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Czeresna Heriawan Soejono
National Health Insurance (NIH/JKN) has been enacted since January 2014. Various outcomes of geriatric patient care, such as improved functional status and quality of live have not been evaluated. Prolonged hospitalization and re-hospitalization are potentially affecting the affeciency care of this vulnerable group. This study aimed to identify the differences of functional status improvement, quality of life improvement, length of stay, and hospitalization of geatric patients admitted to CMH between prior to and after NHI implementation is favor."
Jakarta: Interna Publishing, 2017
610 IJIM 49:4 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ika Fitriana
"[Latar belakang : Kelompok geriatri memiliki karakteristik khusus yang berpotensi meningkatkan lama masa rawat dan menurunkan kualitas hidup dan terbukti dapat diperbaiki dengan Pendekatan Paripurna Pasien Geriatri (P3G). Terdapat kemungkinan adanya perbedaan antara lama masa rawat dan kualitas hidup pasien geriatri dengan P3G sebelum dengan sesudah adanya sistem pembiayaan JKN (Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional)
Tujuan: melakukan evaluasi pelaksanaan sistem JKN terhadap lama rawat, quality adjusted life days (QALD) dan efektivitas biaya pasien geriatri yang dirawat di ruang rawat geriatri akut RSCM.
Metode: Penelitian kohort retrospektif dengan kontrol historis dilakukan pada pasien geriatri ≥ 60 tahun dengan ≥ 1 sindrom geriatri yang dirawat di ruang rawat geriatri akut RSCM periode Juli-Desember 2013 (era non JKN) dan Januari-Juni 2014 (era JKN). Perbedaan dua rerata lama rawat dan QALD era non JKN dengan JKN dianalisis dengan uji-T tidak berpasangan. Dilakukan juga penghitungan incremental cost effectivity ratio (ICER) program JKN dengan outcome lama rawat dan QALD yang akan dipresentasikan dalam skema ICER.
Hasil: Dari total 225 subjek, 100 subjek berada di era non JKN dan 125 subjek di era JKN dengan karakteristik relatif sama. Rerata usia adalah 70 [60-86] tahun dan 68 [60-85] tahun secara berurutan. Tidak ada perbedaan lama rawat antara era non JKN dan JKN dengan median 12 [2-76] dan 12 [2-59] hari, p= 0,974. Begitu juga tak ada perbedan QALD antara kelompok non JKN dan JKN dengan median 0,812[-3,1 – 24,37] dan 0,000 [-7,37 – 22,43], p= 0,256. Biaya per satu kali rawat pada era non JKN adalah Rp. 19.961,000 [Rp.2.57 juta –Rp. 100 juta] dan JKN Rp. 20.832.000,- [Rp.3.067 juta - Rp.100 juta]. Skema ICER memperlihatkan biaya rawat lebih mahal Rp. 1.500.000,- untuk mendapatkan lama rawat lebih pendek 0,91 hari. Berdasarkan QALD, biaya rawat lebih murah Rp.3.484.887,- dengan 0,25 QALD lebih rendah dibanding era non JKN.
Simpulan: Tidak ada perbedaan lama rawat dan kualitas hidup pasien yang dirawat pada era non JKN dengan era JKN.;Background: Geriatric population with special characteristics tend to have longer average length of stay and lower quality of life. CGA (comprehensive Geriatric Assesment) was proven to improve the outcomes and has already be the standard procedure in RSCM. There were concerns on the difference between length of stay and quality of life before and after NHIP (National Health Insurance program) applied.
Objectives: To evaluate the implementation of NHIP system according to length of stay, quality adjusted life days and cost effectiveness of care in geriatric patients in acute care for elderly Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital
Method : This is a retrospective cohort study with historical control. The subjects were geriatric patients ≥60 years old with one or more geriatrics giants between Juli to Desember 2013 (Non NHIP) and Januari to Juni 2014 (NHIP). We used independent T test to compare between two mean of length of stay and QALD.
Results : The characteristics were relatively similar between 100 subject in non NHIP group and 125 subject in NHIP group. the median of age were 70 [60- 86] dan 68 [60- 85] years old respectively. There was no significant difference between length of stay in non NHIP, median 12[2-76] days and NHIP group, median 12[2-59] days, p= 0,974. Quality of life which described as QALD proved that there was also no significant difference between non NHIP, median 0,812[-3,1 – 24,37] and NHIP group, median 0,000 [-7,37 –22,43], p= 0,256. The cost spent for one admission was Rp. 19.961,000 [Rp.2.57–Rp. 100 millions] in non NHIP and Rp. 20.832.000,- [Rp.3.067-Rp.100 millions] in NHIP group. Incremental cost effectiveness ratio (ICER) scheme showed NHIP is more expensive Rp.1.500.000,- to have 0,91 shorter days than non NHIP system. For QALD, the cost was cheaper Rp.3.484.887,- to have 0,25 QALD lower than non NHIP.
Conclusion: There were no difference in length of stay and quality of life of patients who admitted in acute geriatric Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital with CGA approach before and after National Health Insurance program implementation., Background: Geriatric population with special characteristics tend to have longer average length of stay and lower quality of life. CGA (comprehensive Geriatric Assesment) was proven to improve the outcomes and has already be the standard procedure in RSCM. There were concerns on the difference between length of stay and quality of life before and after NHIP (National Health Insurance program) applied.
Objectives: To evaluate the implementation of NHIP system according to length of stay, quality adjusted life days and cost effectiveness of care in geriatric patients in acute care for elderly Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital
Method : This is a retrospective cohort study with historical control. The subjects were geriatric patients ≥60 years old with one or more geriatrics giants between Juli to Desember 2013 (Non NHIP) and Januari to Juni 2014 (NHIP). We used independent T test to compare between two mean of length of stay and QALD.
Results : The characteristics were relatively similar between 100 subject in non NHIP group and 125 subject in NHIP group. the median of age were 70 [60- 86] dan 68 [60- 85] years old respectively. There was no significant difference between length of stay in non NHIP, median 12[2-76] days and NHIP group, median 12[2-59] days, p= 0,974. Quality of life which described as QALD proved that there was also no significant difference between non NHIP, median 0,812[-3,1 – 24,37] and NHIP group, median 0,000 [-7,37 –22,43], p= 0,256. The cost spent for one admission was Rp. 19.961,000 [Rp.2.57–Rp. 100 millions] in non NHIP and Rp. 20.832.000,- [Rp.3.067-Rp.100 millions] in NHIP group. Incremental cost effectiveness ratio (ICER) scheme showed NHIP is more expensive Rp.1.500.000,- to have 0,91 shorter days than non NHIP system. For QALD, the cost was cheaper Rp.3.484.887,- to have 0,25 QALD lower than non NHIP.
Conclusion: There were no difference in length of stay and quality of life of patients who admitted in acute geriatric Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital with CGA approach before and after National Health Insurance program implementation.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pendahuluan: Profil Kesehatan Mulut dan Saliva pada Pasien Geriatri di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo. Pasien geriatri meningkat sejalan dengan peningkatan populasi Lansia. Permasalahan kesehatan umum dan gigi-mulut akan mempengaruhi kualitas hidup mereka. Tujuan: Studi ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kesehatan gigi dan mulut secara menyeluruh pada pasien geriatri di poliklinik geriatri di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo. Bahan dan Cara: penelitian ini adalah studi deskriptif. Kuesioner digunakan untuk mendapatkan data demografik. Pemeriksaan klinis intreoral dilakukan berdasarkan standar Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia. Hasil: Jumlah sampel adalah 75 pasien geriatri dengan usia 60-86 tahun. Rata-rata skor DMF-T adalah 4.68±2.89, OHI-S 2.79±1.10, PBI 0.78±0.59. Rata-rata skor unstimulated salivary pH 6.62±0.54 dan stimulated buffer capacity saliva 7.46±2.83. Ratarata laju aliran saliva adalah 0,24 mL/menit dan hiposalivasi ditemukan pada 39 orang. 93 variasi normal dan 117 lesi
patologis ditemukan pada studi ini. Kesimpulan: Ditemukannya status kesehatan gigi dan mulut yang rendah pada sampel penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya kemungkinan penyebabnya adalah rendahnya laju alur saliva, pH saliva, dan kemampuan buffer saliva. Pemeriksaan kesehatan gigi dan mulut secara sistematik dan rutin pada Lansia merupakan hal yang penting dan seyogyanya dilakukan secara holistik dengan kolaborasi antara dokter dan dokter gigi.

Introduction: Population of geriatric patients would increase in line with that of elderly population. Health problems related to this group of people would have impact on general and oral health maintenance aiming for good quality of life. Objectives: This study aimed to determine the profile of oral health, saliva, and oral mucosa on geriatric patients at Geriatric Policlinic in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Materials and Methods: This research was a descriptive crosssectional
study, which data was taken using questionnaire containing basic demographical information and oral clinical examination using standard form used by Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Indonesia. Results: The study included 75 geriatric patients, ranging from 60 to 86 of age. The mean of DMF-T score of 69 geriatric patients was 4.68 ±2.893, OHI-S 2.790 ±1.102, PBI 0.779±0.585. The mean of unstimulated salivary pH score was 6.618 ± 0.54 and stimulated
buffer capacity of saliva was 7.46±2.827. Mean of salivary flow rate is 0.24mL/min and 39 people had hiposalivation. 93 normal variations and 117 pathological oral lesion was found. Conclusion: This study showed that poor oral health status and pathological oral lesion found in this study elderly population could be caused from poor salivary flow, pH saliva, and buffer capacity of saliva. Systematic oral examination of the elderly is of considerable importance and ought
be carried out regularly by a dentist in collaboration with the physician; making holistic management of the elderly properly performed."
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2010
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arresta Vitasatria Suastika
Latar Belakang : Sejak dimulai penyelenggaraan sistem Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional, pemerintah menerapkan sistem rujukan berjenjang. Namun, RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo sebagai fasilitas kesehatan rujukan tingkat lanjutan mengalami peningkatan jumlah pasien, khususnya di Poliklinik Obstetri dan Ginekologi. Peneliti ingin mengetahui perbandingan pola kasus rujukan sebelum dan setelah era JKN di Poliklinik Obstetri dan Ginekologi RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo.
Metode : Penelitian ini adalah observasional potong lintang dengan menggunakan data rekam medis pasien yang dirujuk ke Poliklinik Obstetri dan Ginekologi RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo selama tahun 2013 dan 2014. Analisis dilakukan dengan analisis bivariat dengan chi square untuk membedakan ketepatan diagnosis rujukan, ketepatan asal fasyankes perujuk, dan kesesuaian diagnosis rujukan sebelum dan setelah pelaksanaan JKN.
Hasil : Terdapat peningkatan jumlah kunjungan Poliklinik Obstetri dan Ginekologi sejak dilaksanakannya program JKN pada tahun 2014, yaitu sebanyak 4.311 pasien. Jumlah subjek adalah sebanyak 222 subjek, terdiri dari 104 subjek pada tahun 2013 dan 118 subjek pada tahun 2014. Dari analisis data, didapatkan tingkat ketepatan diagnosis sebelum JKN adalah 81,7% dan setelah JKN 72,9% (p=0,118), tingkat ketepatan fasyankes perujuk sebelum JKN adalah 63,5% dan setelah JKN 71,2% (p=0,220), serta tingkat kesesuaian diagnosis sebelum JKN adalah 89,4% dan setelah JKN 84,7% (p=0,302).
Kesimpulan : Tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna secara statistik antara ketepatan diagnosis rujukan, ketepatan fasyankes perujuk, dan kesesuaian diagnosis fasyankes rujukan sebelum dan sesudah pelaksanaan JKN.

Background : Since the start of National Health Coverage Program or in Indonesian Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN), the government has implemented vertical referral system. Even though Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital is the highest referral health facility, there is a growing number of patients, specifically in obstetric and gynacology outpatient clinic.
Objective : To understand the pattern of referral cases (accuracy of referral diagnosis, accuracy of referral health facility and consistency of referral diagnosis) in obstetrics and gynecology outpatient clinic before and after the implementation of JKN.
Methods : This is an observational cross sectional study using medical records of patients who were referred to obstetrics and gynecology outpatient clinic in Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital in 2013 and 2014. Data was analyzed with bivariate analysis with chi square, consisting the accuracy of referral cases, accuracy of referral health facility, and consistency of referral cases before and after implementation of JKN.
Results: There is a growing number of patients in obstetrics and gynecology outpatient clinic after the implementation of JKN in 2014, which is 4.311 patients. Subjects were 222 cases, 104 cases from 2013 and 118 cases from 2014. From the analyzed data, the accuracy of referral diagnosis before JKN is 81,7% and after JKN 72,9%. (p=0,118), the accuracy of referral health facility before JKN is 63,7% and after JKN 72,9% (p=0,220), and the consistency of referral diagnosis before JKN is 89,4% and after JKN 84,7% (p=0,302).
Conclusion : There is no statistically significant difference between the accuracy of referral diagnosis, accuracy of referral health facility, and consistency of referral diagnosis before and after the implementation of JKN."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Clinical Pathway (CP) Apendisititis Akut (AA) memberikan gambaran secara rinci tahap-tahap pelayanan yang akan diberikan kepada pasien. Implementasi CP AA di RSI Ibnu Sina Pekanbaru diharapkan dapat mengendalikan variasi proses perawatan dalam upaya meningkatkan kendali mutu dan kendali biaya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat peran implementasi CP AA dalam meningkatkan efisiensi biya apendiktomi pasien JKN di RSI Ibnu Sina Pekanbaru. Desain penelitian ini adalah cross sectional menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menghitung tagihan biaya pasien yang menjalani apnediktomi sebelum dan sesudah implementasi CP AA dan diolah dengan uji statistik. Pendekatan kualitatif melalui wawancara mendalam dengan informan yang terkait dalam implementasi CP AA. Hasil penelitian terjadi pemendekan Length of Stay (LOS) secara bermakna (P<0.001) pada kelompok pasien sesudah implementasi CP dibandingkan sebelumnya. Terjadi penurunan rata-rata total biaya apendiktomi sebelum dan sesudah implementasi CP (Rp. vs Rp. 4.436.438.37) yang bermakna (P<0.001) dengan persentase selisih 17,5%. Penurunan varian pelayanan berupa utilisasi alat kesehatan (Alkes), obat dan pemeriksaan laboratorium mempengaruhi peningkatan efisiensi biaya apendiktomi. Adanya varian dalam implementasi CP AA menjadi masukan untuk mencapai implementasi CP yang ideal. Varian berupa pengurangan pelayanan yang seharusnya diberikan kepada pasien harus ditinjaklanjuti dengan melakukan penilaian outcome pasien seperti tingakat kejadian readmission dan kondisi pasien ketika melakukan kontrol setelah pulang dari Rumah Sakit (RS).

Clinical pathway for acute appendicitis provides a detailed description of the steps of healthcare to be given to patients. Implementation of clinical pathway for acute appendicitis at Ibnu Sina Islamic Hospital Pekanbaru is expected to be able to control variations in the treatment process in an effort to improve quality and cost control.The purpose of this study aimed to see the role of implementation of clinical pathway for acute appendicitis in improving appendectomy cost efficiency in The Indonesian National Health Insurance patients at Ibnu Sina Islamic Hospital Pekanbaru. The study design was cross sectional with a quantitative approach through calculating the cost bills of patients who underwent appendectomy before and after the implementation of clinical pathway and processed with statistical tests. Qualitative approach through indepth interviews with informants who were involved in the implementation of CP. The results of the study showed shortening length of stay statistically significant as (P <0.001) in the patient group after the implementation of the clinical pathway compared to before. There was a decrease in average total costs of appendectomy before and after the implementation of clinical pathways (IDR. vs IDR.4.436.438.37) statistically significant as (P <0.001) with a percentage difference of 17.5%. Decreasing service variants in the form of the utilization of medical equipment, drug, and laboratory test affected the increase in appendectomy cost efficiency. The existence of variants in the implementation of CP can be used as input to achieve the ideal CP. Variants in the form of reducing services that should be given to patients must be followed up by evaluating patient outcomes such as readmission rates and the patient's condition when controlling after returning from the hospital.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fransiscus Alimin
Dalam UUD 1945 menyebutkan bahwa setiap orang berhak memperoleh
pelayanan kesehatan dan Negara bertanggung jawab atas penyediaan fasiltas
kesehatan dan fasilitas umum yang layak. Untuk memenuhi dan mewujudkan hak
bagi setiap warga negara dalam mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan yang layak dan
kewajiban pemerintah penyediaan fasilitas kesehatan sebagai amanat UUD 1945
maka pemerintah pusat menyelenggarakan program jaminan kesehatan nasional
(JKN) dan untuk pemerintahan daerah khusus Ibukota (DKI Jakarta)
menyelenggarakan jaminan kesehatan daerah yang dikenal dengan nama Kartu
Jakarta Sehat (KJS). RSCM adalah rumah sakit milik pemerintah pusat yang salah
satu visinya adalah menjadi rumah sakit pusat rujukan nasonal terkemuka di Asia
Pasifik tahun 2014. RSCM diharapkan dapat melayani masyarakat dari seluruh
penjuru Indonesia dengan sistem rujukan berjenjang dengan optimal sesuai
dengan standar pelayanan kesehatan dan peraturan yang berlaku. Penelitian ini
membahas mengenai indeks kepuasan masyarakat miskin terhadap pelayanan di
RSCM dalam program JKN dan KJS. Program kesehatan JKN dan KJS ini tidak
lepas dari permasalahan dalam pelaksanaannya, salah satunya adalah mengenai
pelayanan di rumah sakit dalam pelaksanaan program tersebut. Tujuan dalam
penelitian ini adalah untuk mengukur nilai indeks kepuasan masyarakat miskin di
RSCM dalam pelaksanaan program JKN dan KJS serta untuk mengetahui unsurunsur
yang sudah baik dan yang masih membutuhkan peningkatan kualitas
pelayanannya. Hasil dari penelitian kuantiatif menilai bahwa indeks kepuasan
masyarakat miskin di RSCM adalah sangat baik, tetapi ada beberapa pelayanan
yang perlu menjadi perhatian dan atau perbaikan yang didapat dari hasil penelitian

Indonesia Constitution (UUD 1945) states that every citizen has the right to obtain
medical care and the Government is responsible for the provision of health and
adequate public facilities. In order to satisfy and fulfil the right of every citizen in
getting proper health care as mandated by the Constitution, The central
government has issued the National Health Insurance Program (JKN) whereas the
Jakarta Provincial Government has issued a Regional-based Health Insurance
Program known as the Jakarta Health Card (KJS). National General Hospital Dr.
Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) is one of the hospitals owned by the central
government and one of its visions is to become regional referral hospitals in Asia
Pacific in 2014. RSCM is expected to serve people from all over Indonesia
accordance with the standard of health services and regulations. This study
discusses the satisfaction index of the poor with regard to services in RSCM
especially on the implementation of the JKN and KJS. The problem of the
implementation of JKN and KJS are still occurred, one of the problems is the
hospital services in the implementation of the programs. The purpose of this
research is to measure the value of the satisfaction index of the poor in RSCM on
the implementation of JKN and KJS as well as to determine the factors that are
good and which are still in need of improvement of service quality. The results of
the quantitative study is conclude that the satisfaction index of the poor in RSCM
is ?very good?, yet there are some services that need to be improved derived from
the results of qualitative research.;Indonesia Constitution (UUD 1945) states that every citizen has the right to obtain
medical care and the Government is responsible for the provision of health and
adequate public facilities. In order to satisfy and fulfil the right of every citizen in
getting proper health care as mandated by the Constitution, The central
government has issued the National Health Insurance Program (JKN) whereas the
Jakarta Provincial Government has issued a Regional-based Health Insurance
Program known as the Jakarta Health Card (KJS). National General Hospital Dr.
Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) is one of the hospitals owned by the central
government and one of its visions is to become regional referral hospitals in Asia
Pacific in 2014. RSCM is expected to serve people from all over Indonesia
accordance with the standard of health services and regulations. This study
discusses the satisfaction index of the poor with regard to services in RSCM
especially on the implementation of the JKN and KJS. The problem of the
implementation of JKN and KJS are still occurred, one of the problems is the
hospital services in the implementation of the programs. The purpose of this
research is to measure the value of the satisfaction index of the poor in RSCM on
the implementation of JKN and KJS as well as to determine the factors that are
good and which are still in need of improvement of service quality. The results of
the quantitative study is conclude that the satisfaction index of the poor in RSCM
is ?very good?, yet there are some services that need to be improved derived from
the results of qualitative research., Indonesia Constitution (UUD 1945) states that every citizen has the right to obtain
medical care and the Government is responsible for the provision of health and
adequate public facilities. In order to satisfy and fulfil the right of every citizen in
getting proper health care as mandated by the Constitution, The central
government has issued the National Health Insurance Program (JKN) whereas the
Jakarta Provincial Government has issued a Regional-based Health Insurance
Program known as the Jakarta Health Card (KJS). National General Hospital Dr.
Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) is one of the hospitals owned by the central
government and one of its visions is to become regional referral hospitals in Asia
Pacific in 2014. RSCM is expected to serve people from all over Indonesia
accordance with the standard of health services and regulations. This study
discusses the satisfaction index of the poor with regard to services in RSCM
especially on the implementation of the JKN and KJS. The problem of the
implementation of JKN and KJS are still occurred, one of the problems is the
hospital services in the implementation of the programs. The purpose of this
research is to measure the value of the satisfaction index of the poor in RSCM on
the implementation of JKN and KJS as well as to determine the factors that are
good and which are still in need of improvement of service quality. The results of
the quantitative study is conclude that the satisfaction index of the poor in RSCM
is “very good”, yet there are some services that need to be improved derived from
the results of qualitative research.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuniasti Evitasari
"Latar belakang: Hemofilia merupakan gangguan perdarahan yang bersifat herediter yang disebabkan oleh kekurangan faktor VIII. Pada kadar faktor koagulasi yang sama dapat menunjukkan karakteristik klinis yang berbeda.
Tujuan: Mengidentifikasi karakteristik klinis, penggunaan faktor VIII, dan komplikasi pada anak hemofilia A.
Metode: Penelitian kohort retrospektif pada anak le;18 tahun. Data diambil dari rekam medis Januari 2014 ndash; Juni 2016 meliputi data usia awitan perdarahan sendi, usia saat didiagnosis, kekerapan perdarahan, lokasi perdarahan, penggunaan faktor VIII, dan komplikasi yang dialami.
Hasil: Terdapat 109 subjek anak lelaki terdiri dari 2,8 subjek hemofilia A ringan, 27,5 hemofilia A sedang, dan 69,7 hemofilia A berat. Perdarahan paling sering ditemukan pada sendi 60,6 terutama pada lutut 37,2 . Anak hemofilia A berat menunjukkan usia awitan perdarahan sendi yang lebih dini median 12,5 4 - 120 bulan , kekerapan perdarahan sendi yang lebih sering median 8 1-44 kali/tahun , menggunakan konsentrat faktor VIII yang lebih banyak median 712 131 - 1913 IU/kg/tahun . Komplikasi yang ditemukan adalah hemofilik artropati dan sinovitis 46,8 , terbentuknya inhibitor faktor VIII 7,3 , anemia akibat perdarahan 2,6 , pseudotumor 0,9 , dan fraktur 0,9 . Terdapat 15,5 subjek hemofilia A berat yang menunjukkan karakteristik klinis yang lebih ringan.
Simpulan: Usia awitan perdarahan sendi berhubungan dengan kekerapan perdarahan sendi, kebutuhan faktor VIII, dan artropati. Artropati dan sinovitis merupakan komplikasi yang paling banyak ditemukan.

Background: Hemophilia A is a congenital bleeding disorder caused by deficiency of factor VIII. Phenotypic differences between patients with hemophilia is well known from clinical practice.
Aim: To identify clinical characteristics, factor VIII usage for on demand therapy, and complications of children with hemophilia A.
Method: A retrospective cohort study on children aged le 18 years. Data was obtained from medical record January 2014 ndash June 2016 including age of diagnosis, age of first joint bleed, number of bleeding, site of bleeding, treatment requirement, and complications.
Result: We found a total of 109 boys with hemophilia A consisted of 2.8 mild, 27.5 moderate, and 69.7 severe hemophilia. The most common bleeding was hemarthrosis 60.6 of the knee 37.2 . Severe hemophilia children showed earlier age of first joint bleed median 12,5 4 to 120 months , higher number of joint bleeds median 8 1 44 times year , and higher consumptions of clotting factor median 712 131 to 1913 IU kg year compared to mild and moderate hemophilia. Complications commonly found in severe hemophilia were haemophilic arthropathy and sinovitis 46.8 , followed by factor VIII inhibitors 7.3 , anaemia due to bleeding 2.6 , pseudotumour 0.9 , and fracture 0.9 . This study showed that 15.5 of patients with severe hemophilia A have mild clinical characteristics.
Conclusion: The onset of joint bleeding is related with number of joint bleeds, treatment requirement, and arthropathy and may serve as an indicator of clinical phenotype.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jimmy Sunny
"Latar belakang: MRCP merupakan teknik pencitraan tidak invasif untuk mengevaluasi anatomi dan mendeteksi kelainan sistem bilier. Cairan di saluran bilier akan memperlihatkan sinyal yang tinggi pada MRCP. Salah satu keterbatasan pemeriksaan MRCP ialah cairan di saluran gastrointestinal juga memberikan sinyal tinggi yang dapat mengganggu evaluasi saluran bilier. Sari buah nanas dapat menjadi kontras oral negatif untuk menurunkan sinyal di gastrointestinal. Belum terdapat penelitian penggunaan sari buah nanas pada pemeriksaan MRCP di Indonesia dan belum terdapat penelitian yang menilai visualisasi cabang-cabang duktus intrahepatikus setelah pemberian sari buah nanas. Tujuan: Mengukur perbedaan SNR gaster dan duodenum serta perubahan tingkat visualisasi cabang-cabang duktus bilier intrahepatikus sesudah pemberian sari buah nanas pada pemeriksaan MRCP. Metode: Dilakukan pemeriksaan MRCP sebelum dan sesudah pemberian sari buah nanas pada subjek penelitian. Mengukur perbedaan rerata SNR gaster dan duodenum serta mengukur perubahan tingkat visualisasi cabang-cabang duktus bilier intrahepatikus sebelum dan sesudah pemberian sari buah nanas. Perbedaan rerata SNR gaster dan duodenum dianalisis menggunakan uji Wilcoxon dan perubahan tingkat visualisasi dianalisis dengan uji McNemar untuk menilai diskordans. Hasil: Didapatkan 25 subjek penelitian yang menjalani pemeriksaan MRCP sebelum dan sesudah pemberian sari buah nanas. Terdapat penurunan bermakna SNR gaster dan duodenum setelah pemberian sari buah nanas, 127,1 (18,7-1194,6) menjadi 42.2 (4,2-377,1) untuk gaster dan 64,1 (3,8-613.4) menjadi 44,6 (6,5-310,3) untuk duodenum (p < 0,05). Terdapat perubahan bermakna tingkat visualisasi duktus bilier intrahepatikus (p < 0,05, diskordans >50%) dengan peningkatan tingkat visualisasi duktus intrahepatikus kanan segmen anterior pada 66% pengamatan, duktus intrahepatikus kanan segmen posterior pada 58% pengamatan, dan 70% pengamatan untuk duktus intrahepatikus kiri. Simpulan: Pemberian sari buah nanas dapat menurunkan sinyal gaster dan duodenum pada pemeriksaan MRCP dan mempengaruhi tingkat visualisasi cabang-cabang duktus bilier intrahepatikus.

Background: MRCP is a non-invasive imaging technique for evaluating anatomy and detecting abnormalities of the biliary system. Fluid in biliary tract will show high signal on MRCP. One of the limitations of MRCP is high signal in gastrointestinal fluid which can interfere biliary tract evaluation. Pineapple juice as negative oral contrast can reduce signal in gastrointestinal tract. There have been no studies on the use of pineapple juice for MRCP in Indonesia, and no studies assessed the visualization of intrahepatic ductal branches after administration of pineapple juice. Objective: Measuring difference in gastric and duodenal SNR and changes of visualization of intrahepatic biliary ductal branches after administration of pineapple juice on MRCP. Methods: MRCP before and after administration of pineapple juice were performed on subjects. Gastric and duodenal SNR mean difference were measured, and analysis were done with Wilcoxon test. Level of visualization of intrahepatic biliary ductal branches were also measured and analysed with McNemar test for discordances. Results: There were 25 subjects underwent MRCP. Gastric and duodenal SNR were statistically decreased after administration of pineapple juice, 127.1 (18.7-1194.6) vs 42.2 (4.2-377.1) and 64.1 (3.8-613.4) vs 44.6 (6.5-310.3) respectively (p <0.05). Statistically significant difference was observed in visualization of intrahepatic ductal branches (p<0,05), discordance >50%) with increase in visualization of right duct anterior segment in 66% observation, right duct posterior segment in 58% observation, and 70% observation in left intrahepatic bile duct. Conclusion: Use of pineapple juice as negative oral contrast significantly reduce gastric and duodenal signal in MRCP also affect visualization of the intrahepatic biliary duct branches.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jimmy Sunny
"Latar belakang: MRCP merupakan teknik pencitraan tidak invasif untuk mengevaluasi anatomi dan mendeteksi kelainan sistem bilier. Cairan di saluran bilier akan memperlihatkan sinyal yang tinggi pada MRCP. Salah satu keterbatasan pemeriksaan MRCP ialah cairan di saluran gastrointestinal juga memberikan sinyal tinggi yang dapat mengganggu evaluasi saluran bilier. Sari buah nanas dapat menjadi kontras oral negatif untuk menurunkan sinyal di gastrointestinal. Belum terdapat penelitian penggunaan sari buah nanas pada pemeriksaan MRCP di Indonesia dan belum terdapat penelitian yang menilai visualisasi cabang-cabang duktus intrahepatikus setelah pemberian sari buah nanas. Tujuan: Mengukur perbedaan SNR gaster dan duodenum serta perubahan tingkat visualisasi cabang-cabang duktus bilier intrahepatikus sesudah pemberian sari buah nanas pada pemeriksaan MRCP. Metode: Dilakukan pemeriksaan MRCP sebelum dan sesudah pemberian sari buah nanas pada subjek penelitian. Mengukur perbedaan rerata SNR gaster dan duodenum serta mengukur perubahan tingkat visualisasi cabang-cabang duktus bilier intrahepatikus sebelum dan sesudah pemberian sari buah nanas. Perbedaan rerata SNR gaster dan duodenum dianalisis menggunakan uji Wilcoxon dan perubahan tingkat visualisasi dianalisis dengan uji McNemar untuk menilai diskordans. Hasil: Didapatkan 25 subjek penelitian yang menjalani pemeriksaan MRCP sebelum dan sesudah pemberian sari buah nanas. Terdapat penurunan bermakna SNR gaster dan duodenum setelah pemberian sari buah nanas, 127,1 (18,7-1194,6) menjadi 42.2 (4,2-377,1) untuk gaster dan 64,1 (3,8-613.4) menjadi 44,6 (6,5-310,3) untuk duodenum (p < 0,05). Terdapat perubahan bermakna tingkat visualisasi duktus bilier intrahepatikus (p < 0,05, diskordans >50%) dengan peningkatan tingkat visualisasi duktus intrahepatikus kanan segmen anterior pada 66% pengamatan, duktus intrahepatikus kanan segmen posterior pada 58% pengamatan, dan 70% pengamatan untuk duktus intrahepatikus kiri. Simpulan: Pemberian sari buah nanas dapat menurunkan sinyal gaster dan duodenum pada pemeriksaan MRCP dan mempengaruhi tingkat visualisasi cabang-cabang duktus bilier intrahepatikus.

Background: MRCP is a non-invasive imaging technique for evaluating anatomy and detecting abnormalities of the biliary system. Fluid in biliary tract will show high signal on MRCP. One of the limitations of MRCP is high signal in gastrointestinal fluid which can interfere biliary tract evaluation. Pineapple juice as negative oral contrast can reduce signal in gastrointestinal tract. There have been no studies on the use of pineapple juice for MRCP in Indonesia, and no studies assessed the visualization of intrahepatic ductal branches after administration of pineapple juice. Objective: Measuring difference in gastric and duodenal SNR and changes of visualization of intrahepatic biliary ductal branches after administration of pineapple juice on MRCP. Methods: MRCP before and after administration of pineapple juice were performed on subjects. Gastric and duodenal SNR mean difference were measured, and analysis were done with Wilcoxon test. Level of visualization of intrahepatic biliary ductal branches were also measured and analysed with McNemar test for discordances. Results: There were 25 subjects underwent MRCP. Gastric and duodenal SNR were statistically decreased after administration of pineapple juice, 127.1 (18.7-1194.6) vs 42.2 (4.2-377.1) and 64.1 (3.8-613.4) vs 44.6 (6.5-310.3) respectively (p <0.05). Statistically significant difference was observed in visualization of intrahepatic ductal branches (p<0,05), discordance >50%) with increase in visualization of right duct anterior segment in 66% observation, right duct posterior segment in 58% observation, and 70% observation in left intrahepatic bile duct. Conclusion: Use of pineapple juice as negative oral contrast significantly reduce gastric and duodenal signal in MRCP also affect visualization of the intrahepatic biliary duct branches.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jimmy Sunny
"Latar belakang: MRCP merupakan teknik pencitraan tidak invasif untuk mengevaluasi anatomi dan mendeteksi kelainan sistem bilier. Cairan di saluran bilier akan memperlihatkan sinyal yang tinggi pada MRCP. Salah satu keterbatasan pemeriksaan MRCP ialah cairan di saluran gastrointestinal juga memberikan sinyal tinggi yang dapat mengganggu evaluasi saluran bilier. Sari buah nanas dapat menjadi kontras oral negatif untuk menurunkan sinyal di gastrointestinal. Belum terdapat penelitian penggunaan sari buah nanas pada pemeriksaan MRCP di Indonesia dan belum terdapat penelitian yang menilai visualisasi cabang-cabang duktus intrahepatikus setelah pemberian sari buah nanas. Tujuan: Mengukur perbedaan SNR gaster dan duodenum serta perubahan tingkat visualisasi cabang-cabang duktus bilier intrahepatikus sesudah pemberian sari buah nanas pada pemeriksaan MRCP. Metode: Dilakukan pemeriksaan MRCP sebelum dan sesudah pemberian sari buah nanas pada subjek penelitian. Mengukur perbedaan rerata SNR gaster dan duodenum serta mengukur perubahan tingkat visualisasi cabang-cabang duktus bilier intrahepatikus sebelum dan sesudah pemberian sari buah nanas. Perbedaan rerata SNR gaster dan duodenum dianalisis menggunakan uji Wilcoxon dan perubahan tingkat visualisasi dianalisis dengan uji McNemar untuk menilai diskordans. Hasil: Didapatkan 25 subjek penelitian yang menjalani pemeriksaan MRCP sebelum dan sesudah pemberian sari buah nanas. Terdapat penurunan bermakna SNR gaster dan duodenum setelah pemberian sari buah nanas, 127,1 (18,7-1194,6) menjadi 42.2 (4,2-377,1) untuk gaster dan 64,1 (3,8-613.4) menjadi 44,6 (6,5-310,3) untuk duodenum (p < 0,05). Terdapat perubahan bermakna tingkat visualisasi duktus bilier intrahepatikus (p < 0,05, diskordans >50%) dengan peningkatan tingkat visualisasi duktus intrahepatikus kanan segmen anterior pada 66% pengamatan, duktus intrahepatikus kanan segmen posterior pada 58% pengamatan, dan 70% pengamatan untuk duktus intrahepatikus kiri. Simpulan: Pemberian sari buah nanas dapat menurunkan sinyal gaster dan duodenum pada pemeriksaan MRCP dan mempengaruhi tingkat visualisasi cabang-cabang duktus bilier intrahepatikus.

Background: MRCP is a non-invasive imaging technique for evaluating anatomy and detecting abnormalities of the biliary system. Fluid in biliary tract will show high signal on MRCP. One of the limitations of MRCP is high signal in gastrointestinal fluid which can interfere biliary tract evaluation. Pineapple juice as negative oral contrast can reduce signal in gastrointestinal tract. There have been no studies on the use of pineapple juice for MRCP in Indonesia, and no studies assessed the visualization of intrahepatic ductal branches after administration of pineapple juice. Objective: Measuring difference in gastric and duodenal SNR and changes of visualization of intrahepatic biliary ductal branches after administration of pineapple juice on MRCP. Methods: MRCP before and after administration of pineapple juice were performed on subjects. Gastric and duodenal SNR mean difference were measured, and analysis were done with Wilcoxon test. Level of visualization of intrahepatic biliary ductal branches were also measured and analysed with McNemar test for discordances. Results: There were 25 subjects underwent MRCP. Gastric and duodenal SNR were statistically decreased after administration of pineapple juice, 127.1 (18.7-1194.6) vs 42.2 (4.2-377.1) and 64.1 (3.8-613.4) vs 44.6 (6.5-310.3) respectively (p <0.05). Statistically significant difference was observed in visualization of intrahepatic ductal branches (p<0,05), discordance >50%) with increase in visualization of right duct anterior segment in 66% observation, right duct posterior segment in 58% observation, and 70% observation in left intrahepatic bile duct. Conclusion: Use of pineapple juice as negative oral contrast significantly reduce gastric and duodenal signal in MRCP also affect visualization of the intrahepatic biliary duct branches."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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