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Dinar Dara Tri Puspita Purbasari
"Produksi kayu bulat yang berasal dari hutan rakyat memberikan kontribusi yang positif dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pasokan bahan baku industri nasional. Sertifikasi SVLK hutan rakyat terus didorong oleh pemerintah agar tidak menjadi celah pada sistem legalitas kayu yang telah dibangun secara multi-pihak. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis biaya sertifikasi SVLK hutan rakyat; menganalisis kemampuan dan kemauan membayar petani hutan rakyat; menganalisis pengaruh hutan rakyat serta manfaat SVLK terhadap pendapatan dan matapencaharian petani; menganalisis manfaat sertifikasi SVLK terhadap volume panen kayu; dan memperoleh konsep sertifikasi SVLK bagi hutan rakyat yang berkelanjutan dengan pendekatan kemampuan membayar petani. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan metode gabungan. Pengambilan data melalui kuesioner dan wawancara dilakukan kepada petani hutan, perwakilan pemerintah dan pihak swasta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan membayar dan keinginan membayar pada kedua KTH rendah terhadap biaya sertifikasi SVLK sehingga disimpulkan kelompok petani hutan belum mampu membayar biaya tambahan sertifikasi SVLK dalam pengusahaan hutan. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah kemampuan membayar terhadap sertifikasi SVLK oleh petani mempengaruhi keberlanjutan penerapan sertifikasi SVLK sehingga diperlukan dukungan dari pasar dan peran mitra.

Logs production from private forests has made a positive contribution to meeting the demand for raw material supplies for the national industry. The government continues to encourage private forest to SVLK certification so that it does not become a gap in the timber legality system that has been developed in a multi-stakeholder manner. This study aims to analyze the costs of community forest SVLK certification; analyzing the ability and willingness to pay of forest farmers; analyze the effect of SVLK certification on farmers’ income and livelihood; analyze the effect of SVLK certification on timber harvest volume; and obtaining the concept of SVLK certification for sustainable private forests using approach of farmers' ability to pay. The research was conducted using a quantitative approach and a combined method. Data were collected through questionnaires and interviews with forest farmers, government representatives and private sector. Result showed that ability to pay and willingness to pay of SVLK certification in both KTH were low, so it was concluded that private forest farmer groups not been able to pay SVLK certification as an additional cost of log business. The conclusion of this study is that the ability to pay for SVLK certification by farmers affects the sustainability of the application of SVLK certification so that support from the market and role of partners is needed."
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bartholomeus Adhitomo
"As a prerequisite for life, every human being needs clean water. The more populated an area is, the more volume of water needed. Jakarta as a metropolitan city and the most populated area of Indonesia also face the same condition: its 12 million population needs kilotons of water daily. Therefore, the need for an established reliable and integrated clean water service in Jakarta is getting more and more important.
ince decades ago, PAM Jaya has been the only municipal waterworks that operates in Jakarta. Yet, due to heavily indebted financial condition, it is impossible Far PAM Jaya to improve much of its service. Therefore, PAM Jaya then partnered with two world's giant in waterworks service, one of them is PALYJA. With helps from its partners, PAM Jaya's service is increasing gradually.
However, some public considered the partnership only profit the partners, because after 7 years of the agreement, PAM Jaya is then burdened with new debts due to imbalanced proportion between the cost of water and the price. After many renegotiations took place, the agreement was then revised to a condition that PAM Jaya will not suffer losses, unless major changes in the business environment take place.
The question arose is then asking when PAM Jaya, after being bound with the agreement, will be able to pay all the debts. In other word, when will PAM Jaya be free from its current indebted situation? Answering this, some projection has been made trying to foresee the future condition. The latest official projection stated that all the debts that PAM Jaya bear, either existing debts to the Ministry of Finance or the later operational debts to the partner would be paid by the year 2009. This implies that starting from 2010 PAM Jaya will continuously be a very profitable company.
Further question to ask is then whether the profit earned by PAM Jaya is at the cost of Jakarta citizen's interest, i.e. by charging an expensive price to its customers, or can it act like a truly public service company by keeping the water price low and affordable to everybody in Jakarta, while maintaining its profitability."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hery Susanto
"Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara seluas 2326.310 hektar merupakan salah satu kabupaten di Propinsi Kalimantan Timur, memiliki Kawasan Budidaya Kehutanan lKBK seluas 1.619.238 hektar atau sekitar 59,39 % dari luas kabupaten. Sedangkan Kawasan Budidaya Non Kehutanan (KBNK) di kabupaten tersebut seluas 1.107.072 hektar, yang di dalamnya termasuk hutan rakyat dengan luas 16.710,34 hektar atau sekitar 1,51 % dari luas KBNK.
Guna mengembangkan hutan rakyat, Pemerintah Daerah dan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD) Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara telah menetapkan kebijakan Peraturan Daerah (Perda) Nomor 31 Tahun 2000 tentang Pengelolaan Hutan Rakyat/Hutan Milik. Pasal 4 Ayat (1) Perda tersebut menjelaskan bahwa pengelolaan hutan rakyat mencakup kegiatan penanaman, pemeliharaan, pemanenan, pemanfaatan, pengolahan, pemasaran dan pengembangan dengan tata cara pelaksanaannya diatur melalui Keputusan Bupati.
Permasalahan kebijakan pengelolaan hutan rakyat di Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara hingga saat ini adalah sebagai berikut : (1) Kebijakan pengelolaan hutan rakyat di Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara barn dijabarkan melalui Tata Cara Pemberian Ijin Pemungutan dan Pemanfaatan Kayu (IPPK) Rakyat yang tertuang dalam Keputusan Bupati Kutai Kartanegara Nomor : 180.188IHK-11012002; (2) Kebijakan pengelolaan hutan rakyat di Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara pada aspek kegiatan penanaman, pemeliharaan, pemanenan, pengolahan, pemasaran dan pengembangannya dilakukan melalui bimbingan teknis kepada petani hutan rakyat namun implementasinya tidak dilakukan secara keseluruhan clad aspek-aspek kegiatan pengelolaan hutan rakyat tersebut di atas.
Hutan rakyat di Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara hingga kini masih menghadapi beberapa masalah teknis, yaitu : (1) Pengelolaan hutan rakyat belum berkembang secara luas karena pengelolaannya masih bersifat parsial; (2) Pemanfaatan hutan rakyat terutama pengembangan tanaman kayu jenis Akasia dan Sengon, setelah masak tebang menghasilkan pendapatan yang sangat kecil karena harga jual yang diperoleh petani tidak sesuai dengan biaya pemeliharaanya, sehingga hampir tidak ada petani yang tertarik untuk melakukan penanaman kembali; (3) Pengelolaan hutan rakyat belum mewujudkan pengelolaan hutan secara lestari.

Kutai Kartanegara Regency with 2,726,310 hectares is one of regencies in East Kalimantan Province, having Kawasan Budidaya Kehutanan KBK (Forest Preservation Area) as large 1,619,238 hectares or around 59.39% of this regency. And the Non-Forestry Conservation Area (KBNK) in this regency is 1,107,072 hectares which include private forest with 16.710,34 hectares or about 1,51 % of non-forestry conservation area.
In order to develop this private forest, The Regional Government and Local House of Representatif (DPRD) of Kutai Kartanegara Regency has stipulated policies on Regional Regulation (Perda) on Number 31 12000 pertaining to Management on Private Forest. Article 4 point (1) of this regulation explains that management of private forest is include planting, maintaining, harvesting, processing, usage, marketing and developing activities with code of conducts that has been regulated by Head of Regency's decree.
Matters pertaining to private forest management policies in the Regency of Kutai Kartanegara are, thus far, as follows: (1) Management policy is just about spelled ant trough the IPPK harvest and utilization license for private timber set out by decision of the regency No. 180.188IHK-11012002; (2) Private forest management policy at Kutai Kertanegara Regency on the aspects of planting, cultivation, harvesting, utilization, management, marketing and development are implemented by technical guidance to private forest fanner, but it didn't implemented as a whole in terms of such management.
The private forest at the Kutai Kartanegara region up to present day is still facing some technical problems, such as (1) Private forest Management has not yet deve-loped significantly due to to its partial management. (2) Private forest utilization ,especially the development of acacia, and sengon, after ready for logging, does not result in proper revenues to the forester due to its cheap selling price, which does not correspond to its plantation Cost, which almost no foresters interested to replant them. (3) A conserved private forest management is still far from realization.
Such problems indicated that there are gaps between the implementation and management policy, so that it causes private forest in the region is not yet developing as expected. To find ant why it is so happen and how the implantation on the management policy of private forest in Kutai Kertanegara should be made. And then a recommendation to develop the management should be proposed. The Evaluation will be based on Prince analysis approach, taking into account some criterion (Dunn,2000), such as : effectiveness, efficiency, adequacy, participation, responsiveness, appropriateness.
Formulation of research is drawn up as follows: (I) How the management policy is implemented? (2) What is the result of implementation? (3) Are there any gap between the implementation and the management policy of private forest? (4) What any factors that shall afflict such gap?
The purpose of this research are: (1) To find out the policy and its implementation at research location; (2) To evaluate the implementation policy of private forest; (3) To inductivity the gap between implementation and management policy of private forest; (4) To identify any factors that cause gap in the implementation and management policy of private forest.
Research is carried out with qualitative-descriptive method. Selection of respondents is made with purposive sample. This technique applies considering limitations of time, energy and money and that one could not take larger and further sample (Arikunto, 2002).
Respondents for this Research include decision makers and social figures that are concerned with the private forest management such as: Bupati ("municipal ruler or regent"), Forestry Officials, Bappeda, DPRD Kutai Kartanegara Regency (Local House of Representatives), specialists or experts in forestry field, NGO-s, forest industrialists, and press whereas the respondent sampling is drawn from the private forest farmers under two-stage cluster sample technique.
The research conclusions are as follows: (1) Management policy for private forest No. 31/2000, until today is just spelled out by regent's decision No. 180.1881HK-110/2002 on the procedure of licensing in 1PPK. Implementation policy of forest management in Kutai Kertanegara regency give more priority to planting, cultivation and farm operations to develop private forest than other aspects; (2) Implementation result of forest management on the planting aspect in the frame work of preserving and developing private forest have a good assessment, but the processing of get bad rating. Whereas timber marketing and utilization by means IPPK realization, replanting post-felling of timber get bad rating; (3) There are a gap between the implementation and management policy of private forest in Kutai Kertanegara Regency, that is in the management, marketing, utilization by means of IPPK realization and replanting post-felling of the result is deficient; (4) Factors affecting the gap between implementation of management policy give more priority to planting, cultivation and development assistance of private forest; lack of technical guidance relating to management and marketing operations; lack of socialization relating to utilization by means of IPPK realization capital shortage for farm operations; lack regulation in log trade; extreme minimum in the result of log sale; and the orientation still rely on the utilization of natural forest in relation to private forest.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indrajid Nurmukti
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengintegrasikan pengaruh faktor persepsi konsumen dalam memprediksi pembelian merek pribadi (private brand) pada hypermarket carrefour di indonesia oleh Fin dan Suh (2005). Sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 200 responden pada 2 kategori produk (makanan dan rumah tangga). Metode Structural Equational Modelling dengan bantuan perangkat lunak Lisrel, digunakan untuk mengolah data. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa dalam faktor persepsi konsumen mempunyai pengaruh yang positif dalam memprediksi pembelian merek pribadi (Private Brand/Private Label).

This research aims to integrate the effect of consumer perception factors in predicting private brand purchase at carrefour hypermarket in Indonesia based on Fin and Suh international journal (2005). Total sample of 200 respondents divided two product categories (food and household). LISREL was used in this research to process the data with Structural Equational Modeling method. The analysis shows that the consumer perception factors have a positive influence in predicting private brand / private label purchase."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rosita Jusuf Sumintapura
Pertumbuhan bisnis eceran mengalami kemajuan yang pesat dewasa ini. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari semakin banyaknya jumlah pengecer modern yang berskala seperti jarrngan pasar swalayan, convenience store, dam toko serba ada, yang semakin mendominasi bisnis eceran dan menggeser pengecer tradisional contohnya pasar swalayan. Tetapi karena adanya krisis ekonomi pada tahun 1997 yang lalu, mengakibatkan menurunnya daya beli masyarakat. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut para pengusaha harus pandai-pandai mencari strategi. Strategi yang dilakukan yaitu dengan membuat private labels untuk produk-produk tertentu dengan tujuan meningkatkan daya beli konsumen.
Definisi private label atau private brand atau house brand menurut Fitzell(1982), adalah : "House brand yaitu produk-produk dengan merek pribadi yang hanya dipasarkan dalam rumah pengecer, grosir, maupun distributor tertentu dan sama sekali tidak dijual ditempat lain".
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami jenis private label yang dikeluarkan oleh supermarket & hypermarket di Indonesia. Mengetahui jenis produk private label yang dibeli oleh konsumen. Terakhir mengetahui atribut yang mempengaruhi konsumen dalam pemilihan private label. Menurut Harvard Business Review jika suatu perusahaan memproduksi private label, hal yang penting yang harus dilakukan ialah memperkirakan efek private label pada bisnis mereka secara keseluruhan dan mengontrol operasi private label. Untuk kesuksesan private label, retailer harus memperhatikan kualitas produk yang berhubungan dengan private label seperti packaging, labeling, brand image, termasuk image dari toko itu sendiri yang mungkin akan mentransfer persepsi konsumen terhadap kualitas private label.
Metodologi penelitian yang digunakan adalah exploratory research dan descriptive research. Exploratory research bertujuan untuk memberikan gagasan, wawasan dan pemahamam atas situasi permasalahan yang dihadapi peneliti. Descriptive research yaitu tipe tipe riset konklusif yang bertujuan utama mencari informasi data primer berupa data kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data primer dlakukan dengan melakukan cross sectional study, yaitu pengukuran populasi dalam waktu tertentu. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah dengan metode kuantitatif sample survey, yaitu mengambil sample dengan jumlah tertentu untuk menjelaskan keseluruhan populasi yang diteliti. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data didalam sample survey ini adalah kuesioner. Dalam penelitian ini, responden mengisi sendiri kuesioner (selfadministered survey), yang diberikan kepadanya dengan cara drop-off Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam descriptive research adalah descriptive analysis, paired sample t-test dan top of two boxes.
Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan produk private label yang dikeluarkan oleh Hero dan Makro merupakan low involvement product. Atribut yang dipentingkan oleh konsumen adalah harga. Hal ini sesuai dengan positioning dari private label yaitu menjual produk dengan harga murah tetapi kualitasnya setara atau lebih baik dari merek pabrikan. Produk yang sering dibeli konsumen adalah produk yang dikonsumsi secara. teratur (frequency of use/consumption), misalnya beras, minyak goreng, gula, garam, kecap (sembako) dan produk-produk toiletries seperti sabun, shampoo, tisu dan kapas. Keputusan pembelian produk diputuskan di supermarket/hypermarket.
Merek private label Hero dan Makro hendaknya mencantumkan merek supermarket/ hypermarketnya sebagai penyokong. Hal ini dilakukan untuk meningkatkan image dan kredibilitas kepada merek tersebut serta meyakinkan konsumen. Supermarket/hypermarket sebaiknya melakukan packaging dan point of purchase advertising untuk meningkatkan awareness konsumen. Misalnya dengan memperbaiki disain kemasan menjadi menarik, menampilkan motion display, poster, POP, radio shopping, cart advertising, shelf talkers dan memberikan kupon. Hero dan Makro sebaiknya melakukan komunikasi positioning penggunaan produk secara teratur/berkala (position for frequent or regular use) untuk produk-produk private labelnya."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Frengki Junaedi
"Perkembangan perkotaan yang begitu pesat menyebabkan banyak terjadinya permasalahan sosial antara lain munculnya masalah esehatan, yang menuntut sarana kesehatan yang lebih baik. Sarana pelayanan kesehatan yang dapat mencakup pelayanan kesehatan preventif, promotif, rehabilitatif dan kuratif hanya terdapat di rumah sakit. Rumah sakit di Kota Bogor didominasi oleh rumah sakit swasta sehingga hal tersebut dapat menyebabkan persaingan. Pemilihan suatu rumah sakit didasarkan pada jumlah fasilitas yang tersedia, biaya yang ditawarkan dan aksesibilitas yang mendukung.
Dengan latar belakang tersebut penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana jangkauan pelayanan rumah sakit swasta di Kota Bogor berdasarkan fasilitas, biaya dan akseibilitasnya serta mengetahui bagaimana wilayah potensial rumah sakit swasta di Kota Bogor. Metode yang digunakan analisis deskritif keruangan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jangkauan pelayanan rumah sakit yang jauh diikuti oleh fasilitas rumah sakit yang besar dan aksesibilitas yang baik. Sedangkan biaya tidak terlalu berpengauh terhadap jangkauan pelayanannya. Untuk wilayah potensial rumah sakit swasta di Kota Bogor semuanya berada pada jangkauan 7 km.

Urban develop so rapidly which has caused many occurrences of social problems, such as the emergence of health problems. Hence, better health facilities are on demand. Health service facilities which include preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative health services could only be found in hospitals. Hospitals in Bogor city are dominated by the private hospitals, so that the emergence of these can cause competition. The selection of a hospital is based on the number of facilities available, costs and accessibilities.
From the background, this study wanted to know how far the range of the private hospital services in Bogor city based on facilities, cost and accessibilities, and how the potential regions of private hospitals in Bogor city. Method of analysis used spatial descriptive.
Results of the research showed that furthest range of the service of the private hospitals was followed by big hospital facilities and good accessibilities. Meanwhile, the costs were not too influential with range of services. For the potential regions of the private hospitals in Bogor city all were in range of 7 km."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This paper attemts to understand the role of private schools in both catering demand of nine year schooling and improving quality of education...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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