga campuran dengan memvariasikan gliserin sebagai kosurfaktan untuk melihat sediaan yang paling stabil. Pembuatan diagram fasa dilakukan sebelum formulasi utama ditentukan untuk menentukan daerah jernih mikroemusi tersebut. Melalui langkah ini, diperoleh bahwa daerah stabil berada pada rentang minyak 3 hingga 6% dengan rentang tween 80 sebesar 25 hingga 35%. Formulasi utama kemudian dibuat dengan kadar minyak 4,5% dan kadar tween 80 sebesar 30%. Gliserin sebagai kosurfaktan divariasikan 8%, 10%, dan 12%. Setelah pembuatan mikroemulsi, dilakukan pengamatan organoleptis, pH, viskositas, ukuran globul dan tegangan permukaan dan uji stabilitas selama 8 minggu. Sediaan mikroemulsi dengan kadar gliserin 8% diketahui paling stabil. Hal ini disimpulkan dari perubahan ukuran globul yang paling kecil; dari 34,72 nm menjadi 36,25 nm diakhir pengukuran.

Virgin coconut oil, olive oil, and Black seed oil are many developed plant oil as nutraceutical products. Many research has been proved that all of this plant oil can be used to reduce cholesterol concentration in blood. In this experiment, microemulsion has been made from mix of three types oil with varying glycerin as co-surfactant to see the most stable preparations. Construction of phase diagram was done before main formula are determined for determine the microemulsion's transparent area. From this step, it can be obtained that stable area are in oil concentration of 3 until 6 percent and tween 80 concentration of 25 until 35 percent. Main formulation made with oil concentration of 4,5 percent and tween 80 of 30 percent. Glycerin as cosurfactant was varied of 8 percent, 10 percent, and 12 percent. After microemulsion formulation, organoleptic observation, pH test, viscosity test, globul size test, surface tension test and stabilization test are done for 8 weeks. Microemulsion with 8 percent of glicerine concentration are known as the most stable. It concluded from the least globul size's change; from 34,72 nm to 36,25 nm in the last measurements."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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