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F.X. Rahyono, 1956-
"This experimental phonetic research deals with the prosodies of directive speech in Javanese. The research procedures were: (1) speech production, (2) acoustic analysis, and (3) perception test. The data investigated are three directive utterances, in the form of statements, commands, and questions. The data were obtained by recording dialogues that present polite as well as impolite speech. Three acoustic experiments were conducted for statements, commands, and questions in directive speech: (1) modifications of duration, (2) modifications of contour, and (3) modifications of fundamental frequency. The result of the subsequent perception tests to 90 stimuli with 24 subjects were analysed statistically with ANOVA (Analysis of Variant). Based on this statistic analysis, the prosodic characteristics of polite and impolite speech were identified."
Depok: Faculty of Humanities University of Indonesia, 2009
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rao, K. Sreenivasa
"Predicting prosody from text for text-to-speech synthesis covers the specific aspects of prosody, mainly focusing on how to predict the prosodic information from linguistic text, and then how to exploit the predicted prosodic knowledge for various speech applications. Author K. Sreenivasa Rao discusses proposed methods along with state-of-the-art techniques for the acquisition and incorporation of prosodic knowledge for developing speech systems."
New York: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mary, Leena
"Extraction and representation of prosodic features for speech processing applications deals with prosody from speech processing point of view with topics including, the significance of prosody for speech processing applications, why prosody need to be incorporated in speech processing applications, and different methods for extraction and representation of prosody for applications such as speech synthesis, speaker recognition, language recognition and speech recognition."
New York: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Idah Hamidah
"Tesis ini memfokuskan diri pada strategi kesantunan tindak tutur direktif dalam novel bahasa Jepang. Novel yang digunakan sebagai sumber data adalah catatan harian penulisnya, berjudul Ichi Rittoru no Namida ‘One Litre of Tears’ karya Kito Aya yang diterbitkan pada Februari 2005 (17 Heisei).Penelitian ini bertujuan menemukan strategi kesantunan direktif di dalam novel. Melalui ancangan kualitatif dengan metode analisis kontekstual, ditemukan lima strategi kesantunan untuk menyatakan direktif, sesuai dengan yang diajukan oleh Brown & Levinson (1987), antara lain: (1) bald on record (langsung), (2) on record dengan kompensasi kesantunan positif, (3) on record dengan kompensasi kesantunan negatif, (4) off record (samar-samar), dan (5) bertutur di dalam hati (diam).Strategi kesantunan direktif secara terus terang direalisasikan melalui pemarkah gramatikal [kudasai], (~te], dan [~te goran]; penggunaan fatis [ne] dan [yo]. Strategi kesantunan direktif dengan kompensasi kesantunan positif direalisasikan melalui promise, include both S & H in the activity, intensify interest to H, gtve reason, assert or presuppose S's knowledge of and concem for H’s wants, dan gtve gift. Strategi kesantunan direktif dengan kompensasi kesantunan negatif direalisasikan melalui penggunaan guestions & hedge, impersonalize S & H, dan be conventionally indirect. Strategi kesantunan direktif secara samar-samar direalisasikan melalui use ellipsis, be vague, dan give hints. Kesantunan direktif dalam hati direalisasikan dengan diam. Dari kelima strategi kesantunan direktif tersebut, ditemukan bahwa strategi yang cenderung lebih banyak digunakan adalah kesantunan direktif positif. Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pertimbangan dan perbandingan untuk penelitian selanjutnya dalam bahasa Jepang.

This thesis focuses on politeness strategy of directive speech act in Japanese novel Ichi Rittoru no Namida (One Littre of Tears) written by Kito Aya. This primary data source is the writer’s journal, published on February 2005 (17 Heisei). Applying qualitative approach and contextual analysis method, it is found out that there are five politeness strategies to perfonn directive speech act, as proposed by Brown & Levinson (1987). They are (1) bald on record, (2) positive politeness, (3) negative politeness, (4) off record, and (5) silent strategy. The first strategy is realized by grammatical marker [kudasai], [~te], and [~te goran]; phatic expression [ne] and [yo]. Second strategy is realized by making promise, including both S & H in the activity, intensifying interest to H, giving reason, asserting or presupposing S’s knowledge of and concem for H’s wants, and giving gift. Third strategy is realized by using hedge and questions, impersonalizing S & H, and being conventionally indirect. The fourth strategy is realized by using ellipsis, being vague, and giving hints. Silent strategy in directive politeness is realized by saying nothing. The finding shows that positive politeness tends to be used more frequently. The finding of this research serves as the synchronic linguistic data for further research in the topic."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mary, Leena
"This updated book expands upon prosody for recognition applications of speech processing. It includes importance of prosody for speech processing applications; builds on why prosody needs to be incorporated in speech processing applications; and presents methods for extraction and representation of prosody for applications such as speaker recognition, language recognition and speech recognition. The updated book also includes information on the significance of prosody for emotion recognition and various prosody-based approaches for automatic emotion recognition from speech."
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zakariya Pamuji Aminullah
"The oldest written text in Javanese literature is Candrakiraṇa, one of its parts, the Amaramālā, mentions “Indra” as a king of the Śailendra dynasty. This work is essential because it includes various elements of prosody which the authors of kakawin needed to compose their literary work. For many years, some Javanese scholars had been debating the proper name of this text, using only one manuscript, LOr 4570, a copy of the incomplete gebang manuscript from the PNRI, which does not have a prologue or an epilogue mentioning its precise name. However, reading L 298, a lontar in the Merapi-Merbabu Collection, this manuscript clearly demonstrates that the name of this oldest text is Candrakiraṇa. This begs the question: Is there any relationship between the name and the content itself? This article presents pertinent arguments indicating that the name proposed can be accounted for both factually and conceptually."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2021
909 UI-WACANA 22:3 (2021)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Azura Salsabila
"Penelitian ini membahas bentuk respons tindak tutur direktif bahasa Jepang. Data diambil dari drama Burn the House Down. Penelitian dengan metode kualitatif ini menggunakan teori tindak tutur yang dikemukakan oleh J.L Austin yang kemudian disempurnakan oleh John R. Searle dan teori Namatame mengenai bentuk tuturan direktif bahasa Jepang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi bentuk tindak tutur direktif drama Burn the House Down beserta respons yang muncul dari mitra tutur setelah mendengarkan tuturan direktif. Bentuk tindak tutur direktif yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini adalah perintah, permohonan, larangan, izin, dan anjuran. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, peneliti menemukan sebanyak 83 bentuk tuturan direktif yang terdiri dari 40 perintah, 23 permohonan, 15 larangan, 1 izin, dan 4 anjuran. Bentuk yang sering ditemukan adalah bentuk perintah dibandingkan bentuk lainnya. Kemudian untuk respons mitra tutur ditemukan sebanyak 83 respons yang terdiri dari 49 respons verbal dan 34 respons nonverbal. Respons verbal maupun nonverbal diidentifikasi mengandung maksud tertentu, yaitu menolak tuturan direktif, mematuhi perintah, mengalihkan pembicaraan, tidak membantah maupun menyanggupi tuturan direktif, menolak, dan mengabaikan bermakna kekesalan.

This study discusses the form of Japanese directive speech acts in the drama Burn the House Down and the response form the interlocutors after listening to directive utterances. This qualitative research uses the theory of speech acts put forward by J.L. Austin, which was later perfected by John R. Searle and also using theory by Namatame.  This purpose study is to identify the form of directive speech acts in the drama Burn the House Down and the response form the interlocutors after listening to directive utterances. The forms of directive speech acts found in this study are command, request, prohibition, permission, and suggestion. Based on the analysis, the researcher found 83 forms of directive speech acts consisting of 40 commands, 23 request, 15 prohibitions, 1 permission, and 4 suggestions. The form that is often found is the command form compared to other forms. Regarding the response from the interlocutors, a total of 83 responses were found, consisting of 49 verbal responses and 34 nonverbal responses. Verbal and nonverbal responses were identified as containing certain intentions, namely rejecting directive speech, obeying orders, diverting the conversation, not denying or agreeing with directive speech, refusing, and ignoring meaning annoyed."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muh. Junaidi
Politeness, speech act and discourse have become an interest area of language use in context. Attention has been drawn to the universality of politeness strategies across the culture. This study examines the nature of pattern of communication in terms of politeness, speech acts and discourse in sasak speech community. The subject of the studi is 1 Tuan Guru giving religious speech in silkur village. Participantobservaton is used as the method of data collection in this study. A video recording was used to collect data. Result of the study shows that reminding and sugesting are not acts of indicating or threatening addressees' negative face, but possitive strategies used to minimized the threat for adresses' possitive face and negative one as means of saving addressees' negative face. These three variables were interrealted to dechiper the nature of speech pattern of language use in the sasak speech community. the notion of face should be analyzed according to norms and cultural values such acts in different speech communities. Hence, the universality of communicative action and the type of speech act in a given speech community are crucial variable to sctinize the language use in context."
Mataram: Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa, 2017
400 MBSN 11:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prayogo Triono
"Sebagai daerah multikultural, Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi) sarat dengan keragaman budaya, dan nilai-nilai budaya tentu saja berbeda-beda, dan karena itu pentingnya sangat berakulturasi berfungsi untuk mempertahankan kehidupan sosial yang sehat.
Penelitian ini berfokus pada peran strategi akulturasi dengan politeness yang ada pada mahasiswa perantau Jawa di wilayah Jabodetabek. Terdapat asumsi bahwa setiap nilai budaya mempunyai patokan-patokan dalam berperilaku sopan, dalam budaya Jawa disebut sebagai unggah ungguh. Nilai-nilai seperti ini yang mungkin diterapkan oleh perantau untuk dapat beradaptasi dengan perilaku politeness pada lingkungan yang berbeda seperti pada lingkungan perkotaan di wilayah Jabodetabek yang tentunya memiliki perbedaan bentuk kesopanan.
Penelitian ini ingin membuktikan asumsi bahwa terdapat peran dari akulturasi dengan politeness. Penelitian ini memperoleh partisipan sebanyak 122 orang. Ditemukan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif signifikan serta peran besar antara strategi akulturasi integration, assimilation, dan separation dengan politeness civility pada masyarakat perantau Jawa di Jabodetabek sementara strategi akulturasi marginalization tidak menunjukkan hubungan meupun peranan yang positif dengan politeness.

As a multicultural area, Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi) terms of cultural diversity, and cultural values of course vary, and therefore the importance of highly acculturated serves to maintain a healthy social life.
This study focuses on the role of acculturation strategies with a politeness of the student Javanese in the Greater Jakarta area. There is the assumption that every culture has value benchmarks in behaving politely, in Javanese culture is referred to as unggah ungguh. Values such as these may be applied by immigrants to adapt to the behavior of politeness in different environments such as in the urban environment in the Greater Jakarta area which certainly has a different form of politeness.
This study wants to prove the assumption that there is a role of acculturation with politeness. This study participants gained as much as 122 people. It was found that there is a significant positive relationship and big roles between acculturation strategy integration, assimilation, separation with politeness and civility in society Javanese immigrants in Jabodetabek while acculturation strategies marginalization showed no relationship nor big role with politeness.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hirdan Radityatama Putra Laisa
"Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang penggunaan strategi kesantunan tuturan direktif pada film Kimi no Na wa. Film tersebut adalah film animasi yang ditayangkan perdana pada tahun 2016. Film itu menceritakan tentang kisah kedua karakter, Mitsuha dan Taki, yang bertukar tubuh.  Penelitian ini menelaah strategi kesantunan tuturan direktif yang dituturkan oleh mereka dengan menerapkan teori strategi kesantunan Brown dan Levinson. Terdapat 30 tuturan yang ditemukan dalam film. Dari tuturan-tuturan tersebut, ditemukan bahwa terdapat kecenderungan bagi kedua penutur untuk menggunakan strategi tidak langsung (off record) jika petutur memiliki kedudukan yang lebih tinggi dari mereka. Sebaliknya, kedua penutur cenderung menggunakan strategi langsung ketika menuturkan tuturan direktif terhadap petutur yang memiliki kedudukan yang sama atau lebih rendah dari mereka. Pengecualian-pengecualian dapat ditemukan sepanjang film tersebut. Mitsuha menuturkan dua tuturan direktif kepada adik perempuannya dengan menggunakan strategi off record. Kedua penutur juga beberapa kali menuturkan strategi menjaga muka terhadap teman-teman dekat mereka. Penggunaan strategi bald on record kepada petutur yang memiliki kedudukan lebih tinggi juga ditemukan beberapa kali pada film. Faktor-faktor selain kedudukan terlihat mempengaruhi penggunaan strategi kesantunan saat menuturkan tuturan direktif.

This study reviews the use of politeness strategies of directive utterances in Kimi no Na wa movie. The movie is an animated movie released in 2016. It tells a story between two main characters, Mitsuha and Taki, which experince body swap. The study observes politeness strategies of directive utterances delivered by them by employing politeness strategies of Brown and Levinson. There are, in total, 30 utterances found. From those utterances, it is revealed that there is a tendency for both speakers to use less direct (off record) strategy if the addressee has higher hierarchical position than them. Conversely, the speakers tend to use direct (bald on record) strategy in delivering directive utterances towards addresees in the same or lower position than them. Exceptions, however, are found throughout the movie. Mitsuha uttered two directives towards her younger sister using off record strategy. Moreover, both speakers occasionally used face-saving strategies towards their close friends. The use of bald on record strategy towards addresees in higher position is also found several times in the movie. Factors other than hierarchical position apparently affect politeness strategies used in delivering directive utterances.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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