"Isu stres terkait kerja diakui sebagai masalah global. Industri manufaktur atau perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang pengolahan beresiko lebih tinggi mengalami stres dibanding jenis pekerjaan lain. Stress kerja merupakan akibat dari satu atau beberapa interaksi bahaya psikososial di tempat kerja. Hasil survey intenal PT X pada tahun 2022 menunjukan bahwa stres kerja merupakan yang paling banyak yang dikeluhkan karyawan. Di area Hotpress Tren kecelakaan kerja bulan Januari-April 2022 terus meningkat dan angka absenteisme pada bulan Februari 2022 mengalami kenaikan dua kali lipat dibanding bulan sebelumnya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis faktor psikososial terhadap distress pada pekerja di area Hotpress PT X Penelitian ini akan dilakukan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan desain studi cross sectional. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer melalui kuesioner secara daring (online). Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Maret 2022 – Juli 2022. Pekerja di area Hotpress PT. X didominasi oleh distress didominasi oleh tingkat distress sedang dan ringan hampir sebanding dengan masing-masing sebanyak 50% dan 49,2% serta tingkat distress berat sebanyak 2 orang (0,8%). Semua variabel faktor psikososial didominasi oleh kategori kondisi “kurang baik” kecuali variabel budaya organisasi. Berdasar uji T Independent didapat bahwa setiap jenis kelamian (p=0,683) baik laki-laki maupun perempuan memiliki rata-rata tingkat distress yang sama. Berdasarkan uji anova diketahui setiap status pernikahan (p=0,111) baik belum menikah, menikah maupun cerai memiliki rata-rata tingkat distress yang sama. Berdarakan uji Chi-square didapat variabel usia (p=0,746; OR=1,142), masa kerja (p=0,704; OR=0,905), budaya organisasi (p=0,202; OR=1,432), pengembangan karir (p=0,699; OR=1,119), kontrol pekerjaan (p=0,097; OR=0,645) dan desain pekerjaan (p=0,794; OR=1,073) tidak ada hubungan dengan tingkat distress. Sedangkan varibel peran dalam organisasi (p=0,001; OR; 2,349), hubungan interpersonal (p=0,007; OR=2,056), hubungan rumah dan tempat kerja (p=0,000; OR 3,505), Beban kerja (p=0,003; OR=2,193), jadwal kerja (p=0,021; OR=1,851) dan kondisi lingkungan fisik kerja (p=0,000; OR=7,597) memilihi hubungan dengan distress. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian perlunya perbaikan terkait kondisi pada variabel peran dalam organisasi, pengembangan karir dengan kejelasan karir, kontrol pekerjaan dengan melibatkan pekerja, hubungan interpersonal tempat kerja dengan , hubungan rumah dan tempat kerja, desain kerja, beban kerja dengan mengevaluasi beban pekerja dengan kemampuannya, jadwal kerja dan kondisi lingkungan fisik kerja.
The issue of work-related stress is recognized as a global problem. Manufacturing industries or companies engaged in processing are at higher risk of experiencing stress than other types of work. Job stress is the result of one or more psychosocial threatening interactions at work. The results of PT X's internal survey in 2022 showed that work stress was the most complained of by employees. In the Hotpress area, the trend of work accidents in January-April 2022 continues to increase and the absentee rate in February 2022 has doubled compared to the previous month. The purpose of this study is to analyze psychosocial factors on the pressure on workers in the Hotpress area of PT X. This research will be conducted using a quantitative approach and a cross sectional study design. The data used is primary data through a bold questionnaire (online). This research was conducted in March 2022 – July 2022. Workers in the Hotpress area of PT. X is dominated by distress, which is dominated by moderate and mild difficulty levels, almost equal to 50% and 49.2%, respectively, and 2 people (0.8%). All psychosocial factor variables are dominated by the “unfavorable” condition category except for the organizational culture variable. Based on the Independent T test, it was found that each sex type (p = 0.683) both men and women had the same average level of distress. Based on the ANOVA test, it is known that each marital status (p = 0.111) is either unmarried, married or has the same average stress level. Based on the Chi-square test, the variables were age (p=0.746; OR=1.142), years of service (p=0.704; OR=0.905), organizational culture (p=0.202; OR=1.432), career development (p=0.699; OR =1.119), job control (p=0.097; OR=0.645) and job design (p=0.794; OR=1.073) had no relationship with the level of distress. While the role variables in the organization (p=0.001; OR; 2.349), interpersonal relationships (p=0.007; OR=2.056), home and work relations (p=0.000; OR 3.505), workload (p=0.003; OR= 2.193, work schedule (p = 0.021; OR = 1.851) and physical work environment conditions (p = 0.000; OR = 7.597) choose the relationship with difficulty. The results of the study need improvements related to conditions on role variables in the organization, career development with career careers, work control by involving workers, workplace interpersonal relationships with e-mail, home and workplace relations, work design, workloads with workers' workloads with their abilities, work schedules and physical conditions of the work environment."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2022