"Latar belakang : Kehilangan gigi merupakan salah satu keadaan yang sering ditemukan pada kesehatan gigi dan mulut. Meskipun memiliki efek yang signifikan terhadap kesehatan secara menyeluruh, masih banyak masyarakat yang tidak mengatasi permasalahan kehilangan gigi dengan gigi tiruan. Contoh faktor yang menimbulkan kurangnya perawatan gigi tiruan, yaitu persepsi masyarakat terhadap perawatan gigi tiruan dan alasan finansial. Persepsi individu terhadap pemilihan rencana perawatan gigi merupakan keputusan yang sangat penting berdasarkan pengetahuan, kesadaran, dan motivasi. Persepsi dapat dipengaruhi oleh tingkat pendidikan, finansial, dan faktor sosiodemografis. Keadaan finansial merupakan salah satu faktor utama di negara berkembang untuk mencari perawatan. Hal ini dikarenakan biaya perawatan gigi tiruan yang cukup mahal sehingga banyak yang memilih perawatan gigi tiruan lepasan dikarenakan biayanya relative murah dibandingkan dengan perawatan gigi tiruan lainnya. Faktor finansial berhubungan erat dengan kesediaan untuk membayar perawatan (willingness to pay/WTP). Tujuan : Mengetahui hubungan persepsi masyarakat dengan kesediaan membayar perawatan gigi tiruan lepasan. Selain itu, dilakukan juga analisis deskriptif keadaan sosiodemografis dan keadaan ekonomi masyarakat. Metode : Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan desain potong lintang pada 274 orang yang berusia 18 tahun ke atas yang mengalami kehilangan gigi (bukan karena pencabutan molar 3 ataupun alasan perawatan ortodonti). Kuesioner yang digunakan adalah persepsi masyarakat terhadap perawatan gigi tiruan dan untuk menentukan kesediaan membayar, menggunakan pertanyaan hipotetika, discrete choice, dan open-ended question. Analisis statistik yang digunakan adalah Uji Chi-Square, Uji Kruskal Wallis, dan Uji Mann Whitney. Hasil Penelitan : Karakteristik demografis pada responden penelitian yang kehilangan gigi adalah perempuan (63,1%), berusia 35-54 tahun (42,7%), berpendidikan terakhir di perguruan tinggi (83,2%), dan memiliki jarak terdekat ke fasilitas kesehatan gigi terdekat dengan jarak 1-5 km (56,6%). Berdasarkan uji Chi-Square, tidak terdapat hubungan persepsi masyarakat dengan keputusan pemakaian gigi tiruan (domain tujuan (p=0,331), domain manfaat (p=0,579), dan domain prosedur (p=0,654), terdapat hubungan pendapatan dengan kesediaan membayar (p=0,014), terdapat hubungan pendidikan dengan kesediaan membayar (p=0,002), dan terdapat hubungan kesediaan membayar dengan keputusan pemakaian gigi tiruan (p=0,000). Kesimpulan : Terdapat hubungan kesediaan membayar dengan perawatan gigi tiruan namun tidak terdapat hubungan persepsi masyarakat dengan perawatan gigi tiruan.
Background: Tooth loss is a condition that is often found in dental and oral health. Even though it has a significant effect on overall health, there are still many people who do not overcome the problem of tooth loss with dentures. Examples of factors that lead to a lack of use of dentures are people's perceptions of denture treatment and financial reasons. Individual perception of the choice of treatment plan is a very important decision based on knowledge, awareness, and motivation. Perceptions can be influenced by educational level, financial, and sociodemographic factors. Financial situation is one of the main factors in developing countries to seek treatment. This is because the cost of denture treatment is quite expensive. This is because the cost of denture care is quite expensive, so many choose removable denture treatment because the cost is relatively cheap compared to other denture treatments. The financial factor is closely related to the willingness to pay for treatment (willingness to pay/WTP). Objective: To study the relationship between public perception and willingness to pay (WTP) for removable denture treatment. In addition, an analysis of the sociodemographic and economic conditions of the community was also carried out. Methods : This study was conducted with a cross-sectional design on 274 people aged 18 years and over and had missing teeth (not due to third molar extraction or reasons for orthodontic treatment). The questionnaire used is public perception of denture treatment and to determine willingness to pay, using hypothetical questions, discrete choice, and open-ended questions. The statistical analysis used was the Chi-Square Test, the Kruskal Wallis Test, and the Mann Whitney Test. Result: Demographic characteristics of the research respondents who lost their teeth were women (63.1%), aged 35-54 years (42.7%), graduated from university (83.2%), and had the closest distance to the nearest dental health facility with a distance of 1-5 km (56.6%). Based on the Chi-Square test, there is no relationship between public perception and the decision to use dentures (objective domain (p=0.331), benefits domain (p=0.579), and procedure domain (p=0.654), there is a relationship between income and willingness to pay (p =0.014), there is a relationship between education and willingness to pay (p=0.002), and there is a relationship between willingness to pay and the decision to use dentures (p=0.000). Conclusion: There is a relationship between willingness to pay and removable denture treatment but there is no relationship between public perception and denture treatment."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2022