"Saat ini pasar dunia terus berubah, pilar keberlanjutan seperti lingkungan, ekonomi dan keadilan sosial telah menjadi bagian dari pengambilan keputusan pemasaran. Mengembangkan strategi pemasaran di tengah-tengah masalah lingkungan dan ekonomi saat ini telah menyebabkan fokus pada pentingnya pemasaran hijau. Menggunakan theory of consumption values dan value-attitude-behavior model, penelitian ini mengusulkan untuk mengeksplorasi green consumer behavior untuk green product di Indonesia. Attitude toward green product dan consumer values seperti functional value (price and quality), social value, conditional value, epistemic value, emotional value, and environmental value digunakan untuk mempelajari green consumer behavior untuk green products. Penelitian ini mengembangkan model penelitian dan diuji secara empiris dengan mengumpulkan data dari kuesioner yang didistribusikan di Indonesia. Berdasarkan sampel 200 responden, hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa hanya social value yang berdampak positif pada green consumer behavior, functional value (price), functional value (quality), environmental value, conditional value, epistemic value, dan emotional value tidak mempengaruhi green consumer behavior. Sebagai mediator, attitude toward green product memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap epistemic value, environmental value, dan emotional value. Ini menegaskan dan secara signifikan menambah literatur green consumer behavior di pasar yang berkembang.
At the moment the world market continues to change, sustainability pillars such as environment, economy and social justice have become part of marketing decision-making. Developing a marketing strategy in the midst of current environmental and economic issues has led to a focus on the importance of green marketing. Using the theory of consumption values and value-attitude-behavior model, this research proposes to explore the green consumer behavior for green products in Indonesia. Attitude toward green product and consumer values such as functional value (price and quality), social value, conditional value, epistemic value, emotional value, and environmental value were used to study the green consumer behavior for green products. This study developed a research model and empirically tested by collecting data from questionnaires that were distributed in Indonesia. Based on a sample of 200 respondents, the results indicate that only social value has a positive impact on green consumer behavior, functional value (price), functional value (quality), environmental value, conditional value, epistemic value, and emotional value do not influence green consumer behavior. As a mediator, attitude toward green product has a significant effect on epistemic value, environmental value, and emotional value. This confirms and significantly adds to the literature of green consumer behavior in a developing market."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019