ABSTRACTPenelitian ini bertujuan memahami keterkaitan antar variabel di dalam penerimaan terhadap teknologi mobile learning menggunakan model teori TAM. Persepsi aksesibilitas informasi IA hendak diuji efeknya terhadap niat menggunakan BI dengan dimediasi oleh persepsi kemudahan PEU dan persepsi kegunaan PU penggunaan teknologi mobile learning pada 160 siswa SMA di Jabodetabek. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan PROCESS Macro model 6, untuk mediasi serial majemuk, untuk mengetahui efek langsung, efek mediasi, dan efek total dari IA terhadap BI. Hasil analisis menunjukkan total efek IA ke BI yang didapatkan adalah signifikan c = 1.51, p < 0.001, tetapi efek mediasi yang signifikan ab = 0.81, CI [0.2997, 1.4016] berkontribusi melebihi efek langsung yang tidak signifikan c = 0.70, p = 0123. Penemuan lain juga menyarankan bahwa posisi PEU dan PU sebagai prediktor dipertahankan dan TAM valid untuk digunakan di Indonesia.
ABSTRACTThe present study aimed to understand the linkage between variables, within the context of acceptance towards mobile learning, using the technology acceptance model theory framework. Perceived informational technology was to be tested for its effects on behavioral intention to use mobile learning technology through the mediation role of perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness in 160 high school students in Jabodetabek. Data analysis was done by using PROCESS Macro model 6 for serial multuple mediation to investigate the direct effect, mediated effect, and total effect, of IA towards BI. The analysis results show that the acquired total effect of IA towards BI is significant c 1.51, p 0.001, but the significant mediated effect ab 0.81, CI 0.2997, 1.4016 contributes more than the insignificant direct effect c 0.70, p 0123. Other findings also suggest that the positions of PEU and PU as predictors for the TAM are retained and TAM is valid for use in Indonesia. Keywords mobile learning, technology acceptance model, behavioral intention to use technology, perceived informational accessibility, educational technology."