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Ivan Malik
Salah satu fungsi Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan LPS adalah menjamin dana masyarakat yang tersimpan di perbankan. Bank-bank peserta penjaminan harus membayar premi, yang selama ini besarnya sama flat untuk semua. Premi jenis ini memiliki beberapa kelemahan, seperti terjadinya pengalihan risiko risk shifting , subsidi silang cross subsidy , investasi berisiko tinggi excessive risk-taking , dan itikad bisnis yang buruk moral hazard . Berbagai model telah dikembangkan untuk mendukung penggunaan premi yang berbasiskan risiko risk based . Namun semua pendekatan tersebut menggunakan data informasi pasar, sehingga hanya efektif digunakan untuk bank-bank yang sahamnya diperdagangkan secara aktif di bursa efek.Penelitian ini mengusulkan metode perhitungan premi penjaminan simpanan berbasiskan risiko, yang dapat diterapkan untuk semua bank di Indonesia, baik yang sahamnya sudah terdaftar listed di bursa efek, maupun yang belum. Besarnya premi berbasiskan risiko yang seharusnya dibebankan kepada masing-masing bank dihitung dengan model discrete lower barrier option Wibowo, 2007 . Pada pendekatan ini evaluasi nilai aset -dan penutupan bank yang bermasalah- tidak perlu menunggu saat kewajiban liability jatuh tempo. Nilai pasar dari aset bank yang menjadi masukan utama dari model ini diestimasikan dengan menggunakan model arus kas Cooperstein, Pennacchi, dan Redburn 1995 , sementara volatilitasnya diestimasi dengan menggunakan prosedur iterasi Loeffler dan Posch 2007 . Perbedaan tarif premi antar bank kemudian diperiksa kesesuaiannya dengan perbedaan karakteristik serta rasio-rasio keuangan yang menjadi proxy dari risiko bank

One function of the Indonesian Deposit Insurance Corporation Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan ndash LPS is to provide insurance to public funds deposited in banks. Banks in Indonesia must participate in the insurance program, which premium has sofar been set equal for all flat rate . This type of premium is known to have several drawbacks, such as causing risk shifting and cross subsidy, as well as encourage bankers to involve in excessive risk taking and moral hazard. Various models have been developed to support use of risk based premiums, in which banks are charged based on their individual risks. Those approaches, however, are based primarily on stock market information. They are thus applicable only for the banks whose shares are actively traded in the stock exchange.This research proposes an alternative method to calculate risk based insurance premium which can be applied to all banks in Indonesia, including those whose shares have not been listed on the market. The varying premiums which should be charged to each bank are calculated with a discrete lower barrier option model Wibowo, 2007 . This model allows that evaluation of bank asset value ndash and decision to close a default bank may be effected at times not coincide with maturity of its liabilities. The model uses market value of bank assets as its primary input, which shall be estimated using a cash flow model set forth by Cooperstein, Pennacchi, and Redburn 1995 . Asset rsquo s volatility as secondary input is estimated using iterative procedure proposed by Loeffler and Posch 2007 . Variation in premium rates between banks have then been reviewed for their correlations with their different characteristics and financial ratios as proxy of the banks rsquo risk."
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nirmala Azizah
"Sebagai akibat terjadinya krisis moneter pada tahun 1997, pemerintah Indonesia membentuk jaring pengaman keuangan dalam bentuk blanket guarantee untuk mencegah terjadinya bank run dan mengembalikan kepercayaan masyarakat, terutama pada industri perbankan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penjaminan simpanan dalam sistem perbankan di Indonesia berdasarkan Undangundang Nomor 24 Tahun 2004 Tentang Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) dan menganalisis pengaturan premi berbasis risiko yang akan diterapkan dalam sistem perbankan di Indonesia, serta kendala-kendala yang mungkin dihadapi LPS nantinya ketika premi ini diterapkan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan yang bersifat yuridis normatif. Data dikumpulkan dengan studi kepustakaan dan melakukan wawancara dengan LPS. Hasil penelitian adalah dengan terbitnya UU LPS, penjaminan simpanan di Indonesia dilakukan oleh LPS sebagai bentuk sistem penjaminan simpanan eksplisit yang menggantikan kebijakan blanket guarantee sebelumnya. Dalam rangka melaksanakan tugasnya sebagai penjamin simpanan, LPS menetapkan dan mengenakan premi penjaminan kepada setiap bank peserta penjaminan, yang saat ini berdasarkan Pasal 13 UU LPS berlaku sistem flat rate premium dengan pengenaan premi yang sama untuk setiap bank. Berdasarkan Pasal 15 UU LPS, terbuka kemungkinan untuk mengubah sistem flat rate premium menjadi sistem premi berbasis risiko, yaitu tingkat premi yang berbeda antara satu bank dan bank yang lain berdasarkan skala risiko kegagalan bank dengan penilaian kriteria kuantitatif yang dinilai oleh LPS dan kriteria kualitatif yang dinilai oleh otoritas pengawas perbankan.

As a result of the monetary crisis in 1997, the Indonesian government established a financial safety net in the form of a blanket guarantee to prevent a bank run and restore public confidence, especially in the banking industry. This study aims to identify deposit insurance in the banking system in Indonesia based on Law Number 24 Year 2004 on the Indoensia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) and analyzed the regulation of risk-based premiums that will be applied in the banking system in Indonesia, as well as possible constraints faced by LPS later when the premium is applied. This research is a normative juridical literature. Data were collected by literature study and interviews with IDIC. The study is by the publication of the IDIC Act, the deposit guarantee in Indonesia conducted by LPS as a form of explicit deposit insurance system that replaces the previous policy of blanket guarantee. In order to carry out his duties as a guarantor of deposits, IDIC establish and impose insurance premium to each member bank guarantee, which is currently based on Article 13 of the Act applies IDIC flat rate premium system with the imposition of premiums the same for every bank. Under the IDIC Act Article 15, it is possible to change the flat rate premium system to become riskbased premium system, which is the premium rate is different between one bank and another bank based on the scale of the risk of bank failures with the assessment criteria are assessed by quantitative and qualitative criteria IDIC assessed by the banking supervisory authority."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hayu Anindyajati
"Penelitian ini membahas tentang penerapan audit internal berbasis risiko (Risk Based Internal Audit – RBIA), khususnya pada kondisi pandemi Virus Corona di Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS). Pemerintah bersama regulator telah mengeluarkan berbagai kebijakan sebagai upaya pemulihan ekonomi Indonesia. Penurunan kinerja Bank selama pandemi dan perluasan wewenang LPS menimbulkan peningkatan profil risiko LPS. Kondisi ini mendorong LPS untuk memperkuat pelaksanaan audit internal melalui pendekatan audit internal berbasis risiko (risk based internal audit – RBIA). Penerapan RBIA pada beberapa area yang berisiko akan memperkuat dan meningkatkan efektivitas pelaksanaan fungsi dan tugas lembaga. Pada masa pandemi, terdapat beberapa area yang menjadi prioritas, antara lain:
Penerapan RBIA pada proses pengelolaan likuiditas dana LPS, khususnya terkait pendanaan dalam rangka melaksanakan fungsi lembaga.
Penerapan RBIA pada proses penerimaan dan pengelolaan data dan informasi, khususnya terkait data dan informasi dalam rangka memutuskan penyelamatan Bank Selain Bank Sistemik (BSBS).

This research discusses about the implementation of risk-based internal audit (RBIA), especially during the Corona Virus pandemic study case at Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC). The government and regulators have issued various policies, regulations to restore the Indonesian economy. Declining in Bank performance and the expansion of IDIC powers led to an increase in the risk profile of IDIC. This condition encourages IDIC to strengthen internal audit through risk based internal audit (RBIA) approach. The application of RBIA in several areas at risk will strengthen and increase the effectiveness of the implementation of the functions and tasks of the institution. During a pandemic, there are several priority areas, among others:
Implementing RBIA in IDIC liquidity management process, particularly in relation to funding in order to carry out coorporate functions.
Implementing RBIA in the process of receiving and managing data and information, particularly in relation to data and information in order to decide to save banks other than systemic banks.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisinis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Salsabila Putri Paramadani

Perbankan merupakan sektor yang memiliki peran sangat vital, sebagai lembaga intermediasi industri perbankan mempunyai sifat khusus yang tidak dimiliki oleh sektor jasa keuangan lain. Industri perbankan sebagai penggerak dan jantung dalam suatu perekonomian negara. Saat ini, bank digital tengah berlomba-lomba menawarkan suku bunga simpanan tinggi hingga 10%, untuk menarik minat masyarakat. Hal tersebut berpotensi memiliki risiko yang merugikan bagi para nasabahnya. Dari hasil penelitian ini, perlu menjadi perhatian penting bagi para nasabah karena apabila suku bunga simpanan yang diperjanjikan antara bank dengan nasabah penyimpan melebihi tingkat bunga penjaminan simpanan, maka simpanan nasabah tersebut tidak akan dijamin. Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan pada dasarnya hanya akan menjamin pembayaran simpanan nasabah tersebut hingga Rp2.000.000.000,00 (dua miliar rupiah). Proses penyelesaian sengketa nasabah dalam mengajukan ganti rugi jika mengalami kerugian dapat ditempuh secara non-litigasi dan litigasi. Secara non-litigasi dengan mengajukan permohonan penyelesaian sengketa ke Lembaga Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa Sektor Jasa Keuangan (LAPS SJK), sedangkan dengan cara litigasi dengan mengajukan proses penyelesaian sengketa di pengadilan, dimana semua pihak yang bersengketa saling berhadapan satu sama lain untuk mempertahankan hak-haknya di muka pengadilan. Dalam menyelenggarakan dan menawarkan produk dan/layanan digital, Bank Digital wajib memperhatikan risiko-risiko yang ada dan keamanannya guna memenuhi ketentuan pelindungan hukum nasabah. Bank Digital harus dapat memenuhi dan mematuhi prosedur pelaksanaan, yaitu prinsip kepercayaan (fiduciary principle),prinsip kerahasiaan (confidential principle), dan prinsip kehati-hatian (prudential principle), dan prinsip mengenal nasabah. Keempat prinsip tersebut harus ditunjukkan dalam menjalankan kebijakan maupun teknis perbankan.

Banking is a sector that has a very vital role, as an intermediary institution the banking industry has special characteristics that are not shared by other financial services sectors. The banking industry is the driving force and heart of a country's economy. Currently, digital banks are competing to offer high deposit rates of up to 10%, to attract public interest. This has the potential to have detrimental risks for its customers. From the results of this study, it should be an important concern for customers because if the deposit interest rate agreed between the bank and the depositor exceeds the deposit guarantee interest rate, the customer's deposit will not be guaranteed. The Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation will basically only guarantee the payment of customer deposits up to Rp2,000,000,000.00 (two billion rupiah). The process of resolving customer disputes in applying for compensation if they experience losses can be pursued in non-litigation and litigation. Non-litigation by submitting a dispute resolution application to the Alternative Dispute Resolution Institution for Financial Services Sector (LAPS SJK), while by litigation by submitting a dispute resolution process in court, where all parties to the dispute face each other to defend their rights before the court. In organizing and offering digital products and services, Digital Banks must pay attention to the existing risks and security in order to fulfill the provisions of customer legal protection. The Digital Bank must be able to fulfill and comply with the implementation procedures, namely fiduciary principle, confidential principle, prudential principle, and know your customer principle. These four principles must be demonstrated in carrying out banking policies and techniques.

Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mutiara Aisyah
"Sebagai sebuah lembaga negara Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) memiliki kebutuhan akan data dan informasi dengan kualitas yang baik untuk dijadikan sebagai dasar pengambilan keputusan dan pembuatan kebijakan. Kualitas data yang baik dapat diperoleh apabila pengelolaan data dilakukan dengan baik, termasuk melalui pengukuran kualitas data dan perancangan manajemen kualitas data sebagai bagian dari upaya strategi peningkatannya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memberikan rekomendasi manajemen kualitas data untuk diterapkan di LPS sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas data yang dikelola oleh LPS dengan menggunakan Data Quality Framework dari David Loshin dan Data Management Body of Knowledge (DMBOK) dari DAMA Institute. Sebelum dilakukan penyusunan rekomendasi manajemen kualitas data, komponen-komponen manajemen kualitas data dari Data Quality Framework yang terdiri dari harapan pengguna, dimensi kualitas data, kebijakan, prosedur, tata kelola, standar, teknologi, dan pengukuran kinerja digunakan sebagai dasar pengukuran tingkat maturitas kualitas data di LPS. Berdasarkan hasil analisis kesenjangan antara tingkat maturitas manajemen kualitas data LPS saat ini dengan tingkat maturitas manajemen kualitas data LPS yang diharapkan di masa yang akan datang telah disusun rekomendasi aktivitas manajemen kualitas data LPS yang perlu dilakukan. Dari 12 aktivitas Manajemen Kualitas Data dalam DAMA-DMBOK, terdapat 10 aktivitas yang direkomendasikan dalam inisiatif manajemen kualitas data LPS.
As a government institution, the Indonesian Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) has the need for good quality data and information to be used as a basis for decision making and policy making. Good data quality can be obtained if the data management is done well, including through measurement of data quality and preparation of data quality management as part of efforts to improve strategy. This research is conducted to provide recommendations for data quality management to be applied at IDIC as an effort to improve the quality of data by using Data Quality Framework from David Loshin and Data Management Body of Knowledge (DMBOK) from DAMA Institute. Prior to the preparation of data quality management recommendations, data quality management components of the Data Quality Framework consisting of user expectations, dimensions of data quality, policies, procedures, governance, standards, technology, and performance measurements are used as a basis for measuring data quality maturity levels on IDIC. Based on the results of the gap analysis between the current maturity level of IDIC’s data quality management and the expected level IDIC’s data quality management, recommendations for IDIC’s data quality management activities have been made. Of the 12 Data Quality Management activities in DAMA-DMBOK, there are 10 recommended activities to be carried out in the data quality management initiatives in IDIC."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Letitiya Kusuma Aisyah
Sebagai salah satu unsur penting dalam jaring pengaman sistem keuangan khususnya dibidang perbankan, Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) memiliki peranan untuk menjaga stabilitas keuangan Indonesia. Krisis ekonomi global pada tahun 2008 mengharuskan LPS meningkatkan Nilai Penjamin Simpanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui alasan LPS meningkatkan Nilai Penjamin Simpanan berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 24 Tahun 2004 Tentang Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Undang-Undang No. 7 Tahun 2009 dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, menganalisis kemungkinan penurunan Nilai Penjamin Simpanan LPS serta hubungannya dengan penerapan risk-based premium di Indonesia untuk menjaga stabilitas sistem keuangan Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan yang bersifat yuridis-normatif. Data yang dikumpulkan dengan studi kepustakaan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah berdasarkan Pasal 11 UU LPS dimungkinkan terjadi penurunan terhadap Nilai Penjamin Simpanan LPS. Berdasarkan alasan peningkatan Nilai Penjamin Simpanan pada tahun 2008, yaitu adanya ancaman krisis ekonomi, UU LPS mengatur apabila alasan tersebut telah teratasi maka besaran Nilai Penjamin Simpanan dapat disesuaikan kembali. Maka berdasarkan hal ini, dimungkinkan untuk menurunkan Nilai Penjamin Simpanan LPS.
As one of the important elements in the financial safety net, especially in banking system, Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) has a big role to keep the stability of Indonesia?s financial system. The global economic crisis in 2008 requires IDIC increase the Deposit Insurance Coverage. This studies aims to determine the reaseon IDIC increase the coverage based on Law No. 24 of 2004 on the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) as amended by Act No. 7 of 2009, to analyze the possibility to decrease the deposit insurance coverage and its relation to the risk-based premium in Indonesia in order to maintan the stability of the financial system. This research is a normative juridical research. The data were collected by literature study. The results for this study are based Article 11 of IDIC Act, there is a posibility to adjust the Deposit Insurance Coverage. IDIC increased the coverage in 2008 because there is a threat of an economic crisis. So based on this Act, if the threat is no longer a problem for Indonesia, IDIC can adjust to decrease the Deposit Insurance Coverage.
As one of the important elements in the financial safety net, especially in banking system, Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) has a big role to keep the stability of Indonesia?s financial system. The global economic crisis in 2008 requires IDIC increase the Deposit Insurance Coverage. This studies aims to determine the reaseon IDIC increase the coverage based on Law No. 24 of 2004 on the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) as amended by Act No. 7 of 2009, to analyze the possibility to decrease the deposit insurance coverage and its relation to the risk-based premium in Indonesia in order to maintan the stability of the financial system. This research is a normative juridical research. The data were collected by literature study. The results for this study are based Article 11 of IDIC Act, there is a posibility to adjust the Deposit Insurance Coverage. IDIC increased the coverage in 2008 because there is a threat of an economic crisis. So based on this Act, if the threat is no longer a problem for Indonesia, IDIC can adjust to decrease the Deposit Insurance Coverage.
As one of the important elements in the financial safety net, especially in banking system, Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) has a big role to keep the stability of Indonesia?s financial system. The global economic crisis in 2008 requires IDIC increase the Deposit Insurance Coverage. This studies aims to determine the reaseon IDIC increase the coverage based on Law No. 24 of 2004 on the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) as amended by Act No. 7 of 2009, to analyze the possibility to decrease the deposit insurance coverage and its relation to the risk-based premium in Indonesia in order to maintan the stability of the financial system. This research is a normative juridical research. The data were collected by literature study. The results for this study are based Article 11 of IDIC Act, there is a posibility to adjust the Deposit Insurance Coverage. IDIC increased the coverage in 2008 because there is a threat of an economic crisis. So based on this Act, if the threat is no longer a problem for Indonesia, IDIC can adjust to decrease the Deposit Insurance Coverage.
As one of the important elements in the financial safety net, especially in banking system, Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) has a big role to keep the stability of Indonesia?s financial system. The global economic crisis in 2008 requires IDIC increase the Deposit Insurance Coverage. This studies aims to determine the reaseon IDIC increase the coverage based on Law No. 24 of 2004 on the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) as amended by Act No. 7 of 2009, to analyze the possibility to decrease the deposit insurance coverage and its relation to the risk-based premium in Indonesia in order to maintan the stability of the financial system. This research is a normative juridical research. The data were collected by literature study. The results for this study are based Article 11 of IDIC Act, there is a posibility to adjust the Deposit Insurance Coverage. IDIC increased the coverage in 2008 because there is a threat of an economic crisis. So based on this Act, if the threat is no longer a problem for Indonesia, IDIC can adjust to decrease the Deposit Insurance Coverage.
As one of the important elements in the financial safety net, especially in banking system, Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) has a big role to keep the stability of Indonesia?s financial system. The global economic crisis in 2008 requires IDIC increase the Deposit Insurance Coverage. This studies aims to determine the reaseon IDIC increase the coverage based on Law No. 24 of 2004 on the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) as amended by Act No. 7 of 2009, to analyze the possibility to decrease the deposit insurance coverage and its relation to the risk-based premium in Indonesia in order to maintan the stability of the financial system. This research is a normative juridical research. The data were collected by literature study. The results for this study are based Article 11 of IDIC Act, there is a posibility to adjust the Deposit Insurance Coverage. IDIC increased the coverage in 2008 because there is a threat of an economic crisis. So based on this Act, if the threat is no longer a problem for Indonesia, IDIC can adjust to decrease the Deposit Insurance Coverage.
As one of the important elements in the financial safety net, especially in banking system, Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) has a big role to keep the stability of Indonesia’s financial system. The global economic crisis in 2008 requires IDIC increase the Deposit Insurance Coverage. This studies aims to determine the reaseon IDIC increase the coverage based on Law No. 24 of 2004 on the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) as amended by Act No. 7 of 2009, to analyze the possibility to decrease the deposit insurance coverage and its relation to the risk-based premium in Indonesia in order to maintan the stability of the financial system. This research is a normative juridical research. The data were collected by literature study. The results for this study are based Article 11 of IDIC Act, there is a posibility to adjust the Deposit Insurance Coverage. IDIC increased the coverage in 2008 because there is a threat of an economic crisis. So based on this Act, if the threat is no longer a problem for Indonesia, IDIC can adjust to decrease the Deposit Insurance Coverage.
Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kresna Dhuta Wijaya
Tesis ini membahas tentang kemampuan Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan dalam
menghadapi potensi risiko moral hazard terutama yang berhubungan dengan
penyaluran kredit perbankan. Keberadaan suatu institusi penjaminan simpanan
dimanapun akan selalu diiringi oleh risiko moral hazard bank-bank anggota
penjaminan. Penelitian ini dibatasi hanya meneliti bank-bank perkreditan rakyat
karena menimbang selama berdiri hingga saat ini, (2005-2012) paparan terbesar LPS
adalah disaat melikuidasi BPR. Risiko moral hazard tidak akan dapat dihilangkan,
namun dapat ditekan. Salah satu parameter yang sangat berpengaruh dalam menjaga
tingkat risiko moral hazard agar tetap rendah dan berada pada batas toleransi yaitu
nilai maksimum simpanan yang dijamin (coverage limit). Tesis ini juga berusaha
meneliti parameter lain yang berpengaruh dengan memasukkan variabel-variabel
makroekonomi seperti pertumbuhan PDB, laju inflasi, suku bunga acuan Bank
Indonesia, suku bunga yang dijamin oleh LPS, dan perkembangan penyaluran dana
kredit pada BPR. Dalam perkembangan penyusunan tesis ini, dilakukan juga
pengujian dalam mengukur risiko moral hazard yang berhubungan dengan kredit
BPR secara kuantitatif dengan mengadopsi metode dalam pengukuran pencadangan
klaim LPS yaitu pendekatan perhitungan value at risk CreditRisk+ dengan input data
berasal dari data non performing loan (NPL) BPR selama tahun 2011 yang masih
berada dalam proses maupun yang telah selesai proses likuidasinya oleh LPS.

This research is to determine Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) ability
in order to encounter the impact of moral hazard risk in correlation with bank credit
disbursement. The existences of a deposit insurer institution everywhere will always
be followed by the moral hazard risk of bank members. This study limited to
scrutinize only rural banks because since the establishment (2005-2012) the IDIC
largest exposure was when it liquidated rural banks. The risk of moral hazard cannot
be eliminated, but it can be suppressed. One of the robust parameter that very
important in maintaining the level of moral hazard risk in order to remain low and on
the threshold of tolerance is the maximum deposit coverage limit. This research also
attempted to examine the other parameters that affect by asserted the macroeconomic
variables such as GDP growth, inflation rate, BI rate, deposit insurance rate, and the
development of rural banks credit disbursement. Furthermore, this study also try to
measured moral hazard risk in associated with rural banks credit failure quantitatively
by adopting the IDIC?s provision cover claim method using banking credit risk
measurement approach (internal rating based). After further consideration,
CreditRisk+ value at risk approach was chosen using input data from liquidated rural
banks non performing loan (NPL) during 2011"
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fuad Zaen
"Penelitian ini membahas mengenai pengaruh program penjaminan simpanan (deposit insurance) oleh LPS terhadap disiplin pasar dengan menggunakan data time series dari 120 bank umum selama kurun waktu Januari 2003 sampai dengan Desember 2013. Dengan menggunakan empat variasi yang menjadi variabel terikat berupa tingkat suku bunga deposito 1 bulan/TD, tingkat suku bunga deposito 3 bulan/TD3, tingkat suku bunga deposito rata-rata 1 dan 3 bulan/MRATE, dan Interbank Call Money, serta dengan variabel bebas berupa : (i) variabel risiko bank yang terdiri dari : NPL, LDR, BOPO, ROA, dan CAR; (ii) variabel kontrol yang terdiri dari Growth GDP dan Inflasi; dan (iii) variabel dummy, diperoleh hasil penelitian Kebijakan program penjaminan simpanan LPS yang di-proxy oleh dummy, efektif menekan tingkat bunga pada lag 4 periode. Dengan kata lain, kebijakan LPS pada saat ini membutuhkan masa tenggang waktu yang relatif lama yaitu 4 triwulan untuk dapat berpengaruh pada kedisplinan pasar.

This research explain about The Impact Analysis of Deposit Insurance Program by The Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation to Market Dicipline using the time series data from 120 banks from January 2003 to December 2013. I use Ordinary Least Squares/OLS method with four variations of dependent variables (time deposit rate 1 month, 3 months, average rate in 1 month and 3 months, and interbank call money), as well as the independent variable such as: (i) the bank's risk variables consisting of: NPL, LDR, ROA, ROA, and the CAR Ratios; (ii) the control variables consisting of GDP Growth and Inflation; and (iii) a dummy variable, the result of this research is deposit insurance program by IDIC with proxy by dummy, effectively reduces the interest rate on the lag 4 period. In other words, the policy of IDIC during the grace period requires a relatively long time, that is 4 quarters, to be able to influence the market discipline."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fuad Zaen
"Penelitian ini membahas mengenai pengaruh program penjaminan simpanan (deposit insurance) oleh LPS terhadap disiplin pasar dengan menggunakan data time series dari 120 bank umum selama kurun waktu Januari 2003 sampai dengan Desember 2013. Dengan menggunakan empat variasi yang menjadi variabel terikat berupa tingkat suku bunga deposito 1 bulan/TD, tingkat suku bunga deposito 3 bulan/TD3, tingkat suku bunga deposito rata-rata 1 dan 3 bulan/MRATE, dan Interbank Call Money, serta dengan variabel bebas berupa : (i) variabel risiko bank yang terdiri dari : NPL, LDR, BOPO, ROA, dan CAR; (ii) variabel kontrol yang terdiri dari Growth GDP dan Inflasi; dan (iii) variabel dummy, diperoleh hasil penelitian Kebijakan program penjaminan simpanan LPS yang di-proxy oleh dummy, efektif menekan tingkat bunga pada lag 4 periode. Dengan kata lain, kebijakan LPS pada saat ini membutuhkan masa tenggang waktu yang relatif lama yaitu 4 triwulan untuk dapat berpengaruh pada kedisplinan pasar.

This research explain about The Impact Analysis of Deposit Insurance Program by The Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation to Market Dicipline using the time series data from 120 banks from January 2003 to December 2013. I use Ordinary Least Squares/OLS method with four variations of dependent variables (time deposit rate 1 month, 3 months, average rate in 1 month and 3 months, and interbank call money), as well as the independent variable such as: (i) the bank's risk variables consisting of: NPL, LDR, ROA, ROA, and the CAR Ratios; (ii) the control variables consisting of GDP Growth and Inflation; and (iii) a dummy variable, the result of this research is deposit insurance program by IDIC with proxy by dummy, effectively reduces the interest rate on the lag 4 period. In other words, the policy of IDIC during the grace period requires a relatively long time, that is 4 quarters, to be able to influence the market discipline."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuli indrawati
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai penetapan risiko fiskal dalam pelaksanaan tugas dan wewenang Bank Indonesia (BI) dan Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS). Tujuan pengelolaan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) dibatasi oleh Undnag Undang Dasar 1945 yaitu untuk mewujudkan tujuan bernegara. Sejak APBN 2008, risiko fiskal mulai dicantumkan, diantaranya risiko fiskal sektor keuangan berupa risiko kekurangan modal BI-LPS. Risiko fiskal adalah segala sesuatu yang akan membebani APBN, yang dapat mempengaruhi ketahanan dan kesinambungan fiskal serta kemampuan APBN untuk melaksanakan fungsi penganggaran. Oleh karenanya, penetapan risiko fiskal harus dilakukan secara cermat. Adapun permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah mengenai peran dan kewajiban negara terhadap kekurangan modal BI-LPS; dan, bagaimana APBN sebagai wujud pengelolaan keuangan negara untuk mencapai tujuan bernegara dapat ditranformasikan untuk mendukung pendanaan risiko BI-LPS sebagai badan hukum. Untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut digunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan analitis (analytical approach) dan interdisiplin meliputi pendekatan hukum, ekonomi dan politik. Adapun analisa data dilakukan secara preskriptif. analisis didasarkan pada nilai kemanfaatan dari penggunaan APBN (dalam bentuk risiko fiskal) untuk mengejawantahkan peran dan kewajiban negara pada sektor keuangan disandingkan dengan fungsi konstitusional APBN untuk mencapai tujuan bernegara (kemkmuran rakyat yang berkeadilan sosial). Hasil analisa adalah bahwa penetapan risiko fiskal terhadap kecukupan modal BI-LPS dilakukan untuk melindungi rakyat terhadap ekses dari ketidakstabilan sektor keuangan, melalui penjagaan eksistensi bank sentral dan lembaga penjamin simpanan agar perekonomian nasional tetap stabil dan keberlanjutan fiskal tetap terjaga.ABSTRACT
This study discusses the determination of fiscal risk in implementation of the duties and authorities of Bank Indonesia (BI) and the deposit Insurance Institutions (LPS). The goal of managing the state budget (APBN) is limited by the Undang Undang Dasar 1945 namely to realize the goal of the state. Since APBN 2008, fiscal risks have begun to be concluded, including the financial sector risks in the form of a risk of lack of BI-LPS capital. Fiscal risks is anything that will burden the state budget, which can effect the resilience and fiscal sustainability as well as the ability of the state budget to carry out the budgeting function. Therefore, the determination of fiscal risk must be carried out carefully. The problems raised in this study are how the role and obligations of the state towards the lack of BI-LPS capital; and how the APBN as a formn of management of state finances to achieve the goals of the state can be transformed to support BI-LPS risks fundiing as a legal entity. To answer this problem, normative legal research methodes use analytical and interdisiplinarry approaches, including legal, economic and political approaches. The data analysis is done prescriptively. The analysis is based on the value of benefit from the use of the state budget (in the form of fiscal risk) to manifest the role and obligations of the state in financial sector juxstaposed with the constitutional function of the state budget to achieve the goal of the state (social prosperity and justice). The results of the analysis is that the determination of fiscal risk to the capital adequacy of BI-LPS is done to protect the people agains the excesses of financial sector instability through maintaining the existence of central bank and deposit insurance institutions so that the national economy remains stable and fiscal sustainability is maintained.

Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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