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Aspin Nur Arifin Rivai
Tesis ini menaklik hubungan negara dan bisnis dalam kebijakan ekonomi luar negeri China bernama BRI. Berangkat dari konsep ldquo;bina ekonomi negara rdquo; dan metode penelitian kualitatif ndash; studi kasus, penelitian ini mengafirmasi bahwa agenda konektivitas melalui BRI mengandung motif ekonomi dan politik China di Asia Tenggara. Tujuan strateginya, yaitu pendalaman hubungan kerja sama dan kontiunitas internasionalisasi. Penelitian ini menunjukkan aktor bisnis memiliki keterlibatan penting dalam penyelenggaraan bina ekonomi negara. Industri konstruksi infrastruktur dan transportasi merupakan bagian dari pengendalian tersebut. Proses penetrasi berlangsung dalam empat faktor determinan. Pertama, kebijakan BRI dijadikan sebagai program pembangunan nasional yang sesuai visi China rsquo;s Rejuvenation, sehingga hubungan antara pemerintah pusat dengan pemerintah subnasional terunifikasi. Kedua, tujuan antara pemerintah dengan aktor bisnis bersifat kompatibel. Terakhir, hubungan anatar pemerintah dengan kedua sektor industri beserta keterlibatan aktor bisnisnya menjadi direktif dan hierarkis, karena pemerintah melakukan penguasaan sistem kepemilikan, sistem manajemen perusahaan, dan struktur kepemimpinan perusahaan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa negara berhasil mengendalikan aktor bisnis.Kata kunci: BRI, Negara-Bisnis, Bina Ekonomi Negara, Konektivitas, dan Industri Konstruksi dan Transportasi.
This thesis examines state business relations in Belt and Road Initiative as China rsquo s foreign economic policy. Set forth from ldquo economic statecraft rdquo theory and qualitative method, this research shows that connectivity agenda through BRI have economic and geostrategic motives and interrelated in Southeast Asia. The significance of the strategy are internationalization continuity and deepening of cooperation. This research found that commercial actor as important part to implemented economic statecraft. The penetration process occupy in four determinant factors. First, BRI is positioned as national development and convergent in ldquo China rsquo s Rejuvenation rdquo , so that the relationship between the central government and subnational government is unified. Second, the intrinsic goal is compatible between government and commercial actors. Third, market structure in infrastructure construction and transportation industry sector is created by government become more concentrated and monopoly. Finally, the reporting relationship between state and commercial actors become more directive, hierarchy, and centralized, because government exercises ownership control, corporate managements, and the composition of personnels and company leader is appointed directly by government. The results of this research indicate that state has controlled actor commercial for reach economic and geostrategic aims in Southeast Asia. "
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Padmi Nur Wijayati
"Saat ini Dunia yang telah memasuki fase polarisasi politik yang terjadi di belahan dunia, negara-negara di dunia harus mampu memilih rekan sekutu yang tepat untuk keberlangsungan pemerintahan. Mesir melalui proyek BRI yang ditawarkan China menggunakan pendekatan softpower dan kesamaan ambisi kedua pemimpin membentuj kerjasama yang saling menguntungkan. Melalui metode kualitatif dan interview mendalam kepada narasumber, penelitian ini memperoleh hasil bahwa. China melalui BRI telah memperluas jangkauan perdagangan dan mengurangi pengaruh Amerika di kawasan MENA serta pembuka gerbang rute perdagangan laut terbesar di dunia melintasi benua Eropa, Afrika dan Asia melalui Terusan Suez. Pertumbuhan ekonomi Mesir dalam keadaan yang baik dan positif, lapangan pekerjaan yang meningkat setiap adanya perusahaan baru yang masuk dan proyek Ibukota baru, kota administrasi eksklusif dan tower tertinggi di Afrika yang dibangun oleh China hingga mendukung Egypt Vision 2030. China dengan proyek BRI yang ditawarkan di Mesir dianggap sebagai sebuah keuntungan daripada jebakan hutang sebab menciptakan kebijakan luar negeri yang lebih mendorong kerja sama dan kepercayaan investasi lebih lanjut daripada melakukan hard deterrance seperti yang dilakukan Amerika dahulu.

The world now has entered a phase of the political polarization that occurs in parts of the world, all countries in the world must be able to choose the right allies for the continuity of nation. Egypt through the BRI project offered by China using a softpower approach and the common vision of the two ambitious leaders to establish mutual beneficial cooperation. Through qualitative methods and in-dept interviews with truthable informan, this research obtained the results that. China through the BRI has expanded its trade reach and reducing America influence in the MENA region as well as opening the gateway of the world's largest sea trade routes across the European, African and Asian continents through the Suez Canal. Egypt's economic growth is in a good and positive state, jobs are increasing with the introduction of new companies and projects New capital, exclusive administrative cities and the tallest towers in Africa will be built by China to support Egypt Vision 2030. China with the BRI project offered in Egypt is considered an advantage rather than a debt trap because it creates a foreign policy that encourages further cooperation and investment confidence than doing hard deterrance like America used to do."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global. Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dai, Changzheng
"China is said to be the winner of globalization; to some extent, its true. Chinas economy has been rapidly striding forward in the past three decades after the launching of reform and openning up policy. As a result, Chinas comprehensive national strength has been greatly enhanced. Generally speaking, Chinas rise is welcomed in the international society, however, some cautious comments and debates in the meantime, have also been put forward. This is of course somewhat logic. As a nation phsically so big of 1.3 billion population, with so many uncertainties and flexibilities, its great changes naturally would attract curiosities and interests, and even worries from the international society."
Beijing: University of International Business and Economics Press, 2016
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadia Khadijah Putri
"Artikel ini membahas perkembangan Impian Cina (Zhongguomeng) dan Impian Asia (Yazhoumeng) sebagai sebuah landasan dari lahirnya gagasan Inisiatif Sabuk dan Jalan (One Belt One Road (OBOR) atau Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)). Artikel ini berfokus pada peran gagasan Zhongguomeng dan Yazhoumeng terhadap BRI, yang diiniasi oleh Xi Jinping. BRI dicanangkan Xi Jinping pada tahun 2013 dengan tujuan untuk memperkuat ekonomi Beijing dan memacu pertumbuhan ekonomi negara tetangga Cina melalui pembangunan infrastruktur. Dengan metode penelitian kualitatif berbasis pendekatan historis, penelitian ini memaparkan asal usul Zhongguomeng, dasar kelahiran Yazhoumeng, perkembangan BRI hingga saat ini, serta menganalisis keterkaitan antara Zhongguomeng, Yazhoumeng, dan BRI. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa BRI adalah sebuah alat untuk mewujudkan dan melanjutkan Zhongguomeng yang ingin mencapai Yazhoumeng. Sementara itu, Zhongguomeng adalah dasar untuk mencapai Kebangkitan Besar Bangsa Cina pada tahun 2021 dan 2049, dan Yazhoumeng adalah inisiatif konsep keamanan bersama yang dapat menyokong dan membantu negara tetangga Cina di kawasan Asia.

This article discusses the development of the Chinese Dream (Zhongguomeng) and Asian Dream (Yazhoumeng) as a groundwork of the One Belt One Road (OBOR) or Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). This article focuses on the role of Zhongguomeng and Yazhoumeng towards BRI, which was initiated by Xi Jinping. BRI was launched by Xi Jinping in 2013 to strengthen Beijings economy and spur economic growth in neighbouring China through infrastructure development. With a historical approach, the study presents the origin of Zhongguomeng and Yazhoumeng, the development of BRI to date, as well as analyzing the relationship between Zhongguomeng, Yazhoumeng, and BRI. The results of the study show that BRI is a tool for realizing and continuing Zhongguomeng to reach Yazhoumeng. Meanwhile, Zhongguomeng is the basis for achieving the Great Awakening of the Chinese Nation in 2021 and 2049, and Yazhoumeng is a joint security concept that supports and help Chinas neighbour countries in Asia."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vltchek, Andre
Badak Merah Semesta, 2019
338.9 AND c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This edited volume aims at examining China's role in the field of international governance and the rule of law under the Belt and Road Initiative from a holistic manner. It seeks alternative analytical frameworks that not only take into account legal ideologies and legal ideals, but also local demand and socio-political circumstances, to explain and understand China's legal interactions with countries along the Road, so that more useful insights can be produced in predicting and analysing China's as well as other emerging Asian countries' legal future. Authors from Germany, Korea, Singapore, Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong have contributed to this edited volume, which produces academic dialogues and conducts intellectual exchanges in specific sub-themes."
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shinta Damayanti
"Penelitian ini menganalisis fenomena kehadiran China di negara-negara Magribi khususnya Aljazair dan Libya, yang merupakan top trade partner China di kawasan ini. Melalui wadah kerja sama FOCAC dan BRI, China telah berfokus pada kerja sama yang lebih stratejik dalam pada sektor pembangunan dan pinjaman ke negara-negara tersebut. Disamping itu, China menyatakan adanya keselarasan antara BRI dengan SDGs (Suistainable Development Goals), sehingga dirinya akan bersama-sama terlibat secara aktif dalam mendorong pencapain indikator SDGs dengan negara – negara yang terlibat proyek BRI. Penulis menggunakan konsep neokolonialisme serta teori ketergantungan, world sytem theory, dan indikator SDGs untuk memperoleh jawaban dari pertanyaan penelitian. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian kajian literatur. Melalui penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa keterkaitan antara BRI dengan SDGs hanya mengandalkan promosi pembangunan infrakstruktur sebagai kendaraan untuk pencapaian indikator - indikator SDGs. Sepanjang lima tahun Aljazair dan Libya bergabung dengan BRI, ditemukan bahwa agenda BRI di kedua negara tersebut hanya berfokus pada aspek – aspek yang berkaitan dengan kepentingan BRI dan khususnya kepentingan China.

This research analyzes the phenomenon of China's presence in the Maghreb countries, especially Algeria and Libya, which are China's top trade partners in the Maghreb region. Through the FOCAC and BRI cooperation forums, China has focused on more strategic cooperation in the development sector and lending to these countries. In addition, China stated that there is a link between BRI and the SDGs (Suistainable Development Goals), so that it will be actively involved in encouraging the achievement of SDGs indicators with countries involved in the BRI project. The author uses the concept of neocolonialism and dependency theory, world system theory, and SDGs indicators to obtain answers to research questions.This research uses qualitative research with the type of literature review research. Through this research, it can be concluded that the relationship between BRI and the SDGs only relies on the promotion of infrastructure development as a vehicle for achieving the SDGs indicators. During the five years that Algeria and Libya joined the BRI, it was found that the BRI agenda in both countries only focused on certain aspects related to the interests of BRI and especially for China national interest."
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sindy Yulia Putri
Kebangkitan Cina menjadikan dunia tidak lagi bersifat unipolar dan bipolar, namun semakin multipolar. Negara tirai bambu tersebut menjadi cerminan bagi negara berkembang di
Asia dalam memajukan pembangunan nasional. Cina sebagai kekuatan ekonomi baru
semakin menunjukkan kapabilitasnya dalam industrialisasi dan aliran investasi asing.
Kemampuan SDM yang kompetitif dan teknologi yang mumpuni, membuat Cina semakin
menunjukkan eksistensinya dalam urusan ekonomi politik internasional dengan menginisiasi
pembentukan jalur sutra Belt and Road Initiave (BRI) di tahun 2013. Kebijakan ini
diimplementasikan pertama kali oleh Presiden Deng Xiao-Ping, yang kemudian dilanjutkan
oleh Presiden Xi Jinping. Sejak dibukanya jalur kerja sama ekonomi lintas kawasan BRI,
kemitraan Indonesia dan Cina semakin erat. Peningkatan perekonomian kedua negara
menjadi magnet bagi warga kedua negara, baik untuk kepentingan perdagangan, investasi,
pariwisata, pendidikan maupun budaya. Dengan semakin meningkatnya arus lalu lintas
barang dan orang dari kedua negara, diperlukan pengelolaan dan kerja sama yang baik
antara kedua belah pihak. Realitanya, kerja sama yang terjalin antara Indonesia dan
Cina dalam BRI dengan melibatkan lebih dari 65 negara, tidak terlepas dari kepentingan
ekonomi-politik di antara keduanya dan berimplikasi positif dan negatif terutama bagi
Indonesia. "
Jakarta : Biro Humas Settama Lemhannas RI , 2019
321 JKLHN 39 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Evi Fitriani
Chinas contemporary) trans-regional initiative. to establish the. Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) -previously known as One Beit One Road (OBOR) -has attracted a lot of attention; not only because the initiative involves more than 60 countries across Asia, Africa and south Europe, but also because it represents a re-emerging China that is being considered a challenger to the post-second World War liberal world order led by the United States. The initiative has also been perceived JS a Chinese strategy to enhance its influence beyond its traditional reaim by tJking advantage of its economic prowess. Indonesia was among the first countries introduced to the OBOR and whose territory is at the heart of the OBOR route. The country, however, has been prudent in the face of Chinese offers since it has perceived the initiative as both an opportunity and challenge in economic as well as strategic dimensions. In addition, the Chinese BRI grand initic1tive may create regional pro­blems due to hotspots in the South China Sea and the inclination of some regional states to support China rather than strengthen the Association of the Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Thus, while it is important to weicome the initiative, critical assessments of the project are indeed necessary in order to understand its impact on the geo-economy and geo-politics of involved regions cind on future relations between the involved countries and China."
lnstituto para el Desarrollo Industrial y ei Crecimiento Economico, A.C., 2018
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
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