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Firosyana Rizki Amalia
"Tahap perkembangan karier maupun proses dalam mengambil keputusan karier yang dijalani oleh remaja tanpa kekhususan dengan remaja yang memiliki kekhususan tidak berbeda. Individu dengan kekhususan mendapatkan pengalaman berinteraksi dengan lingkungan yang berbeda dibandingkan individu tanpa kekhususan sehingga pengalaman yang berbeda inilah yang kemudian memengaruhi perkembangan mereka. Misalnya saat mereka melakukan penilaian mengenai diri mereka. Individu yang merasa dirinya mengalami kesulitan dalam berinteraksi dengan lingkungan karena kekhususan tertentu akan merasa tidak yakin dalam melaksanakan tugas tertentu. Namun dukungan sosial dapat membantu remaja berkebutuhan khusus untuk merasa lebih yakin dengan diri mereka. Oleh karena itu, tujuan yang hendak dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat peranan dukungan sosial terhadap adaptabilitas karier remaja berkebutuhan khusus melalui peran mediasi career decision self-efficacy. Pengukuran adaptabilitas karier, career decision self-efficacy dan dukungan sosial dilakukan dengan menggunakan CAAS Savickas Porfeli, 2012 , CDSE-SF Betz Taylor, 1983 dan dimensi verbal persuasion dan vicarious experience dari skala CEDLE Lent et al., 2017 secara berurutan. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 210 remaja berkebutuhan khusus yang dikelompokkan sebagai remaja tuna netra, tuna rungu dan tuna daksa. Teknik analisis statistik yang digunakan adalah multiple regression dengan uji peran mediasi dianalisis dengan menggunakan macro PROCESS buatan Hayes. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dukungan sosial yang berasal dari guru memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan dalam pembentukan adaptabilitas karier melalui peran mediasi career decision self-efficacy. Hal ini berarti guru memiliki peranan yang signifikan dalam membentuk keyakinan remaja untuk menentukan jalur karier yang akan dijalani yang kemudian akan memengaruhi adaptabilitas kariernya.
Stages of career development and the process of making career decisions undertaken by typically developing adolescence and special need adolescence going through the same path. However, special needs individuals experienced different interaction with environments than typically develop individuals so that these different experiences subsequently affect their development. Individuals who felt difficulty in interacting with the environment because of their special need will somehow feel unsure in performing tasks. But social support might help adolescents with special needs to feel more confident in themselves. Therefore, the aim of present study is to examine the social support effect on special needs adolescence rsquo s career adaptability through career decision self efficacy as mediator. The measurement of on career adaptability, career decision self efficacy and social support was done by using CAAS Savickas Porfeli, 2012 , CDSE SF Betz Taylor, 1983 and the verbal persuasion and vicarious experience dimensions of the CEDLE scale Lent et al., 2017 , respectively. The study involved 210 adolescents with special needs classified as visual impairment, hearing impairment and physically disabled. Statistical analysis that being used is multiple regression with mediation role test analyzed by using PROCESS rsquo macro made by Hayes. The results show that social support from teachers has a significant role in forming adolescence rsquo s career adaptability through the role of career decision self efficacy as mediator. This means that teachers have a significant role in shaping adolescent confidence to determine which career path that will be undertaken and then influence his her career adaptability."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Puji Lestari Suharso
"Efikasi diri dalam keputusan karier menjadi topik yang penting dalam perkembangan karier mahasiswa karena banyak dikaitkan dengan ketidakpastian karier, kestabilan dan persistensi karier seseorang. Studi ini bertujuan untuk meneliti pengaruh dukungan kontekstual, hambatan kontekstual dan kepribadian proaktif terhadap efikasi diri dalam keputusan karier pada mahasiswa melalui self-directed learning berdasarkan Social Cognitive Career Theory SCCT. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif yang melibatkan 496 mahasiswa semester 4 dari seluruh fakultas di Universitas Indonesia. Partisipan diminta untuk menjawab pertanyaan dari Career Decision Self-Efficacy Short Form, Dukungan dan Hambatan Kontekstual, 17-item Proactive Personality Scale dan Student Self-Directed Learning Questionaire.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dukungan kontekstual dan kepribadian proaktif memiliki pengaruh secara langsung maupun tidak langsung melalui self-directed learning secara positif dan signifikan terhadap efikasi diri dalam keputusan karier. Hambatan kontekstual memiliki pengaruh tidak langsung melalui self-directed learning secara negatif dan signifikan terhadap efikasi diri dalam keputusan karier terhadap efikasi diri dalam keputusan karier. Penelitian ini memiliki keterbatasan teoritik karena pembahasan hanya berbasis pada pandangan SCCT model pilihan karier. Padahal dalam perkembangannya teori SCCT mengembangkan beberapa model yang dapat memperluas pembahasan efikasi diri dalam keputusan karier.
Penelitian ini memiliki implikasi praktis bahwa mahasiswa yang memiliki ciri-ciri kepribadian proaktif akan tercermin pada seseorang yang memiliki ciri-ciri self-directed learning, yaitu bertanggung jawab terhadap pendidikan yang ditekuni dan dapat beradaptasi terhadap hambatan yang dijumpainya. Saran penelitian ini antara lain untuk memantapkan efikasi diri dalam keputusan karier, hambatan perlu diminimalisir dengan meningkatkan self-directed learning, membangun inisiatif mahasiswa dan meningkatkan dukungan kontekstual.
Career decision self efficacy is an important topic in the career development because it is associated with career uncertainty, stability and persistence of one 39 s career. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of contextual support, contextual barriers, and proactive personality on career decisions self efficacy through self directed learning, based on Social Cognitive Career Theory. A quantitative study is carried out, involving 496 fourth semester students from all faculties in Universitas Indonesia. Participants have to answer the Career Decision Self Efficacy Short Form Scale, Support and Barriers Contextual Scale, 17 item Proactive Personality Scale and the Student Self Directed Learning Questionnaire.The results showed that support contextual and proactive personality has a direct and indirect effect through self directed learning in a positive and significant impact on career decision self efficacy. Contextual barriers have an indirect effect through self directed learning in a negative and significant impact on career decision self efficacy. This study has limitations because the theoretical discussion is only based on the views SCCT model of career choice. Whereas SCCT has developed several models to expand the discussion of career decision self efficacy.This research has practical implications that students who have a proactive personality traits will be reflected as a person who has the characteristics of self directed learning, which is responsible for their education and can adapt to any obstacles encountered. The suggestion of this research is to establish career decision self efficacy, barriers need to be minimized by increasing self directed learning, build student rsquo s initiative and improve contextual support."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Disertasi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Samosir, Meilita Jamilah
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh parental career-related behaviors pada komitmen terhadap pilihan karier remaja dengan efikasi diri dalam pengambilan keputusan karier sebagai variabel mediator. Partisipan penelitian adalah siswa-siswi SMA di Jakarta Selatan N=315. Komitmen terhadap pilihan karier diukur dengan Commitment to Career Choice Scale CCCS, efikasi diri dalam pengambilan keputusan karier dengan Career Decision Self-Efficacy Short Form CDSE-SF, serta persepsi anak terhadap perilaku orang tua terkait karier dengan Parental Career-Related Behaviors PCB. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa parental career-related behaviors yang mendukung B=-0,0212, p
This study examined the role of parental career related behaviors towards commitment to career choice through career decision making self efficacy among adolescents. There are 315 high school students who participated in this study origin from school in South Jakarta. Commitment to career choice was measured using commitment to career choice scale CCCS, career decision making self efficacy was measured using career decision self efficacy short form CDSE SF, parental career related behaviors was measured using parental career related behaviors PCB. The result found that there are significant effects of parental career related behaviors support B 0,0212, p"
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Gusti Fauzan Nabila
"Siswa yang memiliki efikasi diri dalam keputusan karier akan yakin dengan kemampuannya untuk melakukan tugas-tugas yang dibutuhkan dalam memilih jurusan kuliah yang tepat. Tinggi rendahnya keyakinan siswa tidak terlepas dari peran orang tua seperti harapan dan dukungan terkait karier. Siswa cenderung mematuhi orang tua karena budaya kolektivis di Indonesia menekankan pentingnya hubungan sosial yang harmonis. Di sisi lain, kepatuhan tersebut dapat membuat siswa merasa tertekan dan terpaksa memilih jurusan yang salah. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 349 siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas Kelas 12. Harapan karier orang tua diukur menggunakan subskala Perceived Parental Expectation pada faktor academic achievement (PPE-AA) dari alat ukur The Living up to Parental Expectation Inventory (LPEI), kongruensi karier remaja-orang tua diukur menggunakan Adolescent-Parent Career Congruence Scale (APCCS), dan efikasi diri dalam keputusan karier diukur menggunakan Career Decision Self-Efficacy Short Form (CDSE-SF). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persepsi siswa terhadap harapan karier orang tua dan kongruensi dengan orang tua mengenai karier dapat meningkatkan efikasi diri siswa dalam keputusan karier secara bersama-sama, F (2,346) = 41,011, p<0,001. Persepsi siswa mengenai kongruensi karier dengan orang tua lebih mampu meningkatkan efikasi diri siswa dalam keputusan karier dibanding persepsi terhadap harapan karier orang tua. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, orang tua diharapkan terlibat secara aktif dan mendukung karier siswa secara kongruen untuk membantu siswa merasa lebih yakin ketika memutuskan karier.
Students with career decision self-efficacy will believe in their capabilities to do various tasks needed in choosing the right college major. Student’s level of belief is related to their parents’ behavior such as expectations and support regarding career. Indonesia’s collectivist culture emphasizes the importance of harmonious social relations, making students tend to obey their parents. But obedience can also make students feel pressured and forced to choose the wrong major. The total of participants in this study amounts to 349 high school students in grade 12. Parental career expectations are measured by the Perceived Parental Expectation subscale on academic achievement (PPE-AA) from The Living up to Parental Expectation Inventory (LPEI), adolescent-parent career congruence is measured by Adolescent-Parent Career Congruence Scale (APCCS), and career decision self-efficacy is measured by Career Decision Self-Efficacy Short Form (CDSE-SF). The result of this study indicates that student’s perceptions towards parental career expectations and career congruence between them and their parents simultaneously can increase student’s career decision self-efficacy,F (2,346) = 41,011, p<0,001. Student’s perceptions of career congruence with their parents are more capable of increasing student’s career decision self-efficacy when compared to student’s perceptions towards parental career expectations. Based on these findings, parents are expected to be actively involved and give congruent support in helping students to be more confident in making career decisions."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Ryan Eka Prasetya
"Career decision self-efficacy CDSE merupakan hal yang penting untuk dimiliki mahasiswa tingkat akhir dalam mempersiapkan diri memasuki dunia kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran peer support dan identitas etnis terhadap career decision self-efficacy. Alat ukur yang digunakan dalam penelitian yakni Career Decision Making Self Efficacy - Short Form CDSE- SF untuk mengukur CDSE; sementara pengukuran peer support menggunakan Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support; dan pengukuran identitas etnis menggunakan Multiple Ethnic Identity. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini merupakan 202 mahasiswa perantau tingkat akhir di Universitas Indonesia dengan metode pengambilan data secara daring. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hanya variabel peer support yang berperan terhadap tingkat CDSE R2= 0,075, p < 0,05 . Hasil penelitian ini dapat bermanfaat dalam menentukan kebijakan yang tepat untuk meningkatkan CDSE mahasiswa perantau UI.
Career decision self efficacy CDSE is important for final year undergraduates to make them ready to face the competition at work. The purpose of this study is to examine the role of peer support and ethnic identity on career decision self efficacy. The measurements that used in this study were Career Decision Making Self Efficacy Short Form to measure CDSE Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support to measure peer support and Multiple Ethnic Identity Measure Revised to measure ethnic identity. The participants in this study are 202 final year migrants undergraduates at Universitas Indonesia with online questionnaire method. Results of this study shows that peer support is the only variable that has a significant role towards CDSE R2 0,075, p 0,05 . The result of this study could help people to create policies and interventions related to migrants undergraduates at UI in order to increase their CDSE."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Rosida Nurullah
ABSTRAKTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah occupational self-efficacy memediasi hubungan antara dukungan sosial dan career indecision. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dan menggunakan metode korelasional dengan menggunakan sampel individu pada usia 25−44 tahun dan sedang bekerja selama minimal enam bulan N= 167). Ketiga variabel diukur menggunakan Career Decision Scale (CDS), Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), dan Occupational Self-Efficacy(OCCSEFF). Hasil analisis mediasi menunjukkan bahwa terdapat direct effect (= .09, .05) yang tidak signifikan dan indirect effect (r= -.52, p.05) yang signifikan, dan mengindikasikan bahwa occupational self-efficacy memediasi secara penuh hubungan antara dukungan sosial dan career indecision. Dengan kata lain, dukungan sosial harus melewati occupational self-efficacy terlebih dahulu untuk memengaruhi career indecision.
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to determine whether occupational self-efficacy mediates the relationship between social support and career indecision. This research is a quantitative study and uses a correlational method using a sample of individuals at the age range of 25−44 years and were working for at least six months (N = 167). The three variables are measured by The Career Decision Scale (CDS), Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), and Occupational Self-Efficacy (OCCSEFF). The result of mediation analysis has shown the direct effect (r= .09, p> .05) that is not significant and a significant indirect effect (r= -.52, p< .05), which indicated that occupational self-efficacy fully mediates the relationship between social support and career indecision. In other words, social support must pass through occupational self-efficacy first to influence career indecision."
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Irma Neslianita
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara keberfungsian keluarga dengan efikasi diri dalam keputusan karier pada siswa kelas 12 di Jabodetabek. Keberfungsian keluarga diukur menggunakan alat ukur Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale II FACES II dan Family Communication Scale FCS. Sedangkan efikasi diri dalam keputusan karier diukur menggunakan alat ukur Career Decision Self-Efficacy Short Form CDSE-SF. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 333 siswa kelas 12.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya hubungan positif yang signifikan antara keberfungsian keluarga dengan efikasi diri dalam keputusan karier pada siswa kelas 12 di Jabodetabek. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi keberfungsian keluarga yang dipersepsikan siswa maka semakin tinggi pula efikasi diri dalam keputusan karier yang dimilikinya. Penelitian ini juga memperoleh hasil bahwa terdapat dua dimensi keberfungsian keluarga yang berperan secara signifikan terhadap efikasi diri dalam keputusan karier pada siswa kelas 12 yaitu dimensi fleksibilitas dan dimensi komunikasi.
Pada penelitian ini, kontribusi keberfungsian keluarga terhadap efikasi diri dalam keputusan karier hanya 7, kemungkinan besar terdapat faktor-faktor lain yang berkontribusi terhadap efikasi diri dalam keputusan karier. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian selanjutnya perlu dipertimbangkan faktor eksternal lainnya seperti peran guru atau teman sebaya pada siswa kelas 12.
This study was conducted to examine the relationship between family functioning and career decisions self efficacy on 12th grade students in Jabodetabek. Family functioning is measured by Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale II FACES II and Family Communication Scale FCS. Meanwhile, career decisions self efficacy is measured by Career Decision Self Efficacy Short Form CDSE SF. The total of sample used in this study amounts to 333 students of 12th grade. The result of this study indicates a significant positive relationship between between family functioning and career decisions self efficacy on 12th grade students in Jabodetabek. This result indicates that the higher the family functioning that is perceived by 12th grade students, the higher their career decision self efficacy become. This study also found the result that there are two dimensions of family functioning that contribute significantly to career decision self efficacy on 12th grade students which is flexibility and communication. In this study, the contribution of family functioning to career decision self efficacy is only 7, most likely there are other factors that contribute to career decision self efficacy. Therefore, further research should consider other external factors such as the role of the teacher or peer group on 12th grade students."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Aisyah Rumalutur
"Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui apakah efikasi diri keputusan karier memediasi pengaruh gaya atribusi terhadap eksplorasi karier siswa kelas 12 Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK). Sebanyak 862 responden siswa kelas 12 SMK terlibat dalam penelitian ini. Responden mengisi kuesioner CES untuk mengukur eksplorasi karier, AACDM untuk mengukur gaya atribusi, dan CDSES-SF untuk mengukur efikasi diri keputusan karier. Data penelitian dianalisis menggunakan PROCESS dari Hayes pada SPSS untuk melihat model mediasi yang diajukan.
Hasil analisis data mendukung model mediasi yang diajukan bahwa efikasi diri keputusan karier memediasi pengaruh gaya atribusi terhadap eksplorasi karier siswa kelas 12 SMK. Responden yang menerapkan gaya atribusi optimis memiliki efikasi diri keputusan karier yang tinggi sehingga sering melakukan eksplorasi karier.
Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan gaya atribusi dapat secara langsung memengaruhi eksplorasi karir siswa kelas 12 SMK. Hasil penelitian memberikan implikasi secara teoritis bagi penelitian selanjutnya dan secara praktis dalam konseling serta intervensi terhadap siswa kelas 12 SMK. Hasil penelitian secara detail dan keterbatasan penelitian dibahas lebih lanjut dalam laporan tesis.
The current research examined mediation effect of career decision self-efficacy on the effects of attributional style on career exploration behavior of 12 grade of vocational students. A total of 862 respondents of 12 grade of vocational students were involved in the research. Respondents filled out the CES questionnaire for career exploration, AACDM for attributional style, and CDSES-SF for career decision self-efficacy. Research data were analyzed using PROCESS from Hayes on SPSS to examined the mediation model. The results supported the mediation model that career decision selfefficacy mediate the effects of attributional style on career exploration of 12 grade of vocational students. Respondents who applied optimistic attributional style have high career decision self-efficacy, in turn affect their engagement in career exploration. The results also showed that attributional style can directly have an effect on career exploration of 12 grade of vocational students. The results have theoretical and practical implications for further research, counseling and intervention programme towards 12 grade of vocational students. Others research findings and limitations are further discussed in the research report."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Andriani
"Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif yang bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh self-compassion sebagai mediator dalam hubungan antara peer relatedness dan efikasi diri dalam keputusan karier. Peneliti menggunakan adaptasi Bahasa Indonesia dari alat ukur The Youth Relatedness Scale untuk mengukur peer relatedness, Self-Compassion Scale untuk mengukur self-compassion, dan Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale-Short Form untuk mengukur efikasi diri dalam keputusan karier. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 650 orang siswa SMA kelas XI dan XII dari berbagai area di Jabodetabek. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa self-compassion memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan dalam memediasi hubungan antara peer relatedness dan efikasi diri dalam keputusan karier siswa SMA (p < 0.05). Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat memberikan implikasi praktis bagi sekolah agar dapat menciptakan iklim kelas dan sekolah yang kompak dan suportif, serta lebih melatih keterampilan sosial siswa agar dapat membangun hubungan pertemanan yang positif yang dapat mendukung perkembangan kariernya.
This quantitative research aims to see the effect of self-compassion as a mediator in the relationship between peer relatedness and career decision self-efficacy. Researcher used Indonesian adaptation from The Youth Relatedness Scale to measure peer relatedness, Self-Compassion Scale to measure self-compassion, and Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale-Short Form to measure self-efficacy in career decisions. The sample in this study are 650 high school students in 11th and 12th grade from various areas in Greater Jakarta. The results of the analysis showed that self-compassion had a significant influence in mediating the relationship between high school students peer relatedness and career decision self-efficacy (p <0.05). The results of this study can have practical implications for schools to create a unified and supportive classroom and school climate, and train students social skills better so they could build positive friendships with peers that can support their career development."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Dhaniar Gusna Fatimah
"Dalam proses pemilihan karier, penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa efikasi-diri keputusan karier dapat diprediksi dari gaya berpikir. Namun, efikasi-diri keputusan karier dapat berbeda antara laki-laki dan perempuan. Oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini ingin melihat peran gender sebagai moderator pada hubungan gaya berpikir dengan efikasi-diri keputusan karier siswa SMA. Jumlah responden penelitian ini adalah 353 siswa SMA. Selanjutnya variabel diukur dengan menggunakan kuesioner penelitianya itu skala Career Decision Self-Efficacy-Short Form dan Thinking Style Inventory-Revised II yang sudah diadaptasi ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Data dianalisis menggunakan program macro PROCESS dari Hayes yang terdapat dalam SPSS. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa gender hanya dapat memoderasi hubungan gaya berpikir tipe I dengan efikasi-diri keputusan karier pada siswa SMA (b3 -0,24, t-2,51, p 0,05); sedangkan gender tidak menjadi moderator pada hubungan gaya berpikir tipe II dengan efikasi-diri keputusan karier siswa SMA (b3 -0,12, t-1,28, p 0,5). Limitasi dan saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya didiskusikan.
In the career selection process of high school students, previous research has shown that career decision self-efficacy can be predicted from thinking styles. However, the self-efficacy of career decisions can differ between men and women. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to look at the role of gender as a moderator in the relationship of thinking styles with the self-efficacy of career decisions of high school students. The number of respondents in this study were 353 high school students. Furthermore the variables were measured using a research questionnaire namely the Career Decision Self-Efficacy-Short Form (CDSE-SF) scale and Thinking Style Inventory-Revised II (TSI-R2) which had been adapted into Indonesian. Data were analyzed using PROCESS macros program from Hayes that contained in SPSS. The results show that gender can only moderate the relationship of type I thinking styles with career decision self-efficacy in senior high school students (b3 -0,24, t-2,51, p 0,05); while gender doesnt become a moderator in the relationship of type II thinking styles with career decision self-efficacy of high school student (b3 -0,12, t -1,28, p 0,5). Limitation and suggestions for further research are discussed."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library