ABSTRAKPersaingan di dunia kerja mengharuskan para penyandang disabilitas mempunyai kemampuan yang baik. Untuk itu dibentuklah Balai Rehabilitasi Vokasional Bina Daksa yang memfokuskan dalam pemberian pelatihan keterampilan kepada penyandang disabilitas. Namun pelaksanaan dilapangan dihadapkan pada tugas dan peran pekerja sosial beserta instruktur, keterbatasan anggaran sosialisasi sampai keterbatasan pengajar adalah masalah yang ditemukan. Untuk itu dilakukanlah penelitian tentang peran pekerja sosial dan instruktur dalam program pelayanan di balai rehabilitasi, menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, group discussion dan observasi. Wawancara dilakukan terhadap pimpinan panti, group discussion dilakukan kepada kelompok informan pekerja sosial, siswa, dan instruktur, dengan jumlah informan sebanyak enam belas informan. Didapatkan temuan bahwa peran pekerja sosial belum berjalan sesuai dengan standard operational procedure SOP terutama pada tahapan rekrutmen, assesment, dan pelatihan vokasional. Kurangnya jumlah instruktur menyebabkan pekerja sosial mengisi di bidang pelatihan keterampilan. Sementara pada perekrutan masih ditemukan adanya siswa yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan. Saran yang diberikan antara lain, menjalin koordinasi yang baik dengan dinas provinsi/daerah dalam hal sosialisasi dan perekrutan, pemanfaatan teknologi dan informasi dalam kegiatan sosialisasi, penambahan anggaran sosialisasi, penambahan tenaga instruktur, dan pelatihan keterampilan dan kemampuan yang dibutuhkan oleh pekerja sosial beserta instruktur.
Competition in the world of work requires that persons with disabilities have good skills. For this purpose, a Bina Daksa Vocational Rehabilitation Center was established which focuses on providing skills training to persons with disabilities. But the implementation of the field faced with the duties and roles of social workers and instructors, the limitations of socialization budget to the limitations of teachers is a problem found. Therefore, research on the role of social workers and instructors in service programs in rehabilitation centers, using qualitative approach and descriptive research type. Data collection techniques through interviews, group discussion and observation. Interviews were conducted with the leaders of the orphanage, group discussions were conducted to informant groups of social workers, students, and instructors, with a total of sixteen informants. It was found that the role of social workers has not been run in accordance with standard operational procedures SOPs , especially in the stages of recruitment, assessment, and vocational training. Lack of number of instructors leads social workers to fill in the field of skills training. While the recruitment is still found the existence of students who do not meet the requirements. Suggestions provided include good coordination with provincial local agencies in terms of socialization and recruitment, utilization of technology and information in socialization activities, the addition of socialization budget, the addition of instructors, and skills and skills training needed by social workers and instructors."