ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan apakah penilaian yang digunakan
guru Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 khususnya di SMP Islam PB Soedirman sudah
mendukung pembelajaran yang bemakna. Melalu konsep pembelajaran bermakna
yang dikemukakan oleh Andrson et.al (2001) dan konsep pembelajaran bermakna
dalam pandang kurikulum 2013, segala penilaian yang digunakan oleh guru dalam
dua materi pokok pembelajaran dianalisa. Tidak hanya sampai di situ, penelitian
ini juga melihat kualitas penilaian yang digunakan guru berdasarkan prinsip
penilaian bahasa menurut Brown (2004). Pada penelitian ini data dikumpulkan
sejak tanggal 5 januari 2015 sampai 10 maret 2015 melalui observasi kelas,
analisis dokumen, wawancara, serta kuesioner. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan
bahwa penilaian yang digunakan guru belum sepenuhnya mengarahkan siswa
pada kegiatan pembelajaran yang bermakna karena belum sepenuhnya melalui
retention. Tahapan-tahapan pada fase retention tidak semua dicapai oleh siswa
maka hasil pembelajaran belum dapat dikatakan maksimal. Terkait pembelajaran
bermakana dalam kurikulum 2013, penilaian yang digunakan guru sudah melalui
kelima pengalaman belajar pokok dalam kurikulum 2013. Penilaian yang
digunakan oleh guru juga belum sepenuhnya sesuai dengan prinsip penilaian
ABSTRACTThis study aimed at revealing whether or not the assessment used by an Englishteacher in SMP Islam PB Soedirman Grade 7 promoted meaningful learning.Using Anderson et.al?s (2001) meaningful learning concept and the concept ofmeaningful learning used in Kurikulum 2013, all assessments which were used bythe teacher within two lesson materials were analyzed. This study also analyzedthe quality of the assessment by using the theory of language assessmentprinciples discussed in Brown (2004). The data were gathered through classobservation, document analysis, interview, and questionnaire. This study revealsthat the assessment used by the teacher had not thoroughly promoted students tomeaningful learning because not all stages in retention phase were reached by thestudents. However, the various assessment forms used by the teacher hadpromoted students to the steps of 5 basic learning experiences in Kurikulum 2013.Since the students were not able to reach all stages in the retention phase, it can besaid that learning output was not optimal. The assessment used by the teacher alsodid not thoroughly corespond to the language assessment principles.;This study aimed at revealing whether or not the assessment used by an Englishteacher in SMP Islam PB Soedirman Grade 7 promoted meaningful learning.Using Anderson et.al?s (2001) meaningful learning concept and the concept ofmeaningful learning used in Kurikulum 2013, all assessments which were used bythe teacher within two lesson materials were analyzed. This study also analyzedthe quality of the assessment by using the theory of language assessmentprinciples discussed in Brown (2004). The data were gathered through classobservation, document analysis, interview, and questionnaire. This study revealsthat the assessment used by the teacher had not thoroughly promoted students tomeaningful learning because not all stages in retention phase were reached by thestudents. However, the various assessment forms used by the teacher hadpromoted students to the steps of 5 basic learning experiences in Kurikulum 2013.Since the students were not able to reach all stages in the retention phase, it can besaid that learning output was not optimal. The assessment used by the teacher alsodid not thoroughly corespond to the language assessment principles., This study aimed at revealing whether or not the assessment used by an Englishteacher in SMP Islam PB Soedirman Grade 7 promoted meaningful learning.Using Anderson et.al’s (2001) meaningful learning concept and the concept ofmeaningful learning used in Kurikulum 2013, all assessments which were used bythe teacher within two lesson materials were analyzed. This study also analyzedthe quality of the assessment by using the theory of language assessmentprinciples discussed in Brown (2004). The data were gathered through classobservation, document analysis, interview, and questionnaire. This study revealsthat the assessment used by the teacher had not thoroughly promoted students tomeaningful learning because not all stages in retention phase were reached by thestudents. However, the various assessment forms used by the teacher hadpromoted students to the steps of 5 basic learning experiences in Kurikulum 2013.Since the students were not able to reach all stages in the retention phase, it can besaid that learning output was not optimal. The assessment used by the teacher alsodid not thoroughly corespond to the language assessment principles.]"