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Rizky Aurelia Putri Dehars
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai bagaimana media massa membingkai LGBT sehingga menimbulkan stigma di berbagai institusi masyarakat Jepang. Stigma yang ada membuat berbagai institusi melakukan kontrol terhadap LGBT agar tatanan sosial tetap terjaga. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan tujuan menjelaskan kaitan dari cara media massa menyajikan isu LGBT dengan stigma yang timbul di masyarakat serta reaksi berbagai institusi masyarakat Jepang dalam mengontrol LGBT. Konsep kontrol sosial, framing, dan stigma digunakan sebagai dasar untuk menganalisa. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan studi literatur dari berbagai situs kementerian Jepang, artikel koran Jepang dan internasional, jurnal internasional serta situs video. Dari data-data yang didapat dan dianalisa, disimpulkan bahwa media massa Jepang menonjolkan aspek hiburan dan menghilangkan unsur lain dalam menayangkan LGBT. Media juga tidak menayangkan bahwa LGBT bisa memasuki berbagai institusi di masyarakat. Ini menimbulkan stigma terhadap LGBT dan membuat berbagai institusi menerapkan kontrol bagi LGBT. Pemerintah pun memberikan kontrol berupa undang-undang agar LGBT Jepang tidak bisa bergerak bebas. Ini dilakukan supaya tatanan sosial di masyarakat tetap terjaga.

This thesis discuss on how mass media depict LGBT so that stigma on LGBT appear in different institutions in Japanese society. The stigma makes those institutions control LGBT in order to maintain social order. The researchs purpose is to explain the connection between the ways mass media depict LGBT with the stigma about them in Japanese society. This research also explains about the reactions of institutions within society to control LGBT. The concepts used to analyze are social control theory, framing theory, and stigma theory.
This thesis uses qualitative method and literature study from Japanese ministries websites, Japanese and international news article, international journal, and video website. From the data that has been gathered and analyzed, it can be concluded that Japanese mass media highlights the entertainment aspect of LGBT and eliminate other aspects. They also dont inform that LGBT can be found inside different institutions in the society. This makes stigma on LGBT appear and makes those institutions control LGBT. The government also controls them by applying laws so Japanese LGBT cant act as free as they want. This is done to maintain social order within Japanese society."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Kajian Wilayah Jepang, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hani Noor Ilahi
Tesis ini berangkat dari fenomena peningkatan jumlah Anak yang Berkonflik dengan Hukum (ABH) di Indonesia. Adanya peningkatan jumlah ABH tersebut juga terlihat melalui maraknya pemberitaan atas ABH di berbagai media di Indonesia, yang justru menstigmatisasi kelompok ABH. Tesis ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian metode campuran, dengan metode kualitatif sebagai metode primer dan metode kuantitatif sebagai metode sekunder. Metode kuantitatif digunakan di awal penelitian sebagai pengantar yang menggambarkan stigmatisasi media atas ABH melalui analisis isi terhadap 5 media online dan 2 stasiun televisi. Ada pun metode kualitatif digunakan
sebagai metode utama untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian mengenai dampak dari stigmatisasi media atas ABH terhadap proses rehabilitasi dan reintegrasi ABH. Strategi penelitian yang dipakai dalam metode kualitatif adalah dengan studi kasus terhadap ABH dalam kasus pemerkosaan dan pembunuhan di Bengkulu Tahun 2016, yang dibedah dengan menggunakan konsep felt dan enacted stigma dari Scambler dan Hopkins (1986). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media belum menjalani perannya sebagai lembaga masyarakat yang memenuhi hak dan memberikan perlindungan bagi anak dengan stigmatisasi yang masih dilakukannya terhadap ABH. Dampak dari stigmatisasi media atas ABH tersebut, berdasarkan hasil penelitian, merugikan kepentingan terbaik bagi ABH di masa depan.

This thesis based on the phenomenon of increasing the number of Children in Conflict with Law (ABH) in Indonesia. The increase in the number of ABH is also seen through the rise of news on ABH in various media in Indonesia, which actually stigmatize the ABH group. This thesis uses a mixed method research approach, with qualitative method as primary method and quantitative method as secondary method. Quantitative methods were used at the beginning of the study as an introduction, describing media stigmatization of ABH through content analysis of 5 online media and 2 television stations. There are also qualitative methods used as the main method to answer research questions about the impact of media stigmatization on ABH on the rehabilitation and
reintegration process of ABH. The research strategy used in qualitative methods is with case studies of ABH in the case of rape and killing in Bengkulu 2016, which was explained using the felt and enacted stigma concepts of Scambler and Hopkins (1986). The results show that the media has not yet fulfilled its role as a community institution that fulfills the rights and provides protection for children with the stigmatization that they still do against ABH. The impact of media stigmatization on ABH, on the basis of research results, harms the best interests of ABH in the future."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dina Listiorini
"Pemberitaan mengenai keragaman gender dan seksualitas non-normatif yang disebut “LGBT” oleh media di Indonesia pasca Reformasi menjadikan kelompok tersebut makin terpinggirkan. Pemberitaan media menjadikan “LGBT” sebagai folk’s devil atau setan masyarakat yang dianggap berbahaya bagi kehidupan bangsa dan negara. Pemberitaan di media massa tentang “LGBT” seolah menjadi kebenaran pengetahuan dan menjadikannya kepanikan moral. Media massa membangun sebuah rezim kebenaran informasi yang mendukung, menguatkan serta menyebarluaskan stigmatisasi tentang “LGBT”, menjadikan mereka sebagai hal yang berbahaya di masyarakat dengan berpijak pada moral agama yang menguat pasca rezim Orde Baru. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma kritis dan teori-teori diskursus Foucauldian yang mengedepankan kuasa dan pengetahuan sebagai pisau analisis. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan metode arkeologi media yang bersifat analisis multilevel di tingkat mikro, meso dan makro. Metode ini berangkat dari pemikiran Foucault tentang tiga hal yang berkait satu sama lain yaitu pengetahuan, relasi kuasa dan diskursus seksualitas. Hasil temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pertama, rezim kebenaran media yang diproduksi dalami kuasa dan pengetahuan mengenai diskursus “LGBT” yang menyebabkan kepanikan moral adalah rezim kebenaran media homofobik. Rezim kebenaran ini dibangun dari tiga peminggiran yang dilakukan melalui kuasa dan pengetahuan media, yaitu peminggiran secara ekonomi, peminggiran secara politik dan peminggiran secara sosial budaya; kedua, kepanikan moral dibentuk melalui diskursus “LGBT” dalam pemberitaan daring maupun gelar wicara melalui proses penulisan jurnalistik dan proses produksi tayangan gelar wicara. Diskursus “LGBT” muncul melalui ketidakberimbangan narasumber dan ketidaklengkapan berita yang cenderung satu sisi yang akhirnya melenyapkan suara individu maupun kelompok minoritas gender dan seksual; melalui sentimen-sentimen terhadap kelompok tersebut dengan marginalisasi, subordinasi, stereotype, kekerasan, menekankan isu seksualitas, memberikan stigma dan menguatkan isu mengenai peraturan. Kuasa dan pengetahuan di media daring dibentuk melalui peran editor dan jurnalis, sedangkan di gelar wicara dibentuk melalui peran moderator yang memoderasi dialog; ketiga, bentuk-bentuk relasi kuasa dan pengetahuan tentang diskursus “LGBT” di pemberitaan media daring dan gelar wicara terletak pada rutinitas media yang melahirkan tindakan dan pengetahuan jurnalis. Tindakan dan pengetahuan jurnalis bersumber dari berbagai faktor seperti rutinitas media dan perspektif jurnalis. Selain itu terdapat kuasa lain yang merepresi jurnalis berasal dari rezim moral yang terbentuk dari tiga rezim yaitu rezim heteronormatif, rezim Islam konservatif dan rezim pembungkaman pengetahuan seksualitas ; keempat adalah rezim kebenaran media tentang diskursus “LGBT” di pemberitaan media daring dan gelar wicara diproduksi melalui kepanikan moral untuk melanggengkan ideologi heteronormatif. Media menjadi semacam lembaga yang menjadi perpanjangan tangan negara, dijadikan sebagai salah satu moral entrepreneur yang mendisiplinkan seksualitas warganya. Kepanikan moral yang homofobik, menyebabkan rasa takut, terancam dan menganggap “LGBT adalah bahaya menjadi salah satu metode kekuasaan heteronormatif untuk melakukan penundukan seksualitas manusia: tubuh yang patuh.
Mass media reporting on gender diversity and non-normative sexual identities community, dubbed by the media in Indonesia as LGBT, after the Reform has been further marginalizing the LGBT community. The mass media has been portraying the LGBT community as the folk devil that is deemed as a threat to the state. The news of LGBT on the mass media is seen as the true knowledge and causes moral panic. The mass media has established a regime of truth, comprising all information that supports, strengthens, and disseminates stigmas towards LGBT; making them a danger to society that holds fast to religious values which continue to grow stronger after the New Order. This study used critical paradigms and Foucauldian discourse theories that highlight power and knowledge as analytical knives. This study used a media-archaeological method which covers multilevel analysis at micro-, meso-, and macrolevel. This method is based on Foucault’s view of three interrelated things, namely knowledge, power relation, and discourse on sexuality. The findings of this study show that first, the regime of truth produced by media in terms of power and knowledge about LGBT that causes moral panic is homophobic; and second, moral panic is generated through the discourse on LGBT in the online news reporting or talk shows production. Discourse on LGBT emerges from imbalanced composition of spokespersons and one-sided news reporting which exclude individuals of gender and sexual minority community. Furthermore, sentiments and stigmas are visibly present in the content of the news. Power and knowledge in the online media are produced through editors and journalists, whereas in talk shows, they are shaped by the role of moderator who moderates the dialogue between the participants. The third finding is that forms of power relation and knowledge regarding discourse on LGBT in online media news and talk shows are established in the media’s routine which produces journalists’ knowledge and actions. Journalists’ knowledge and actions are heavily influenced by political, social, and cultural context as well as journalists’ lived experience. The fourth finding is that the media’s regime of truth on the discourse of LGBT in the online media news and talk shows is produced through moral panic to promote heteronormative ideology. The media has become a form of state’s think tank, that serves as a moral entrepreneur who is in charge of enforcing discipline on people’s sexuality. Homophobic moral panic that has induced fear, the feeling of being threatened, and view that LGBT is a danger are some of the methods used by heteronormative power to subjugate human’s sexuality: an obedient body"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lucky Windaningtyas Marmer
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan peran distres psikologis dan stigma keluarga terhadap sikap caregiver anggota keluarga penyandang skizofrenia dalam mencari bantuan profesional dan mendapatkan gambaran lebih mendalam mengenai pengalaman caregiver terkait sikap pencarian bantuan profesional. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah pendekatan penelitian metode campuran (mixed-methods research) dengan model sequential explanatory strategy. Terdapat 65 partisipan yang mengikuti penelitian kuantitatif dan selanjutnya tiga dari 65 partisipan diwawancarai secara kualitatif. Peneliti menggunakan alat ukur GHQ-12 (General Health Questionnaire-12), FSS (Family Stigma Scale), dan Skala Pencarian Bantuan Profesional, kemudian wawancara semi terstruktur. Pengolahan data secara kuantitatif dilakukan dengan analisis regresi berganda dan secara kualitatif menggunakan analisis tematik. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa distres psikologis dan stigma keluarga tidak dapat memprediksi secara signifikan sikap mencari bantuan profesional F(2, 62) = 2.733, p = 0.073; ∆R2 = 0.051. Adanya faktor lain, seperti literasi kesehatan mental, dukungan sosial, strategi koping, dan upaya dini pertolongan dinilai berhubungan dengan sikap perilaku mencari bantuan profesional. Melalui penelitian ini diharapkan tenaga profesional dapat melakukan pendampingan secara kontinyu pada kelompok caregiver yang paling berisiko. Mempertimbangkan untuk memberikan intervensi pada kelompok caregiver orang dengan skizofrenia episode psikotik pertama untuk mengurangi distres psikologis. Selain itu, psikoedukasi dapat diberikan ke masyarakat terkait dengan gangguan kesehatan mental dan manfaat bantuan profesional untuk mengurangi stigma.

This study aims to examine the role of psychological distress and family stigma on attitudes towards help-seeking behaviour among caregiver family member of patient with schizophrenia also explore caregiver experiences related to attitudes seeking professional help. The method used in this research was a mixed-methods research approach with a sequential explanatory strategy model. There were 65 participants who participated in the study and then three of 65 participants were interviewed further. Researcher used GHQ-12 (General Health Questionnaire-12), FSS (Family Stigma Scale), and Attitudes towards Help-seeking, then semi-structured interviews for qualitative data collection. The results of the study showed that psychological distress and family stigma did not significantly predict the attitudes towards help-seeking behaviour F(2, 62) = 2.733, p = 0.073; ∆R2 = 0.051. Based on qualitative results, factors such as mental health literacy, social support, oping strategy, and sequence of help-seeking were assumed have relation to attitudes towards help-seeking behaviour. It is important to professional provide continuous assistance to risky caregiver groups. Intervention to caregiver family member of patients with schizophrenia may be considered as a treatment to prevent psychological distress. Besides that, psychoeducation can be given to the community related to mental health disorders and the benefits of professional help to reduce stigma."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tesis ini membahas representasi media bagi kelompok minoritas Amerika Serikat dengan menganalisis fenomena kemunculan gerakan LGBT Fans Deserve Better pasca kematian tokoh Lexa dalam serial televisi The 100. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode analisis konten berbasis resepsi untuk melihat faktor yang menyebabkan tokoh Lexa sangat berpengaruh bagi kelompok LGBT dan pentingnya representasi media bagi kelompok minoritas Amerika Serikat.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa besarnya pengaruh Lexa merupakan hasil dari keberhasilan serial televisi The 100 merepresentasikan kelompok LGBT melalui penokohan Lexa. Keberhasilan ini ditunjukkan oleh kemampuan Lexa menunjukkan visibilitas kelompok LGBT yang membantu upaya mencari pengakuan dan membenarkan misrecognition seperti yang terlihat dari pemaknaan Lexa oleh kelompok LGBT melalui lsquo;bahasa rsquo; yang beredar. Gerakan LGBT Fans Deserve Better merupakan imbas dari kekecewaan dan kemarahaan akan terenggutnya representasi yang dianggap terbaik dan ekspektasi besar yang digantungkan kepada tokoh Lexa.

This study examines the importance of media representation for minority groups in The United States of America based on a character in the TV series, The 100. The death of the character, Lexa, initated a movement called LGBT Fans Deserve Better, which demands for positive LGBT representations on television. This study uses qualitative approach and a reception based content analysis method to examine the reasons why the LGBT community is strongly affected by the character and her death. The data collected include tweets, tumblr posts, and website content.
The findings show that Lexa rsquo s powerful influence is the result of The 100 rsquo s success in representing LGBT community through her character. This success is demonstrated by her ability to show LGBT community visibility, which in turns helps them find a recognition and rectify the misrepresentaion of their community. LGBT Fans Deserve Better movement is a result of the disappointment and the outrage of the community brought by Lexa rsquo s death, for Lexa is perceived as the best representation for the community.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lilis Komalasari
"Salah satu masalah yang sering terjadi pada keluarga dalam merawat pasien dengan skizofrenia adalah timbulnya beban keluarga, ekspresi emosi dan juga stigma terhadap keluarga. Hal ini dapat mempengaruhi keluarga dalam merawat pasien dengan skizofrenia yaitu dalam pemberian dukungan keluarga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mencari hubungan antara tingkat ekspresi emosi, beban keluarga, stigma keluarga dan dukungan keluarga pada pasien dengan skizofrenia di poliklinik psikiatri Rumah Sakit Jiwa Dr Soeharto Heerdjan.
Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner The Zarith Burden Interview, Family Questionnare (FQ), Stigma items dari schedule for clinical assessment in neuro psychiatry (SCAN) dan Kuesioner dukungan keluarga. Desain penelitian adalah cross sectional, teknik sampel menggunakan accidental sampling dengan melibatkan 82 keluarga. Analisis data menggunakan analisis univariat dan bivariat (uji chi-square).
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 48,8% keluarga dengan ekspresi emosi tinggi, 2,4% keluarga dengan beban berat dan 51,2% keluarga dengan tanpa beban, 92,7% keluarga terdapat stigma dan 54,9% keluarga masuk dalam kategori tidak mendukung. Hasil uji korelasi yaitu terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara ekspresi emosi dengan dukungan keluarga (p value= 0,028, α=0,05) sedangkan beban keluarga dan stigma tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan dengan dukungan keluarga (p value beban keluarga = 0,992 dan p value stigma =0,685). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan diperlukan intervensi keluarga yang lebih efektif untuk meningkatkan dukungan keluarga dan menurunkan angka stigma pada keluarga yaitu dengan program edukasi keluarga.

One problem that often occurs in families in treating patients with schizophrenia is the emergence of a family burden, emotional expression and also stigma towards the family. This can affect the family in treating patients with schizophrenia in providing family support. This study aims to identify and explore the relationship between the level of emotional expression, family burden, family stigma and family support in patients with schizophrenia in the psychiatric clinic at Dr. Soeharto Heerdjan Mental Hospital.
This study uses the Zarith Burden Interview questionnaire, Family Questionnare (FQ), Stigma items from the schedule for clinical assessment in neuro psychiatry (SCAN) and the family support questionnaire. The study design was cross sectional, the sample technique used accidental sampling involving 82 families. Data analysis used univariate and bivariate analysis (chi-square test).
The results showed that 48,8%  families with high emotional expression, 2,4%  families with heavy burdens and 51,2% families with no burden, 92,7%  families were stigmatized and 54,9%  families included in the category did not support. Correlation test results that there is a significant relationship between emotional expression with family support (p value = 0.028, α = 0.05) while family burden and stigma there is no significant relationship with family support (p value family burden = 0.992 and p value stigma = 0.685). The results of this study indicate that more effective family interventions are needed, to increase family support and reduce stigma.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Risya Rahmalia
Seorang anak keturunan Jepang yang berhasil menjadi kepala negara di negara lain dan berhasil membangkitkan perekonomian negara tersebut dari keterpurukan dan juga berhasil memerangi terorisme yang sejak lama telah menjadi momok bagi masyarakat Peru?, itulah hal yang selalu dielu-elukan oleh Jepang terhadap sosok Alberto Fujimori, mantan Presiden Peru 1990-2000, walaupun segudang kasus kriminal telah ia lakukan selama masa pemerintahannya hingga akhirnya ia pun kabur ke Jepang. Fokus penelitian ini adalah mengenai pemberitaan media massa Jepang akan sosok Alberto Fujimori setelah beliau ?kabur‟ ke Jepang, yaitu akhir tahun 2000. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji bagaimana citra Alberto Fujimori digambarkan melalui pemberitaan media massa Jepang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan data primer artikel-artikel surat kabar Jepang dan data sekunder berupa buku bacaan yang berkaitan dengan tema penelitian. Analisis dalam penelitian ini berupa kutipan artikel surat kabar Jepang yang kemudian dikaji melalui teori analisis wacana kritis. Pada akhirnya penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa citra Alberto Fujimori yang digambarkan melalui pemberitaan media massa Jepang adalah citra baik. Meskipun terdapat pemberitaan kontra, namun hal tersebut tidak mengubah citra baik Fujimori di media Jepang.;

A son of Japanese immigrant who became a President in another country outside Asia and successfully save the country from economic failure and fight against terrorism which is already appear from many years before and threatening Peru‟s society?, that was the things which is always become a pride for Japanese people about it‟s descent, Alberto Fujimori a former President of Peru for 1990-2000, although so many criminal cases he has done during his regime until he finally fled to Japan. The focus of this research is how the Japanese mass media news describe about this figure after he ?escaped‟ to Japan at the end of 2000. The purpose of this research is to examine image of Alberto Fujimori illustrated through the Japanese mass media. The method of this research is qualitative with newspaper articles as the primary data and several books which is related with the theme as the secondary data. The analysis of this research is quotation from newspaper articles and analyzed it with critical discourse analysis theory. Finally this research concluding that the image of Alberto Fujimori which is described by Japanese mass media is good image. Although there are negative news about Fujimori does exist too but it doesn‟t change the good image of Fujimori in the Japanese media.;?A son of Japanese immigrant who became a President in another country outside Asia and successfully save the country from economic failure and fight against terrorism which is already appear from many years before and threatening Peru‟s society?, that was the things which is always become a pride for Japanese people about it‟s descent, Alberto Fujimori a former President of Peru for 1990-2000, although so many criminal cases he has done during his regime until he finally fled to Japan. The focus of this research is how the Japanese mass media news describe about this figure after he ?escaped‟ to Japan at the end of 2000. The purpose of this research is to examine image of Alberto Fujimori illustrated through the Japanese mass media. The method of this research is qualitative with newspaper articles as the primary data and several books which is related with the theme as the secondary data. The analysis of this research is quotation from newspaper articles and analyzed it with critical discourse analysis theory. Finally this research concluding that the image of Alberto Fujimori which is described by Japanese mass media is good image. Although there are negative news about Fujimori does exist too but it doesn‟t change the good image of Fujimori in the Japanese media.;?A son of Japanese immigrant who became a President in another country outside Asia and successfully save the country from economic failure and fight against terrorism which is already appear from many years before and threatening Peru‟s society?, that was the things which is always become a pride for Japanese people about it‟s descent, Alberto Fujimori a former President of Peru for 1990-2000, although so many criminal cases he has done during his regime until he finally fled to Japan. The focus of this research is how the Japanese mass media news describe about this figure after he ?escaped‟ to Japan at the end of 2000. The purpose of this research is to examine image of Alberto Fujimori illustrated through the Japanese mass media. The method of this research is qualitative with newspaper articles as the primary data and several books which is related with the theme as the secondary data. The analysis of this research is quotation from newspaper articles and analyzed it with critical discourse analysis theory. Finally this research concluding that the image of Alberto Fujimori which is described by Japanese mass media is good image. Although there are negative news about Fujimori does exist too but it doesn‟t change the good image of Fujimori in the Japanese media.;?A son of Japanese immigrant who became a President in another country outside Asia and successfully save the country from economic failure and fight against terrorism which is already appear from many years before and threatening Peru‟s society?, that was the things which is always become a pride for Japanese people about it‟s descent, Alberto Fujimori a former President of Peru for 1990-2000, although so many criminal cases he has done during his regime until he finally fled to Japan. The focus of this research is how the Japanese mass media news describe about this figure after he ?escaped‟ to Japan at the end of 2000. The purpose of this research is to examine image of Alberto Fujimori illustrated through the Japanese mass media. The method of this research is qualitative with newspaper articles as the primary data and several books which is related with the theme as the secondary data. The analysis of this research is quotation from newspaper articles and analyzed it with critical discourse analysis theory. Finally this research concluding that the image of Alberto Fujimori which is described by Japanese mass media is good image. Although there are negative news about Fujimori does exist too but it doesn‟t change the good image of Fujimori in the Japanese media.;?A son of Japanese immigrant who became a President in another country outside Asia and successfully save the country from economic failure and fight against terrorism which is already appear from many years before and threatening Peru‟s society?, that was the things which is always become a pride for Japanese people about it‟s descent, Alberto Fujimori a former President of Peru for 1990-2000, although so many criminal cases he has done during his regime until he finally fled to Japan. The focus of this research is how the Japanese mass media news describe about this figure after he ?escaped‟ to Japan at the end of 2000. The purpose of this research is to examine image of Alberto Fujimori illustrated through the Japanese mass media. The method of this research is qualitative with newspaper articles as the primary data and several books which is related with the theme as the secondary data. The analysis of this research is quotation from newspaper articles and analyzed it with critical discourse analysis theory. Finally this research concluding that the image of Alberto Fujimori which is described by Japanese mass media is good image. Although there are negative news about Fujimori does exist too but it doesn‟t change the good image of Fujimori in the Japanese media., “A son of Japanese immigrant who became a President in another country outside Asia and successfully save the country from economic failure and fight against terrorism which is already appear from many years before and threatening Peru‟s society”, that was the things which is always become a pride for Japanese people about it‟s descent, Alberto Fujimori a former President of Peru for 1990-2000, although so many criminal cases he has done during his regime until he finally fled to Japan. The focus of this research is how the Japanese mass media news describe about this figure after he „escaped‟ to Japan at the end of 2000. The purpose of this research is to examine image of Alberto Fujimori illustrated through the Japanese mass media. The method of this research is qualitative with newspaper articles as the primary data and several books which is related with the theme as the secondary data. The analysis of this research is quotation from newspaper articles and analyzed it with critical discourse analysis theory. Finally this research concluding that the image of Alberto Fujimori which is described by Japanese mass media is good image. Although there are negative news about Fujimori does exist too but it doesn‟t change the good image of Fujimori in the Japanese media.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vania Pramudita Hanjani
"Tesis ini mengkaji tentang tiga orang ibu sebagai orang tua tunggal dalam keluarga keturunan Keraton Mangkunegaran Surakarta. Mereka dituntut untuk hidup dalam peraturan unggah-ungguh (norma sopan santun) yang sesuai dengan nilai-nilai kepribadian Jawa. Permasalahan muncul saat terjadi perbedaan persepsi antara para ibu dan para tetua dalam memandang nilai-nilai kepribadian Jawa. Nilai welas asih (belas kasih), ngerti isin (tahu malu) dan jogo aji (penjagaan harga diri) menjadi sebuah landasan utama terbentuknya stigma butuh welas asih (membutuhkan belas kasihan) dan stigma rondho ompong (janda berlubang/penggoda) yang tertuju kepada para ibu. Sedangkan para tetua memiliki persepsi bahwa nilai-nilai kepribadian Jawa sudah diterapkan dengan semestinya. Dengan menggunakan metode pengamatan terlibat dan wawancara mendalam, penelitian ini menemukan fakta bahwa para ibu sebagai orang tua tunggal memiliki kepribadian tangguh atau hardiness yang menyebabkan mereka berpegang teguh kepada keputusan akan kehidupan mereka sendiri, sehingga mereka berani untuk melawan stigma dengan melakukan resistensi secara terbuka maupun tertutup. Resistensi yang dilakukan oleh para ibu memiliki tujuan sebagai bentuk pembelaan, agar para tetua dan masyarakat tidak lagi memberikan stigma kepada mereka.

This thesis discusses about three mothers as single parents in a descended family from the Surakarta Mangkunegaran Palace. They’re required to live according to the rules of unggah-ungguh (polite norms) that are in accordance with Javanese personality values. Problems arise when there are differences perceptions between the mothers and the elders in viewing Javanese personality values. The values ​​of butuh welas asih (compassion), ngerti isin (understand on shame) and jogo aji (preservation of self-respect) are the main basis for the formation of the stigma of butuh welas asih (needing compassion) and the stigma of rondho ompong (widow with holes/tempter) which is directed at the mother. Meanwhile, the elders have the perception that the values ​​of Javanese personality have been applied properly. By using the involved observation method and in-depth interviews, this study found that the mothers as single parents have a tough personality or hardiness that causes them to keep up their decisions about their own lives, so that they dare to fight stigma by doing resistance openly (public transcript) or secretly (hidden transcript). The resistance that carried out by the mothers has a purpose as a form of defense, so that elders and the community no longer stigmatize them."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rafi Alif Muhammad Akbar
"Media massa telah menjadi salah satu aktor domestik yang pengaruhnya diperhitungkan dalam pengambilan keputusan kebijakan luar negeri suatu negara. Dalam perkembangannya, terdapat beberapa pendekatan yang digunakan untuk melihat sejauh mana media massa berperan dalam memengaruhi kebijakan luar negeri. Selain itu, media massa dalam kebijakan luar negeri juga dilihat dalam kaitannya dengan opini publik. Namun, kajian mengenai media massa dalam kebijakan luar negeri dianggap stagnan dan Amerika-sentris. Dengan demikian, tulisan ini berusaha memetakan literatur-literatur yang membahas media massa dalam kebijakan luar negeri dari awal kemunculan kajian di tahun 1963 hingga 2022. Tinjauan ini menggunakan metode taksonomi dalam meneliti 41 literatur akademik yang terbagi atas tiga tema utama: (1) konseptualisasi, (2) ragam perspektif, dan (3) isu-isu bahasan dalam literatur media massa dalam kebijakan luar negeri. Berdasarkan tinjauan tersebut, perdebatan masih berlangsung mengenai sejauh mana media massa dapat berpengaruh dalam mengubah arah kebijakan luar negeri suatu negara. Selain itu, ditemukan juga beberapa kondisi-kondisi tertentu yang memungkinkan media massa menjadi salah satu aktor aktif yang membentuk kebijakan. Opini publik juga dilihat sebagai aspek penting dalam menghubungkan media massa dan kebijakan luar negeri, meskipun hubungan yang lebih langsung juga tidak mustahil.

Mass media has become one of the subnational actors whose influence is taken into account in the foreign policy decision-making. In its development, there are several approaches used to see the extent to which the mass media plays a role in influencing foreign policy. Apart from that, the mass media in foreign policy is also seen in terms of public opinion. However, the study of the mass media in foreign policy is considered stagnant and United States-centric. Thus, this paper attempts to compare the literature discussing mass media in foreign policy from the dawn of the study in 1963 to 2022. This review uses a taxonomic method in examining 41 academic literature which is divided into three main themes: (1) concepualization, (2) various perspectives, and (3) issues discussed in the literature of mass media in foreign policy. Based on this review, the debate is still ongoing regarding the extent to which the mass media can be influential in changing the direction of foreign policy. In addition, there are also certain conditions that allow the mass media to become one of the active actors that shape policy. Public opinion is also seen as an important aspect of linking the mass media and foreign policy, although a more direct link is also likely."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eka Nugraha Putra
"Di dalam kebijakan penanggulangan kejahatan, terdapat upaya penal dan non-penal. Dimana upaya non penal bersifat preventif. Upaya non-penal ini bisa berbentuk apa saja, peranan media massa dalam membentuk persepsi atas kejahatan dan hukuman adalah salah satunya. Media massa dapat melakukan peranan ini melalui pemberitaan kejahatan dan melakukan kerjasama dengan lembaga penegak hukum. Namun masih ada media massa yang menjadikan berita kejahatan sebagai komoditas saja, sementara dalam hubungannya dengan lembaga penegak hukum masih sebatas sebagai narasumber saja. Muatan berita di media massa khususnya yang ada kaitan dengan berita kekerasan dapat menimbulkan dampak ketakutan dan tidak mengedukasi masyarakat. Tesis ini meneliti bagaimana peran media massa dalam kebijakan penanggulangan kejahatan, kerjasamanya dengan lembaga penegak hukum dan bagaimana memperkuat peranan media massa dalam kebijakan penanggulangan kejahatan. Terdapat beberapa permasalahan dalam konstruksi media massa akan pemberitaan kejahatan seperti penggunaan terminologi, pemberitaan yang berimbang dan pemberitaan yang menghakimi. Hal ini berkaitan erat dengan konstruksi media massa akan berita kejahatan, agar kemudian dapat berjalan sesuai pada fungsi preventif. Penggunaan narasi dan gambar yang terlalu detail dan kepatuhan terhadap etika sebaiknya menjadi pedoman ketika media massa mengkonstruksi pemberitaan kejahatan, karena dampak berita media massa dapat menjadi pemicu perilaku agresif, menimbulkan efek ketakutan dan membentuk opini publik berupa perwujudan tindakan-tindakan yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat yang bisa berupa partisipasi terhadap penegakan hukum sendiri, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa opini publik atau tindakan publik punya partisipasi yang penting dalam berjalannya sistem peradilan pidana. Namun opini publik ini memiliki paradoks, dimana dalam hal ini dapat berarti pula timbul ketidak percayaan masyarakat dan apresiasi kepada lembaga penegak hukum yang ada. Media massa dalam konteks kebijakan penangggulangan kejahatan dapat berperan juga dalam mengembalikan kepercayaan masyarakat dan apresiasi kepada lembaga penegak hukum, media massa dapat menjalin kerjasama dengan lembaga penegak hukum. Tidak harus merupakan kerjasama yang sifatnya formil asalkan dapat saling menghargai profesi masing-masing dan saling menguntungkan. Peran media massa ini juga bisa dilakukan dengan memenuhi semua sisi lembaga penegak hukum dalam konstruksi berita kejahatan, sehingga tidak ada lembaga penegak hukum yang kinerjanya disoroti terlalu besar lalu menimbulkan semacam persaingan dengan lembaga penegak hukum lainnya. Konstruksi berita kejahatan dari media massa memang tidak bisa lepas dari nilai beritanya sendiri, namun berita kejahatan besar dan kejahatan jalanan sebaiknya mendapatkan bentuk konstruksi yang sama, dimana sebaiknya ia memberikan bentuk peringatan, edukasi dan kontrolnya terhadap penegakan hukum, hal ini penting mengingat media massa merupakan wadah aspirasi masyarakat sehingga yang dilakukannya seharusnya juga menjadi cerminan masyarakat dan memang apa yang dibutuhkan masyarakat khususnya dalam konteks penegakan hukum.

In the criminal policy, there are penal effort and non-penal effort. Where non penal preventive efforts. These non-penal efforts could formed in many ways, the role of mass media in influencing perceptions of crime and punishment is one of them. Mass media can perform this role through their construction of the news crime and cooperate with law enforcement agencies. But there are still some mass media makes news crime only as a commodity, while in connection with law enforcement agencies is only as a source only. Content in the mass media particularly that there is a link to the news of violence can lead to fear and does not educate the public. This thesis examines how the role of the mass media in criminal policy, their collaboration with law enforcement agencies and how to strengthen the role of mass media in criminal policy. There are some problems in construction of news crime from mass media like the use of terminology, balanced news coverage and judging news coverage. It is closely related to the construction of news crime from mass media, so that the news can then be run according to the preventive function. The use of narrative and images that are too detailed and obedied to ethic should be guidelines when mass media construct the news crime, due to the impact of the news media can be a trigger aggressive behavior, giving rise to fear effect and shaping public opinion in the form of embodiment of the actions undertaken by the community which could either be participation against the rule of law itself, this shows that public opinion or public actions have significant participation in the passage of the criminal justice system. But public opinion has a paradox, which in this case can also mean arise distrust and disappreciation society to law enforcement agencies. Mass media in the context of criminal policy can be instrumental in restoring public trust and appreciation to law enforcement agencies, the media are able to establish cooperation with law enforcement agencies. The partnership should not be a formal partnership as long as cherising each other profession and give mutual benefit. The role of the mass media could also be done covering all side of the law enforcement agency in the construction of news crime, so there is no law enforcement agency that performs highlighted too big then give rise to a kind of competition with other law enforcement agencies. Construction news crime of mass media did not get off from the value of the news itself, but white collar crime news and street crime should get the same form of construction, where should be deliver the form of warning, education and control of law enforcement, this is important given from mass media because mass media is channel of society aspiration so that what are done by mass media should also be a reflection of society and indeed what it needs by society especially in the context of law enforcement."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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