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Anggia Ratri Renjana
Latar Belakang: Promotor kesehatan berperan mengedukasi masyarakat dalam
menjaga kesehatan, termasuk kesehatan gigi. Mahasiswa Promosi Kesehatan
sebagai calon promotor kesehatan yang baik harus memiliki perilaku dan status
kesehatan gigi yang baik untuk menjadi role model bagi masyarakat.
Tujuan: Mengetahui status kesehatan gigi mahasiswa Promkes FKM UI sebagai calon
promotor kesehatan dan faktor yang paling dominan berhubungan dengan status
kesehatan giginya.
Metode: Desain cross sectional pada total populasi 67
mahasiswa Promkes FKM UI 2017. Menggunakan kuesioner dan pemeriksaan status karies gigi.
Hasil: indeks DMF-T yaitu kerusakan gigi mahasiswa 4,7, lebih besar dari DMF-T nasional berdasarkan Riskesdas 2013. 72% mahasiswa memiliki karies aktif, 50,7% mahasiswa dengan status karies tinggi, 86,6% tingkat pengetahuan kurang baik, 52,2% memiliki sikap negatif, 71,6% memiliki tindakan kurang baik. 71,6% mahasiswa mengetahui fasilitas gratis poli gigi UI, hanya 12,5% memanfaatkannya, 41,8% mahasiswa dengan lingkungan sosial penghambat, 23,9% mahasiswa dengan lingkungan sosial pendukung. Hubungan signifikan hanya dimiliki antara lingkungan sosial penghambat dengan status kesehatan gigi (P =0,036; OR=0,347; 95% CI=0,1-0,9). Uji multivariat menunjukan lingkungan sosial pendukung memiliki OR=2,949, artinya
mahasiswa tanpa lingkungan sosial pendukung berpeluang memiliki status karies tinggi sebesar 2,95 kali lebih besar. Kesimpulan: Dibutuhkan sisipan ilmu kesehatan gigi pada mata kuliah yang ada dan kebijakan pemeriksaan gigi mahasiswa minimal setahun sekali.

Background : Health promoter had to educate the community in maintaining the
health, including dental health. Health promoter students as a future health
promoter should have good behavior and dental health to be a role model.
Aim: Find out health promoter students dental health status and most dominant factors related to their dental health.
Method: Cross sectional study with total population
in University of Indonesia's 67 health promoter students using questionare and dental caries examination.
Result: Students DMF-T index is 4.7, higher than
national DMF-T index (based on Riskesdas 2013). 72% students have decay, 50,7% student have high caries status. 86,6% have low level of knowledge, 52.2%
have negatif attitude, 71,6% have less behaviour, 71.6% knowing about the dental clinic UI free facility, only 12.5% use it. 41.8% with inhibiting social environment, and only 23.9% with supportive social environtment. Significant correlation only show in inhibiting social environtment with dental health status (P=0.036; OR=0.347; 95% CI=0.1-0.9). Multivariate test show supportive social
environtment have OR=2,949, meaning that student without supportive social environtment will have high caries status 2,95 times higher.
Conclusion: Student should be equipped with dental health knowledge that included in one of the
subject, and dental check up once a year policy for students is needed."
Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Devi Partina Wardani
"Obesitas, hiperlipidemia, dan hipertensi merupakan faktor risiko penyakit jantung dan pembuluh darah. Berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan kesehatan pegawai Pusat Administrasi Universitas Indonesia diketahui pegawai memiliki faktor risiko mengalami penyakit jantung dan pembuluh darah. Upaya pencegahan perlu dilakukan agar faktor-faktor risiko yang telah ada tidak timbul menjadi penyakit. Penelitian ini melakukan upaya intervensi berupa promosi kesehatan dengan strategi promosi kesehatan dari Piagam Ottawa dan melihat pengaruh promosi kesehatan terhadap pengetahuan, sikap, dan status kesehatan dengan indikator indeks masa tubuh, tekanan darah, gula darah dan kolesterol pada pegawai. Intervensi dilakukan selama 3 bulan berupa pemberian seminar kesehatan, pemasangan media promosi kesehatan, dan membuat duta kesehatan di setiap unit kerja. Hasil penelitian di dapatkan terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan dan sikap sebelum dan sesudah intervensi serta terdapat penurunan nilai rata-rata pada indikator indikator indeks masa tubuh, tekanan darah, gula darah dan kolesterol.

Obesity, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension are risk factors for coronary heart disease. Based on the results of medical check up in Universitas Indonesia employees in 2016 known employees have risk factors for coronary heart disease. Preventive action need to be done so that existing risk factors do not arise into illness. This research undertakes an intervention effort in the form of health promotion with health promotion strategies from the Ottawa Charter and examines the effect of health promotion on knowledge, attitudes, and health status with indicators of body mass index, blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol in employees. Intervention conducted for 3 months in the form of health seminars, installation of health promotion media, and create health ambassadors in each work unit. The results of the study found that there was an increase in knowledge and attitude before and after the intervention and there was a decrease in the mean values in indicators of body mass index, blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Hanan
"Perilaku kesehatan merupakan aktivitas yang dilakukan untuk mempertahankan atau meningkatkan kesehatan, Munculnya infeksi COVID-19 yang meningkat memerlukan adanya tindakan pencegahan sehingga penting untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi COVID-19. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku pencegahan COVID-19 pada mahasiswa tingkat akhir S1 Reguler Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia (FKM UI) tahun 2022. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan mixed methods. Disain cross sectional pada studi kuantitatif dilakukan pada 98 responden yang diambil dengan quota sampling serta dianalisis menggunakan uji Chi-Square. Untuk memperkuat hasil penelitian dilakukan studi kualitatif dengan disain studi kasus pada 6 orang informan yang meliputi: mahasiswa, orang tua mahasiswa dan petugas K3L FKMUI. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 51,2% responden berperilaku kurang baik dalam pencegahan COVID-19. COVID-19 dengan menyediakan sarana yang dibutuhkan, namun tidak menghimbau anaknya untuk berperilaku. K3L juga sudah membuat aturan dan himabaun bagi warga FKM UI tetapi sarana cuci tangan ada yang rusak dan tidak menyediakan masker bagi mahasiswa. Untuk itu, perlu adanya peningkatan fasilitas dan jadwal monitoring sarana prasarana pencegahan COVID-19 secara rutin oleh K3L FKM UI agar perilaku pencegahan COVID-19 Mahasiswa dapat meningkat.

Health behavior is an activity carried out to maintain or improve health. The emergence of an increased COVID-19 infection requires preventive measures so it is important to know the factors that influence COVID-19. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with the behavior of preventing COVID-19 in final year Regular Undergraduate students at the Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia (FKM UI) in 2022. This study used a mixed methods approach. The cross-sectional design of the quantitative study was conducted on 98 respondents who were taken by quota sampling and analyzed using the Chi-Square test. To strengthen the research results, a qualitative study was carried out with a case study design on 6 informants which included: students, parents of students and K3L FKMUI officers. The results showed that 51.2% of respondents behaved badly in preventing COVID-19. COVID-19 by providing the necessary facilities, but not urging their children to behave. K3L has also made rules and appeals for FKM UI residents but there are hand washing facilities that are damaged and do not provide masks for students. For this reason, it is necessary to improve facilities and schedule regular monitoring of COVID-19 prevention infrastructure by K3L FKM UI so that students' COVID-19 prevention behavior can increase.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vania Tri Anggraeni
"Pendahuluan: Stigmatisasi terhadap orang dengan gangguan jiwa cukup tinggi di kalangan penyedia layanan kesehatan, termasuk mahasiswa kedokteran. Penelitian ini menganalisis dampak promosi kesehatan jiwa terhadap stigma kesehatan jiwa pada mahasiswa kedokteran tahun ketiga Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental kuasi dengan menggunakan data dari mahasiswa kedokteran tahun ketiga (N=132), dibagi menjadi kelompok intervensi (n=66) dan kontrol (n=66). Kelompok intervensi menerima satu kali webinar tentang kesehatan mental. Tingkat stigma dinilai menggunakan kuesioner MICA-4.
Hasil: Prevalensi stigma kesehatan jiwa dari kuesioner pre-test sebesar 18,94%, dengan cutoff-point 48. Tingkat stigma tertinggi pada post-test terdapat pada pertanyaan 6, faktor 2, dan faktor 3. Pada kelompok intervensi, skor MICA menurun dari median 42 menjadi 39 dengan perbedaan yang signifikan secara statistik (p=0,001), sedangkan tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan (p=0,951) pada kelompok kontrol.
Kesimpulan: Stigma yang paling banyak ditemukan dalam penelitian ini adalah terkait pengetahuan tentang penyakit jiwa, kesediaan untuk mengungkapkan penyakit jiwa sendiri, dan stigma terhadap anggota keluarga atau teman pasien psikiatri. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa promosi kesehatan mental melalui webinar menunjukkan penurunan yang signifikan dalam stigma kesehatan mental di kalangan mahasiswa kedokteran tahun ketiga.

Introduction: Stigmatization of people with mental illnesses is high among health care providers, including medical students. This study analyzes the impact of mental health promotion on mental health stigma in third-year medical students of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia.
Methods: The research is a quasi-experimental study using data from third-year medical students (N=132), divided into intervention (n=66) and control (n=66) groups. The intervention group received a one-time webinar about mental health. The stigma level was assessed using the MICA-4 questionnaire.
Results: The prevalence of mental health stigma from the pre-test questionnaire is 18.94%, with a cutoff point of 48. The highest stigma level on post-test was found on question 6, factor 2, and factor 3. In the intervention group, the MICA score decreased from median 42 to 39 with a statistically significant difference (p=0.001), while there was no significant difference (p=0.951) in the control group.
Conclusion: The most common stigma found in this study is related to knowledge of mental illness, willingness to disclose their own mental illness, and stigma towards family members or friends of psychiatric patients. This study demonstrates that mental health promotion using webinar shows a significant reduction in mental health stigma among third-year medical students.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Kualitas hidup merupakan persepsi individu terhadap hidupnya. Kualitas hidup merupakan bagian dari kesejahteraan, yang merupakan komponen kesehatan yang positif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kualitas hidup terkait kesehatan dengan menggunakan desain penelitian cross-sectional. Responden penelitian adalah  105 orang tenaga kependidikan Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia (FKM UI) pada tahun 2018. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji korelasi dan uji t independen. Hasil analisis menunjukkan sebagian besar (88,6%) tenaga kependidikan FKM UI memiliki kualitas hidup terkait kesehatan yang baik, dengan skor rata-rata 77,49±11,88. Responden terdiri dari 41 perempuan dan 64 laki-laki berumur 40,65±9,69 tahun. Status gizi (p=0,879); kualitas diet komponen variasi (p=0,157) dan adekuasi (p=0,561); sarapan (p=0,780); merokok (p=0,080); jenis kelamin (p=0,449); kebugaran (p=0,520), dan umur (p=0,869) tidak berhubungan dengan kualitas hidup terkait kesehatan. Aktivitas fisik (p=0,017); durasi tidur (p=0,044); dan penyakit kronis (p=0,010) berhubungan dengan kualitas hidup terkait kesehatan.

Quality of life is an individual perception of his/her life. Quality of life is part of wellness, that is the positive component of health. Health  is “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. The purpose of this research is to find factors related to health-related quality of life by cross-sectional research design. This research is done with administration staffs of Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia as respondents on 2018. Data collected was analyzed with correlation test and independent-t test. Analysis result shows most of the respondents (88,6%) are categorized in good health-related quality of life, with mean score 77,49±11,88. Respondents are 41 women and 64 men, aged 40,65±9,69 years old. Nutritional status (p=0,879); variety component (p=0,157) and adequacy component (p=0,561) of diet quality; eating breakfast (p=0,780); smoking (p=0,080); gender (p=0,449); fitness (p=0,520); and age (p=0,869) are not associated to health-related quality of life. Physical activity (p=0,017); sleep duration (p=0,044); and chronic diseases (p=0,010) are associated to health-related quality of life."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ubaida Ahmad Alhety
"Latar belakang: Pengetahuan mengenai kesehatan periodontal merupakan salah satu cara untuk mencegah dan menanggulangi masalah kesehatan gigi dan mulut.
Tingkat pengetahuan yang tinggi terhadap kesehatan periodontal bisa menjadi penghalang potensial untuk upaya pencegahan kesehatan periodontal dan mulut
yang efektif. Tujuan: Mengevaluasi gambaran tingkat pengetahuan mengenai kesehatan jaringan periodontal pada mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia angkatan
2017. Metode: Penelitian menggunakan desain observasional analitik dengan pendekatan potong lintang menggunakan kuesioner melalui Google Form. Subjek penelitian sebanyak 234 orang yang terdiri atas 100 laki-laki dan 134 perempuan. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji komparatif. Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan tingkat pengetahuan mengenai kesehatan jaringan periodontal pada mahasiswa UI 2017 berdasarkan jenis kelamin dan terdapat perbedaan tingkat pengetahuan mengenai kesehatan jaringan periodontal berdasarkan rumpun ilmu. Kesimpulan:
Pengetahuan mengenai kesehatan jaringan periodontal pada mahasiswa perempuan lebih tinggi dari laki-laki, dan mahasiswa Rumpun Ilmu Kesehatan (RIK) mempunyai tingkat pengetahuan mengenai kesehatan jaringan periodontal yang lebih tinggi dari mahasiswa rumpun ilmu yang lain.

Background: The knowledge about periodontal health is one way to prevent and
overcome dental and oral health problems. A high level of knowledge about periodontal health can be a potential barrier that can affect oral and periodontal health prevention efforts. Objective: To evaluate the level of knowledge regarding periodontal health among students of Universitas Indonesia class 2017. Methods: This study used an analytic observational design with a cross-sectional approach,
using questionnaire via Google Form. The research subjects were 234 students consisting of 100 male and 134 female. Data were analyzed using a comparative
test. Results: There is a difference in the level of knowledge regarding the health of periodontal tissue among Universitas Indonesia students class 2017 based on gender, and there is a difference in the level of knowledge about periodontal tissue health among Universitas Indonesia students class 2017 based on faculties clusters. Conclusions: The level of knowledge regarding periodontal tissue health in female students was higher than that of male students, and students of the health science faculties (RIK) had a higher level of knowledge about periodontal tissue health than students of other disciplines.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hafshah Samrotul Mahabbah
Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan antara status kesehatan gigi terhadap kualitas hidup anak usia 5 tahun menggunakan Scale of Oral Health Outcomes for Five Year-Old (SOHO-5c). Metode: studi analitik korelatif dan komparatif dengan desain cross sectional menggunakan kuisioner SOHO-5c dan pemeriksaan skor def-t pada 100 anak di TKIT As-Sa?adah dan TKIT Buah Hati, serta uji realiabilitas dan validitas kuisioner SOHO-5c. Hasil: Reliabilitas internal dan eksternal SOHO-5c (Cronbach?s alpha=0,713 dan ICC=0,995). Tingkat pendidikan ibu memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan status kesehatan gigi (p=0,02), status kesehatan gigi memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan kualitas hidup anak (p=0,01). Korelasi positif bermakna antara SOHO-5c dengan precieved oral health dan SOHO-5c dengan skor total def-t (r=0,48; r=0,47). Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara tingkat pendidikan ibu dengan status kesehatan gigi anak dan kualitas hidup anak (SOHO-5c), serta status kesehatan gigi anak dengan kualitas hidup anak (SOHO-5c).
Objective: To determine the relationship between dental health status and quality of life of 5 years old children using Scale of Oral Health Outcomes for Five Year-Old (SOHO-5c). Methods: correlative and comparative analytic study with cross sectional study design using SOHO-5c questionnaires and oral examination with def-t scores on 100 children in TKIT As-Sa'adah and TKIT Buah Hati, reliability and validity test of SOHO-5c questionnaire. Results: Internal and external reliability of SOHO-5c (Cronbach's alpha=0,713 dan ICC=0,995). Mother's education level has a significant relationship with dental health status (p=0,02), dental health status has a significant relationship with child's quality of life (p=0,01). A significant positive correlation between the SOHO-5c with precieved oral health and SOHO-5c with total score def-t (r=0,48; r=0,47). Conclusion: there is a significant correlation between mother?s education level with child dental health status and child?s quality of life (SOHO-5c), as well as dental health status of children with the child?s quality of life (SOHO-5c).;Objective: To determine the relationship between dental health status and quality of life of 5 years old children using Scale of Oral Health Outcomes for Five Year-Old (SOHO-5c). Methods: correlative and comparative analytic study with cross sectional study design using SOHO-5c questionnaires and oral examination with def-t scores on 100 children in TKIT As-Sa'adah and TKIT Buah Hati, reliability and validity test of SOHO-5c questionnaire. Results: Internal and external reliability of SOHO-5c (Cronbach's alpha=0,713 dan ICC=0,995). Mother's education level has a significant relationship with dental health status (p=0,02), dental health status has a significant relationship with child's quality of life (p=0,01). A significant positive correlation between the SOHO-5c with precieved oral health and SOHO-5c with total score def-t (r=0,48; r=0,47). Conclusion: there is a significant correlation between mother?s education level with child dental health status and child?s quality of life (SOHO-5c), as well as dental health status of children with the child?s quality of life (SOHO-5c).;Objective: To determine the relationship between dental health status and quality of life of 5 years old children using Scale of Oral Health Outcomes for Five Year-Old (SOHO-5c). Methods: correlative and comparative analytic study with cross sectional study design using SOHO-5c questionnaires and oral examination with def-t scores on 100 children in TKIT As-Sa'adah and TKIT Buah Hati, reliability and validity test of SOHO-5c questionnaire. Results: Internal and external reliability of SOHO-5c (Cronbach's alpha=0,713 dan ICC=0,995). Mother's education level has a significant relationship with dental health status (p=0,02), dental health status has a significant relationship with child's quality of life (p=0,01). A significant positive correlation between the SOHO-5c with precieved oral health and SOHO-5c with total score def-t (r=0,48; r=0,47). Conclusion: there is a significant correlation between mother?s education level with child dental health status and child?s quality of life (SOHO-5c), as well as dental health status of children with the child?s quality of life (SOHO-5c).;Objective: To determine the relationship between dental health status and quality of life of 5 years old children using Scale of Oral Health Outcomes for Five Year-Old (SOHO-5c). Methods: correlative and comparative analytic study with cross sectional study design using SOHO-5c questionnaires and oral examination with def-t scores on 100 children in TKIT As-Sa'adah and TKIT Buah Hati, reliability and validity test of SOHO-5c questionnaire. Results: Internal and external reliability of SOHO-5c (Cronbach's alpha=0,713 dan ICC=0,995). Mother's education level has a significant relationship with dental health status (p=0,02), dental health status has a significant relationship with child's quality of life (p=0,01). A significant positive correlation between the SOHO-5c with precieved oral health and SOHO-5c with total score def-t (r=0,48; r=0,47). Conclusion: there is a significant correlation between mother?s education level with child dental health status and child?s quality of life (SOHO-5c), as well as dental health status of children with the child?s quality of life (SOHO-5c).;Objective: To determine the relationship between dental health status and quality of life of 5 years old children using Scale of Oral Health Outcomes for Five Year-Old (SOHO-5c). Methods: correlative and comparative analytic study with cross sectional study design using SOHO-5c questionnaires and oral examination with def-t scores on 100 children in TKIT As-Sa'adah and TKIT Buah Hati, reliability and validity test of SOHO-5c questionnaire. Results: Internal and external reliability of SOHO-5c (Cronbach's alpha=0,713 dan ICC=0,995). Mother's education level has a significant relationship with dental health status (p=0,02), dental health status has a significant relationship with child's quality of life (p=0,01). A significant positive correlation between the SOHO-5c with precieved oral health and SOHO-5c with total score def-t (r=0,48; r=0,47). Conclusion: there is a significant correlation between mother?s education level with child dental health status and child?s quality of life (SOHO-5c), as well as dental health status of children with the child?s quality of life (SOHO-5c)., Objective: To determine the relationship between dental health status and quality of life of 5 years old children using Scale of Oral Health Outcomes for Five Year-Old (SOHO-5c). Methods: correlative and comparative analytic study with cross sectional study design using SOHO-5c questionnaires and oral examination with def-t scores on 100 children in TKIT As-Sa'adah and TKIT Buah Hati, reliability and validity test of SOHO-5c questionnaire. Results: Internal and external reliability of SOHO-5c (Cronbach's alpha=0,713 dan ICC=0,995). Mother's education level has a significant relationship with dental health status (p=0,02), dental health status has a significant relationship with child's quality of life (p=0,01). A significant positive correlation between the SOHO-5c with precieved oral health and SOHO-5c with total score def-t (r=0,48; r=0,47). Conclusion: there is a significant correlation between mother’s education level with child dental health status and child’s quality of life (SOHO-5c), as well as dental health status of children with the child’s quality of life (SOHO-5c).]"
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yolanda Claudia Zipora
"Rendahnya literasi kesehatan reproduksi di kalangan remaja Indonesia menyebabkan berbagai masalah kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menggambarkan literasi kesehatan reproduksi mahasiswa dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Desainnya potong lintang dengan sampel 482 mahasiswa sarjana Universitas Indonesia berusia <20 tahun. Pengukuran literasi menggunakan kuesioner yang diadaptasi dan uji bivariabel untuk analisis. Hasilnya menunjukkan mayoritas mahasiswa memiliki literasi kesehatan reproduksi sedang menuju kurang, dengan skor terbaik pada pencegahan penyakit dan terendah pada pelayanan kesehatan. Mahasiswa perempuan dan rumpun kesehatan memiliki literasi kesehatan reproduksi lebih baik. Penelitian ini menyarankan peningkatan edukasi dan layanan kesehatan reproduksi serta penelitian lanjutan.

Low reproductive health literacy among Indonesian teenagers causes various health problems. This research aims to describe students' reproductive health literacy and the factors that influence it. The design was cross-sectional with a sample of 482 University of Indonesia undergraduate students aged <20 years. Literacy measurement uses an adapted questionnaire and bivariable tests for analysis. The results show that the majority of students have moderate to poor reproductive health literacy, with the best scores on disease prevention and the lowest on health services. Female and health students have better reproductive health literacy. This research suggests improving reproductive health education and services as well as further research."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizqa Agustin Ananda Putri
"Introduction: Anxiety disorders are identified in 41.6% of students globally, with medical students being more susceptible than non-medical students (33.8%). In Indonesia, clinical students or referred as co-assistant, had higher anxiety levels than preclinical students. Therefore, right intervention is needed to reduce anxiety symptoms in third-year medical students before clinical rotations. This study is performed to identify the impact of conducting a web-based mental health promotion seminar to reduce anxiety symptoms among third-year FMUI students. Methods: This is a Quasiexperimental study with secondary data from a total of 132 third-year FMUI students, 66 students split evenly between the intervention and control groups. They must complete the GAD-7 pre- and post- test questionnaires on Day 1 and 14 to determine their coping mechanism style. The intervention group will get a one-time web-based seminar from Psychiatry Department FMUI-RSCM experts, whereas the control group will not. Results: The prevalence of anxiety in third-year FMUI students is 46.9%, mostly categorized as mild (28.7%). The intervention group’s GAD-7 mean score improved (p=0.033), while the control group’s deteriorated (p=0.288). Conclusion: High prevalence of anxiety is found in third-year FMUI students and web-based mental health promotion seminar can reduce anxiety symptoms in intervention group.

Latar Belakang: Gangguan kecemasan diidentifikasi pada 41.6% mahasiswa secara global, dengan mahasiswa kedokteran lebih rentan dibandingkan mahasiswa nonkedokteran (33.8%). Di Indonesia, mahasiswa klinik atau disebut ko-asisten memiliki tingkat kecemasan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan mahasiswa preklinik. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan intervensi yang tepat untuk mengurangi gejala kecemasan pada mahasiswa kedokteran tahun ketiga sebelum melakukan rotasi klinik. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menidentifikasi dampak penyelenggaraan seminar promosi kesehatan jiwa berbasis terhadap penurunan gejala kecemasan pada mahasiswa tahun ketiga FKUI. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental kuasi dengan data sekunder dari total 132 mahasiswa tahun ketiga FKUI, 66 mahasiswa terbagi rata antara kelompok intervensi dan kontrol. Mereka harus mengisi kuesioner pra dan pasca test GAD-7 pada hari ke-1 dan ke-14 untuk menentukan gaya mekanisme koping. Kelompok intervensi akan mendapatkan satu kali seminar berbasis web dari ahli Psikiatri FKUI-RSCM, sedangkan kelompok kontrol tidak. Hasil: Prevalensi kecemasan pada mahasiswa tahun ketiga FKUI adalah 46.9%, sebagian besar dikategorikan ringan (28.7%). Terdapat perbaikan rerata skor GAD-7 secara keseluruhan pada kelompok intervensi (p=0.033), sedangkan kelompok kontrol menunjukkan perburukan (p=0.288). Kesimpulan: Studi ini menunjukkan prevalensi gangguan kecemasan yang relatif tinggi pada mahasiswa tingkat tiga FKUI dengan kelompok intervensi menunjukkan perbaikan skor GAD-7 setelah seminar promosi kesehatan mental berbasis web."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Khairullah
"Guna mewujudkan Indonesia Sehat 2010 sebagai salah satu unsur kesejahteraan umum dari tujuan Nasional, maka salah satu usahanya adalah dengan meningkatkan status kesehatan gigi. Status Kesehatan Gigi anak usia I2 th sebagai usia indikator yang dianiurkan WHO tergolong masih rendah. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari angka DMF-T rata-rata 2,2l dan Prevalensi Karies Gigi 76,9% dan Nilai Performent Treatment Index (PTI) baru mencapai 4,52 % (SKRT, 1995). Sedangkan di Kota Jambi pada tahun 1999 hasil penelitiaan Irma, dkk rnenginformasikan bahwa pada anak usia I2 th DMF-T rata-rata 2,44 dan Prevalensi karies. 83,9 % serta Nilai PTI I,84%. Sementara target Nasional untuk usia I2 tahun pada tahun 2010 rtanti adaiah DMF-T rata-rata 1,0 dan Prevalensi karies gigi 50% serta Nilai PTI 50%. Program UKGS Paripurna sebagai salah satu program yang ada di Puskesmas merupakan program yang Iangsung mcnyentuh kepada kebutuhan pelayanan kesehatan gigi khususnya anak usia 12 tahun yang pada umumnya duduk di kelas V1 SD. Untuk mengetahui gambaran status kesebatan gigi dau gambaran program UKGS Paripurna di Kota Jambi merupakan tujuan dari penelitian ini. Penilaian kualitas program UKGS Paripuma dengan menggunakan ?pendekatan system? memandang bahwa program UKGS Paripurna merupakan suatu organisasi dengan variabel-variabeinya input, pross dan output serta status kesehatan gigi sebagai outcome. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan rancangan cross sectional, dengan pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner wawancara untuk variabel independen dan menggunakan formulir pemeriksaan kesehatan gli untuk variabel dependen. Responden adalah penanggung jawab program UKGS Paripuma di seluruh Puskesmas di Kota Jambi sebanyak 20 Puskesrnas, sedangkan sampel murid kelas VI SD binaau UKGS Paripurna sebarnyak 708 orang untuk wilayah Puskesmas deugan kuaiitas Program UKGS Paripuma baik clan 708 oraug untuk wilayah PLISICCSIIIHS dengan kualitas Program UKGS Paripuma kurang baik. Selanjutnya data diolah menggunakan analisis Uji Kai Kuadrat (Chi Square). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan status kesehatan gigi sebagai berikut; DMF-T rata-rata 2,14 Prevalensi Karies Gigi 79,S4% dan Nilai PTI 5,78%- Kualitas Program UKGS Paripurna dinilai dengan menggunakan ?pendekatan system? didapatkan hasil sebagai berikut: II (55%) Puskesmas dengau kualitasjprogram UKGS Paripurna baik dan 9 (45%) Puskesmas kurang baik, 10 (50%) Puskesmas dengan input baik dan 10 (50%) Puskesmas kurang baik, II (60%) Puskesmas dengan proses baik dan 8 (40%) Puskesmas kurang baik, ll (55%) Puskesmas dengan output baik dan 9 (45%) Puskesmas kurang baik. Begitupula dengan status kesehatan gigi setelah dikategorikan didapat hasil 12 (60%) Puskesmas dengan status kesehatan gigi baik dau 8 (40%) Puskesmas dengan status kesehatan gigi kurang baik. Dari analisis terrnyata anftara seluruh variabel independen mempunyai hubungan yang berrnakna dengau variabel dependen (Status kesehatan gigi). Guna Iebih meningkatkan kualitas dan cakupan SD UKGS Paripuma disarankan Dinas Kesehatan Kota Jambi meningkatkan variabel input berupa penambahau sarana pelayauan kesehatan gigi, peralatan dan obat-obatan terutama untuk tumpata ART, mengadakan dana operasional dan memberikan pelatihan kepada penauggtmg jawab program UKGS Serta memberikan kebijakan dan pedoman pelaksanaan program UKGS yang lebih jelas.
In order to establish Healthy Indonesian in 2010, as one of the elements of National olqiective on general welfare, it is improving the dental health status. The dental health status of children age I2 years as indicator age that suggested by the W.H.O- is still low. lt can be seen from the average rate of DMF-T was 2,2l, prevalence of caries dental was 76,9%, and value of Perfomance Treatment Index only reach 4,52% (House Hold Survey, 1995). While in Ja1'nbi City in l999 the result of survey conducted by lmta et al informed that on children age I2 years the average DMF-T was 2,44 and caries prevalence was 83,9%, the value of PTI was l,84%. Whereas the National target for the children age I2 years in 2010, the average DMF-T is 1,0, caries dental prevalence is 50%, and value of PTI is 50%. Post School Dental Health Program as one of the programs that available at the Health Center is direct program who touches to the need of dental heath service, especially for the children age 12 years, whose at VI graders of Primary School. The objective of this may is to determine me description of aemai health status and the description on post School Dental Health Program in Jambi City. The assessment to the quality of post School Dental Health Program is using "system approach", considering that post School Dental Health Program is an organization with its variables i.e. input, process, output, and dental health status as outcome. The design of this study was cross-sectional; the data collected by interview using questionnaire for independent variable, and using dental health examining form for dependent variable. Respondent is the undertalcer of post School Dental Health Program at entire of Health Centers in Jambi City with the number was 20 Health Centers. The sample were the schoolchildren at Vl graders of Primary School who as the model on post School Dental Health Program with the number 708 subjects, where at the area of post School Dental Health Program both good and was not good. The data was analyzing by chi-square Test. The result of this study shows that the dental health status in Jambi City was still low, especially to schoolchildren at the Vl graders of Primary School, with the detail as the followings: thc average of DMF-T was 2,l4, dental caries prevalence was 79,84, and value of PTI was 5,78%. Ten (50%) of Health Centers with sufficient input variable and 10 (50%) of Health Centers was insuflicient. Twelve (60%) of Health Centers with good process variable and Eight (40%) of Health Centers was not good. Eleven (55%) of Health Centers with good output variable and nine (45%) was not good. lt also with dental health status after grouped, it was obtained result twelve (60%) of Health Centers with dental health status good and eight (40%) of Health Centers was not good. Based on the analysis, the fact among entire of independent variables (input, process, and output) was having significant relationship with dependent variable (dental health status). In order to improve the quality and coverage of the Primary School on post School Dental Health Program, it is recommended to Local Health Ollice of Jambi City to increase the input variable by adding the facility of dental health service, equipment and medicine especially iilling of ART. Conduct operational iiind, giving training to the coordinator of School Dental Health Program And giving clear policy and manual of implementation on School Dental Health Program."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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