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Anggi Khoirunnisa
The Safe Travel app is an application developed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, which contains practical information to assist Indonesian citizens when they are abroad. The application also gives suggestions and warnings regarding the country that the users are in, to ensure their safety whilst on the trip. Using tourism mobile application concept, the purpose of this research is to describe the features of Safe Travel app and in vestigate how the application influences the decision to travel among its users. The study used survey as means for data collection method and 60 respondents participated in the survey. Multiple linear regression was used to analyse the data collected. The findings indicate that navigation, social communication, marketing, emergency, transactions and entertainment variable do not influence the decision to travel abroad. Meanwhile, information variable has a positive effect on the decision to travel. "
Jakarta: Fakultas Pariwisata Universitas Pancasila, 2017
910 JTDA 4:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riza Firmansyah
"Agro tourism is a system that is integrated and coordinated for the development and agricultrure of tourism at the same time, in relation to the preservation of the environment and improving the welfare of the farming community. Development and management of natural and agro tourist areas is able to contribute to local revenues, open business opportunities and employment as well as serve to maintain and preserve natural resources, and biodiversity. This study aims to identify the potential of agro tourism in Kelurahan Pasir Putih, identify community participation in the development of vagro-tourism, and analyze the development of agro tourism in the area. This research was conducted using qualitative descriptive research. Sources of data in this study were obtained from primary and secondary sources. Data collected by observation, surveys, interviews, and documentatiton. The sampling technique was done with purposive sampling. SWOT analysis was done to identify internal strengths and weaknesses, and external opportunities and threats. The study found that the agro tourism attractions is quite varied including star fruit and red guava plantation, D'Kandang Amazing Farm, and Taman Wisata Pasir Putih. The supporting amenities, good accessibility, and also existing organizations involved in managing the agro tourism attractions enable the attractions to continue developing. Community participation in the development of agro tourism in Kelurahan Pasir Putih was only limited in participation for economic benefits."
Universitas Pancasila. Fakultas Pariwisata, 2016
790 JTDA 4:1 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siburian, Mordahai
Godong Ijo is a visitors attraction offering educational tourism programs with quite strong interaction with nature. The program are designed as a means of learning, hence they are often participated by students. The purpose of this study is to describe the application of experiential marketing in Godong Ijo's program from visitors perspective and to develop development strategy for Godong Ijo based on experiential marketing. The method used is qualitative research method using survey, interview, and observation as the data collection techniques. Further, data collected were analyzed using swot analysis. The result of the research reveals that Godong Ijo has tourism potential in terms of attraction, accessibility, amenity, and ancillary. In terms of experiential marketing, most respondents agree that all experiential marketing have been delivered to the visitors. Recommendations for development strategy include more extensive promotion, service improvement, product innovation and more product development."
Jakarta: Fakultas Pariwisata Universitas Pancasila, 2017
910 JTDA 4:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rinda Medianti
"Penelitian ini menganalisis intervensi promosi luar negeri yang dilakukan oleh Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif terhadap kunjungan wisatawan mancanegara ke Indonesia tahun 2005-2012. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi data panel dengan pendekatan random effect method. Teridentifikasi enam negara yang mendominasi kunjungan wisman yaitu Singapura, Malaysia, Australia, Jepang, Republik Cina dan Republik Korea.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa belanja promosi pariwisata Indonesia ke luar negeri berpengaruh positif terhadap kunjungan wisatawan mancanegara ke Indonesia. Faktor lain yang berpengaruh positif terhadap kunjungan wisatawan mancanegara adalah nilai tukar mata uang asing negara asal wisatawan terhadap rupiahdan jumlah kunjungan wisatawan mancanegara tahun sebelumnya. Faktor pendapatan yaitu PDB riil perkapita berpengaruh negatif terhadap kunjungan wisatawan mancanegara ke Indonesia.

This research has identified intervention policy of foreign promotion by Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy in potential demand of inbound tourism to Indonesia from 2005 until 2012. This research used analysis of data panel regression with random effect method. There was six nations that contributed in inbound tourism to Indonesia (Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Japan, China, and South Korea).
The result of this research is that promotional expenditure of Indonesia?s tourism has positive significant relation with inbound tourism to Indonesia. Another factors that have positive relations are real exchange rate, and inbound tourism to Indonesia one previous year. Income factor GDP per capita real has negative relation with inbound tourism to Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Zaeni
"Penelitian ini berfokus pada faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi wisatawan mancanegara berkunjung ke Indonesia dalam konteks pengukuruan bobot prioritas terhadapat faktor keamanan, kemudahan visa, transportasi, akomodasi dan kurs serta pengukuran terhadapat prioritas pilihan tempat wisata di Indonesia (Bali, Yogyakarta, dan Sumatera Utara). Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan disain deskriptif.
Model operasional penelitian menggunakan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) dari Thomas L Saaty, professor pada Whorton School of Economics, Amerika Serikat (1971-1975). Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data kuantitatif dengan populasi penelitian adalah wisatawan mancanegara yang berkunjung ke Indonesia tahun 2008 dengan sampel sebanyak 100 orang asing dari lima benua (Amerika, Australia, Asia, Afrika dan Eropa).
Dari analisis terhadap hasil penelitian, disimpulkan bahwa: 1) faktor keamanan sebagai prioritas pertama dengan bobot sebesar 40.7 %, selanjutnya faktor kemudahan visa menjadi prioritas kedua dengan bobot sebesar 25.1 %, faktor transportasi mendapat bobot prioritas sebesar 17.4 %, faktor akomodasi mendapat bobot prioritas sebesar 11.3 % dan faktor kurs menjadi prioritas terakhir dengan bobot sebesar 5.6%. 2) pilihan tempat wisata di Indonesia dengan memberikan pilihan berwisata di propinsi Bali, Yogyakarta, dan Sumatera Utara dengan mengacu pada faktor keamanan, kemudahan visa, transportasi, akomodasi dan kurs diperoleh pilihan tempat wisata wisatawan mancanegara dengan tujuan Bali mendapat bobot prioritas pilihan sebesar 78.3 %, kemudian Yogyakarta mendapat bobot prioritas pilihan sebesar 11.8 % dan untuk pilihan Sumatera Utara mendapatkan bobot prioritas sebesar 10.0%.
Hasil penelitian ini menyarankan bahwa perlunya melibatkankan masyarakat dalam upaya menjaga keamanan dan ketertiban selain peran aktif aparat keamanan dalam rangka menciptakan citra aman di wilayah Indonesia dan perlunya koordinasi antar instansi pemerintah dalam upaya meningkatkan kunjungan wisatwan mancanegara ke Indonesia.

This research focuses on factors contributing for international tourists to visit Indonesia within the context of priority assessment on the aspects of security, visa flexibility, transportation, accommodation and currency and also the place of destination factors (Bali, Yogyakarta, and North Sumatera). The research itself utilises quantitative research accompanied with descriptive design approach.
In addition, the research uses operational model of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) from Thomas L. Saaty, a professor at Wharton School of Economics, US (1971-1075). This technique is approaching a quantitative data gathering system with the population of the research sample taken from 100 foreign tourists visiting Indonesia in the year of 2008 from five major continents (America, Australia, Asia, Africa and Europe).
From the analysis, it could be concluded that the rank for aforementioned factors could be positioned: 1) the security factor as the main priority component with 40.7 %, followed by the visa flexibility scheme with 25.1%. The next place filled by the transportation factor with 17.4% and accommodation factor lining up behind with 11.3% and lastly, the currency become the last place with 5.6%. 2) Bali is convinced as the most favourable place for tourist to be visited for foreigners among the three major tourist destinations, such as Bali, Yogyakarta and North Sumatera based on the aspects of security, visa flexibility, transportation, accommodation and currency rate with the value of 78, 3% followed by Yogyakarta with 11.8% and North Sumatera as the least favour with 10.0%.
The research also revealed that the government should also involve the broader public domain in maintaining the order and security in order to support the authority?s official responsibility to uphold and maintain security integrity within the territory of the republic of Indonesia. And lastly, the research also highlights the significance of enhanced coordination among state?s authorities to stimulate the increase of foreign tourist to visit Indonesia in the coming years."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Isti Faridah
"Skripsi ini mencoba untuk mengupas secara mendalam mengenai strategi perusahaan sebuah biro perjalanan wisata terbesar di Pangkal Pinang, Bangka bernama Bella Wisata Tours & Travel. Penjelasan mengenai strategi perusahaan ini menceritakan bagaimana cara Bella Wisata Tours & Travel mempertahankan eksistensinya dalam menghadapi persaingan ketat dalam dunia pariwisata Bangka, strategi apa saja yang dikembangkan oleh Bella Wisata Tours & Travel untuk mempertahankan eksistensinya dalam pasar wisata setempat serta cara perusahaan dalam membuat paket-paket wisata dan merekrut karyawan dalam rangka meraih dan mempertahankan pasar pariwisata di Pangkal Pinang, Bangka. Strategi Bella Wisata terwujud dalam nilai yang dianut bersama dalam perusahaan, norma perilaku kelompok, pembuatan produk wisata dengan melihat keinginan pasar serta karakter konsumen, pelayanan prima, cara menghadapi para pesaing serta menjalin hubungan kerja sama dengan berbagai pihak yang berkecimpung dalam dunia pariwisata. Penelitian ini dilakukan sejak Januari sampai Februari 2013 dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Penelitian kualitatif ini mencakup wawancara mendalam dengan informan, pengamatan terlibat serta studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat nilai-nilai serta norma yang diterapkan oleh Bella Wisata Tours & Travel dan masih dipertahankan oleh seluruh anggotanya sampai sekarang. Nilai budaya yang dianut bersama oleh anggota Bella Wisata Tours & Travel ini disebut sebagai strategi yang tidak hanya digunakan dalam lingkungan internal perusahaan seperti pola hubungan sosial dalam kantor dan pelayanan yang maksimal terhadap wisatawan, akan tetapi juga dalam lingkungan eksternal perusahaan yaitu dalam menghadapi tantangan iklim pasar yang selalu berubah serta melakukan hubungan kerja sama dengan berbagai pihak industri pariwisata terutama pasar pariwisata Bangka.

This undergraduate thesis tries to analyze the strategy of the biggest travel agency in Pangkal Pinang, Bangka, called Bella Wisata Tours & Travel. The explanation of this company’s strategy tells about how Bella Wisata Tours & Travel maintains its existence in the tight competition of Bangka’s tourism industry, the strategies that are developed by Bella Wisata Tours & Travel to maintain its existence in local tourism, and the ways this company make tourism packages and recruit employees as a way to achieve and maintain tourism market in Pangkal Pinang, Bangka. Bela Wisata’s strategy is manifested in values adopted in the company, group norms, the making of tourism product by looking at the market demands and consumers’ characters, maximum service, the way it faces competitors and cooperating with several parties involved in tourism industry. This research has been done since January-February 2013 by using qualitative research methods. The qualitative research included in-depth interviews with informants, participant observation and literature. The research shows there are values and norms implemented by Bella Wisata Tours & Travel, and they are still maintained by all the members up until now. The cultural values adopted by Bella Wisata Tours & Travel are known as a strategy that is not only used internally, such as social relationship in the office and maximum service to the consumers, but also in external situation, which is in facing the challenge of changing market climate and cooperating with parties from tourism industry, especially Bangka’s tourism industry."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mangindaan, Harley Alfredo Benfica
"Penelitian ini memberikan keterangan empiris yang mendukung literatur sebelumnya yang berhubungan kuat dalam membangun loyalitas. Dengan kata lain, kepuasan ditemukan untuk secara langsung mempengaruhi loyalitas tujuan pada suatu arah yang positif. Selain itu, kepuasan bertujuan untuk membangun hubungan antara motivasi berwisata dan loyalitas tujuan.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui darnpak motivasi terhadap loyalitas tujuan melalui rnediasi kepuasan bepergian pada wisatawan, Pengarub motivasi dorong dan motivasi tarik terhadap kepuasan berwisata, dan Pengarub kepuasan berwisata terhedap layalitas tujuan.
Metode penelitian yang diganakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survey. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik convenience sampling. Sampel diarahil dari populasi mahasiswa, staf; karyawan Universitas Indonesia di Depek dan warga DKl Jakarta. Selanjutnya data penelitian dianalisis meugganakan strnctura/ equation modeling (SEM) dengan software LlSREL 8.30 untuk rnengetahui hubungan secara simultan antar variabel.
Hasil penelitian ini terdapat pengaruh motivasi dorong terhadap kepuasan berwisata. Hal ini berarti semakin tinggi adanya dorongan motivasi dorong yang positif yang dialami wisatawan akan berdampak pasitif pula terhadap teijalinnya hubungan yang lebih kuat dengm kepuasan berwisata. Terdapat pengaruh motivasi tarik terhadap kepuasan berwisata. Hal ini berarti, semakin tinggi adanya dorongan motivasi tarik yang positif yang dialami wisatawan akan berdampak I positif pula terhadap te!jalinnya hubungm yang lebih kuat dengan kepuasan berwisata. Terdapat pongaruh kepuasan berwisata terbarlap loyalitas tujuan. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa wisatawan yang secara emosional puas ak:an menunjukan perilaku yang loyal seperti menyampaikan hal-hal positif; merekomendasikan pada pihak lain dan word of mouth yang positif pula.
Para manajer harus mengerti tingkat dati kepuasan wisatawan yang terhubung antara keinginan dan kualitas lingkungan serta fasitltas yang tersedia. Keadaan itu didasari peda keserasian antara harapan konsumen pada ternpat wisata dan mengevaluasi pengalaman yang dirasakan pada tujuan wisata, yang juga merupakan suatu hasil perbandingan antara khayalan dari kepuasan bepergian dengan apa yang benar-benar dilihat, dirasakan, dan pencapaian kesuksesan perjalanan yang dilakukannya. Penelitian ini mendukung gagasan tentang teori kepuasan konsumen terhadap loyalitas tujuan.

This research produces empirical explanations, which strengthen the previous literature which has strong relations in developing loyalty. In other words. satisfaction is intended to directly impact destination loyalty in a positive way. Satisfaction is also meant to develop relations between travel motivation and destination loyalty.
This research wants to figure out the motivation effect on destination loyalty through travel satisfaction mediation on tourist, the impact of push motivation and pull motivation on travel satisfaction, and the impact of travel satisfaction on destination loyalty.
This research uses survey method and data collection is done using convenience sampling technique. Samples are taken from the population of University of Indonesia student, staff and employees. and tourists (consumer) in Jakarta which had visited Manado.Research data is analyzed by using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) together with USREL 8.30 software to recognize the simultaneous relations between the variables.
The outcomes of this research shows that push motivation have great impact on travel satisfaction. This si'gnifies the better encouragement of positive push motivation that tourists accept, the impact on travel satisfaction will tend to become more positive. Pull motivation has also influence in travel satisfaction, This means, the better encouragement of pull motivation that tourists accept, this will also have positive impact on strengthening the relationship in travel satisfaction. Thus travel satisfaction has impact on destination loyalty. This imply that tourists which have emotional satisfaction will show loyal behavior. like giving positive impressions, good recommendation of the place to the othersand also a positive word of mouth.
The manager should understand the tourist satisfaction level which is connected to the desire of the tourist, environment quality, and available facility. This condition is based on the harmony of tourist (consumer) expectations on vacation area, which is also a comparison result between fantasy of the travel satisfaction with the reality. which is felt. and the success of the journey.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ika Ismiati
"Status Sabang sebagai kawasan perdagangan dan pelabuhan bebas mendorong pembangunan infrastruktur massif, terutama pelabuhan berskala internasional. Kondisi tersebut dikhawatirkan akan mengganggu keseimbangan ekosistem perairan laut di sekitarnya, termasuk TWA Laut Pulau Weh yang selama ini menjadi tujuan wisata utama di Sabang. Untuk itu diperlukan informasi terkait nilai ekonomi TWA Laut Pulau Weh agar dapat digunakan sebagai masukan dan pertimbangan untuk memperbaiki dan menentukan arah kebijakan pembangunan kawasan. Informasi nilai ekonomi kawasan tersebut dapat diperoleh dengan cara melakukan valuasi lingkungan. Studi ini menggunakan dua pendekatan valuasi, yaitu travel cost method dan contingent valuation method. Nilai ekonomi yang diperoleh dari TCM dan CVM secara berturut-turut adalah Rp dan Rp 6.785.639.710.

Sabang?s status as a free port and trade area encourages massive infrastructure development, especially international port. These conditions are feared to disturb the marine ecosystem balancing in the vicinity, including TWA Laut Pulau Weh which has been the main tourist destinations in Sabang. It required information related to the economic value of TWA Laut Pulau Weh that can be used as input and consideration to fix and determine the direction of policy development for the region. Information of economic value of the region can be obtained by means of environmental valuation. This study uses two valuation approaches, namely the travel cost method and the contingent valuation method. The economic value obtained from TCM and CVM respectively is Rp and Rp 6.785.639.710."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sitompul, Sofian Dedi S.
"Danau Toba merupakan danau terbesar di Indonesia yang memiliki potensi wisata dan nilai ekonomi yang sangat tinggi. Keindahan alam yang dimiliki Danau Toba menjadikannya salah satu objek wisata alam di Kabupaten Toba Samosir yang sangat digemari dan sering dikunjungi oleh wisatawan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola nilai permintaan wisata alam Danau Toba Kabupaten Toba Samosir dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi nilai permintaan tersebut. Penilaian wisata alam Danau Toba Kabupaten Toba Samosir dilakukan dengan pendekatan metode biaya perjalanan, yang prinsipnya menggunakan biaya perjalanan untuk menghitung nilai dari mamfaat rekreasi atau wisata yang diperoleh. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis spasial.
Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa nilai permintaan wisata alam Danau Toba Kabupaten Toba Samosir bervariasi. Semakin tinggi biaya perjalanan yang rela dikeluarkan oleh wisatawan dan semakin tinggi jumlah penduduk daerah asal sebagai penikmat jasa wisata, maka semakin tinggi nilai permintaan wisatanya. Nilai permintaan wisata dari kabupaten/kota dalam Pulau Sumatera didominasi oleh kelas rendah atau < Rp. 720.000.000, sedangkan dari Kabupaten/kota Luar Pulau Sumatera didominasi kelas sangat tinggi atau > Rp.

Lake Toba is the largest lake in Indonesia which has tourism potential and very high economic value. Natural beauty of Lake Toba makes it become one of the very popular natural attractions and frequently visited in the district of Toba Samosir. This study aimed to determine the pattern of demand for the natural attractions of Lake Toba Toba Samosir and factors that affect the value of the demand. Assessment of natural attractions of Lake Toba Toba Samosir is done by travel cost method approach, which principally using the travel costs to calculate the of recreation value obtained. The method of analysis used in this study is spatial analysis.
The results indicate that the demand for natural attractions of Lake Toba Toba Samosir is vary. The higher the travel costs incurred by travelers who are willing and the higher the population of the area of origin of tourism services connoisseur, the higher the value of tourism demand. Value of tourism demand from the district / city in the island of Sumatra is dominated by low-grade or Rp. 2.16 billion.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prilly Rindhy Nathalya
"[Tesis ini mengkaji upaya liberalisasi jasa pariwisata dalam mode 4 dalam bentuk komitmen Indonesia yang tertuang dalam Schedule of Commitments dalam GATS dan AFAS. Jasa pariwisata termasuk dalam 12 sektor jasa yang diatur dalam GATS. Penulisan tesis ini menggunakan metode penelitian normatif. Secara normative diteliti aturan-aturan hukum yang terkait dengan jasa pariwisata, ketenagakerjaan, dan aturan-aturan yang terkait lainnya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, komitmen Indonesia dalam MRA dalam bidang jasa profesional pariwisata di ASEAN yang diikuti Indonesia menunjukkan adanya kesesuaian. Dalam implementasi peraturan nasional Indonesia terkait MRA, beberapa sekolah tinggi pariwisata telah menunjukkan komitmennya dalam memajukan sumber daya manusia dalam bidang kepariwisataan. Pembangunan SDM dan pemberian sertifikasi dapat meningkatkan kompetisi dalam kerja internasional apalagi dengan dekatnya era Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN tahun 2016 mendatang.

This thesis reviews the means of mode 4 liberalization of services in a form of a Schedule of Commitments on GATS and MRA on AFAS. Tourism services is one of the 12 service sector maintained in GATS. This research uses normative methods to discuss about issues related. Legal rules, employment rules and rules relevant with tourism will be reviewed in this thesis. Based on the research done, Indonesia’s commitment on MRA on Tourism Professionals in ASEAN showed that Indonesia complied to the commitment issued. The implementation of the national rules related to MRA on Tourism Professional has done sufficiently by some vocational tourism schools in Indonesia in order to develop the quality of human resources in tourism industry. The development of the human resources and the issue of certification to prove the competency of these human resources would encourage the competition in the internasional markets, especially for this upcoming event, the ASEAN Economic Community on 2016. , This thesis reviews the means of mode 4 liberalization of services in a form of a
Schedule of Commitments on GATS and MRA on AFAS. Tourism services is one
of the 12 service sector maintained in GATS. This research uses normative
methods to discuss about issues related. Legal rules, employment rules and rules
relevant with tourism will be reviewed in this thesis. Based on the research done,
Indonesia’s commitment on MRA on Tourism Professionals in ASEAN showed
that Indonesia complied to the commitment issued. The implementation of the
national rules related to MRA on Tourism Professional has done sufficiently by
some vocational tourism schools in Indonesia in order to develop the quality of
human resources in tourism industry. The development of the human resources
and the issue of certification to prove the competency of these human resources
would encourage the competition in the internasional markets, especially for this
upcoming event, the ASEAN Economic Community on 2016.]
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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