Reserse Kriminal (Reskrim) merupakan salah satu fungsi yang dimiliki oleh Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia yang melaksanakan tugas penegakan hukum meliputi penyelidikan, penyidikan dan koordinasi serta melakukan pengawasan terhadap Penyidik Pegawai Negeri Sipil yang lebih dikenal dengan PPNS.Kapolri menyatakan bahwa banyak keluhan dari masyarakat ihwal kinerja bidang reserse di kepolisian.Polda Bali merupakan salah satu Polda Tipe A, Polresta Denpasar merupakan salah satu polres yang memiliki tingkat kriminalitas tinggi dari Polres di seluruh wilayah Bali. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan merit systemdalam penempatan jabatan di Satuan Reserse Kriminal Polresta Denpasar serta faktor-faktor yang menghambat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, pelaksanaan dari penempatan jabatan Penyidik Pembantu di Satuan Reserse Kriminal yang dilaksanakan oleh Polresta Denpasar menunjukkan secara umum tidak sepenuhnya berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip merit system. Ketidaksesuaian prinsip terjadi yaitu pemilihan kandidat belum mengacu kepada kualifikasi kandidat atau masih kuatnya diskresi pimpinan, tidak adanya tahapan wawancara terhadap kandidat Penyidik Pembantu, Sidang Dewan Pertimbangan Karier yang dilaksanakan oleh Polresta Denpasar tidak melibatkan Kasatfung selaku Pembina Fungsi, dan tidak adanya tahapan Test narkoba ataupun kesehatan.Namun demikian, Polresta Denpasar secara garis besar dalam pelaksanaan penempatan jabatan Penyidik Pembantu sudah mengikuti Peraturan Kapolri. Selain itu, adapun faktor-faktor penghambat diterapkannya merit system secara menyeluruh adalah hambatan administratif, hambatan politik dan budaya, dan hambatan teknis.
Criminal Investigation (Reskrim) is one of the functions possessed by the Republic of Indonesia National Police which carry out law enforcement duties including investigations, investigations and coordination as well as supervising Civil Servant Investigators better known as PPNS. The National Police Chief stated that many complaints from the public regarding the performance of the detective sector in the police. Bali Police is one of the type A Regional Police. Denpasar Police is one of the police stations that has a high crime rate from the Police in all regions of Bali. The purpose of this study was to analyze the implementation of the merit system in the placement of positions in the Denpasar Police Criminal Investigation Unit and the inhibiting factors. Based on the results of the study, the implementation of the placement of the position of Assistant Investigator in the Criminal Investigation Unit conducted by the Denpasar Police Department generally shows that it is not entirely based on the principles of merit system. Principle mismatch occurs, namely the selection of candidates does not refer to the candidate`s qualifications or the leadership`s strong discretion, there is no interview stage for the Candidate Investigator candidate, the Career Advisory Council Session held by the Denpasar Police does not involve Kasatfung as the Functional Advisor, and there are no stages of drug testing or health test. However, Denpasar Police in general in the implementation of the position of Assistant Investigator has followed the Chief of Police Regulation. In addition, as for the inhibiting factors the implementation of merit systems as a whole is administrative barriers, political and cultural barriers, and technical barriers.
Skripsi ini membahas tentang pelaksanaan upaya pencegahan kejahatan terhadap pencurian barang inflight service milik PT X. Penelitian ini merupakan hasil dari studi kasus terhadap tindak pencurian barang inflight service milik PT X oleh pegawai perusahaan. PT X merupakan maskapai penerbangan termuka di Indonesia yang memberikan layanan penumpang melalui penyediaan barang inflight service. Fenomena tindak pencurian oleh pegawai terhadap barang inflight service mengindikasikan bahwa terdapat kelalaian dalam pelaksanaan upaya pencegahan kejahatan oleh aktor pencegah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui teknik wawancara mendalam kepada anggota Unit Corporate Security PT X dan Divisi Security PT W selaku anak perusahaan di bidang pengelolaan barang inflight service. Selain itu, dilakukan observasi langsung dan pengumpulan data sekunder. Analisis data menggunakan pendekatan pencegahan kejahatan situasional oleh Clarke, serta modifikasinya pada kejahatan kerah putih oleh Benson dan Madensen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat kelemahan dalam upaya pencegahan kejahatan yang sudah dilaksanakan oleh PT X. Hasil penelitian menekankan pada rekomendasi strategi pencegahan kejahatan yang lebih baik, serta meningkatkan kinerja dari aktor pencegah dengan harapan bahwa pencurian barang inflight service milik PT X dapat dicegah di kemudian hari.
This thesis discusses the crime prevention strategies against theft of PT X's inflight service goods. This research is the result of a case study of employee theft involving inflight service goods owned by PT X. PT X is the leading airline in Indonesia which provides passenger services through the use of inflight service goods. By the occurrence of employee theft involving inflight service goods, there definitely is negligence in the implementation of crime prevention measures by crime-preventing actors. This study uses qualitative approach with in-depth interview technique, the interviews were held towards staffs of the Corporate Security Unit from PT X and the Security Division from PT W as the company’s subsidiary regarding inflight services goods management. In addition, direct observation and secondary data were also carried out. The data analysis used Clarke's situational crime prevention approach, as well as modifications by Benson and Madensen incorporating elements of white-collar crime. The results showed that there were several weaknesses in the crime prevention measures that had been implemented by PT X. Thus, recommendations for crime prevention strategies are given to better and improve the performance of crime-prevention actors, with the hope that the theft of PT X's inflight service goods can be prevented in the future.