ABSTRAKArtikel ini berfokus pada eksistensi Mickey Mouse sebagai maskot Walt Disney Company berdasarkan perspektif global value chain. Sebagai maskot resmi, Mickey Mouse telah bertahan lama sejak tahun 1928 sampai saat ini, melalui karya yang telah dihasilkan seperti motion picture, serial televisi, komik, buku dan taman bermain. Eksistensi Mickey Mouse telah membuat Walt Disney Company sukses menjadi salah satu perusahaan yang sukses mendominasi industri hiburan dunia. Studi-studi sebelumnya menjelaskan bahwa eksistensi mascot dalam industry hiburan dilanggengkan melalui strategi perusahaan yaitu branding dan supply chain management. Selanjutnya, studi-studi sebelumnya mengenai global value chain belum membahas perusahaan dari segi maskotnya, tapi hanya melihat konsekuensi aktivitas bisnis yang dilakukan dalam industry. Oleh karena itu, artikel ini berfokus pada mascot dari Walt Disney Company yaitu Mickey Mouse dalam membangun perusahaan kedalam ekonomi global melalui perspektif global value chain. Strategi branding dan supply chain management termasuk dalam salah satu elemen global value chain yaitu struktur input-output. Kemudian, pelanggengan eksistensi dari maskot juga didukung oleh elemen global value chain lain yaitu konteks lokal institusional dan skopa geografis.
ABSTRACTThis article analyses the existence of Mickey Mouse as a mascot of the Walt Disney Company based on global value chain perspective. As an official mascot of Walt Disney Company, Mickey Mouse has been well-established since 1928 to present day, with its artwork that has been produced such as the motion picture, television series, comic, book, and theme parks. Its existence has made Walt Disney Company as one of the successful multinational companies that dominate the entertainment industry in the world. The earlier studies said that the existence of a company mascot in the entertainment industry perpetuated by the company s strategy through branding and supply chain management. Furthermore, in the global value chain, previous studies have not yet discussed the company by its mascot that only viewed by its consequence of the business in the industry. Therefore, this article analyses the mascot of the Disney Company s, Mickey Mouse that is in building the company into a global economy using the global value chain perspective. Nonetheless, the branding strategy and supply chain management correlate to one of the global value chain elements, is an input-output structure. The perpetuation of the existence of a mascot is supported by other global value chain elements that are the local institutional context and geographic scope.
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018