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Talahatu, Marselius Fransiskus
"Kabupaten Pulau Morotai berada pada tiga Wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan Nasional Republik Indonesia yaitu WPPNRI 715, WPPNRI 716 dan WPPNRI 717. Potensi Ikan Madidihang di perairan Pulau Morotai cukup besar namun belum dikelola secara maksimal. Tujuan penelitan ini adalah untuk menganalisis status pemanfaatan, status pengelolaan dan menyusun strategi pengelolaan Ikan Madidihang secara berkelanjutan. Hasil analisis metode surplus produksi Model Fox dalam 10 (sepuluh) tahun (2009-2018), nilai maximum sustainable yield (MSY) sebesar 8.657,679 kg per tahun dengan effort maksimal 42.429 trip per tahun. Tingkat pemanfaatan dalam kategori rendah sebesar 12,23% per tahun. Hasil analisis dengan RAPFISH (The Rapidly Apprasial for Fisheries) menunjukan bahwa tingkat keberlanjutan multidimensi pengelolaan Madidihang berada pada kategori cukup berkelanjutan dengan nilai indeks sebesar 60,82. Dimensi etika yang paling berpengaruh pada status pengelolaan. Hasil analisis AHP (Analytical Hirearchy Process), strategi pengelolaan berkelanjutan berdasarkan tingkat prioritas adalah peningkatan kualitas sarana penangkapan.

The location of Morotai Island Regency is in the three National Fisheries Management Areas of the Republic of Indonesia, namely WPPNRI 715, WPPNRI 716, and WPPNRI 717. The potential of Yellowfin Tuna in the waters of Morotai Island is quite large but has not been managed yet optimally. The research purpose is to analyze of utilization status, management status, and trying to develop strategies for managing Yellofin Tuna sustainability. The results of the analysis by using the Fox Model production surplus method in ten years (2009-2018) show that the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) value of 8,657,679 kg per year with a maximum effort of 42,429 trips per year and the utilization  rate in the low category is 12.23% per year. Furthermore, the results of the analysis with RAPFISH (The Rapidly Appraisal for Fisheries) describe the multidimensional level of Yellowfin Tuna management is in a fairly sustainable category with an index value of 60.82. The ethical dimension that has the most influence on management status. AHP (Analytical Hirearchy Process) analysis result are concern in sustainability management based on grade of priority, and the result is quality of catching facilities improvement."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Karsono Wagiyo
Laut Banda merupakan daerah penangkapan ikan tuna madidihang yang
sangat intensif dan cenderung membahayakan kelestarian stok. Dalam rangka
menerapkan dasar pengelolaan yang efektif dan efisien, pada tahun 2011-2012
telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai sumberdaya ikan tuna madidihang di Laut
Banda. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui kelimpahan, pertumbuhan,
musim pemijahan dan daerah pemijahan. Metode pengumpulan data adalah
melalui observasi enumerasi harian terhadap aktivitas pancing ulur yang berbasis
di Banda Neira, survei eksploratori dan data sekunder dari instansi resmi.
Kelimpahan ikan tuna madidihang secara temporal tertinggi terjadi pada Musim
Peralihan II dan secara spasial tertinggi terjadi di Area Barat Laut dan Area
Tenggara. Rekrutmen ikan tuna madidihang di Laut Banda terjadi bulan Februari.
Pertumbuhan ikan tuna madidihang bersifat allometrik positif pada bulan Juni-
Oktober dan allometrik negatif pada November-Mei, kegemukan tertinggi pada
bulan Juni dan terkurus pada bulan Januari, faktor kondisi terbesar terjadi pada
Musim Barat dan terkecil pada Musim Peralihan II. Puncak musim pemijahan
ikan tuna madidihang di Laut Banda berlangsung bulan Oktober sampai dengan
Desember. Konsentrasi daerah pemijahan ikan tuna madidihang di Area Barat
Laut dan Tenggara.

Banda Sea is an area of yellowfin tuna fishing ground which is very
intense and likely to endanger the sustainability of the stock. In order to
implement the basic of management which effective and efficient, in 2011-2012
have done research on yellowfin tuna resources in the Banda Sea. The purpose of
the study is to determine the abundance, the growth, the spawning season and
spawning ground. The data collection methods is through; observation
enumeration stretching daily to fishing activities which based in Banda Neira,
exploratory survey and secondary data from official agencies. The highest
temporal abundance of yellowfin tuna occurs in Transitional Seasons II and the
highest spatial occurred in Northwest and Southeast Areas. Recruitment of
yellowfin tuna in the Banda Sea occurred in February. Growth of yellowfin tuna is
positively allometric in June to October and negatively allometric in November to
May, the highest obesity in June and the thinnest in January. the biggest conditon
factor occurs in the Western Season and the smallest in the Transitional Seasons
II. Peak spawning season of yellowfin tuna in the Banda Sea occurs in October
through December. The concentration of yellowfin tuna spawning ground was in
the Northwest and Southeast Areas."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Handi Wijaya
Keberhasilan operasi penangkapan pancing tonda banyak dipengaruhi oleh faktor teknis, dan non teknis. Tujuan penelitian adalah menentukan indeks musim penangkapan, morfometri, umur dan pertumbuhan ikan madidihang, serta pengelolaan pancing tonda di PPN Palabuhanratu berkesinambungan. Metode pengumpulan data primer dengan mengukur parameter kualitas air dan panjang berat ikan madidihang, kemudian wawancara dan pengisian kuesioner. Analisis yang digunakan adalah : (1) analisis rata-rata begerak; (2) regresi linier sederhana; (3) Von Bertallanfy Growth Function; dan (4) regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa musim penangkapan ikan madidihang di Palabuhanratu terjadi bulan Juni atau musim timur. Potensi lestari ikan madidihang sebesar 1095,54 ton/tahun dan f optimum 615 unit upaya penangkapan standar long line. Hubungan panjang berat ikan madidihang bersifat isometrik. Kemudian pola dan umur pertumbuhan ikan madidihang dinyatakan dengan persamaan von Bertalanffy yaitu : Lt = 166.43{1-e[-0.45(t+1.3843)]}dengan umur rata-rata 2-3 tahun dan sudah pernah memijah. Secara simultan pengaruh kedelapan faktor produksi ini terhadap hasil tangkapan madidihang dengan pancing tonda adalah signifikan dengan selang kepercayaan 95%. Sedangkan secara parsial pengaruhnya yang signifikan hanya oleh 5 faktor produksi saja, yaitu pendidikan dan pengalaman nakhoda, frekuensi setting menggunakan alat bantu "layang-layang", serta lamanya dan frekuensi setting menggunakan alat bantu jerigen per hari.

The success of fishing operation of trolling lines heavily influenced by technical factors, and non-technical. The research objective was to determine the fishing season index, morphometry, age and growth of yellowfin tuna, as well as the management of fishing trolling lines at PPN Palabuhanratu. Primary data collection methods collected from measurement of water quality parameters and the length and weight of yellowfin, then interview and filling questionnaire from filed. The analysis used were: (1) analysis of the average stir, (2) simple linear regression, (3) Von Bertallanfy Growth Function, and (4) multiple regression. The results showed that yellowfin fishing season in Palabuhanratu season in June or east season. The potential sustainable resource of yellowfin tuna is 1095.54 tons/year and 615 units optimum f standard longline fishing effort. Length weight relationship of yellowfin tuna is isometric. The pattern and age of yellowfin tuna growth expressed by von Bertalanffy equation, Lt = 166.43 {1-e [-0.45 (t+1.3843)]} with an average age of 2-3 years and have never spawn. The simultaneous influence of these eight factors of production towards yellowfin catches by fishing with trolling lines is a significant 95% confidence interval. While the partial effects were significant only by the 5 factors of production, namely education and experience of the skipper, the frequency setting using the tools kite "layang-layang", as well as the duration and frequency settings using the tools jerry cans per day.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Salah satu aspek untuk mendukung upaya pengelolaan sumberdaya ikan adalah pengetahuan mengenai aspek biologi. Ketersediaan data aspek biologi memiliki arti penting sebagai upaya kajian pengelolaan sumber daya ikan tuna sirip kuning di Samudera Hindia. Aspek biologi reproduksi ikan tuna tuna sirip kuning merupakan permasalahan yang penting diteliti, dengan melalui pola pertumbuhan, faktor kondisi dan masa pemijahan. Sampel ikan tuna sirip kuning diperoleh dari Pelabuhan Benoa-Bali. Data panjang-berat, fekunditas dan nilai kematangan gonad diolah dengan menggunakan analisis fungsi regresi. Hasil pengamatan sampel (870 ekor) pada bulan April dan Mei 2011, panjang cagak rata-rata >130 cm dengan faktor kondisi rata-rata 1,00. Indeks kematangan gonad tertinggi 1,3 %. Ikan tuna sirip kuning di Samudera Hindia dinyatakan pernah mengalami pemijahan, namun belum siap untuk kembali melakukan pemijahan. Dari fungsi regresi menggambarkan pengaruh yang nyata dan keeratan yang tinggi (95 %) pertambahan panjang terhadap pertambahan berat ikan tuna sirip kuning di Samudera Hindia. Selanjutnya, pertambahan berat ikan tidak memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap fekunditas, sedangkan berat gonad memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap nilai kematangan gonad dengan keeratan yang tinggi (88 %).

One aspect to support the management of fish resources is knowledge about the biological aspects. Data availability of iological aspects has significance as an effort to management study the fish resources of yellowfin tuna in the Indian Ocean. Reproductive biology aspects of yellowfin tuna is an important problem that was studied, with the pattern of growth, condition factor and spawning time. Yellowfin tuna fish samples obtained from the Benoa Fishing Port, Bali. Length-weight data, fecundity and gonad maturity value processed using regression analysis function. The results of sample observations (870 head) in April and May 2011, the average fork length >130 cm with an average condition factor of 1.00. The highest gonad maturity index was 1.3%. Yellowfin tuna in the Indian Ocean have experienced otherwise spawning, but not yet ready to return to spawning. From the regression function describes a real influence and high closeness (95%) of fish length against weight of yellowfin tuna in the Indian Ocean. Furthermore, the added fish weight does not give significant effect on fecundity, whereas gonad weight while providing a noticeable effect of the gonad maturity with a high closeness (88%)."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hary Lasmana
"Besarnya potensi pariwisata dalam meningkatkan perekonomian telah mendorong Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Pulau Morotai untuk menjadikan pariwisata sebagai salah satu sektor penggerak perekonomian daerah. Hal tersebut tertuang dalam visi Kabupaten Pulau Morotai yang menjadikan pariwisata sebagai salah satu basis pembangunan daerah. Pertumbuhan sektor usaha pariwisata diharapkan memberi dampak positif terutama dikarenakan pariwisata sebagai suatu sektor usaha memiliki keterkaitan dengan sektor-sektor lain dan memiliki dampak pengganda dalam perekonomian.
Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisa peran sektor pariwisata dalam perekonomian Pulau Morotai, baik terhadap output, nilai tambah, pendapatan masyarakat, maupun tenaga kerja; dan menganalisa dampak akibat adanya perubahan permintaan akhir sektor pariwisata terhadap pembentukan output, nilai tambah bruto, pendapatan masyarakat, dan tenaga kerja di Pulau Morotai pada tahun 2015-2019. Untuk menganalisa dampak pengembangan pariwisata digunakan 3 skenario yaitu Belanja Pemerintah Pusat, Belanja Pemerintah Daerah, dan Belanja Pemerintah Pusat dan Daerah secara simultan ke dalam model input output (IO). Analisa IO menggunakan tabel IO Pulau Morotai tahun 2014 yang merupakan updating dari tabel IO Maluku Utara tahun 2012 yang diperoleh setelah melakukan penyesuaian dengan menggunakan metode RAS melalui prosedur iterasi matrik R dan S. Tabel IO berhasil disusun setelah melakukan iterasi sebanyak 50 kali.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pulau Morotai merupakan kabupaten yang memiliki ciri masyarakat agraris jika dilihat dari mata pencaharian utama penduduk yang didominasi perkebunan dan perikanan. Sektor usaha pariwisata berkontribusi dalam perekonomian rata-rata 19,67 persen pertahun dengan tingkat pertumbuhan rata-rata sebesar 6,73 persen pertahun. Berdasarkan analisa dampak anggaran belanja Pemerintah Pusat dan Daerah tahun 2015-2019 didapatkan hasil analisa dampak terbesar adalah pada skenario Belanja Pemerintah Pusat dan Daerah secara simultan dengan dampak rata-rata peningkatan terhadap total output sebesar 8,90 persen, nilai tambah bruto sebesar 8,15 persen, pendapatan sebesar 8,90 persen, dan tenaga kerja sebesar 4,73 persen.

Tourism as a potential sector to develop economic growth has made local government in Morotai Island Regencies interested to use it as a leading sector. Stated in the Morotai Island Government’s vision, tourism avowed as one of basis sector for Morotai Island development. As one of important sector in economic, tourism sector linkage to economic sectors positively in regional economic development. It means tourism had multiplier impact and support another sector to growth by its linkage.
The research purposes to analyze tourism sector impact in Morotai Island, especially to define output generated, value added, total income, and employement by tourism multiplier impact. Using input output (I-O) model, impact analysis of tourism sector measures multiplier impact by using budget planning of Central and Local Government Spending on tourism development in 2015-2019. Economic growth shows that tourism sector has contribut in average by 19,67 percent a years and growth by 6,73 percent a years for Pulau Morotai Growth Domestic Product. Tourism multiplier analysis conclusion shown that by using budget planning of Central and Local Government Spending simultanously create higher impact than two other skenarios. By Central and Local Government Spending simultaneously creates an output average 8,90 percent, value added multiplier 8,15 percent, total income 8,90, and employment 4,73 percent in 2015-2019.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pada penelitian ini, kolagen diisolasi dan dikarakterisasi dari tulang ikan tuna (Thunnus albacares). Metode terbaik untuk mengisolasi kolagen dari tulang ikan tuna adalah menggunakan NaOH 0,1 M; EDTA 0,5 M; dan butil alkohol 10%, selanjutnya kolagen diekstraksi menggunakan asam asetat 0,5 M dan dipresipitasi menggunakan 0,9 M NaCl kemudian didialisis dan diliofilisasi. Karakterisasi yang dilakukan meliputi sifat fisik, sifat fungsional, analisis asam amino, dan analisis mikroba. Hasil rendemen kolagen kering sebesar 0,102% dari berat tulang awal. Pada analisis tipe kolagen menunjukkan kolagen dari tulang ikan tuna merupakan tipe I kolagen. Pada analisis asam amino menunjukkan kolagen dari tulang ikan tuna berpotensi sebagai bahan baku kosmetik seperti injeksi kolagen, pengganti kulit yang rusak. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, kolagen tulang ikan tuna memiliki potensi sebagai bahan baku industri farmasi."
Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library



Kondisi produksi tangkapan ikan pari 10 tahun terakhir di Lamongan mengalami penurunan dan ukuran tangkapan yang semakin mengecil. Kabupaten Lamongan merupakan penghasil ikan pari terbesar di Jawa Timur dengan pusat pendaratan di PPN Brondong. Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis aspek biologi pari (hubungan panjang-berat, nisbah kelamin, tingkat kematangan gonad, CPUE dan MSY) yang tertangkap cantrang yang didaratkan di PPN Brondong, menentukan status keberlanjutan perikanan tangkap pari di Kabupaten Lamongan, dan menganalisis strategi pengelolaan berkelanjutan. Penelitian dilaksanakan di PPN Brondong pada bulan Agustus sampai Oktober 2018. Analisis status keberlanjutan menggunakan RAPFISH, dan menyusun prioritas strategi menggunakan metode Proses Hirarki Analitik. Hasil perhitungan panjang-berat mempunyai sifat pertumbuhan alometrik negatif dengan nilai b<3, yaitu pertumbuhan panjang lebih cepat daripada pertumbuhan beratnya. Nisbah kelamin menunjukkan pari betina lebih banyak daripada pari jantan. Hasil pengamatan TKG menunjukkan pari kembang jantan TKG I (61%), TKG II (39%), TKG III (0%), sedangkan pari kembang betina TKG I (41%), TKG II (54%), TKG III (4%). Hasil CPUE menunjukkan upaya penangkapan sudah melebihi batas maksimum, sedangkan potensi lestari masih di bawah batas maksimum.  Status keberlanjutan pengelolaan pari secara multidimensi di Kabupaten Lamongan dalam kondisi kurang berkelanjutan dengan indeks 47,57. Peringkat strategi pengelolaan pari  berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Lamongan skala prioritas adalah 1) program revitalisasi alat penangkap ikan dan teknologi hasil tangkapan, 2) program zonasi wilayah dan upaya pembatasan, 3) program aturan pengelolaan pari dan pengawasan hukum, 4) program penanganan status konflik dan sosialisasi pengetahuan tentang laut, 5) program pemasaran, lapangan kerja alternatif bagi nelayan dan anggota keluarga, 6) program bantuan kapal.


The condition production of catches for the last 10 years of stingrays in Lamongan has been decreasing and the size of the catch is getting smaller. Lamongan is the largest producer of stingrays in East Java with a landing center at Brondong Fishing Port. The aims of the study to analyze the biological aspects of rays (the relationship of length of weight, sex ratio, level of gonadal maturity, CPUE and MSY) caught by cantrang landed at Brondongn Fishing Port, to determine the sustainability status of stingrays in Lamongan Regency, and to analyze sustainable management strategies. Brondong PPN from August to October 2018. Analysis of sustainability using RAPFISH, and prioritizing strategies  the Analytical Hierarchy Process method. Results of the calculation of weight length have negative allometric growth properties with a value of b <3, which is long growth faster than the growth of weight. Sex ratio more female rays than male rays. The GML observations showed male growth buddy GML I (61%), GML II (39%), GML III (0%), while female bluespotted stingray GML I (41%), GML II (54%), GML III (4 %). The CPUE results indicate that the capture effort has exceeded the maximum limit, while the MSY is still below the maximum limit. Status of sustainability  multidimensional ray management in Lamongan is in an unsustainable condition with an index of 47.57. Ranking of sustainable rays management strategies in Lamongan priority scale are 1) revitalization program of fishing gear and catch technology, 2) regional zoning program and restriction efforts, 3) program for stingray management and legal supervision, 4) programs for handling conflict status and socialization knowledge of the sea, 5) marketing programs, alternative employment opportunities for fishermen and family members, 6) ship assistance programs.

[;;;;, ]: 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heru Sulistyanto
"Produksi lobster dalam 10 tahun terakhir mengalami penurunan akibat tekanan penangkapan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis aspek biologi, menganalisis potensi lestari, menganalisis status keberlanjutan dan menentukan strategi pengelolaan lobster secara berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Pacitan. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Maret-April 2018 di Kabupaten Pacitan. Analisis aspek biologi meliputi jenis, hubungan panjang berat, nisbah kelamin dan tingkat kematangan kelamin. Analisis potensi lestari dengan estimasi prediksi surplus. Analisis status keberlanjutan dengan RAPFISH (The Rapid Appraisal of The Status Of Fisheries), sedangkan penyusunan prioritas strategi pengelolaan dengan Proses Hierarki Analitik (AHP). Nilai b pada hubungan panjang berat Panulirus homarus sebesar 3,019; P. penicillatus 2,990; P. ornatus 3,025. Nisbah kelamin jantan dibanding betina pada P. homarus sebesar 1 :2,02; P. penicillatus 1,13 : 1; P. ornatus 1,3 : 1. Persentase lobster yang matang kelamin lebih banyak ditemukan pada bulan April dibandingkan dengan bulan Maret. MSY lobster di Pacitan sebesar 21.197 kg, Fmsy 4.390. Tingkat keberlanjutan multidimensi perikanan lobster 65,38. Prioritas utama strategi pengelolaan lobster secara berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Pacitan adalah Pengawasan pengelolaan sumberdaya kelautan dan perikanan.

The production of spiny lobster in least 10 years is decreasing due to overfishing. The purpose of this research is to analyze the biological aspects, the stock, level of sustainability and the strategy of sustainable management of lobster fishery in Pacitan. The research was conducted during March -April 2018 in Pacitan. The biological aspects includes species biodiversity, the length-weight relationship, sex-ratio and sex maturity of lobster. The maximum sustainable yield and the level of sustainability were analyzed with the surplus production model and the RAPFISH application, meanwhile the priority of management strategy was analyzed with the analytical hierarchy process. Results of analysis showed the b value of length-weight relationship of P. homarus, P. penicillatus and P. ornatus are 3,019; 2,990; and 3, 025 respectively. The male to female ratios of P. homarus; P. penicillatus and P. ornatus are 1:2,02; 1,13:1 and 1,3:1 respectively. The sex maturity percentage of lobster in April is higher than in March 2018. The MSY and Fmsy of lobster in Pacitan is 21.197 kg, and 4.390 respectively. The multidimensional level of lobster is 65,38. The most priority of strategy of lobster management in Pacitan are surveillance of management of marine and fisheries resources."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tangkudung, Auderey Gamaliel Dotulong
Karakteristik Pulau Besar berbeda dengan Pulau Kecil yang terpisah dari Pulau Besar. Pulau kecil atau pulau-pulau kecil yang terisolasi memiliki banyak kekurangan dan keterbatasan dalam sumber daya alam baik di darat maupun di laut sehingga pengelolaan pembangunannya perlu berbasiskan gugus pulau kecil. Fokus penelitian ini adalah tentang pengelolaan pariwisata berkelanjutan di Gugus Pulau Kecil: Studi kasus di Kepulauan Wangi-wangi, salah satu kawasan terumbu karang Taman Nasional Laut Kabupaten Wakatobi, Sulawesi Tenggara. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengkaji faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan tidak berkelanjutannya kegiatan pariwisata bahari di Kepulauan Wangi-wangi Wakatobi. Studi ini juga ingin menemukan model pengelolaan pariwisata bahari berkelanjutan yang khas Wakatobi. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan yaitu kualitatif. Teknik mengumpulkan data adalah observasi, survei, wawancara mendalam dan diskusi kelompok terfokus (FGD) dengan pemangku kepentingan, dan analisis SWOT. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa kegiatan pariwisata di Pulau Wangi-wangi Kabupaten Wakatobi belum dilaksanakan sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip pariwisata bahari berkelanjutan. Ada 5 faktor negatif dan 5 faktor positif yang berpengaruh pada kegiatan pariwisata berkelanjutan di Pulau Wangi-wangi. Untuk mengantisipasi kondisi ini peneliti mengusulkan model pengelolaan pariwisata bahari berkelanjutan yang sesuai dengan karakteristik gugus pulau Wangi-wangi Wakatobi. Model tersebut adalah model yang berbasis kemitraan atau pengembangan usaha bersama di bidang pengelolaan kepariwisataan yang melibatkan Pemda, Lembaga Adat, Kelompok Masyarakat Lokal, dan Profesional.;

Big islands have different characteristics from small islands which are separated from big islands. These isolated small islands are limited both in their natural resources on land and in the sea which require a specific development management: small island region development management. The focus of this research is on sustainable tourism management in small island region with Wangi ? wangi islands as the case study. Wangi-wangi islands is a part of Wakatobi Marine National Park, South East Sulawesi. This study was conducted to identify factors that lead to unsustainable marine tourism activities in Wangi ? wangi islands. The purpose of the study is to create a sustainable marine tourism management model appropriate for the condition found in Wakatobi. The research method is qualitative - descriptive. The data collection method used is observation, survey to the stakeholders, in-depth interviews with the stakeholders, forum group discussion (FGD), and SWOT analysis. The results of the research shows that tourism activities in Wangi ? wangi islands Wakatobi has not been carried out in accordance with the principles of sustainable marine tourism . There are five negative and five positive factors affecting the activities of sustainable tourism. To anticipate this condition, the research proposes a model of sustainable management of marine tourism that is appropriate for the characteristics found in Wangi ? wangi islands in Wakatobi. The model is based on a model of partnership or joint venture development in the field of tourism management involving Local Government, Indigenous Institute, Local Community Groups and Professional.;Big islands have different characteristics from small islands which are separated from big islands. These isolated small islands are limited both in their natural resources on land and in the sea which require a specific development management: small island region development management. The focus of this research is on sustainable tourism management in small island region with Wangi ? wangi islands as the case study. Wangi-wangi islands is a part of Wakatobi Marine National Park, South East Sulawesi. This study was conducted to identify factors that lead to unsustainable marine tourism activities in Wangi ? wangi islands. The purpose of the study is to create a sustainable marine tourism management model appropriate for the condition found in Wakatobi. The research method is qualitative - descriptive. The data collection method used is observation, survey to the stakeholders, in-depth interviews with the stakeholders, forum group discussion (FGD), and SWOT analysis. The results of the research shows that tourism activities in Wangi ? wangi islands Wakatobi has not been carried out in accordance with the principles of sustainable marine tourism . There are five negative and five positive factors affecting the activities of sustainable tourism. To anticipate this condition, the research proposes a model of sustainable management of marine tourism that is appropriate for the characteristics found in Wangi ? wangi islands in Wakatobi. The model is based on a model of partnership or joint venture development in the field of tourism management involving Local Government, Indigenous Institute, Local Community Groups and Professional.;Big islands have different characteristics from small islands which are separated from big islands. These isolated small islands are limited both in their natural resources on land and in the sea which require a specific development management: small island region development management. The focus of this research is on sustainable tourism management in small island region with Wangi ? wangi islands as the case study. Wangi-wangi islands is a part of Wakatobi Marine National Park, South East Sulawesi. This study was conducted to identify factors that lead to unsustainable marine tourism activities in Wangi ? wangi islands. The purpose of the study is to create a sustainable marine tourism management model appropriate for the condition found in Wakatobi. The research method is qualitative - descriptive. The data collection method used is observation, survey to the stakeholders, in-depth interviews with the stakeholders, forum group discussion (FGD), and SWOT analysis. The results of the research shows that tourism activities in Wangi ? wangi islands Wakatobi has not been carried out in accordance with the principles of sustainable marine tourism . There are five negative and five positive factors affecting the activities of sustainable tourism. To anticipate this condition, the research proposes a model of sustainable management of marine tourism that is appropriate for the characteristics found in Wangi ? wangi islands in Wakatobi. The model is based on a model of partnership or joint venture development in the field of tourism management involving Local Government, Indigenous Institute, Local Community Groups and Professional.;Big islands have different characteristics from small islands which are separated from big islands. These isolated small islands are limited both in their natural resources on land and in the sea which require a specific development management: small island region development management. The focus of this research is on sustainable tourism management in small island region with Wangi ? wangi islands as the case study. Wangi-wangi islands is a part of Wakatobi Marine National Park, South East Sulawesi. This study was conducted to identify factors that lead to unsustainable marine tourism activities in Wangi ? wangi islands. The purpose of the study is to create a sustainable marine tourism management model appropriate for the condition found in Wakatobi. The research method is qualitative - descriptive. The data collection method used is observation, survey to the stakeholders, in-depth interviews with the stakeholders, forum group discussion (FGD), and SWOT analysis. The results of the research shows that tourism activities in Wangi ? wangi islands Wakatobi has not been carried out in accordance with the principles of sustainable marine tourism . There are five negative and five positive factors affecting the activities of sustainable tourism. To anticipate this condition, the research proposes a model of sustainable management of marine tourism that is appropriate for the characteristics found in Wangi ? wangi islands in Wakatobi. The model is based on a model of partnership or joint venture development in the field of tourism management involving Local Government, Indigenous Institute, Local Community Groups and Professional.;Big islands have different characteristics from small islands which are separated from big islands. These isolated small islands are limited both in their natural resources on land and in the sea which require a specific development management: small island region development management. The focus of this research is on sustainable tourism management in small island region with Wangi ? wangi islands as the case study. Wangi-wangi islands is a part of Wakatobi Marine National Park, South East Sulawesi. This study was conducted to identify factors that lead to unsustainable marine tourism activities in Wangi ? wangi islands. The purpose of the study is to create a sustainable marine tourism management model appropriate for the condition found in Wakatobi. The research method is qualitative - descriptive. The data collection method used is observation, survey to the stakeholders, in-depth interviews with the stakeholders, forum group discussion (FGD), and SWOT analysis. The results of the research shows that tourism activities in Wangi ? wangi islands Wakatobi has not been carried out in accordance with the principles of sustainable marine tourism . There are five negative and five positive factors affecting the activities of sustainable tourism. To anticipate this condition, the research proposes a model of sustainable management of marine tourism that is appropriate for the characteristics found in Wangi ? wangi islands in Wakatobi. The model is based on a model of partnership or joint venture development in the field of tourism management involving Local Government, Indigenous Institute, Local Community Groups and Professional.;Big islands have different characteristics from small islands which are separated from big islands. These isolated small islands are limited both in their natural resources on land and in the sea which require a specific development management: small island region development management. The focus of this research is on sustainable tourism management in small island region with Wangi ? wangi islands as the case study. Wangi-wangi islands is a part of Wakatobi Marine National Park, South East Sulawesi. This study was conducted to identify factors that lead to unsustainable marine tourism activities in Wangi ? wangi islands. The purpose of the study is to create a sustainable marine tourism management model appropriate for the condition found in Wakatobi. The research method is qualitative - descriptive. The data collection method used is observation, survey to the stakeholders, in-depth interviews with the stakeholders, forum group discussion (FGD), and SWOT analysis. The results of the research shows that tourism activities in Wangi ? wangi islands Wakatobi has not been carried out in accordance with the principles of sustainable marine tourism . There are five negative and five positive factors affecting the activities of sustainable tourism. To anticipate this condition, the research proposes a model of sustainable management of marine tourism that is appropriate for the characteristics found in Wangi ? wangi islands in Wakatobi. The model is based on a model of partnership or joint venture development in the field of tourism management involving Local Government, Indigenous Institute, Local Community Groups and Professional., Big islands have different characteristics from small islands which are separated from big islands. These isolated small islands are limited both in their natural resources on land and in the sea which require a specific development management: small island region development management. The focus of this research is on sustainable tourism management in small island region with Wangi – wangi islands as the case study. Wangi-wangi islands is a part of Wakatobi Marine National Park, South East Sulawesi. This study was conducted to identify factors that lead to unsustainable marine tourism activities in Wangi – wangi islands. The purpose of the study is to create a sustainable marine tourism management model appropriate for the condition found in Wakatobi. The research method is qualitative - descriptive. The data collection method used is observation, survey to the stakeholders, in-depth interviews with the stakeholders, forum group discussion (FGD), and SWOT analysis. The results of the research shows that tourism activities in Wangi – wangi islands Wakatobi has not been carried out in accordance with the principles of sustainable marine tourism . There are five negative and five positive factors affecting the activities of sustainable tourism. To anticipate this condition, the research proposes a model of sustainable management of marine tourism that is appropriate for the characteristics found in Wangi – wangi islands in Wakatobi. The model is based on a model of partnership or joint venture development in the field of tourism management involving Local Government, Indigenous Institute, Local Community Groups and Professional.]"
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