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Fariz Chandra Perdana
"Membangun profesionalisme aparatur sangat diperlukan terlebih dalam melakukan pelayanan publik. Undang-undang Aparatur Sipil Negara diantaranya mengamanatkan bahwa membangun profesionalisme melalui jabatan fungsional karena dalam jabatan fungsional mensyaratkan keterampilan dan keahlian tertentu atau kompetensi. Diharapkan dengan kompetensi yang ada pada jabatan fungsional akan membawa aparatur kearah profesionalitas. BATAN sebagai salah satu lembaga pemerintahan yang mempunyai kompetensi yang unik yang tidak dipunyai oleh instansi lain yaitu keteknis nukliran sangat membutuhkan kompetensi dalam jabatan fungsional untuk menjawab tantangan dalam RPJMN 2015-2019. Idealnya pengembangan jabatan fungsional baik dari sisi jenis jabatan atau dari sisi formasi jabatan fungsionalnya adalah dengan menggunakan mekanisme analisis jabatan.
Penelitian ini menganalisis tentang penerapan analisis jabatan untuk jabatan fungsional di BATAN dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan analisis jabatan di BATAN. Penelitian dilakukaan dengan pendekatan post-positivis dan metode kualitatif eksplanatif dengan mengambil lokus penelitian di BATAN.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa analisis jabatan untuk jabatan fungsional di BATAN terdapat kekurangan pada pelaksanaannya yaitu pada tahap keempat pengumpulan dan penggalian data. Yang menjadi perhatian adalah bahwa data yang terkumpul kemudian tidak dilakukan verifikasi dan finalisasi hasil olahan. Hal ini didorong oleh faktor-faktor diantaranya bahwa analisis jabatan di BATAN masih dianggap sebagai pekerjaan rutin biasa dan belum mendapatkan perhatian yang serius sehingga tidak didukung dengan anggaran. Hal lainnya adalah karena BATAN sebagai lembaga teknis maka ada kesulitan tersendiri yang dihadapi oleh Tim Pelaksana Analisis Jabatan dalam memahami dan mengerti bahasa-bahasa teknis sehingga tidak bisa mendapatkan data yang rinci mengenai jabatan.

Building professionalism of the apparatus is needed especially in the conduct of public services. The State Civilian Apparatus Act mandates that building professionalism through functional positions because in functional positions requires certain skills and skills or competencies. Expected with the existing competence in functional positions will bring apparatus towards professionalism. BATAN as one of government institution having unique competency which is not owned by other institution that is nuclear engineering business really need competence in functional position to answer challenge in RPJMN 2015 2019. Ideally the development of functional positions either from the type of position or from the side of functional position formation is to use the mechanism of position analysis.
This study analyzes the application of job analysis for functional positions in BATAN and the factors that influence the implementation of position analysis in BATAN. The research was conducted with post positivist approach and qualitative explanative method by taking the research locus at BATAN.
The result of the research shows that position analysis for functional position in BATAN there is a deficiency in its implementation that is at fourth stage of collecting and extracting data. The concern is that the collected data is then not verified and finalized the processed results. This is driven by factors such as that position analysis in BATAN is still considered a regular work routine and has not received serious attention so it is not supported by the budget. Another thing is because BATAN as a technical institution there are difficulties faced by the Implementation Team of Job Analysis in understanding and understanding technical languages so that can not get detailed data about the position.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Esther Noershanti
"Pada umumnya analisa kelayakan investasi menggunakan metode NPV tidak memasukkan faktor risiko dalam perhitungannya. Padahal dalam proyek migas banyak ketidakpastian dalam pelaksanaannya sehingga dilakukan suatu penelitian mengenai faktor risiko investasi pada proyek migas. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode penelitian berdasarkan analisa deskriptif dan pendekatan risiko melalui survey, observasi dan wawancara dan melakukan studi literatur yang berkaitan dengan penelitian. Dengan melakukan analisa risiko didapat variabel risiko kenaikan harga material dan alat pendukung dan risiko perkiraan cadangan migas yang signifikan terhadap kinerja NPV, lalu dilakukan respon risiko untuk menjadi acuan dalam mendapatkan nilai NPV yang optimum pada proyek migas.

Generally, investment feasibility analysis using NPV method does not include risk factors in the calculations. While oil and gas projects has many uncertainties in its implementation so this research done based on the investment risk factor. The research methodology based on descriptive method and risk analytical approach through surveys, observations and interviews and also study of the literature. Risk analysis obtained two variables : increment of material and equipment prices and risk of oil and gas reserve estimation that are significant to the performance of NPV, and made risk response to obtain the NPV optimum in oil and gas projects."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pribadi Arijanto
"Keputusan untuk membeli atau menjual kapal merupakan hal yang penting dalam investasi di bidang pelayaran dikarenakan melibatkan pendanaan yang cukup besar, periode proyek yang lama, dan adanya ketidakpastian masa depan. Tujuan penelitian dalam tesis ini adalah untuk menganalisis kelayakan investasi pengadaan kapal jenis dry-bulk panamax seharga USD 12.000.000 oleh PT. X. Analisis investasi merupakan hal yang penting dan metode yang digunakan untuk menilai kelayakan suatu investasi dalam tesis ini adalah discounted cash flow, ditambah pendekatan real option yang diintegrasikan dengan decision tree untuk menganalisis keputusan investasi.
Pendekatan real option dibangun dari fondasi metode discounted cash flow dimana metode ini mengakomodasi strategi fleksibilitas atas ketidakpastian yang mungkin terjadi. Adanya fleksibilitas membuat investor mempunyai peluang untuk meningkatkan keuntungan apabila terjadi kondisi baik dan meminimalkan kerugian apabila kondisi usaha sedang tidak menguntungkan dimana hal ini tidak diakomodasi dalam analisis investasi metode discounted cash flow.
Dari sisi waktu pada saat analisis dibuat pelaksanaan investasi pengadaan kapal senilai USD 12.000.000,- oleh PT.X dapat dijustifikasikan tidak layak dilaksanakan. Namun demikian proyek investasi ini tetap dapat diteruskan (tidak dilikuidasi) apabila pengambil keputusan melihat adanya peluang harga sewa kapal dapat ditingkatkan di atas harga pokok USD 10.625,- per hari. Adanya pendekatan real option mendorong investor untuk mempelajari setiap kejadian kemudian menganalisa dan memodifikasi keputusan investasi yang dibuat selama proyek berjalan.

In the shipping industry, decision to invest in a new or used ships are the most importance decision to make. The reason are: involved a large amount of money, long investment period, a lot of uncertainty about the future is included in the investment analysis. Therefore, the aim of this research is to find whether PT. X?s investment plan to buy USD 12.000.000 of dry bulk panamax ship are appropriate?. The quality of the investment analysis related to the decision of buying or selling ship is the greatest importance to shipping company. Therefore shipping investors or ship-owners inquired tools or methods which capture any possibility may occurred during investment period.
Real option analysis builds on the traditional Discounted Cash Flow technique. Real option analysis is a methodology for valuing flexible strategies in uncertain world. In order to maximize company?s wealth the ship investor must revise investment and operating decision in response to market condition. The ship investor should have flexibility to take advantage of good time and mitigate losses in bad time. Therefore, active management adds value to investment opportunity, which it is not capture by discounted cash flow.
At the time when research was done, the NPV of the PT. X?s investment of USD 12,000,000 in shipping was negative therefore the investment can be justified as inappropriate investment. However, the investment may be considered to continue if the active manager seeing any opportunity to increase the charter freight above of USD 10,625 per day. Implementation of real option approach in the investment analysis may encourage investor to observe, adjust and modify their investment decision during project period."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdur Rahman Setiawan
"Spiritual Calling merupakan salah satu faktor penting dalam proses Manajemen SDM. Sayangnya, tidak banyak kajian tentang dampak spiritual calling terhadap komitmen afektif dan kepuasan kerja pegawai.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh spiritual calling terhadap kepuasan kerja dan komitmen afektif PNS nonmanajerial di Badan Kepegawaian Negara. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dan menggunakan angket. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan proportionate stratified random sampling dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 261 orang. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan dari spiritual calling terhadap kepuasan kerja dan komitmen afektif PNS Nonmanajerial di Badan Kepegawaian Negara. Kata Kunci: Spiritual Calling, Kepuasan Kerja, dan Komitmen Afektif.

Spiritual Calling is one of important factors in the Human Resources Management.Unfortunately, there is only a few research studying its impact on affective commitment and job satisfaction. The focus of this research is to analyze the impact of spiritual calling on job satisfaction and affective commitment of nonmanagerial civil servants at National Civil Service Agency. This is quantitative research and using quiz. Sampling method used is proportionate stratified random with 261 respondents. The result of this research shows that there is positive and significant impact of spiritual calling on job satisfaction and affective commitment of nonmanagerial civil servants at National Civil Service Agency. Keywords Spiritual Calling,Job Satisfaction,and Affective Commitment."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wulan Aprilianti P.
"Carrier development is something, which is required by every employee who works for an organization/company. The carrier development is closely related with the competency owned by any one in carrying out his/her duty. The competency development is carried out in order that the employee and the official has the professionalism in carrying out the duty and function in accordance with the position responsibility consistently and by the program based on the capability qualification dearly required, thus the development can motivate the employee to develop his/her carrier and professionalism.
Objective of this research is to know how high the development of competency carried out by the Department of Industry and its Employee Affairs Bureau; how high the development of carrier of the employees at the Employee Affairs Bureau; and how is the relationship between the competency development carried out and the carrier development of the employees at the Employee Affairs Bureau.
This research utilizes a quantitative approach with co relational method. Distributing the questionnaire to the respondents, interviewing, and literature studying supporting all data of the research carries out the data collecting. Data Processing of the respondents uses SPSS 12.0 program for Windows with correlation technique and frequency distribution.
Sample in this research is all employees in the Employees Affairs Bureau of the Department of Industry, which consist of, are 68 persons. Sample in this research is a census that all population becomes the respondents.
Results of the research show that the effort to develop the competency carried out by the Department of Industry and Employee Affairs is high, the development of the employee's carrier in the Employee Affairs is medium and the competency development has a positive and weak correlation (0,207) toward the carrier development of the employee."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Badan Pembinaan Hukum Nasional. Departemen Kehakiman RI, 1993
346.04 ANA
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jojor Onom
Tesis ini membahas pelaksanaan seleksi dan rekrutmen pegawai jabatan fungsional Analis Kepegawaian. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan rekrutmen dan seleksi pegawai Jabatan Fungsional Analis Kepegawaian di Kantor Pusat Badan Kepegawaian Negara. Hasil penelitian pada pelaksanaan rekrutmen jabatan fungsional Analis Kepegawaian Rekrutmen internal Analis Kepegawaian sumbernya melalui dua cara yaitu melalui Inpassing perpindahan dari Jabatan Fungsional Umum, penyesuaian dari pejabat struktural eselon 5dan Kelulusan Pendidikan Ilmu Kepegawaian. Hasil penelitian pada pelaksanaan seleksi jabatan fungsional Analis Kepegawaian menunjukkan bahwa belum adanya standar kelulusan ujian seleksi CAT Analis Kepegawaian; Hasil rangking CAT belum digunakan dengan baik; Badan Kepegawaian Negara tidak melakukan wawancara kepada peserta ujian; Jumlah yang ada batasan-batasan usia terkait dengan persyaratan.

This thesis focuses on the implementation of the selection and recruitment of functional positions Personnel Analyst. This study used descriptive qualitative approach. The purpose of this study was to analyze the implementation of the recruitment and selection of employees Functional Analyst Personnel at National Civil Service Agency. The results of the study on the implementation of the recruitment functional analyst internal Recruitment Employment Staffing Analyst source through two ways, namely through Inpassing displacement of Functional Works, an adjustment of officials from echelon 5 and Graduate Education Personnel Science. Results of research on the implementation of the selection of functional positions Personnel Analysts indicate that the absence of selection test passing standard CAT Analyst Personnel The results of the ranking CAT has not been used properly State Personnel Board did not conduct interviews to examinees The existing number of limitations related to the age requirements."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yani Rosyani
"Tesis ini membahas Analisis Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Karir Pegawai pada pengisian Formasi Jabatan Pengawas di Badan Kepegawaian Negara (BKN). Dengan hasil penelitian: perencanaan karir pegawai pada manajemen karir di BKN belum ada keselarasan, perencanan karir pegawai tidak terarah dan tidak memiliki tujuan karir yang jelas karena manajemen karir di BKN tidak menetapkan jalur karir pegawai sesuai dengan kualifikasi dan kompetensi. Manajemen karir di BKN belum menyusun pola karir pegawai sesuai dengan potensi yang dimiliki pegawai dan kebutuhan organisasi. Kesimpulan: Perencanaan dan pengembangan karir pegawai pada pengisian formasi jabatan pengawas di BKN belum sesuai antara perencanaan karir individu dengan perencanaan karir organisasi, pegawai tidak merencanakan karirnya tetapi hanya mengikuti kesempatan yang ada sehingga perencanaan organisasi untuk pengisian formasi jabatan pengawas tidak terpenuhi.

This analysis focus on career planning and development to compliance the formation of Supervisor position at National Civil Service Agency(BKN) with the results of research that between a career planning with a career management in BKN has been no alignment, career planning of the employee is unfocused and do not have a clear career goals for management BKN career does not define a career path of the employees with appropriate qualifications and competence. BKN career management in employee career patterns have yet to develop in accordance with its potential employees and the needs of the organization. Conclusion: career planning and development of the employees to compliance the formations of supervisor position in BKN not fit between career planning of individuals with career planning organization, employees are not planning they career but simply follow the opportunities that exist so that the planning organization for compliance the formation of supervisor position not fullfil yet."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Skripsi ini membahas faktor-faktor kepuasan kerja dan hubungannya dengan karakteristik Pegawai Negeri Sipil pada Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Lembaga Tinggi Negara Indonesia. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain eksploratori dan deskriptif. Metode pengumpulan data dengan sensus melalui pengisian kuesioner yang dibagikan kepada 67 orang pegawai. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis faktor, t-test, ANOVA dan uji korelasi. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa faktor yang mempengaruhi kepuasan kerja adalah peran atasan dan lingkungan kerja; gaji dan remunerasi; kesempatan promosi dan pengakuan; sifat pekerjaan; rekan kerja; dan, faktor terakhir adalah manfaat sampingan dan penghargaan. Selain itu terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara karakteristik pegawai dengan tingkat kepuasan kerja.

This thesis discusses the factors of job satisfaction and its relationship with the characteristics of Civil Servants in Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Lembaga Tinggi Negara Indonesia. This research is quantitative research with exploratory and descriptive design. Data were collected by census by filling a questionnaire distributed to 67 employees. Methods of data analysis using factor analysis, t-test, ANOVA and correlation test. The study found that the factors affecting job satisfaction are the role of the superior and the working environment; salaries and remuneration; promotional opportunities and recognition; nature of work; co-workers; and, the last factor are benefits and rewards. In addition there is a significant relationship between the characteristics of an employee with job satisfaction levels.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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