"Pertumbuhan UMKM start-up di Indonesia makin meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Hal ini didukung oleh berbagai kompetisi ide bisnis yang memberikan pelatihan dan monitoring pada UMKM start-up pemenang kompetisi. Sayangnya kebanyakan UMKM start-up yang muncul merupakan UMKM instan yang tidak mampu bersaing di pasar. Hipotesa awal terkait fenomena ini adalah kurang diperhatikannya proses R&D dalam pengembangan produk pada UMKM start-up.
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat efisien kinerja R&D dari UMKM start-up pemenang kompetisi sebelum dan setelah mendapatkan pelatihan pasca kompetisi. Nilai efisiensi ini akan menjadi indikator, seberapa besar peran kompetisi ide bisnis dalam membantu UMKM start-up untuk meningkatkan kinerja R&D mereka. Pengukuran efisiensi dilakukan dengan mengintegrasikan model Balanced Scorecard (BSC) dengan Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA).
Berdasarkan intregasi model BSC-DEA, pengukuran efisiensi dilakukan dalam 5 perspektif berbeda yaitu uncertainty perspective, learning and growth perspective, internal business process perspective, customer perspective, dan fnancial perspective.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kinerja R&D UMKM start-up untuk masing-masing perspektif cenderung meningkat setelah memperoleh pembinaan, meski ternyata ada UMKM start-up yang efisiensinya justru menurun.
Growth of SME start-up in Indonesia is increasing from year to year. This is supported by wide range of business ideas competition that provide training and monitoring of SME start-up winners. Unfortunately most of the SME start-up that appers is instant SME that can not compete in market. Initial hypothesis related to this phenomenon is the lack of attention to the process of R&D in product development of SME start-up.This study was conducted to determine the level of R&D efficiency and product development performance of SME start-up winners of the competition before and after obtaining post-competition training. The efficiency value will be an indicator to determine how much the role of competition in helping SME start-up to improve their R&D performance. The measurement of efficiency achieved by integrating Balanced Scorecard (BSC) model with Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model.Based on BSC-DEA model integration, the efficiency measurement carried out into 5 perspective, uncertainty perspective, learning and growth perspective, internal business process perspective, customer perspective, and fnancial perspective.The result show that R&D performance for each perspective tends to increase after SME start-up obtaining post-competition training, although there was SME start-up that decrease their efficiency."