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Hamzah Shatri
"Background: health workers are one of the groups affected physically as well as psychologically from the pandemic. Recent studies showed many of the health workers reported experiencing anxiety, depression, and insomnia. This study aims to identify psychotherapy as a psychological health intervention, for healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: an evidence based clinical review of psychotherapy as a psychological health intervention, reported in the literature, which is developed for healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The review was conducted following set out for Evidence-based clinical review by searching the following digital libraries: PubMed, ProQuest, Cochrane, and Google Scholar. Results: six publications were selected. The identified psychotherapy used as a mental or psychological intervention for healthcare workers during COVID-19 consists of supportive psychotherapy, psychoeducation, social support, and music therapy. Overall, it shows that psychotherapy, especially supportive psychotherapy, can reduce anxiety, depression, and insomnia. Conclusion: the physiological condition of health workers needs to get attention during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although there is no standard of therapy yet, psychotherapy could be an option as it is proven to be able to reduce anxiety, depression, and insomnia."
Jakarta: University of Indonesia. Faculty of Medicine, 2021
610 UI-IJIM 53:2 (2021)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Weisz, John R.
New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004
618.92 WEI p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sharf, Richard S.
Singapore: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning, 2012
616.891 4 SHA t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Khadhra Ulfah
"Penelitian hasil terapi sudah banyak dilakukan pada psikoterapi orang dewasa, namun masih terbatas pada terapi anak baik dari segi kuantitas, kualitas, maupun fokus penelitian. Mengacu pada terapi dewasa, ekspektasi ditemukan memiliki hubungan dengan hasil terapi. Selain itu, faktor kesiapan juga ditemukan berperan dalam hasil terapi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan ekspektasi orang tua dengan hasil terapi anak, dengan kesiapan orang tua untuk perubahan sebagai moderator. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 51 orang tua dari anak dengan gangguan perkembangan yang mengikuti terapi di klinik tumbuh kembang di Jabodetabek dengan teknik purposive sampling. Alat ukur yang digunakan yaitu Parental Expectation for Therapy Scale untuk ekspektasi orang tua, Parental Readiness for Change Scale untuk kesiapan orang tua, dan Outcome Rating Scale untuk hasil terapi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peran kesiapan orang tua untuk perubahan tidak memoderasi hubungan ekspektasi orang tua dan hasil terapi anak, namun ditemukan korelasi positif yang signifikan pada hubungan ekspektasi orang tua dan kesiapan orang tua untuk perubahan. Rekomendasi terkait metodologi penelitian, terutama sesi terapi, menjadi penting bagi peneliti selanjutnya yang akan melakukan penelitian yang serupa. Penelitian lebih lanjut terkait ekspektasi orang tua dan kesiapan orang tua juga dapat dilakukan dalam kaitannya dengan proses atau hasil terapi lainnya.

Research on the outcome therapy has been studied widely in adult psychotherapy, unfortunately it is still limited in child therapy both in terms of quantity, quality, and research focus. Referring to adult psychotherapy, expectations have long been found to have a relationship with outcome therapy. In addition, the readiness for change was also played a role in outcome therapy. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between parental expectation and children's outcome therapy, with parental readiness for change as moderator. Research was conducted on 51 parents having children with developmental disabilities who were undergoing therapy in developmental clinics in Jabodetabek using a purposive sampling technique. The instruments used were Parental Expectation for Therapy Scale for parental expectation, Parental Readiness for Change Scale for parental readiness, and Outcome Rating Scale for outcome therapy. The result indicated that there was no role of parental readiness for change in moderating parental expectations and outcome therapy. However, there is a statistically significant correlation between parental expectations and parental readiness for change. Recommendations regarding research methodology, especially therapy sessions, are essential for future researchers. Further research related to parental expectations and parental readiness for change can also be studied with other therapeutic processes or outcomes. "
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mostwin, Danuta
Washington: National Association of Social Workers, 1980
616.89 MOS s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurlaila Fitriani
"Tunagrahita adalah keadaan kegagalan perkembangan intelektual secara menyeluruh yang mencangkup area area kognitif, bahasa, motorik dan sosial yang menyebabkan sesorang tidak mampu beradaptasi dengan lingkungan. Akibatnya keluarga yang merawat anak tunagrahita mengalami beban, stres dan mekanisme koping yang tidak adaptif dalam merawat anak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh tindakan keperawatan terapi kelompok psikoedukasi keluarga terhadap beban, stres dan mekanisme koping keluarga yang merawat anak tunagrahita di sekolah luar biasa.
Desain penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperimen pre-post test with control group dengan jumlah sampel 60 orang tua yang memiliki anak tunagrahita, yang dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling untuk mengikuti tindakan keperawatan ners dan terapi psikoedukasi keluarga. Uji analisis menggunakan dependen t-test.
Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa pemberian tindakan keperawatan ners dapat meningkatkan kemampuan koping ibu. Tindakan keperawatan ners ditambah terapi kelompok psikoedukasi keluarga dapat menurunkan tingkat beban dari tingkat sangat berat menjadi berat. Stres orang tua menurun secara signifikan P value < 0,05 . Kemampuan koping ibu dalam merawat anak tunagrahita p value < 0,05 meningkat menjadi koping adaptif. Tindakan keperawatan ners dan terapi kelompok psikoedukasi keluarga direkomendasikan bagi keluarga anak tunagrahita untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dalam menurunkan beban dan stres serta kemampuan koping dalam merawat anak.

Tunagrahita is a condition that characterized by failure of intellectual function and development include cognitive, language, motoric and social adaptation that affects the distruptions and behaviour disorder. As a result, families who cares of children with intellctual disability become burden, stress and lack of family coping mechanism. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of family group psychoeducation therapy on family burden, stress and also family coping mechanism.
Design of this study is quasi experimental pre post design with control group, include 60 sample of mothers who have a children with intellectual disability that attending special school and selected by using purposive sampling technique to follow nursing intervention. Analysis of the data using dependen t test.
The result show that nursing action can improve the ability of mother rsquo s coping mechanism. Nursing care plus family group psychoeducation therapy can reduce level of burden and stres and also improve more capability of mother to make adaptif coping mechanism. Nursing care and family group psychoeducation therapy are recomended for family of children with tunagrahita to improve their ability to reduce burden and stres and to improve the abilty of mother rsquo s adaptive coping menchanism.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elizabeth Putri Anne A.G.H.K.
"Kewajiban internasional yang terdapat dalam GATT 1994 dapat menghambat Negara Anggota dalam memerangi Pandemi Covid-19. Mengingat adanya peningkatan permintaan global terhadap produk medis dan alat pelindung diri, Negara-Negara Anggota harus menerapkan kebijakan untuk memastikan bahwa pasokan produk tersebut, serta bahan untuk memproduksinya cukup untuk kebutuhan dalam negeri. Walaupun pembatasan ini merupakan pelanggaran terhadap GATT 1994, kewajiban tersebut dapat dikesampingkan menggunakan klausul general exceptions dan carve-out method. Akan tetapi, perlu diperhatikan bahwa agar dapat dijustifikasi, suatu kebijakan harus memenuhi beberapa elemen atau unsur yang terdapat dalam pasal pengecualian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan unsur-unsur yang harus dipenuhi dan memberikan analisis tentang kesesuaian kebijakan pembatasan ekspor yang diterapkan Indonesia dan India terhadap bahan baku masker selama Pandemi Covid-19. Menggunakan metode normatif yuridis dan pendekatan kualitatif, penelitian menyimpulkan dua hal. Pertama, terdapat perbedaan antara carve-out method dan general exceptions, seperti objektif dari kebijakan, penggunaan necessity test, dan durasi kebijakan. Akibatnya, kebijakan yang konsisten dengan salah satu pengecualian dapat tidak sesuai dengan pengecualian yang lainnya. Kedua, Indonesia telah memenuhi unsur-unsur dalam kedua pengecualian tersebut, sedangkan India tidak memenuhinya.

The international obligations under GATT 1994 could pose as an obstacle to Member States in fighting the Covid-19 Pandemic. Given the rise in the global demand for medical products and personal protective equipment, Member States must take measures to ensure the availability of these products, as well as the factors of production required to manufacture it. As a result, numerous states have imposed export restrictions on the raw materials of masks. Despite the fact that these restrictions may be a violation of GATT 1994, these measures could be exempted from liability through the use of the WTO general exceptions clause and the carve-out method. However, it must be noted that in order to be exempted, the measure in question must fulfill several cumulative criterion or elements. This study aims to elaborate the criterion that must be fulfilled and provide an analysis on the consistency of the measures imposed by Indonesia and India towards the raw materials of masks as a response to the Covid-19 Pandemic. Using a normative-juridical method and a qualitative approach, this study resulted in two conclusions. First, there are several differences between the carve-out method and the general exceptions clause, such as the objective of measure, the use of the necessity test, and the duration of the measure. As a result, a measure that is justifiable using one clause may not be justifiable by the other. Second, Indonesia has fulfilled the elements required in both clauses, while India has failed to do so."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andarisa Roosellyn Patriane
"Meningkatnya kasus COVID-19 di Indonesia mengakibatkan kebutuhan akan perawatan di rumah sakit bagi pasien COVID-19 juga meningkat. Oleh karena itu, perlu diketahui laju perbaikan kondisi klinis pasien COVID-19 serta faktor-faktor yang memengaruhinya agar pasien COVID-19 dapat diberikan perawatan yang tepat sehingga pasien dapat lebih cepat mengalami perbaikan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui laju perbaikan kondisi klinis dari pasien COVID-19, sekaligus melihat karakteristik pasien yang berasosiasi dengan laju perbaikan kondisi klinis tersebut. Faktor-faktor yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini antara lain usia, jenis kelamin, jenis-jenis gejala, jenis-jenis komorbid, pengukuran darah perifer lengkap (DPL) dan hitung jenis leukosit, procalcitonin, C-Reactive Protein, urea, dan kreatinin. Metode yang digunakan berupa survival tree dan regresi Cox proportional hazard dalam menganalisis laju perbaikan kondisi klinis pasien COVID-19 berdasarkan beberapa faktor. Algoritma survival tree yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah relative risk tree. Data yang digunakan merupakan data pasien COVID-19 salah satu rumah sakit di Jakarta yang berjumlah 286 observasi. Data diambil pada periode Maret 2020 hingga Maret 2021. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, terbentuk empat kelompok kelajuan perbaikan kondisi klinis yang berbeda berdasarkan masing-masing faktor yang berasosiasi. Faktor-faktor yang diketahui berasosiasi terhadap laju perbaikan klinis pasien COVID-19 berdasarkan hasil pembentukan survival tree antara lain usia, procalcitonin, trombosit, Platelete-to-Lymphocyte Ratio (PLR), leukosit dan jumlah komorbid. Pasien dengan karakteristik laju perbaikan kondisi klinis yang relatif lebih cepat memiliki risiko lebih besar untuk keluar dari ruang perawatan COVID, sedangkan pasien dengan karakteristik laju perbaikan kondisi klinis yang relatif lambat memiliki risiko lebih rendah untuk keluar dari ruang perawatan COVID.

The increased number of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia has resulted in a large increase in COVID-19 patient hospitalizations. As a result, it is necessary to understand the rate of clinical improvement in COVID-19 patients, as well as the factors that influence it, so that the patients can be given the right treatment in order for them to improve their conditions faster. The aim of this study was to determine the rate of clinical improvement in COVID-19 patients, as well as the patient characteristics that were associated to that rate. Age, gender, types of symptoms, types of comorbidities, complete blood count (CBC), white blood count (WBC), procalcitonin, C-Reactive Protein, urea, and creatinine were used in this study. The survival tree and Cox proportional hazard regression methods were applied in this study to analyze the rate of clinical improvement of COVID-19 patients based on several factors. Survival tree algorithm that used in this study is relative risk tree. Data used in this study was COVID-19 patients data from a hospital in Jakarta with 286 observations. Data was taken from March 2020 to March 2021. Based on the results of analysis, there are four different groups of rates of clinical improvement COVID-19 patients based on each covariate. Age, measurement of procalcitonin, platelets, Platelet-to-Lymphocyte Ratio (PLR), leukocytes, and the number of comorbidities are known to be associated with the rate of clinical improvement of COVID-19 patients based on survival tree results. Patients with a relatively faster rate of clinical improvement have a greater risk of leaving from COVID treatment room, whereas patients with a relatively slow rate of clinical improvement have a lower risk of leaving the COVID treatment room."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayu Nenden Assyfa Putri
"Suatu produk yang berhasil di ingat konsumen tidak akan pernah terlepas dari fungsi komunikasi pemasaran. Adanya komunikasi pemasaran dapat mewakili suara perusahaan untuk menjadi sarana dalam menjalin komunikasi dan membangun hubungan dengan pelanggan. Salah satu aktivitas pemasaran yang dilakukan perusahaan selama ini selalu mengutamakan marketing event secara tatap muka sebagai strategi pemasaran utamanya. Hadirnya pandemi Covid-19, marketing event bertransformasi menjadi kegiatan virtual dimana perusahaan harus mengikuti perkembangan tersebut agar tidak tertinggal. Penelitian ini menggunakan beberapa konsep serta referensi dari Marketing Event, Computer Mediated Communication dan Hierarchy of Effect. Strategi penelitian ini menggunakan studi fenomenologi dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Sebagai penelitian kualitatif, peneliti melakukan tahapan wawancara mendalam dan observasi kepada tiga informan yang mempunyai pengalaman dalam ikut serta marketing event di masa pandemi Covid-19. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa keberhasilan pembentukan pemahaman dalam mengikuti marketing event tergantung dari sektor perusahaan. Untuk produk skincare dan smartphone, marketing event secara virtual dinilai sudah memberikan pemahaman terhadap produk kepada konsumen. Sedangkan pada produk printer, acara virtual dinilai kurang memberikan pemahaman karena informan tidak bisa merasakan langsung pengalaman terhadap produk.

A product that is successfully remembered by consumers will never be separated from the marketing communication function. The existence of marketing communications can represent the voice of the company to be a means of establishing communication and building relationships with customers. One of the marketing activities carried out by the company so far has always prioritized face-to-face marketing events as its main marketing strategy. With the presence of the Covid-19 pandemic, marketing events have transformed into virtual activities where companies must follow these developments so they don't get left behind. This study uses several concepts and references from Event Marketing, Computer Mediated Communication and Hierarchy of Effect. This research strategy uses a phenomenological study with a qualitative approach. As a qualitative research, the researcher conducted in-depth interviews and observations with three informants who had experience in participating in marketing events during the Covid-19 pandemic. The results of this study indicate that the success of forming understanding in participating in marketing events depends on the company sector. For skincare and smartphone products, virtual marketing events are considered to have provided an understanding of the product to consumers. Meanwhile, for printer products, virtual events are considered to lack understanding because the informants cannot experience the product directly."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chasnaa Lidza Maliha
"Karya akhir ini menyajikan tentang bagaimana tren likuiditas obligasi pada obligasi negara emerging markets selama pandemi Covid-19. Keterbatasan penelitian sebelumnya tentang respon likuiditas obligasi korporasi di negara-negara berkembang dan obligasi negara adalah tujuan dari makalah ini. Dengan menggunakan data bid/offer spread obligasi negara emerging markets, penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode analisis statistik deskriptif yang menggunakan data berupa penyajian, frekuensi, nilai rata-rata yang diolah menjadi rumus statistik dengan sampel obligasi pemerintah yang tercatat di seluruh negara emerging markets dunia. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Covid-19 tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap likuiditas obligasi negara emerging market. Sedangkan, ratings dan outstanding amount obligasi berpengaruh positif terhadap likuiditas obligasi.

This paper presents the response of bond liquidity on emerging markets during the Covid19 pandemic. The limited previous research on the response of corporate bond liquidity in emerging countries and the government bond are the purpose of this paper. Using the bid/offer spread data on emerging market bonds, this research was conducted with a descriptive quantitative method which uses data in the form of presentation, frequency, average value which are processed into statistical formula with samples from the government bonds listed in emerging markets worldwide. This study shows that Covid-19 does not significantly affect the liquidity of emerging market bonds. Meanwhile, ratings and outstanding amount of bonds have a significant positive effect on bond liquidity."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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