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Putri Aprilia Berlian
"Perkembangan zaman digital mendorong meningkatnya penggunaan aplikasi seluler. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami repurchase intention pada mobile shopping applications untuk tujuan berbelanja. Shopee adalah mobile shopping application berbasis di Asia Tenggara, menyediakan online marketplace yang menghubungkan pembeli dan penjual untuk melakukan transaksi jual beli melalui smartphone mereka.
Penelitian ini mengajukan technology acceptance model TAM dengan penambahan konstruk perceived enjoyment, perceived risk, dan personal innovativeness, sementara price sensitivity diprediksi menggunakan satisfaction dan repurchase intention. Metode purposive sampling digunakan untuk penelitian ini dengan 734 responden dan dianalisis menggunakan structural equation modeling SEM.
Temuan dari penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa perceived risk, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment, dan satisfaction memiliki peran yang penting dalam menentukan repurchase intention pada mobile shopping applications. Selanjutnya, satisfaction memengaruhi price sensitivity secara negatif dan repurchase intention memengaruhi price sensitivity secara positif. Implikasi manajerial serta rekomendasi untuk penelitian lebih lanjut dibahas dalam penelitian ini.

The development of digital age drives the increasing use of mobile applications. This research aims to understand the repurchase intention of mobile shopping applications for shopping purpose. Shopee is a mobile shopping application based in Southeast Asia, providing an online marketplace which connects buyer and seller to establish sale and purchase transactions through their smartphones.
This study exerts a technology acceptance model TAM with the addition of perceived enjoyment, perceived risk, and personal innovativeness to the original model, while price sensitivity was predicted using satisfaction and repurchase intention. Purposive sampling was used for this research with 734 respondents and were analyzed using structural equation modeling approach.
Findings of this study reveal that perceived risk, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment, and satisfaction have a major role in deciding repurchase intention of mobile shopping applications. Furthermore, satisfaction influences price sensitivty negatively and repurchase intention influences price sensitivity in a direct positive way. Managerial implications are discussed as well as recommendations for further research.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cherly Suci Putri Yanto
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah compatibility, smartphone affinity, convenience, utilitarian value, perceived risk, dan privacy concern,< merupakan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi intensi pelanggan restoran terhadap penggunaan mobile payment berbasis QR Code di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Struktural Equation Model (SEM) untuk menguji hipotesis dan data dari responden penelitian diperoleh dengan menggunakan teknik judgmental sampling atas 1040 responden.
Temuan dari penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa compatibility, smartphone affinity, convenience, utilitarian value, dan privacy concern berpengaruh terhadap intensi pelanggan restoran untuk menggunakan tekonologi mobile payment berbasis QR Code, sementara perceived risk tidak berpengaruh terhadap intensi pelanggan restoran untuk menggunakan tekonologi mobile payment berbasis QR Code. Penemuan penelitian diharapkan dapat menjadi implikasi manajerial baik untuk penyedia layanan mobile payment berbasis QR Code, maupun untuk manajer atau pemilik merchant dalam industri food and beverages.

This study aims to determine whether compatibility, affinity smartphone, convenience, utilitarian value, perceived risk, and privacy concern are factors that influence restaurant customers intention to use QR Code-based mobile payments in Indonesia. This study uses the Structural Equation Model (SEM) method to test hypotheses and data from research respondents are obtained using judgmental sampling techniques for 1040 respondents.
The findings of this study reveal that compatibility, affinity smartphones, convenience, utilitarian value, and privacy concern influence restaurant customers' intention to use QR Code-based mobile payment technology, while perceived risk does not affect restaurant customer intention to use QR Code-based mobile payment technology. The research findings are expected to be managerial implications for both QR Code-based mobile payment service providers, and for merchant managers or owners in food and beverages industries.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kanya Pranaya Alindi
"Pertumbuhan internet yang pesat mendorong pasar m-payment. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami faktor-faktor yang berperan dalam behavioral intention konsumen dalam mengadopsi m-payment, dengan studi kasus GO-PAY di Indonesia. GO-PAY sendiri adalah dompet virtual yang dapat digunakan untuk pembayaran transaksi dalam aplikasi GO-JEK. Penelitian ini menggunakan model konseptual yang mencakup unsur-unsur Technology Acceptance Model TAM dan teori difusi inovasi. Sampel yang digunakan adalah 167 responden yang telah menggunakan layanan yang disediakan oleh aplikasi GO-JEK tetapi belum pernah menggunakan GO-PAY dalam enam bulan terakhir, dan dianalisis menggunakan structural equation modeling. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa kompatibilitas dan persepsi kepercayaan memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap behavioral intention konsumen untuk mengadopsi m-payment, namun dua komponen TAM ditemukan tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan.

The rapid growth of internet help drives the mobile payment market. This research aims to understand the factors that play roles in consumers behavioral intention in adopting mobile payment, with the case of GO PAY in Indonesia. GO PAY itself is a virtual wallet that can be used for payment of all transactions within the GO JEK mobile app. This research uses a conceptual model that includes elements of technology acceptance model TAM and innovation diffusion theory. Judgmental sampling was used with 167 respondents that have used services provided by the GO JEK application but never used GO PAY in the past six months and were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results indicate that compatibility and perceived trust have positive effects towards consumer 39s behavioral intention to adopt mobile payment GO PAY in Indonesia, but surprisingly two components of TAM found to be having no significant effect. Managerial implications are discussed as well as further research recommendations."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dik Ajeng Sekar Putri Taufanti
"Pesatnya pertumbuhan pada jumlah transaksi e-commerce membuat pelaku e-commerce di Indonesia dituntut untuk menyusun strategi dalam merespon perubahan perilaku dalam belanja konsumen. Salah satu hal yang dapat dilakukan yaitu menggunakan digitalisasi seperti gamifikasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalis bagaimana pengaruh motivasi intrinsik terhadap intensi membeli dan loyalitas pengguna Tokopedia di Indonesia. Penelitian ini berkontribusi untuk mengisi kesenjangan penelitian dengan menambahkan indikator loyalitas merek dan keberlanjutan penggunaan aplikasi e-commerce. Berdasarkan data yang dikumpulkan dari 250 responden, peneliti melakukan pengujian menggunakan Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa motivasi intrinsik ditemukan secara positif memengaruhi dan memotivasi pelanggan untuk meningkatkan Shopping Engagement. Shopping Engagement secara positif memengaruhi Intention to Buy Using Mobile App, App Continuance Intention, dan Brand Loyalty. Namun, tidak ada efek moderasi dari pengalaman belanja online sebelumnya. Selanjutnya, Focused Attention berpengaruh negatif dan tidak signifikan terhadap Shopping Engagement. Dan, Previous Online Shopping Experience memengaruhi Intention to Buy Using Mobile App secara negatif. Dari hasil penelitian, Tokopedia dapat memanfaatkan augmented reality, game, dan optimalisasi UI/UX unuk meningkatkan engagement dan fokus pada saat belanja di aplikasi Tokopedia serta merespon customer dengan lebih baik dan cepat agar mereka memiliki pengalaman belanja yang positif sehingga meningkatkan loyalitas pengguna.

The rapid growth in the number of e-commerce transactions has forced e-commerce players in Indonesia are required to develop strategies in response to changes in consumer spending behavior. One of the things that can be done is to use digitization such as gamification. The aim of this research is to analyze how intrinsic motivation influences purchase intention and brand loyalty of Tokopedia users in Indonesia. This study contributes to filling the research gap by adding indicators of brand loyalty and the continued use of e-commerce applications. Based on data collected from 250 respondents, researchers conducted tests using Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The results of the study show that intrinsic motivation is found to positively influence and motivate customers to increase Shopping Engagement, Shopping Engagement positively influences Intention to Buy Using Mobile App, App Continuance Intention, and Brand Loyalty. However, there was no moderating effect from the previous online shopping experience. Furthermore, Focused Attention has a negative and insignificant effect on Shopping Engagement. And, Previous Online Shopping Experience negatively affects the Intention to Buy Using the Mobile App. Therefore, Tokopedia can using augmented reality, games, and UI/UX optimization to increase customer’s engagement and focus when shopping on the mobile application and Tokopedia should respond better and faster to customers so they have a positive shopping experience."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harwin Prahara
"Teknologi terus berkembang, teknologi-teknologi baru yang lebih canggih dari teknologi sebelumnya banyak bermunculan. Namun, banyak kasus di mana pengguna tidak mau beralih dari teknologi lama ke teknologi baru tersebut. Permasalahan mengenai keengganan pengguna untuk beralih ini dialami oleh PT Cookpad Digital Indonesia. Pengguna situs web mobile tidak banyak yang mau beralih ke aplikasi mobile.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor pendorong dan penghambat yang memengaruhi pengguna untuk beralih dari situs web mobile ke aplikasi mobile Cookpad. Pendekatan teoretis yang dipakai adalah two factor theory, di mana dihipotesiskan ada faktor-faktor pendorong dan faktor-faktor penghambat yang berpengaruh dan bekerja secara independen.
Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengambil data kuantitatif melalui survei kuesioner yang disebarkan secara daring kepada pengguna situs web Cookpad di Indonesia. Sebanyak 406 data responden terkumpul, dengan 331 data responden yang valid. Hasil survei dianalisis menggunakan metode Structural Equation Modiling dengan bantuan IBM SPSS AMOS.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa functional deprivation, interactivity, dan social identification berpengaruh sebagai faktor pendorong dan inertia terbukti sebagai faktor penghambat bagi keputusan pengguna situs web mobile untuk beralih memakai aplikasi mobile.

With the advancement in technology world, a lot of newer and better technology are introduced. However, there are many cases where users don 39 t want to adopt the new and better technology, instead they keep using the old technology. This problem of users 39 inertia, not wanting to switch to new technology, is now being faced by PT Cookpad Digital Indonesia Cookpad Indonesia . Only few Cookpad mobile web users that want to switch to use Cookpad mobile application.
The purpose of this research is to identify the factors, enablers and inhibitors, that influence Cookpad mobile website users to switch to use Cookpad mobile application. Two factor theory, which states that there are enablers and inhibitors that work independently to influence behavior, is used as theoretical framework for this research.
Quantitative data using Likert scale was collected through questionnaire survey targeting Cookpad Indonesia users. 406 questionnaires were collected, with 331 of them are valid. IBM SPSS AMOS was used to analyze survey result using Structural Equation Modeling method.
Functional deprivation, interactivity, and social identification were identified as enablers, while inertia was identified as inhibitors for users 39 intention to switch from mobile website to mobile application.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Ibrahim Shibaghatullah
"Dengan kemajuan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi serta munculnya layanan 3G dan 4G oleh perusahaan telekomunikasi, teknologi seluler telah menjadi bagian integral dari kehidupan sehari-hari. Layanan seluler telah diperkenalkan di berbagai sektor termasuk pemerintah, perbankan, healthcare, dan perdagangan. Bank Mandiri, sebagai salah satu entitas penyedia jasa keuangan di Indonesia, memiliki produk layanan keuangan mobile banking dengan nama mandiri online.
Penelitian ini menggunakan 115 sampel responden dan bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh perceived trust, perceived ease of use, perceived, perceived usefulness, autonomous motivation dan controlled motivation terhada behavioral intention nasabah dalam menggunakan mobile banking. Sampel penelitian ini adalah pengguna jasa keuangan Bank Mandiri selama 6 enam bulan terakhir. Data diolah dengan menggunakan analisis regresi berganda.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perceived trust, perceived usefulness dan controlled motivation tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap behavioral intention. Di sisi lain, perceived ease of use dan autonomous motivation memiliki pengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap behavioral intention.

With the advancement of Information and Communication Technology and the emergence of 3G and 4G services by telecom companies, mobile technology has become an integral part of our day to day life. Mobile services have been introduced in many different sectors including government, banking, healthcare, and commerce. Bank Mandiri, as one of financial service intitution in Indonesia, has lauched the product of mobile banking ldquo mandiri online rdquo.
This study user 115 sample respondent and aims to analyze determinants of behavioral intention such to use mobile banking such as perceived trust, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, autonomous motivation and controlled motivation. Data for this research were collected from Bank Mandiri consumers, specifically those who used mobile banking services in the last 6 six months. They were then analyzed using Multiple Linier Regression.
The result of this research shows that perceived trust, perceived usefulness adan controlled motivation does not have significant effect on behavioral intention. Meanwhile, perceived ease of use and autonomous motivation has significant and positive effect on behavioral intention.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Falia Fajrinadien
"E-marketplace berbasis aplikasi memanfaatkan mobile application push notification dalam meningkatkan traffic flow dan jumlah transaksi pada aplikasiya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis strategi message framing (yang meliputi gain-framed dan loss-framed) dan/atau message personalization (yang meliputi personalized dan generalized) dalam rancangan konten promosi Bukalapak di mobile application push notification yang paling efektif dalam mempengaruhi purchase intention konsumen aplikasi Bukalapak melalui mediasi perceived value of product. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap konsumen aplikasi Bukalapak, dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan melakukan online survey untuk mengumpulkan data. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa konten yang bersifat gain-framed dan personalized memiliki pengaruh yang lebih efektif terhadap perceived value of product. Dan jika ditinjau dari angka signifikansinya, konten yang bersifat personalized memiliki efektifitas yang lebih tinggi dalam mempengaruhi perceived value of product dibandingkan dengan konten yang bersifat generalized, baik jika konten tersebut bersifat gain-framed maupun loss-framed. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa perceived value of product memiliki pengaruh yang positif terhadap purchase intention, serta dapat memediasi hubungan antara message framing dan message personalization dengan purchase intention. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan agar Bukalapak perlu menjadikan strategi personalized sebagai pertimbangan dalam merancang konten promosi di mobile app push notificationnya, serta tidak harus menjadikan strategi message framing sebagai pertimbangan dalam merancang konten promosi di mobile app push notificationnya.

Application-based e-marketplaces are using mobile application push notifications to increase traffic flow and the number of transactions in their applications. This study aimed to analyze the message framing strategy (which includes gain-framed and loss-framed) and/or message personalization strategy (which includes personalized and generalized) in Bukalapak promotional content on mobile application push notification that is most effective in influencing Bukalapak application’s consumer purchase intention through mediation of perceived value of product. This research was conducted on Bukalapak application’s consumers, using a quantitative approach and conducting online surveys to collect the data. The results of this study indicate that gain- framed content and personalized content have a higher effectiveness in influencing perceived value of the product. And if viewed from the significance figure, personalized content has a higher effectiveness in influencing perceived value of product compared to generalized content, whether the content is gain-framed or loss-framed. This study also shows that perceived value of the product has a positive influence on purchase intention, and can mediate the relationship between message framing and message personalization with purchase intention. This study recommended that Bukalapak need to take a personalized strategy into consideration in creating promotional content in their mobile app push notification, and not to take message framing strategy into consideration in creating promotional content in their mobile app push notification."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Demetrius Christian Israelli Kia
Penelitian ini bertujuan memahami keterkaitan antar variabel di dalam penerimaan terhadap teknologi mobile learning menggunakan model teori TAM. Persepsi aksesibilitas informasi IA hendak diuji efeknya terhadap niat menggunakan BI dengan dimediasi oleh persepsi kemudahan PEU dan persepsi kegunaan PU penggunaan teknologi mobile learning pada 160 siswa SMA di Jabodetabek. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan PROCESS Macro model 6, untuk mediasi serial majemuk, untuk mengetahui efek langsung, efek mediasi, dan efek total dari IA terhadap BI. Hasil analisis menunjukkan total efek IA ke BI yang didapatkan adalah signifikan c = 1.51, p < 0.001, tetapi efek mediasi yang signifikan ab = 0.81, CI [0.2997, 1.4016] berkontribusi melebihi efek langsung yang tidak signifikan c = 0.70, p = 0123. Penemuan lain juga menyarankan bahwa posisi PEU dan PU sebagai prediktor dipertahankan dan TAM valid untuk digunakan di Indonesia.

The present study aimed to understand the linkage between variables, within the context of acceptance towards mobile learning, using the technology acceptance model theory framework. Perceived informational technology was to be tested for its effects on behavioral intention to use mobile learning technology through the mediation role of perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness in 160 high school students in Jabodetabek. Data analysis was done by using PROCESS Macro model 6 for serial multuple mediation to investigate the direct effect, mediated effect, and total effect, of IA towards BI. The analysis results show that the acquired total effect of IA towards BI is significant c 1.51, p 0.001, but the significant mediated effect ab 0.81, CI 0.2997, 1.4016 contributes more than the insignificant direct effect c 0.70, p 0123. Other findings also suggest that the positions of PEU and PU as predictors for the TAM are retained and TAM is valid for use in Indonesia. Keywords mobile learning, technology acceptance model, behavioral intention to use technology, perceived informational accessibility, educational technology."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lintang Anjani
"Penetrasi internet yang tumbuh pesat serta penggunaan aplikasi seluler menyebabkan peningkatan ekonomi digital dan terus berkembangnya bisnis online, termasuk di Indonesia. Berbagai bisnis online memasarkan produknya melalui media sosial seperti Instagram, salah satunya adanya merek alas kaki PVRA dan MADER. Penelitian ini mengajukan perspektif value-attitude- behavior seperti utilitarian value, hedonic value, dan attitude serta faktor lain yaitu privacy dan trust untuk meneliti alasan pembeli terhadap online repurchase intention. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan instrumen kuesioner dan terkumpul 180 responden yang kemudian diolah menggunakan metode PLS-SEM.
Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa utilitarian value memiliki pengaruh positif pada attitude responden MADER terhadap online repurchase intention. Kemudian, hedonic value memiliki pengaruh positif pada attitude responden PVRA maupun MADER terhadap online repurchase intention mereka. Berikutnya, trust memiliki pengaruh positif pada attitude responden PVRA dan MADER terhadap online repurchase intention. Selain itu, attitude memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap online repurchase intention baik pada responden PVRA maupun responden MADER.

Rapidly growing internet penetration and the use of mobile applications have led to an increase in the digital economy and the continued development of online businesses, including in Indonesia. Various online businesses market their products through social media such as Instagram, one of which are footwear brand name PVRA and MADER. This research proposes the perspective of value- attitude-behaviors such as utilitarian value, hedonic value, and attitude and other factors, such as privacy and trust to examine the reasons for buyers towards the online repurchase intention. Data collection was done by questionnaire instruments and has been collected 255 respondents which were then processed using the PLS-SEM method.
The results of this study indicate that utilitarian value has a positive influence on the attitude of MADER respondents to the online repurchase intention. Then, hedonic value has a positive influence on the attitude of PVRA and MADER respondents to their online repurchase intention. Next, trust has a positive influence on the attitude of PVRA and MADER respondents to the online repurchase intention. In addition, attitude has a positive influence on online repurchase intention in both PVRA respondents and MADER respondents.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jiang, Hao
"This book focuses on mobile data and its applications in the wireless networks of the future. Several topics form the basis of discussion, from a mobile data mining platform for collecting mobile data, to mobile data processing, and mobile feature discovery. Usage of mobile data mining is addressed in the context of three applications: wireless communication optimization, applications of mobile data mining on the cellular networks of the future, and how mobile data shapes future cities."
Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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