"[Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) terhadap peluang terjadinya pekerja anak dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Berdasarkan hasil menggunakan metode Logit, tampak bahwa PKH belum signifikan berpengaruh pada penurunan pekerja anak. Sedangkan karakteristik-karakteristik yang secara signifikan mempengaruhi peluang terjadinya pekerja anak adalah gender anak, usia anak, gender kepala rumah tangga, usia kepala rumah tangga, pendidikan kepala rumah tangga, kepala rumah tangga bekerja pada sektor pertanian, pengeluaran rumah tangga per kapita dan adanya shock kehilangan pekerjaan.
;This study aims to determine the impact of Family Hope Program expectation to the opportunities of child labor and the factors that influence. Based on the result using logit appears that the CCT is not significantly affect the reduction in child labor. Whereas characteristics that significantly affect the chances of child labor are child gender, age, gender of household of head, age of household of head, education of household of head, household head working in agriculture, household expenditure per capita and the loss jobs shock.
;This study aims to determine the impact of Family Hope Program expectation to the opportunities of child labor and the factors that influence. Based on the result using logit appears that the CCT is not significantly affect the reduction in child labor. Whereas characteristics that significantly affect the chances of child labor are child gender, age, gender of household of head, age of household of head, education of household of head, household head working in agriculture, household expenditure per capita and the loss jobs shock.
, This study aims to determine the impact of Family Hope Program expectation to the opportunities of child labor and the factors that influence. Based on the result using logit appears that the CCT is not significantly affect the reduction in child labor. Whereas characteristics that significantly affect the chances of child labor are child gender, age, gender of household of head, age of household of head, education of household of head, household head working in agriculture, household expenditure per capita and the loss jobs shock.
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015