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Agung Nugraha
Desentralisasi telah membuka kesempatan investor luar negeri memasukkan
modalnya untuk mengembangkan sektor industri setalah adanya kesepakatan pasar bebas.
Pengambilan kebijakan pembangunan ekonomi berbasis sumber daya alam oleh
pemerintah daerah mendorong masyarakat untuk menambang secara bebas dan masif,
yang diikuti dengan tata kelola pertambangan mineral timah yang buruk. Beberapa kajian
industri ekstraksi terbagi dua perspektif, yaitu perspektif institusional dan perspektif
ekonomi politik. Perspektif institusional lebih menekankan pada tata kelola sumber daya
alam yang baik dan rente ekstraksi pada kelembagaan. Sedangkan, perspektif ekonomi
politik menekankan kelas penguasa mengakses dan mengontrol sumber daya alam yang
diikuti perilaku rente ekstraksi. Penelitian ini menggunakan perspektif ekonomi politik
dari konsep Veltmeyer dan Petras tentang ekstraktivisme baru. Penelitian ini menjelaskan
tentang penetrasi modal ekstraksi dalam penambangan timah dengan peran jaringan
patronase kolektor timah dalam proses akumulasi kapital dan menjelaskan bentuk lainnya
dari konflik sumber daya alam. Dengan mengacu studi kasus penelitian di Kabupaten
Bangka terkait penambangan timah, peneliti berargumen ekstraktivisme baru dalam
penambangan timah semakin berkembang dikarenakan adanya dukungan modal esktraksi
yang disebarluaskan oleh elit industri kepada jaringan kolektor timah, yang diikuti dengan
konflik kepentingan terhadap penguasaan sumber daya mineral timah oleh elit industri.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan
pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara
mendalam, kajian literature dan data sekunder. Informan penelitian ini adalah kolektor
timah, pengusaha timah dan smelter, pemilik dan penambang tambang inkonvensional,
Walhi, Jatam, peneliti ahli dan ASN Kabupaten Bangka.

Decentralization has opened up the opportunities for foreign investors to devote their
capital for developing industrial sector after the free market agreement. The adoption of
natural resource-based economic development policies by local governments encourages
people to mine freely and massively, that followed by poor mining management of ton
minerals. A number of studies on extractive industries are categorized into two
perspectives, namely institutional perspective, and political economy perspective.
Institutional perspectives emphasizing on natural resource governance and the existence
of rent in the institutional governance system. Meanwhile, the political economy
perspective tend to focus on how the ruling class accessing and controlling natural
resources followed by the act of extraction rent. This study uses a political economy
perspective from the Veltmeyer and Petras concepts of new extractivism. This study
explains the capital penetration on tin mining with the role of the patronage network of
tin collectors in the process of capital accumulation and explains the other forms of natural
resource conflict. By using case studies in Bangka Regency related to tin mining, this
study argues that new extractivism in tin mining is increasingly developing due to the
support of extractive capital that is disseminated by the industrial elite to the tin collector
network, followed by conflicts of interest over the control of tin mineral resources by
industrial elite. This research uses qualitative case study method. Data collection
techniques used observation, in-depth interviews, literature review, and secondary data.
Informants of this study ranging from tin collectors, tin entrepreneurs and smelters,
owners and miners of unconventional mines, Walhi Bangka Belitung, JATAM, expert
researchers and Bangka Regency Civil State Apparatus."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kemas Ridwan Kurniawan
Jakarta: UI-Press, 2013
720.95 KEM h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agung Nugraha
Desentralisasi telah membuka kesempatan investor luar negeri memasukkan
modalnya untuk mengembangkan sektor industri setalah adanya kesepakatan pasar bebas.
Pengambilan kebijakan pembangunan ekonomi berbasis sumber daya alam oleh
pemerintah daerah mendorong masyarakat untuk menambang secara bebas dan masif,
yang diikuti dengan tata kelola pertambangan mineral timah yang buruk. Beberapa kajian
industri ekstraksi terbagi dua perspektif, yaitu perspektif institusional dan perspektif
ekonomi politik. Perspektif institusional lebih menekankan pada tata kelola sumber daya
alam yang baik dan rente ekstraksi pada kelembagaan. Sedangkan, perspektif ekonomi
politik menekankan kelas penguasa mengakses dan mengontrol sumber daya alam yang
diikuti perilaku rente ekstraksi. Penelitian ini menggunakan perspektif ekonomi politik
dari konsep Veltmeyer dan Petras tentang ekstraktivisme baru. Penelitian ini menjelaskan
tentang penetrasi modal ekstraksi dalam penambangan timah dengan peran jaringan
patronase kolektor timah dalam proses akumulasi kapital dan menjelaskan bentuk lainnya
dari konflik sumber daya alam. Dengan mengacu studi kasus penelitian di Kabupaten
Bangka terkait penambangan timah, peneliti berargumen ekstraktivisme baru dalam
penambangan timah semakin berkembang dikarenakan adanya dukungan modal esktraksi
yang disebarluaskan oleh elit industri kepada jaringan kolektor timah, yang diikuti dengan
konflik kepentingan terhadap penguasaan sumber daya mineral timah oleh elit industri.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan
pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara
mendalam, kajian literature dan data sekunder. Informan penelitian ini adalah kolektor
timah, pengusaha timah dan smelter, pemilik dan penambang tambang inkonvensional,
Walhi, Jatam, peneliti ahli dan ASN Kabupaten Bangka.

Decentralization has opened up the opportunities for foreign investors to devote their
capital for developing industrial sector after the free market agreement. The adoption of
natural resource-based economic development policies by local governments encourages
people to mine freely and massively, that followed by poor mining management of ton
minerals. A number of studies on extractive industries are categorized into two
perspectives, namely institutional perspective, and political economy perspective.
Institutional perspectives emphasizing on natural resource governance and the existence
of rent in the institutional governance system. Meanwhile, the political economy
perspective tend to focus on how the ruling class accessing and controlling natural
resources followed by the act of extraction rent. This study uses a political economy
perspective from the Veltmeyer and Petras concepts of new extractivism. This study
explains the capital penetration on tin mining with the role of the patronage network of
tin collectors in the process of capital accumulation and explains the other forms of natural
resource conflict. By using case studies in Bangka Regency related to tin mining, this
study argues that new extractivism in tin mining is increasingly developing due to the
support of extractive capital that is disseminated by the industrial elite to the tin collector
network, followed by conflicts of interest over the control of tin mineral resources by
industrial elite. This research uses qualitative case study method. Data collection
techniques used observation, in-depth interviews, literature review, and secondary data.
Informants of this study ranging from tin collectors, tin entrepreneurs and smelters,
owners and miners of unconventional mines, Walhi Bangka Belitung, JATAM, expert
researchers and Bangka Regency Civil State Apparatus."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arif Budimanta
"This dissertation discusses about the tin mining in Bangka community in Penagan village, Province of Bangka-Belitung Islands, particularly on relations of strength in the activity structure of tin mining performed by the miners (individuals or groups) in organizing the control, exploitation, management and distribution of the resources in the area. Tin mining activities performed by Bangka people in Penagan is called TI forming inseparable part of Bangka people life. In these activities, the miners are connected in the context of relation of power based on the strength of each miner. The relation of strength and powers is not only demonstrated by the statue and role between Boss and subordinates in TI activities but also among TI with other miners interested in tin resources.
In this dissertation, i will show the relation of power in the social structure being the function of mutual relations of strength among the miners based on the capabilities and capacity of each miner in such structure. The powers of each miner includes capital and symbols of relaionship regularly reproduced to strengthen the existing relation. Mutual relation is functionally empowered by the miners to maximize the economic benefit from available resources in the walks of life of the ccommunity. Tin mining structure is a siymbiotic and mutual cooperation network (mutual and profit exchange) primarily among the miners based on economic benefit of tin resource, where the fund will then become collective standard of the miners and business groups. The strength held by each miner in the context of tin resources control and tin mining activities indicate no dualism of the strength of the miner binding of free. In term of mining context, the existing strength is independent or binding. There is no miner who can directly control by the power it owns in tin mining activities. This is attributable to the fact that tin, as a resource in social system of tin mining is considered as collective resources.
Research methodology used in this dissertation is qualitative research method with observation technique and in-depth interview. Specifically, it uses ethnography method resulth in deep and holistic examination on tin mining performed by Bangka community in Penagan. The period of data collection began from the early 2005 until August 2006. I use the approach referring to the relations of power and strength among the miners in the tin mining structure which includes control, management and organizing of tin resources. The relation of powers among the miners is based upon the strength of the miners to influence and or to control other miners."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Meisi Subandi
Skripsi ini membahas dampak kebijakan ekspor timah di Kabupaten Bangka Barat, dengan melakukan studi terhadap Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan Nomor 32 Tahun 2013. Permasalahannya, setelah kebijakan diimplementasikan, masyarakat penambang tidak dapat menjual bijih timahnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini kebijakan ekspor timah di Kabupaten Bangka Barat berdampak pada tiga komponen, yakni pemerintah, swasta, dan masyarakat. Bagi pemerintah daerah, kebijakan ini berdampak pada penurunan pendapatan. Bagi pihak swasta, yakni smelter timah dampaknya adalah tak dapat mengekspor timah secara langsung, karena harus melalui Bursa Komoditi dan Derivatif Indonesia (BKDI). Bagi masyarakat penambang, berdampak pada tidak dibelinya bijih timah oleh smelter.

This thesis discusses the impact of policy of tin export West Bangka Regency, through Regulation of Ministry of Trade No. 32 Year 2013. Its problem is after the policy is implemented, miners cannot sell their tin ore. This research used a qualitative approach. The results of this research has impact on three components, namely the government, private, and community. For local government, this policy resulted the decreasing of income. For private, namely the tin smelter, they can not export tin directly, because it must pass through Indonesia Commodity and Derivatives Exchange (ICDX). For the miners, the impact is the tin ore cannot bought by smelter."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annafi Kevin Putra
"Ekstratksi tin dari sumber sekunder terbukti menjadi alternatif yang atraktif melihat dari permintaan produksi timah yang terus bertumbuh. Terak timah, yang tergolong sumber sekunder, masih menyisakan timah oksida sekitar 1 sampai 3%. Literature studi menunjukkan, untuk melakukan leaching dari terak timah secara efektif, formasi silica gel harus di cegah, oleh karenanya asam oksalat dipilih. Empat parameter leaching, konsentrasi asam oksalat, waktu, temperature, dan rasio, dipilih untuk mengekstrak tin (sebagai target) beserta titanium, tantalum, dan niobium. Eksperimen menunjukan, bahwa parameter leaching paling optimum berada di 24 jam waktu leaching, pada 50?C dan 10% rasio cairan dan solid.

Recovering tin from secondary resource proves to be an attractive alternative tin resource to help satisfy the ever-growing tin demands. Tin slag, considered as a secondary resource, still consist of tin in the form of oxides approximately 1 – 3%. Studies found that in order to leach tin slag effectively the formation of silica gel has to be prevented, hence oxalic acid was chosen as the leaching reagent for the study. Four leaching parameters, oxalic acid concentration, leaching time, leaching temperature and solid liquid ratio, were tested through the experiment to extract tin as the primary metal, along with titanium, tantalum and niobium. The experiment concluded that the optimum leaching time is at 24 hours with a temperature of 50?C at 10% solid/liquid ratio."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pradianti Gavrilia
Kegiatan pertambangan rakyat yang disebut oleh masyarakat Bangka dengan Tambang Inkonvensional (TI), semakin marak hampir mencakup ke segala aspek ekosistem alam baik darat maupun laut yang mana tidak memiliki izin dalam proses kegiatan penambangan. Dengan semakin maraknya kegiatan pertambangan TI dikabupaten Bangka Selatan maka Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Bangka Selatan membentuk Tim Terpadu PETI dalam rangka upaya penanggulangan masalah penertiban serta penghentian segala bentuk pertambangan tanpa izin. Pembentukan Tim Terpadu PETI ini berdasarkan Keputusan Bupati Bangka Selatan No.188.45/67A/SAT POL PP/2014 tentang Pembentukan Tim Terpadu Penanggulangan Pertambangan tanpa Izin yang mana mengacu pada Perda No 4 Tahun 2011 Tentang Pertambangan Mineral.
Fokus penelitian ini adalah pada implementasi kebijakan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi kebijakan penanganan tambang timah inkonvensional (TI) mengalami berbagai permasalahan berupa keterbatasan Keterkaitan standar dan tujuan, sumberdaya, komunikasi antar organisasi dan aktivitas implementasi, karakteristik badan pelaksana, kondisi sosial, ekonomi dan politik serta disposisi pelaksana sangat mempengaruhi implementasi kebijakan. Ketidakjelasan dalam pelaksanaan standar dan tujuan, masih kurangnya dukungan sumberdaya kebijakan baik itu kurangnya sumberdaya manusia, sumberdaya dana, sumberdaya fasilitas dan sumberdaya informasi, serta aspek diluar organisasi seperti kondisi sosial, ekonomi memberikan hambatan dalam proses pelaksanaan implementasi kebijakan dan pencapaian keluaran implementasi kebijakan.

Artisanal mining activities called by the Islands community with Unconventional Mine (TI), the more bloom almost cover all aspects of natural ecosystems to both land and sea which are not authorized in the process of mining activities. With the rise of mining activities, the IT dikabupaten South Bangka Regency Government of South Bangka Integrated Team illegal formed in an effort to curb the problem prevention and cessation of all forms of mining without permission. Integrated Team illegal formation is based on Decree of the Regent South Bangka No.188.45 / 67A / SAT POL PP / 2014 on the Establishment of an Integrated Response Team Mining without a license which refers to Bylaw No. 4 of 2011 on Mineral.
This research focus is on the implementation of the policy. This study uses a qualitative method. The results showed that the implementation of policies to deal with unconventional tin mine (TI) experienced a variety of problems such as limitations of standard linkage and objectives, resources, communication between the organization and implementation activities, the implementing body characteristics, social, economic and political as well as the disposition executive influence policy implementation. The lack of clarity in the implementation of standards and goals, still a lack of resources support good policies that lack of human resources, financial resources, resources, facilities and information resources, as well as aspects of outside organizations such as social conditions, economic provide obstacles in the implementation process of policy implementation and the attainment of policy implementation"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annafi Kevin Putra
Ekstratksi tin dari sumber sekunderterbukti menjadi altematifyang atraktif
melihat dari permintaan produksi timah yang tems bertumbuh. Terak timah, yang
tergolong sumber sekunder, masih menyisakan timah oksida sekitar 1 sampai 3%.
Literature studi menunjukkan, untuk melakukan leaching dari terak timah secara
efektif, formasi silica gel hams di cegah, oleh karenanya asam oksalat dipilih. Empat
parameter leaching, konsentrasi asam oksalat, waktu, temperature, dan rasio, dipilih
untuk mengekstrak tin (sebagai target) beserta titanium, tantalum, dan niobium.
Eksperimen menunjukan, bahwa parameter leaching paling optimum berada di 24
jam waktu leaching, pada 50 C dan 10% rasio cairan dan solid.

Recovering tin from secondary resource proves to be an attractive
alternative tin resource to help satisfy the ever-growing tin demands. Tin slag,
considered as a secondary resource, still consist of tin in the form of oxides
approximately 1 - 3%. Studies found that in order to leach tin slag effectively the
formation of S,ilica gel has to be prevented, hence oxalic acid was chosen as the
leaching reagentofor the study. Four leaching parameters, oxalic acid concentration,
leaching time, leaching temperature and solid liquid ratio, were tested through the
experiment to extract tin as the primary metal, along with titanium, tantalum and
niobium. The experiment concluded that the optimum leaching time is at 24 hours
with a temperature of 50 C at 10% solidiliqvid ratio."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sidabukke, Monang
"Hutan Lindung Gunung sepang terancam punah, penebangan liar untuk penambangan liar dipandang sebagai penyebab proses kerusakan hutan. Dampak ekologi yang ditimbulkan dari penambangan timah ilegal dikawasan hutan lindung adalah terjadinya longsor, erosi, banjir, dan berkurangnya serta tercemarnya air tanah. Penelitian terhadap kerusakan hutan lindung ini adalah desa-desa di kecamatan Badau yang berdekatan langsung dengan Hutan Lindung Gunung Sepang serta Pemerintah daerah Kabupaten Belitung. Metode observasi secara langsung dan wawancara digunakan sebagai pendekatan dalam pengambilan data. Wawancara dilakukan secara tidak terstruktur terhadap komponen masyarakat setempat, aparat dinas kehutanan serta aparat pemerintah daerah serta kepolisian.
Hasil penelitian dianalisa secara deskriptif kualitatif menggunakan rancangan alur pikir masalah. Setidaknya ada tiga faktor yang membuat terjadinya pengrusakan hutan untuk penambangan liar yaitu: belum adanya kesadaran untuk menjaga kelestarian lingkungan hidup, Masyarakat belum memiliki kesadaran hukum serta adanya keinginan untuk memperoleh pendapatan yang lebih tinggi Pemerintah daerah telah melakukan himbauan, operasi pengamanan dan penjagaan, pengembangan ekonomi masyarakat melalui diversifikasi usaha, serta menetapkan kebijakan dalam bentuk peraturan.
Permasalahan kerusakan lingkungan Hutan Lindung Gunung Sepang tidak bisa dibebankan hanya pada pemerintah, penyelesaian masalah tersebut menjadi tugas dan tanggung jawab komponen masyarakat keseluruhan. Pihak yang peduli terhadap kondisi kawasan hutan lebih memusatkan pada tindakan yang bersifat edukatif dan persuasif kepada masyarakat sekitar. Hal ini tampak ditunjukkan oleh mereka dengan adanya program bina lingkungan. Pendekatan yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah daerah bertujuan untuk menguatkan kesadaran lingkungan masyarakat disertai kemandirian dalam mengatasi kebutuhan hidup.
Evaluasi dan analisis dengan Pendekatan perencanaan pengelolaan lingkungan kawasan hutan memerlukan peranserta Pemerintah daerah dan masyarakat setempat. Pemerintah daerah sebagai "pemberi contoh" diharapkan memiliki peran serta dalam penanganan dan pengembangan aspek perbaikan kondisi hutan, aspek perlindungan dan pengamanan, serta aspek pembinaan kesadaran lingkungan masyarakat. Seluruh peran serta harus bersifat koordinatif dan partisipatif dengan melibatkan semua pihak. Upaya penanggulangan dan pencegahan adalah dengan mengembalikan kawasan hutan lindung yang telah menjadi lahan tambang ke fungsi semula yaitu dengan cara penghijauan kembali bekerjasama dengan penduduk lingkungan sekitar dan instansi terkait antara lain perhutani, pemerintah daerah, dan masyarakat setempat.

Hutan Lindung Gunung Sepang is in endangered, illegal logging for illegal mining is seen as a cause of forest destruction process. Ecological impacts arising from illegal mining area of protected forest is the occurrence of landslides, erosion, flooding, and reduced soil and water contamination. Research on the damage these protected forests are villages in the district Badau directly adjacent to Hutan Lindung Gunung Sepang in Bangka Belitung Province. Method of direct observation and interviews are used as an approach to data retrieval. Conducted unstructured interviews to the components of local communities, forest service officials and local government officials and police.
The results were analyzed in a descriptive qualitative study using a design mindset problem. There are at least three factors that make the destruction of forests to illegal mining, namely: lack of awareness to preserve the environment, local people do not have the legal awareness and the desire to earn higher incomes. The local government has made an appeal, security operations and maintenance, community economic development through business diversification, as well as set policy in the form of regulation.
Problems of environmental degradation Sepang Mountain Forest Preserve can not be charged only on the government, solving the problem is the duty and responsibility of the whole society components. Parties concerned with the condition of forests is more focused on action that is instructive and persuasive to the surrounding community. This seems indicated by their environment with the development program. The approach taken by the local government aims to strengthen environmental awareness with community self-reliance in addressing the needs of life.
Evaluation and analysis of the environmental approach to forest management planning requires the participation of regional governments and local communities. Local government as 'giver example' is expected to have participation in management and development aspects of the improvement of forest conditions, protection and security aspects, as well as fostering awareness of environmental aspects of society. The entire participation must be coordinated and participatory by involving all parties. Mitigation and prevention efforts is to restore a protected forest which has been a land mine to the original function is by way of reforestation cooperates with the surrounding environment and related agencies, among others perhutani, local governments, and local communities.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Priyono
"Pelebur bijih timah (smelter) merupakan bagian tidak terpisahkan dari pengusahaan pertambangan timah dalam memproduksi logam timah. Permasalahan utama adalah bahwa pelebur timah PT Koba Tin mempunyai kemampuan memproduksi logam timah sebanyak 12.000 ton per tahun dan hanya mampu mengolah bijih timah kadar tinggi. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan suatu analisis kelayakan dalam rangka rencana investasi penambahan alat pelebur bijih timah yang mampu mengolah bijih timah kadar rendah serta dapat memproduksi sebanyak 25.000 ton pertahun.
Melalui penelitian dan analisis yang ditinjau dari beberapa aspek tentang analisis kelayakan tersebut rencana investasi penambahan alat pelebur bijih timah layak dilakukan apabila dilihat dari nilai laju pengembalian internal (IRR) yang jauh di atas tingkat pengembalian minimum yang menarik (MARK) serta nilai sekarang bersih sebesar US$ 20.362.429 dan periode pengembalian investasi selama 4 tahun 2 bulan.
Analisa kepekaan memperlihatkan bahwa harga logam timah sangat berpengaruh terhadap kelayakan penambahan alat pelebur bijih timah, dengan menurunkan harga timah 2,5% atau sebesar US$ 4.290, IRR turun menjadi 5,5%, nilai sekarang sebesar US$ 96.707 dengan periode pengembalian 5 tahun 9 bulan. Dari hasil analisis keseluruhan bahwa rencana investasi penambahan alat pelebur bijih timah ini layak dikerjakan apabila harga timah tidak lebih rendah dari US$ 4.290, volume penjualan dan produksi harus lebih tinggi dari titik pulang pokok.

A tin ore smelter can not be separated from tin ore exploitation and tin metal production. Mean problem of PT Koba Tin smelter is its ability to produce 12.000 tons tin metal of highgrade tin ore per year. An analysis has to be done in order to plan an investment of tin ore smelter capable to process 25.000 ton of lowgrade tin ore per year.
Through feasibility analysis and study of some aspects an added smelter investment plan was recommended seen from its internal Rate of Return (1RR) which is far above Minimum Attractive Rate of Return (MARR) and also having a Net Present Value (NPV) equal to US$ 20.362.429 and an investment period returning of 4 years 2 months.
Sensitivity analysis show that tin metal price heavily influenced the addition feasibility of the tin ore smelter, by cutting 2,5% of tin price or equal to US$ 4.290, NPV is US$ 96.707 with a return period of 5 years 9 months. The overall analysis results shows the investment plan of the tin ore smelter is feasible if the tin price is not lower than US$ 4.290, sales and production must higher than the Break Event Point (BEP).
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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