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Fikri Aulia
The purpose of writing this thesis is to have an understanding of the authority and new role of the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation in handling and preventing financial crises in Indonesia in accordance with Laws and Regulations in force in Indonesia. This thesis will describe the new role of the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation in maintaining the stability of the financial system and differences in the authority of the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation in handling failed Banks before and after issuance of Law No.9 of 2016 on Prevention and Management of Financial System Crises. The research method employed in this research is examination of existing law materials. Therefore, descriptive research is conducted to provide background on the role of the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation in eradicating financial crises and maintaining the stability of the banking system in Indonesia after the issuance of Law No.9 of 2016. Based on the results of thesis analysis, a conclusion can be drawn that the new authority held by the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation under Law No. 9 of 2016 can create an accurate, prompt and secure prevention and handling process and maintain the stability of the financial system in Indonesia so as to prevent another financial crisis. Based on analysis of the issue, the authors hope that this thesis can provide recommendations for the development of the role of the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation in maintaining the stability of the banking system in Indonesia as well as providing a proper protection and proper handling of the banking system in Indonesia especially preventing occurrence of financial crises.

Tujuan dari penulisan skripsi ini untuk memiliki pemahaman tentang kewenangan dan peran baru Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan dalam melakukan penanganan dan pencegahan terhadap krisis keuangan di Indonesia sesuai dengan Hukum dan Regulasi yang berlaku di Indonesia. Skripsi ini akan menjabarkan mengenai peran baru Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan dalam menjaga stabiltas sistem keuangan dan perbedaan terhadap kewenangan Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan dalam melakukan penanganan Bank gagal sebelum dan sesudah disahkannya Undang-undang No.9 tahun 2016 tentang Pencegahan dan Penanganan Krisis Sistem Keuangan. Metode penelitian dalam penelitian dilakukan melalui pemeriksaan materi hukum yang ada. Oleh karena itu, penelitian deskriptif dilakukan untuk memberikan latar belakang tentang bagaimana peran Lembaga Penjaga Simpanan dalam memberantas krisis keuangan dan menjaga stabilitas sistem perbankan di Indonesia setelah disahkannya Undang-undang No.9 tahun 2016. Berdasarkan hasil analisis tesis, tujuannya adalah untuk menarik kesimpulan bahwa kewenangan baru yang dimiliki oleh Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan dari Undang-undang No.9 tahun 2016 dapat menciptakan pencegahan dan proses penanganan yang tepat, cepat dan aman serta dapat menjaga stabilitas sistem keuangan di Indonesia sehingga tidak terjadi lagi krisis keuangan. Berdasarkan dari analisis isu tersebut, penulis berharap bahwa skripsi ini dapat memberikan rekomendasi untuk pengembangan peran Lembaga Penjaga Simpanan dalam menjaga stabilitas sistem perbankan di Indonesia serta menciptakan perlindungan dan penanganan yang baik kepada sistem perbankan di Indonesia dan terutama untuk mencegah terjadinya krisis keuangan."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elizabeth Sinta Martha Lovanya Sipayung
"Dalam situasi pandemi COVID-19 di Indonesia, terjadi penurunan aktivitas perekonomian di Indonesia. Kegiatan usaha yang semakin rendah berdampak pada keuangan negara yang memungkinkan untuk terjadinya krisis sistem keuangan. Dengan demikian, dibentuklah UU No. 2 Tahun 2020 tentang Perppu No. 1 Tahun 2020 tentang Kebijakan Keuangan Negara dan Stabilitas Sistem Keuangan untuk Penanganan Pandemi Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) dan/atau dalam Rangka Menghadapi Ancaman yang Membahayakan Perekonomian Nasional dan/atau Stabilitas Sistem Keuangan Menjadi Undang-Undang (UU 2/2020) sebagai langkah luar biasa untuk menangani krisis sistem keuangan akibat COVID- 19, yang memuat kewenangan Bank Indonesia, Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan, dan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan dalam rangka penyesuaian dengan kondisi COVID-19. Skripsi ini membahas bagaimana kewenangan Bank Indonesia, Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan dan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan berdasarkan UU 2/2020 dan implikasinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan undang-undang. Penulis menggunakan bahan hukum primer, sekunder, maupun tersier, dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Dari penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa kewenangan Bank Indonesia, Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan dan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan dalam pencegahan dan penanganan krisis sistem keuangan diberikan sesuai dengan kedudukan tiap lembaga, dan UU 2/2020 mengakibatkan berbagai perubahan kewenangan. Saran yang diberikan adalah lembaga terkait perlu untuk memberikan rasionalisasi mengenai perubahan kewenangan tersebut, serta KSSK untuk menginformasikan indikator kesuksesan dalam pencegahan dan penanganan krisis sistem keuangan pandemi COVID-19.

In COVID-19 pandemic, economic activities in Indonesia has taken a downfall and can lead to a financial system crisis. Therefore, Law Number 2 of 2020 concerning Perppu Number 1 of 2020 on State Finance Policy and Financial System Stability for the Handling of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and/or in the Framework of Dealing with Threats Endangering National Economy and/or Financial System Stability (Law 2/2020) is ratified as an extraordinary step to handle the financial system crisis due to COVID-19, which includes the authority of Bank Indonesia, Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation and Financial Services Authority in order to adapt to the conditions of COVID-19. This paper discusses the authority of Bank Indonesia, Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation and Financial Services Authority according to Law 2/2020 and the implications. This research used normative legal research method with legislation approach. The author uses primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials using a qualitative approach. From this research it can be concluded that the authority of Bank Indonesia, Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation and Financial Services Authority in preventing and handling financial system crisis is given according to their functions, and Law 2/2020 resulted in various changes in authority. The suggestions given are that related institutions need to provide a rationalization regarding the changes of authority, as well as KSSK needs to inform the indicators of success in preventing and handling financial system crisis due to COVID-19."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heri Mulyanto
Saat ini terdapat berbagai badan, lembaga atau otoritas tertentu yang menjalankan fungsi dan peran Pemerintah, diberikan kewenangan untuk mengatur kebijakan ketenagakerjaannya sendiri. Salah satunya adalah Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan yang dibentuk berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 24 Tahun 2004 tentang Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan. Sesuai dengan Pasal 78 undang-undang dimaksud, Pimpinan LPS yakni Dewan Komisioner LPS berwenang menetapkan sistem kepegawaian LPS. Secara garis besar jenis status pegawai di Indonesia adalah pegawai negeri sipil yang tunduk pada undang-undang aparatur sipil negara dan pegawai swasta yang tunduk pada undang-undang ketenagakerjaan. Pegawai LPS bukan merupakan pegawai negeri sipil karena tidak memenuhi kriteria, namun tidak pula harus tunduk kepada undang-undang ketenagakerjaan. Tesis ini menggunakan metode penelitian normatif yang bersifat deskriptif dengan maksud untuk menguji hipotesa bahwa apakah sistem kepegawaian LPS sudah memenuhi aspek hukum ketenagakerjaan, Tesis ini menggunakan data yang bersifat sekunder dari bahan hukum yang sifatnya primer, sekunder dan tersier. Berdasarkan hasil kajian ditemukan bahwa sistem kepegawaian LPS secara mayoritas telah sesuai dengan kaidah hukum ketenagakerjaan, namun ada beberapa hal yang masih kurang selaras. Adapun penyebab ketidaksesuaian antara lain, yaitu: perbedaan persepsi atas kewenangan yang dimiliki, rendahnya peran pengawas, dan pemahaman hukum ketenagakerjaan.
Currently there are certain bodies, institutions or authorities that perform the functions and roles of the Government, are authorized to regulate their own employment policies. One of them is the Deposit Insurance Agency established under Act Number 24 of 2004 on the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation. In accordance with Article 78 of the Act, LPS Leadership Board of Commissioners of LPS is authorized to establish LPS staffing system. Broadly speaking the type of employee status in Indonesia is a civil servant who is subject to the State Civilian Apparatus Act and private employees subject to the Employment Act. LPS employees are not civil servants because they do not meet the criteria, but they are not subject to the labor law. This thesis uses descriptive normative research method with the intention to test the hypothesis that whether LPS staffing system has fulfilled labor law aspect, this thesis uses secondary data from legal material which is primary, secondary and tertiary. Based on the results of the study it was found that the LPS staffing system by majority has been in accordance with labor law, but there are some things that are still less aligned. The causes of nonconformities are differences in perceptions of authority possessed, low role of supervisor and understanding of labor law"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Harris Dwinanda
"Tulisan ini menganalisis mengenai perkembangan pengaturan tindak lanjut pengawasan dan penanganan Bank dalam Resolusi pasca berlakunya Undang-Undang Nomor 4 Tahun 2023 tentang Pengembangan dan Penguatan Sektor Keuangan (UU PPSK) serta bagaimana perkembangan ini mempengaruhi pengambilan keputusan penyelamatan BPR sebagai Bank dalam Resolusi oleh Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS). Tulisan ini disusun menggunakan metode doktrinal. Berlakunya UU PPSK mengubah status pengawasan dan tindak lanjut pengawasan Bank oleh LPS dan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK). Salah satu implikasi berlakunya UU PPSK terhadap penanganan Bank dalam Resolusi adalah dengan memperluas peran LPS sebagai pengurang risiko (risk minimizer) krisis Perbankan yang memungkinkan LPS menerapkan metode keterlibatan dini Bank dalam Resolusi. LPS kini dapat menentukan berbagai metode termasuk penjajakan kepada investor untuk memperbaiki kondisi finansial Bank sebelum menentukan opsi resolusi yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang. Hal ini memungkinkan LPS untuk menerapkan konversi pinjaman pemegang saham menjadi modal inti tambahan sebagai bentuk penyehatan kembali Bank sebagaimana diterapkan pada kasus BPR X.

This paper analyzes the development of supervision and banks in resolutions management after the enactment of Law Number 4 of 2023 concerning the Development and Strengthening of the Financial Sector (UU PPSK) and how these developments influence decision making to save BPRs as banks in resolutions by the Deposit Insurance Authority (LPS). This paper was written using doctrinal research method. The enactment of the PPSK Law changes the status of supervision and follow-up to bank supervision by LPS and the Financial Services Authority (OJK). One of the implications of the enactment of the PPSK Law on Banks in Resolution management is the expansion of LPS’ role as a risk minimizer for banking crises, which allows LPS to implement methods of early involvement in Banks in Resolution. LPS can now determine various methods including seeking investors to aid a Bank’s financial condition before determining the resolution options regulated in the Law. This allows LPS to implement the conversion of shareholder loans into additional core capital as a form of bank restructuring as applied in the case of BPR X."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kania Hanna Aurelia
"Hadirnya Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), yang telah ditetapkan sebagai pandemi oleh World Health Organization, menimbulkan adanya penurunan pertumbuhan ekonomi dianggap perlu untuk dilakukan mitigasi oleh Pemerintah dan Komite Stabilitas Sistem Keuangan (KSSK) dengan tujuan untuk menjaga stabilitas sistem keuangan. Dengan itu, KSSK diberikan penguatan kewenangan yang ditetapkan dalam UU No. 2 Tahun 2020. Dalam rangka untuk mendukung pelaksanaan kewenangan KSSK menangani permasalahan stabilitas sistem keuangan, kewenangan dari anggota KSSK juga diperkuat dalam undang-undang tersebut, salah satunya adalah Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS). Metode penelitian penulisan skripsi ini adalah yuridis-normatif dan menggunakan data sekunder, yaitu bahan hukum primer dan sekunder, dan yang didukung dengan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kewenangan LPS yang diperkuat adalah LPS dapat meningkatkan intensitas bersama dengan OJK, melakukan beberapa tindakan untuk memenuhi likuiditas dalam penanganan bank, penyelamatan bank selain bank sistemik, dan merumuskan dan melaksanakan kebijakan penjaminan. Namun, dengan adanya penguatan kewenangan LPS tersebut ditemukan adanya beberapa permasalahan hukum, yang salah satunya adalah permasalahan terhadap kewenangan LPS untuk menempatkan dana di bank, perlunya kewenangan LPS untuk dapat mengakses data bank setiap saat, dan potensi moral hazard. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi baru serta memberikan masukan untuk menguatkan kewenangan LPS dalam melakukan akses data dan/atau informasi Bank dan menentukan batas waktu yang jelas terhadap keberlakuan kewenangan LPS untuk melakukan penempatan dana.

Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), which has been declared as a pandemic by the World Health Organization, causes the decline in economic growth is considered necessary for mitigation by the Government and the Financial System Stability Committee (FSSF) with the aim of maintaining the stability of the financial system. Therefore, the FSSF was given authorities stipulated in Law No. 2 of 2020. In order to support the implementation of FSSF's authority to handle the stability issues of the financial system, the authority of FSSF members is also strengthened by the law, one of them is the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC). The method used in this research is a juridical-normative method with using secondary data that include primary and secondary legal material, also supported with interview. This research finds that the aforementioned IDIC's authorities are IDIC can improve the preparations and intensify the preparations with Financial Services Authority, initiate actions to manage and/or increase IDIC liquidity, make loans for other parties, and apply for a loan to the government. However, with the strengthening of IDIC’s authority, there are several legal problems that arise, such as issues regarding the fund placement, the need for IDIC to be able to access bank’s data at any time, and the possibilities of moral hazard. This thesis is aimed to provide new information and suggestions to strengthen IDIC's authority over accessing data and/or information of banks and determining the clear headline of the IDIC's enforceability of fund placement."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sitorus, Cintya Theresia A. M.
"Tesis ini membahas program penjaminan polis asuransi berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan perasuransian dan Undang-Undang No. 4 Tahun 2023 tentang Pengembangan dan Penguatan Sektor Keuangan (“UU P2SK”) yang telah memberikan fungsi baru untuk melakukan penjaminan polis nasabah asuransi, yang harus dilaksanakan oleh Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan dalam jangka waktu 5 (lima) tahun sejak diundangkan. Permasalahan yang dibahas dalam Tesis ini adalah bagaimana pengaturan program penjaminan polis asuransi dalam peraturan perundang-undangan perasuransian dan UU P2SK serta bagaimana kesiapan Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan untuk melaksanakan fungsi program penjaminan polis asuransi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis-normatif dengan bahan hukum primer dan sekunder, dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui studi kepustakaan dan wawancara dengan analisis data secara kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa sebelum diterbitkannya UU P2SK, pengaturan terkait program penjaminan polis hanya diatur secara singkat berdasarkan Undang-Undang No. 40 Tahun 2014 tentang Perasuransian dalam Pasal 53 ayat (1) sampai ayat (4), namun semenjak diundangkannya UU P2SK, pengaturan program penjaminan polis menjadi semakin lengkap. Kesimpulan lain adalah Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan telah melaksanakan persiapan program penjaminan polis yaitu menyusun roadmap yang memuat hal-hal yang harus dilaksanakan dengan target pelaksanaan dibagi per-tahun; melakukan beanchmark atau studi banding ke negara- negara lain yang telah memiliki lembaga penjamin polisnya sendiri; merancang RPP Program Penjaminan Polis, RPLPS tentang Pelaporan Perusahaan Asuransi, RPLPS tentang Penjaminan Polis Asuransi, dan RPLPS tentang Likuidasi Perusahaan Asuransi untuk selanjutnya akan diterbitkan di awal tahun 2024; melakukan pembentukan grup untuk menangani pelaksanaan program penjaminan polis; melakukan penyesuaian susunan dewan komisioner; dan melakukan program rekrutmen pegawai yang terdiri atas penerimaan lulusan baru dan penerimaan pegawai yang telah memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 5 (lima) tahun. Saran yang dapat diberikan dalam penelitian ini adalah agar partisipasi dari ahli-ahli di bidang perasuransian dapat ditingkatkan dalam internal Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan melalui pelaksanaan rekrutmen terbuka agar pelaksanaan program penjaminan polis ditangani oleh individu-individu yang berpengetahuan baik di bidang perasuransian. Saran lainnya yakni agar persiapan yang dilaksanakan oleh Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan diawasi dengan baik oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan selaku lembaga yang mempunyai fungsi, tugas, dan wewenang pengawasan terhadap lembaga- lembaga keuangan termasuk perasuransian.

This thesis discusses the insurance policy guarantee program based on insurance laws and regulations and Law no. 4 of 2023 concerning the Development and Strengthening of the Financial Sector ("P2SK Law") which has provided a new function for underwriting insurance customer policies, which must be implemented by the Deposit Insurance Corporation within a period of 5 (five) years from its promulgation. The problems discussed in this thesis are how the insurance policy guarantee program is regulated in insurance laws and regulations and the P2SK Law and how prepared the Deposit Insurance Agency is to carry out the function of the insurance policy guarantee program as regulated in the P2SK Law. The research method used is juridical-normative using primary and secondary legal materials, with data collection techniques through literature study and interviews with qualitative data analysis. Based on the research results, it was concluded that before the issuance of the P2SK Law, regulations related to policy guarantee programs were only briefly regulated based on Law no. 40 of 2014 concerning Insurance in Article 53 paragraph (1) to paragraph (4), but since the promulgation of the P2SK Law, the regulation of policy guarantee programs has become more complete. Another conclusion is that the Deposit Insurance Corporation has carried out preparations for a policy guarantee program, namely preparing a roadmap containing things that must be implemented with implementation targets divided per year; carry out benchmarking or comparative studies to other countries that have their own policy insurance institutions; draft RPP Policy Guarantee Program, RPLPS concerning Insurance Company Reporting, RPLPS concerning Insurance Policy Guarantee, and RPLPS concerning Liquidation of Insurance Companies to be subsequently issued in early 2024; establishing a group to handle the implementation of the policy guarantee program; make adjustments to the composition of the board of commissioners; and carrying out an employee recruitment program consisting of accepting new graduates and recruiting employees who have a minimum of 5 (five) years of work experience. Suggestions that can be given in this research are that the participation of experts in the insurance sector can be increased internally at the Deposit Insurance Agency through open recruitment so that the implementation of the policy guarantee program is handled by individuals who have good knowledge in the insurance sector. Another suggestion is that the preparations carried out by the Deposit Insurance Agency be properly supervised by the Financial Services Authority as an institution that has functions, duties and supervisory authority over financial institutions including insurance."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Imam Suprayogi
"Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) telah melakukan berbagai langkah untuk membangun kesiapan penyelenggaraan Program Restrukturisasi Perbankan, diantaranya menyiapkan peraturan pelaksana dan kebijakan terkait proses bisnis. Namun demikian, terdapat permasalahan yang belum dapat diputuskan oleh LPS terkait dengan penyajian pelaporan keuangan Program Restrukturisasi Perbankan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun analisis yang dapat dijadikan dasar pertimbangan dalam menentukan penyajian pelaporan keuangan Program Restrukturisasi Perbankan. Analisis mencakup hal tentang pengguna pelaporan keuangan, asesmen keunikan transaksi keuangan, entitas pelaporan, dan standar akuntansi keuangan yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan penyusunan pelaporan keuangan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kasus tunggal, dengan penggunaan teknik penyusunan eksplanasi untuk menganalisis data. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa Program Restrukturisasi Perbankan memiliki pengguna laporan keuangan yang bersifat pervasif, tidak memiliki transaksi unik yang belum terdapat dasar pengaturannya dalam Standar Keuangan Akuntansi umum, dan merupakan entitas pelapor yang terpisah dari LPS yang dapat menggunakan asumsi kelangsungan usaha. Dengan demikian, Program Restrukturisasi Perbankan dapat menyajikan pelaporan keuangan tujuan umum dengan menggunakan standar akuntansi yang berlaku umum.

The Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) has taken various steps to build readiness for the implementation of the Banking Restructuring Program, such as preparing regulations and policies related to business processes. However, there is a problem that has not been decided by IDIC related to the presentation of the financial reporting of the Banking Restructuring Program. This study aims to compile an analysis that can be used as a basis for consideration in presenting the financial statements of the Banking Restructuring Program. The analysis includes matters concerning users of financial reporting, assessment of the uniqueness of financial transactions, reporting entities, and accounting standards that can be used to prepare financial reporting. The method used in this research uses a single case study method, with the use of explanation-building techniques to analyze the data. The results of the analysis show that the Banking Restructuring Program has pervasive users of financial statements, does not have unique transactions that have not been regulated in general accounting standards, and is a separate reporting entity from the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation that can use the going concern assumption. Thus, the Banking Restructuring Program can present general purpose financial reporting using generally accepted accounting standards."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nirmala Azizah
"Sebagai akibat terjadinya krisis moneter pada tahun 1997, pemerintah Indonesia membentuk jaring pengaman keuangan dalam bentuk blanket guarantee untuk mencegah terjadinya bank run dan mengembalikan kepercayaan masyarakat, terutama pada industri perbankan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penjaminan simpanan dalam sistem perbankan di Indonesia berdasarkan Undangundang Nomor 24 Tahun 2004 Tentang Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) dan menganalisis pengaturan premi berbasis risiko yang akan diterapkan dalam sistem perbankan di Indonesia, serta kendala-kendala yang mungkin dihadapi LPS nantinya ketika premi ini diterapkan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan yang bersifat yuridis normatif. Data dikumpulkan dengan studi kepustakaan dan melakukan wawancara dengan LPS. Hasil penelitian adalah dengan terbitnya UU LPS, penjaminan simpanan di Indonesia dilakukan oleh LPS sebagai bentuk sistem penjaminan simpanan eksplisit yang menggantikan kebijakan blanket guarantee sebelumnya. Dalam rangka melaksanakan tugasnya sebagai penjamin simpanan, LPS menetapkan dan mengenakan premi penjaminan kepada setiap bank peserta penjaminan, yang saat ini berdasarkan Pasal 13 UU LPS berlaku sistem flat rate premium dengan pengenaan premi yang sama untuk setiap bank. Berdasarkan Pasal 15 UU LPS, terbuka kemungkinan untuk mengubah sistem flat rate premium menjadi sistem premi berbasis risiko, yaitu tingkat premi yang berbeda antara satu bank dan bank yang lain berdasarkan skala risiko kegagalan bank dengan penilaian kriteria kuantitatif yang dinilai oleh LPS dan kriteria kualitatif yang dinilai oleh otoritas pengawas perbankan.

As a result of the monetary crisis in 1997, the Indonesian government established a financial safety net in the form of a blanket guarantee to prevent a bank run and restore public confidence, especially in the banking industry. This study aims to identify deposit insurance in the banking system in Indonesia based on Law Number 24 Year 2004 on the Indoensia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) and analyzed the regulation of risk-based premiums that will be applied in the banking system in Indonesia, as well as possible constraints faced by LPS later when the premium is applied. This research is a normative juridical literature. Data were collected by literature study and interviews with IDIC. The study is by the publication of the IDIC Act, the deposit guarantee in Indonesia conducted by LPS as a form of explicit deposit insurance system that replaces the previous policy of blanket guarantee. In order to carry out his duties as a guarantor of deposits, IDIC establish and impose insurance premium to each member bank guarantee, which is currently based on Article 13 of the Act applies IDIC flat rate premium system with the imposition of premiums the same for every bank. Under the IDIC Act Article 15, it is possible to change the flat rate premium system to become riskbased premium system, which is the premium rate is different between one bank and another bank based on the scale of the risk of bank failures with the assessment criteria are assessed by quantitative and qualitative criteria IDIC assessed by the banking supervisory authority."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Letitiya Kusuma Aisyah
Sebagai salah satu unsur penting dalam jaring pengaman sistem keuangan khususnya dibidang perbankan, Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) memiliki peranan untuk menjaga stabilitas keuangan Indonesia. Krisis ekonomi global pada tahun 2008 mengharuskan LPS meningkatkan Nilai Penjamin Simpanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui alasan LPS meningkatkan Nilai Penjamin Simpanan berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 24 Tahun 2004 Tentang Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Undang-Undang No. 7 Tahun 2009 dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, menganalisis kemungkinan penurunan Nilai Penjamin Simpanan LPS serta hubungannya dengan penerapan risk-based premium di Indonesia untuk menjaga stabilitas sistem keuangan Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan yang bersifat yuridis-normatif. Data yang dikumpulkan dengan studi kepustakaan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah berdasarkan Pasal 11 UU LPS dimungkinkan terjadi penurunan terhadap Nilai Penjamin Simpanan LPS. Berdasarkan alasan peningkatan Nilai Penjamin Simpanan pada tahun 2008, yaitu adanya ancaman krisis ekonomi, UU LPS mengatur apabila alasan tersebut telah teratasi maka besaran Nilai Penjamin Simpanan dapat disesuaikan kembali. Maka berdasarkan hal ini, dimungkinkan untuk menurunkan Nilai Penjamin Simpanan LPS.
As one of the important elements in the financial safety net, especially in banking system, Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) has a big role to keep the stability of Indonesia?s financial system. The global economic crisis in 2008 requires IDIC increase the Deposit Insurance Coverage. This studies aims to determine the reaseon IDIC increase the coverage based on Law No. 24 of 2004 on the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) as amended by Act No. 7 of 2009, to analyze the possibility to decrease the deposit insurance coverage and its relation to the risk-based premium in Indonesia in order to maintan the stability of the financial system. This research is a normative juridical research. The data were collected by literature study. The results for this study are based Article 11 of IDIC Act, there is a posibility to adjust the Deposit Insurance Coverage. IDIC increased the coverage in 2008 because there is a threat of an economic crisis. So based on this Act, if the threat is no longer a problem for Indonesia, IDIC can adjust to decrease the Deposit Insurance Coverage.
As one of the important elements in the financial safety net, especially in banking system, Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) has a big role to keep the stability of Indonesia?s financial system. The global economic crisis in 2008 requires IDIC increase the Deposit Insurance Coverage. This studies aims to determine the reaseon IDIC increase the coverage based on Law No. 24 of 2004 on the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) as amended by Act No. 7 of 2009, to analyze the possibility to decrease the deposit insurance coverage and its relation to the risk-based premium in Indonesia in order to maintan the stability of the financial system. This research is a normative juridical research. The data were collected by literature study. The results for this study are based Article 11 of IDIC Act, there is a posibility to adjust the Deposit Insurance Coverage. IDIC increased the coverage in 2008 because there is a threat of an economic crisis. So based on this Act, if the threat is no longer a problem for Indonesia, IDIC can adjust to decrease the Deposit Insurance Coverage.
As one of the important elements in the financial safety net, especially in banking system, Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) has a big role to keep the stability of Indonesia?s financial system. The global economic crisis in 2008 requires IDIC increase the Deposit Insurance Coverage. This studies aims to determine the reaseon IDIC increase the coverage based on Law No. 24 of 2004 on the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) as amended by Act No. 7 of 2009, to analyze the possibility to decrease the deposit insurance coverage and its relation to the risk-based premium in Indonesia in order to maintan the stability of the financial system. This research is a normative juridical research. The data were collected by literature study. The results for this study are based Article 11 of IDIC Act, there is a posibility to adjust the Deposit Insurance Coverage. IDIC increased the coverage in 2008 because there is a threat of an economic crisis. So based on this Act, if the threat is no longer a problem for Indonesia, IDIC can adjust to decrease the Deposit Insurance Coverage.
As one of the important elements in the financial safety net, especially in banking system, Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) has a big role to keep the stability of Indonesia?s financial system. The global economic crisis in 2008 requires IDIC increase the Deposit Insurance Coverage. This studies aims to determine the reaseon IDIC increase the coverage based on Law No. 24 of 2004 on the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) as amended by Act No. 7 of 2009, to analyze the possibility to decrease the deposit insurance coverage and its relation to the risk-based premium in Indonesia in order to maintan the stability of the financial system. This research is a normative juridical research. The data were collected by literature study. The results for this study are based Article 11 of IDIC Act, there is a posibility to adjust the Deposit Insurance Coverage. IDIC increased the coverage in 2008 because there is a threat of an economic crisis. So based on this Act, if the threat is no longer a problem for Indonesia, IDIC can adjust to decrease the Deposit Insurance Coverage.
As one of the important elements in the financial safety net, especially in banking system, Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) has a big role to keep the stability of Indonesia?s financial system. The global economic crisis in 2008 requires IDIC increase the Deposit Insurance Coverage. This studies aims to determine the reaseon IDIC increase the coverage based on Law No. 24 of 2004 on the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) as amended by Act No. 7 of 2009, to analyze the possibility to decrease the deposit insurance coverage and its relation to the risk-based premium in Indonesia in order to maintan the stability of the financial system. This research is a normative juridical research. The data were collected by literature study. The results for this study are based Article 11 of IDIC Act, there is a posibility to adjust the Deposit Insurance Coverage. IDIC increased the coverage in 2008 because there is a threat of an economic crisis. So based on this Act, if the threat is no longer a problem for Indonesia, IDIC can adjust to decrease the Deposit Insurance Coverage.
As one of the important elements in the financial safety net, especially in banking system, Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) has a big role to keep the stability of Indonesia’s financial system. The global economic crisis in 2008 requires IDIC increase the Deposit Insurance Coverage. This studies aims to determine the reaseon IDIC increase the coverage based on Law No. 24 of 2004 on the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) as amended by Act No. 7 of 2009, to analyze the possibility to decrease the deposit insurance coverage and its relation to the risk-based premium in Indonesia in order to maintan the stability of the financial system. This research is a normative juridical research. The data were collected by literature study. The results for this study are based Article 11 of IDIC Act, there is a posibility to adjust the Deposit Insurance Coverage. IDIC increased the coverage in 2008 because there is a threat of an economic crisis. So based on this Act, if the threat is no longer a problem for Indonesia, IDIC can adjust to decrease the Deposit Insurance Coverage.
Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai penerapan atas penyelesaian kewajiban bank dalam likuidasi kepada para kreditur ditinjau dari Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 24 Tahun 2004 tentang Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan metode analisis yuridis normatif. Teori yang digunakan atas penerapan hukum tersebut didasari atas asas hukum lex specialis dimana terdapat antara dua atau beberapa aturan yang saling terkait dalam urutan proses penyelesaian kewajiban bank yang dilikuidasi kepada para kreditur dari hasil proses likuidasi. Sedangkan, analisa dalam penelitian ini dilakukan secara kualitatif dengan memilih pasal-pasal yang terdapat dalam Undang-Undang tentang Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan dan peraturan perundang-undangan terkait sesuai dengan ruang lingkup permasalahan penelitian ini kemudian melakukan penelusuran terhadap teori dan asas-asas hukum sehubungan dengan hal tersebut.

This thesis focuses on the implementation of a bank in liquidation in a settlement obligation to the creditors viewed from the law of Republic Indonesia Number 24 year 2004 concerning Deposit Insurance Corporation. This research is normative juridicial research.The theory that is used for the rule of law is based on the principle of legal lex specialis where there be between two or several the rules of being intertwined in the process of resolving the bank being liquidated. The research is conducted on legal principles and legal synchronization. Whereas, analysis in this research is conducted in a qualitative by selecting articles in the law regarding deposit insurance corporation and prevailing laws, subsequently conducting research over legal theory and legal principle in relation to those matters.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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