Ditemukan 185783 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"Protection issues of children's rights in Indonesia has not received sufficient attention. Law4 of 1979 concerning child welfare, and No. 23 of 2002 on the protection of children. Children'srights, such as the right to life, the right to protection from the threats to her own safety, the right to equality in education, employment, health, the right to employment, the right to meet the needs of food, clothing and shelter. Quantitatively, the number of street children in the city of Padang in the last ten years has increased. This research provides in-depth information about the various forms of violence experienced by street children in the city of Padang. This study was conducted in five point activity gathering place and street children in the city of Padang.The study found that violence to street children and some factors which it caused the violence.Demoralization among street children is a reaction to a situation that is very limited and therigors of life on the streets. It is difficult to make strict limits on the morality of the group of street children. All forms of violence experienced by children and street, is a phenomenological reality for street children and a variety of social interactions that occur among street children in it loaded with a cargo of reciprocity, and can be seen as a form of social safety networks."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Edi Indrizal
"The increasing of elderly proportion is now being a new challenge in Indonesian population. It needs further reinterpretation and comprehensive studies which uncover its interrelation with social organization system, tradition continuity and the dynamic of local community, so that the impact, of the growing number of the elderly can be explained. In this article the author explores the problems of elderly without children in Minangkabau society, well known as an ethnic matrilineal system and strong traditions of migration. The author identifies three categories of elderly without children in Minangkabau: childless elderly never got married, childless elderly due to reproductive failure, and the elderly not having children. The author also describes that elderly without children in Minangkabau face problems socially and psychologically, specifically relations between man and woman in matrilineal system, marriage relationship problems and migration."
[Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 2005
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"Advisory Board Disputes Divorce dan Marriage (BP4) established government as part of effortsto reduce the divorce rate. But divorce continues from time to time and quantitatively increasingevery year, with a variety of result / impact there of. Prevention and mitigation of the problem of divorce can not be left to government officials just because the problem is multidimensional; social, cultural and moral. To overcome this problem must involve all the elements and social institutions in the local community."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Tan, Mely G.
"This article examines the social and cultural roots of gender-based violence in Indonesia. The emphasis is on social relations, particularly ethnic group relations, and on cultural practices-especially those within the family that endanger women. The author argues that there is a process which begins with labeling, followed by state-sanctioned discrimination, and that culminates in the creation of situations prone to violence.
The author provides examples from various regions in Indonesia as well as from different periods in Indonesian history. She further argues that the process can be stopped with a more positive attitude towards the diversity of Indonesian society, which must be brought about by education in the home and in schools, and by legal reforms."
[Place of publication not identified]: Jurnal Antropologi Indonesia, 2003
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Andi Widjajanto
"This paper points out that the state defense doctrine based on the military historical experience which is dominated by the Hobbesian paradigm is one of the roots of military violence in Indonesia. The ius ad bellum doctrine principle is not applied in the Indonesian state defense doctrine. Although the application of the ius ad bellum doctrine created a chance to develop a state defense strategy that considers morality as an important aspect, there is nevertheless no military actor in Indonesia paying attention to this matter. Consequently, there is a high tendency to use war instruments immorally. This reality is categorized as military violence. Undoubtedly, military violence can lead to a rise in human rights violations. The author argues that military violence in Indonesia can be minimized by developing a state defense strategy which 1) considers morality as an important aspect; 2) gives priority to exploring all conflict resolution alternatives before using military instruments; and 3) civil society is no longer included in the application of the Indonesian defense strategy."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Bubandt, Nils
"Konflik-konflik berdarah yang menyertai Indonesia setelah jatuhnya Orde Baru cenderung terjadi di Indonesia bagian Timur, dengan pengecualian daerah Aceh. Saat ini banyak analisis akademis, baik dalam bahasa Indonesia maupun Inggris yang telah mulai menguraikan aspek-aspek politis, sosial dan diskursif dari konflik-konflik di Timor Timur, Maluku, Maluku Utara, Poso, Kalimantan dan Papua. Penelitian-penelitian ini telah mulai meninggalkan penelaahan-penelaahan yang terlalu sederhana dan kerap sarat bias yang muncul segera setelah terjadinya konflik. Penelitian-penelitian tersebut mulai memberikan gambaran tentang konteks etnografis yang lengkap dan lebih rumit dari 'perang di Indonesia bagian Timur'. Gambaran ini memperlihatkan tercampur baurnya provokasi politik, ketegangan ekonomi, provokasi diskursif, dan adaptasi buletin lokal terhadap bentuk-bentuk identifikasi berdasarkan agama suku bangsa yang memberikan dorongan dan motif berbeda untuk ikut serta dalam setiap kerusuhan individual yang bergejolak di berbagai wilayah Indonesia Timur setelah tahun 1999. Walaupun setiap bentrokan/pertikaian (bahkan dalam satu wilayah konflik seperti Maluku atau Poso) seringkali bersifat unik secara politis dan pengalaman, mereka saling mempengaruhi satu sama lain. Setiap kerusuhan memupuk berkembangnya perasaan paranoia nasional yang disebarluaskan oleh media. Dalam prosesnya,setiap pertikaian/bentrokan menaburkan bibit-bibit kekerasan di tempat lainnya."
Depok: Jurnal Antropologi Indonesia, 2004
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
I Ngurah Suyawan
"Violent tragedy in Bali has a long history. Violence during the Dutch colonial regime, until the 1965 massacre of local political violence under the "Orde Baru" occurred. Post-Reform of 1998, the tragedy of violence re-emerged in tandem with the strengthening of indigenous authority (Pakraman Village) that forced silence during the centralized authoritarian "Orde Baru" regime. Pakraman village go hand in hand with the spirit of strengthening the cultural movement (Ajeg Bali) post Bali bombings of 2002 and 2005. Within institutions of Pakraman Village, there lies pecalangan, a traditional indigenous security forces who participates in the business of security and control of new settlers in these territories. In political violence contestation and strengthening of the culture, the local-hero who has a long history of political violence in Bali plays their vital role through the mass organizations and also joined as pecalangan. This paper tried to describe the relationship between political history of violence in Bali and the pursuit of the local-hero in it."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Tito Imanda
"This article illustrates the process of reformulating Indonesian identities in the new "Si Unyil" program, decisions made, their background and consequences. The new Unyil appears for an ideal: parents miss an educational children television program. Production team seemed to believe that this ideal is not blocking their needs for profit. The question is 'who is the real audience?', 'Children or their parents?'. When reproduced, "Si Unyil" series is problematic. In one hand, the old Unyil is no longer fit the new television industry. Countryside setting is not interesting for the advertisement, so in the new series Unyil lives in a suburb area, place for middle class, the most potential market. Sarong and Malay's hat, wore by old Unyil, now are being replaced by unbuttoned shirt and backpack. The old Unyil played hide and seek and ate traditional cake, now Unyil plays videogame and eats ice cream. But this is an old legendary program for Indonesian children, how do they put the Indonesian context?"
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Dedi Adhuri
"In this article I discuss the impact of Village Law No.5, 1979 on the social actions of local elites. Using a case study of a traditional community (marga) located in Lahat, South Sumatera, I argue that Village Law No.5, 1979 did not marginalize tradition or the traditional community. At a practical or behavioral level, actors, in this case local elites used both tradition and Village Law as references for their actions. However, these two structures, tradition and Village Law were subject to selection. The selection was based on the actors understanding about particular context and the goal(s) of their actions. When tradition offered efficient means for achieving their goals, they selected tradition as a reference point for their behavior. In another context, when they saw that the Village Law offered more to suit their interest, they referred to it. It was also possible that, in a particular context, actors used and ignored the existence of some elements of both structures. In conclusion, I suggest that despite the fact that the application of the Village Law should have been understood to replace the traditional system of marga, people still used it as reference for their actions. Therefore, it would be misleading to say that Village Law has marginalized the traditional social organization."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Sulistyowati Irianto
In this article, the author addresses the problem of violence towards women, with a focus on the violence in ethnic conflict and armed conflict. She takes the view that any legal system should be seen as having three components, i.e., legal substance, legal structure and legal culture, and that none of these components protect women from acts of violence. Citing articles from the criminal code, the authors show how the laws cannot protect women who are victims of violence and how some articles of the code in fact perpetuate injustice toward women. Following this, she shows how law enforcement officers who constitute the legal structure lack any gender awareness in their handling of cases. Finally, the attitudes and beliefs toward the law is the legal culture encourages the view that women are the property of men, especially in times of armed conflict. "
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library