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Nina Asterina
"Abstract. The research discusses the policy implementation of modern market land-use control in Cirebon. The modern market development shall cause problems if it does not conform with the regulation of land-use control. This research is qualitative, the data were collected through in-depth interviews, direct observation, and literature study. The results show that the implementation of the policy has not been able to control the modern market. The limiting factor of policy implementation is the business interests of retailers, lack of synergy between traditional and modern market, lack of socialization, monitoring, and limited financial resources. The supporting factors of policy implementation is the awareness of retailers, community support, and mindset of retailers. Recommendations are given to issues such as coordination, policy-instruments reinforcement, policy evaluation, socialization, supervision, and guidance
Abstrak. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai implementasi kebijakan pengendalian pemanfaatan ruang pasar modern di Kota Cirebon.Perkembangan pasar modern menimbulkan permasalahan jika tidak mengikuti aturan pengendalian pemanfaatan ruang.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan wawancara mendalam, observasi langsung, dan studi kepustakaan.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan implementasi kebijakan belum dapat mengendalikan pasar modern.Faktor penghambat dalam implementasi adalah kepentingan bisnis pengusaha, kurangnya sinergitas pasar modern dan pasar tradisional, kurangnya sosialisasi, pengawasan, dan keterbatasan sumber daya finansial.Faktor pendukung dalam implementasi adalah kesadaran pengusaha, dukungan masyarakat, dan pola pikir pedagang. Rekomendasi penelitian ini antara lain koordinasi, mempertegas instrumen kebijakan, evaluasi kebijakan, sosialisasi, pengawasan, dan pembinaan."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nina Asterina
"Penelitian ini membahas mengenai implementasi kebijakan pengendalian pemanfaatan ruang pasar modern di Kota Cirebon. Perkembangan pasar modern menimbulkan permasalahan jika tidak mengikuti aturan pengendalian pemanfaatan ruang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan wawancara mendalam, observasi langsung, dan studi kepustakaan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan implementasi kebijakan belum dapat mengendalikan pasar modern. Faktor penghambat dalam implementasi adalah kepentingan bisnis pengusaha, kurangnya sinergitas pasar modern dan pasar tradisional, kurangnya sosialisasi, pengawasan, dan keterbatasan sumber daya finansial. Faktor pendukung dalam implementasi adalah kesadaran pengusaha, dukungan masyarakat, dan pola pikir pedagang.
Rekomendasi penelitian ini antara lain koordinasi, mempertegas instrumen kebijakan, evaluasi kebijakan, sosialisasi, pengawasan, dan pembinaan.

This research discuss the implementation of land use control policy on modern retail in Municipality of Cirebon. Modern retail’s development causes problems if not comply with the land use control policy. This research used qualitative approach with in-depth interviews, observation and literature study.
The result showed implementation of the policy have yet controlled modern retail. Implementation’s barriers identified in this research were business interest, synergy between modern and traditional retail, lack of socialization, monitoring, and limited financial resources. Supporting factors were retailer's awareness, community support, and retailers mindset.
This research's recommendations are coordination, policy instruments affirmation, policy evaluation, socialization, monitoring, and assistancy.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The policies regulating yachts used by foreign tourists are Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 140/PMK.04/2007 concerning Temporary Admission of Goods and President Regulation No. 79/2011. The research aims to analyze the implementation of Temporary Admission of yachts at Benoa Port Bali. The research incorporates a qualitative approach and qualitative data analysis technique. Qualitative data are obtained from unstructured interviews with key informants. Intrinsically, the research finds some vagueness in the policies regarding stipulations on temporary guarantee and responsibility of the guarantor. It is therefore recommended that the policies be reviewed so that the guarantor will not be burdened in case a yacht-owning tourist fails to fulfill his/her responsibility. Contextually, implementation of temporary admission policies must be supported by adequate human resources and technology to enable KPPBC (Customs and Excise Control and Service Office) to give good services and undertake close monitoring on foreign yachts entering Indonesian waters.

Kebijakan terkait dengan yacht yang dipergunakan oleh wisatawan asing adalah Peraturan Menteri Keuangan No 140/PMK.04/2007 tentang Impor Sementara dan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 79 Tahun 2011. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi kebijakan impor sementara atas yacht di Pelabuhan Benoa Bali. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan teknik analisis data kualitatif. Data kualitatif diperoleh dari wawancara tidak terstruktur dengan informan kunci. Terkait dengan content kebijakan terdapat ketidakjelasan aturan tentang jaminan sementara dan tanggungjawab penjamin tertulis. Untuk itu diperlukan revisi regulasi dimaksud agar tidak membebani penjamin apabila wisatawan tidak memenuhi kewajiban pabeannya. Dari sisi konteks, implementasi kebijakan impor sementara memerlukan dukungan sumber daya manusia dan teknologi yang memadai agar KPPBC mampu memberikan pelayanan dengan baik sekaligus melakukan pengawasan terhadap yacht wisatawan asing di perairan Indonesia."
Depok: Department of administration Sciences, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Indonesia, 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Daud M Liando
"Abstract. The research aims to analyze the influence of population administrative policy implementation on the quality of ID card service in South Minahasa District. The variables used are policy standards and objectives, policy resources, inter-organizational communication, the characteristics of the implementation agencies, the economic, social and political environment, and response of the implementers. The result shows that the implementation of population administrative policy is very much determined by the communication factor. One of the factors causing the inefficiency of ID card service is the inadequate role of society in the implementation of population administrative policy. The implementation agencies from the Office of Population and Civil Administration must ceaselessly build both vertical and horizontal communications with South Minahasa people.
Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Pengaruh Implementasi Kebijakan Administrasi Kependudukan Terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan Kartu Tanda Penduduk di Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan. Variabel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu ukuran-ukuran dasar dan tujuan kebijakan, sumber-sumber kebijakan, komunikasi antar organisasi, karakteristik badan-badan pelaksana, kondisi sosial, politik, dan ekonomi, dan kecenderungan pelaksana. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa implementasi kebijakan administrasi kependudukan sangat ditentukan oleh faktor komunikasi. Salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan belum optimalnya kualitas pelayanan Kartu Tanda Penduduk adalah lemahnya peran masyarakat dalam implementasi kebijakan administrasi kependudukan. Diperlukan komunikasi secara terus-menerus bagi implementor di Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Kabupaten Minahasa selatan baik komunikasi yang bersifat vertical maupun komunikasi yang bersifat horizontal."
Departement of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Sam Ratulangi, 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syarifudin Tippe
"Offset mechanism is a policy of the defense industry sector which had been increasing since 1950. Offset implementation has provided some profit-making such as offset obligations in the United States to encourage exports and offset policy in India that had been increasing since 1959 through the use of modern technology facilities by creating the National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL). On the other hand, Indonesia as one of the pioneers in the implementation of defense offsets is still heavily dependent on the procurement of defense equipment from other countries. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the implementation of defense offsets in Indonesia and the importance of the defense offset policy in Indonesia. Thus, this study is able to contribute to public policy in Indonesian literature. This study used a qualitative approach to conduct a study in the defense industry with the application of defense -related offsets in Indonesia. The results showed that the low competitiveness of the defense industry is due to the low quality of human resources, lack of research and development programs in the field of defense industry and the lack of legal protection in the defense offset policy.

Abstrak. Mekanisme offset pada sektor industri pertahanan telah meningkat sejak tahun 1950. Implementasinya telah memberikan beberapa keuntungan seperti membuat kewajiban bagi Amerika Serikat untuk mengimbangi peningkatan ekspor produk indsutri pertahanan dan kebijakan offset di India yang meningkat sejak tahun 1959 melalui penggunaan fasilitas teknologi modern dengan menciptakan Aerospace Laboratories Nasional (NAL). Di sisi lain, Indonesia sebagai salah satu pelopor dalam pelaksanaan pertahanan offset masih sangat tergantung pada pengadaan alutsista dari negara lain. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan industri offset di Indonesia dan pentingnya kebijakan pertahanan dalam mengimbangi kebijakan publik di Indonesia. Dengan demikian diharapkan, kajian ini dapat memberikan kontribusi bagikebijakan publik dalam literaturkebijakan pertahanan di Indonesia. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dalam menganalisis industri pertahanan dengan aplikasi yang berhubungan dengan offset di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rendahnya daya saing industri pertahanan disebabkan karena rendahnya kualitas sumber daya manusia, kurangnya program penelitian dan pengembangan di bidang industri pertahanan dan kurangnya perlindungan hukum dalam pertahanan offset kebijakan."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Departed from the innovative programs during the period of Joko Widodo in Surakarta that are still made as the model of the local public service reform, this article aims to discover and analyze the innovations of the Municipal Government of Surakarta (as known as Solo), the revitalization of the traditional market and the management of the street vendors, under the leadership of Joko Widodo (known also as Jokowi) as the mayor (2005 ? 2012) by using to Sound Governance Model. The research uses positivist approach through several data collection techniques, such as, in-depth interview with the program performing actors in the local government and the beneficiary actors; observation; and literature review. The data was collected throughout 2012 ? 2013 after Joko Widodo is no longer the incumbent Mayor, in order that the information of the innovations sustainability can be noticed. The outcome was analyzed as univariate and descriptively towards the dimensions of Sound Governance Model. The study suggests that there is a novel approach in running the innovative program of the traditional market revitalization and the street vendors management through an adaptive environmental development without discarding the orientation toward society-empowerment in Surakarta. Even so, the manifestation of the sound governance has not been related to the refinement of the positive impact for the stakeholders like traders, due to lack grounded from their substantive needs, poor performance management, and also the lacking stakeholder engagement in the program monitoring and evaluation. In contrast to previous existing reports, this research also suggests that the coherence between leadership and administrative capacity is inevitable for the sustainability of the innovation practices.

Berangkat dari program inovasi semasa kepemimpinan Joko Widodo di Surakarta yang tetap dijadikan model bagi reformasi pelayanan bagi masyarakat daerah, artikel ini bertujuan mengungkap dan menganalisis program-program inovasi Pemerintahan Kota Surakarta, revitalisasi pasar tradisional dan penataan pedagang kaki lima (PKL), semasa kepemimpinan Joko Widodo sebagai walikota (2005 ? 2012) menurut Model Sound Governance. Dengan pendekatan positivist melalui teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara mendalam terhadap para aktor di pemerintahan kota yang menjalankan program dan aktor penerima manfaat, observasi, dan studi kepustakaan, data dikumpulkan pada kurun waktu 2012 ? 2013 setelah Joko Widodo tidak menjadi walikota agar informasi keberlanjutan program inovasi tampak. Hasilnya dianalisis secara univariat secara deskriptif terhadap dimensi-dimensi Sound Governance. Hasil kajian menunjukkan terdapat kebaruan pendekatan dalam pelaksanaan program inovasi revitalisasi pasar tradisional dan penataan PKL melalui daya adaptif terhadap perkembangan lingkungan tanpa meninggalkan orientasi pada pemberdayaan masyarakat di Kota Surakarta. Pun demikian, manifestasi sound governance tersebut belum bertalian dengan peningkatan dampak positif bagi para pemangku kepentingan, seperti pedagang, karena tidak beranjak dari kebutuhan riil mereka dan kekeliruan pengelolaan kinerja, juga miskin pelibatan dalam monitoring dan evaluasi program. Berbeda dengan kajian dan pemberitaan secara umum, telaah ini juga menunjukkan bahwa koherensi antara kepemimpinan dan kapasitas administrasi menjadi tak terelakkan bagi keberlangsungan praktik inovasi."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riant Nugroho Dwidjowijoto
"This paper has three objectives: first, to acknowledge the basic right to water as recently recognized by the UN and, consequently, to address the government?s responsibility to provide water services; second, to describe the problems and dilemma in the privatization of water services in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, as a policy choice; third, to reinforce the idea that privatization of public services is beneficial but not a panacea; therefore, the government as the center of public administration needs to reconsider some of their key policies on public services."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harald Fuhr
"Abstract. Since Mid 1980s, a number of governments in developing countries initialized an ambitious decentralization policy and other policies to strengthen local governments. Nevertheless, after more or less 25 years of their implementations, the initial enthusiasm decreases. The experience in some countries shows that reform policy can trigger many new political, fiscal, and administration problems.The article shortly describes seven major problems and potential traps lurking in decentralization policy, consisting: policy trap, coordination trap, fiscal trap, debt trap, capturing trap, inequality trap, and capacity trap. The evidence presented in this article has shown that decentralization can be part of a strategy to improve the capability and effectiveness of the state. It encompasses mechanisms that increase openness and transparency, strengthen incentives forparticipation in public affairs, and where appropriate, bring government closer to the people and to the communities it is meant to serve."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pemilihan presiden dipertimbangkan sebagai informasi yang relevan bagi investor pasar saham untuk membuat keputusan investasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji perbedaan average abnormal return dan trading volume activity pada indeks saham sektoral sebelum dan sesudah pemilihan presiden 2004, 2009, dan 2014. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode event study. Data dikumpulkan dari Bursa Efek Indonesia. Harga penutupan indeks saham sektoral harian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 120 hari sebelum dan 30 hari setelah pemilihan presiden. Terdapat bukti perbedaan yang kuat pada average abnormal return indeks saham sektoral sebelum dan sesudah pemilihan presiden terutama pada sektor pertambangan. Akan tetapi, untuk trading volume activity indeks saham sektoral sebelum dan sesudah pemilihan presiden secara statistik sama. Adanya gugatan terhadap hasil pemilihan presiden terakhir tidak memberikan pengaruh pada hampir semua indeks saham sektoral, kecuali pada sektor keuangan dan sektor industri dasar dan kimia. Analisis ini menyimpulkan bahwa sektor perdagangan, jasa dan investasi merupakan sektor yang paling stabil, sedangkan sektor pertambangan merupakan sektor yang paling tidak stabil.

Presidential election is considered as relevant information for stock market?s investors to make investment decision. The objective of this study is to examine differences in average abnormal return and trading volume activity on sectoral indices? stocks before and after the presidential elections in 2004, 2009, and 2014. The research uses the event study method. The data are collected from the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The daily closing prices on sectoral indices used in this study consist of 120 days preceding and 30 days succeeding the elections. There is a strong evidence of differences in average abnormal return on Indonesian?s sectoral stock market before and after the presidential elections especially for the mining sector. However, the trading volume activities of the Indonesian?s sectoral stock market before and after the elections were statistically the same. The litigation from the last election results had no impact on most Indonesian?s sectoral stock, except for the financial as well basic industry and chemical sectors. The analysis concludes that the trade, services, and investment are the most stable sectors, while mining is the opposite one."
Bogor: Graduate Program in Management and Business Bogor Agricultural University, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yusep Romansyah
"Abstract. Sentra Pelayanan Agribisnis (SAPA) is an agricultural organization owned and operated by a farmer community in Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia. SAPA adopts information technology (IT) to improve the effectivity of its internal communication. SAPA started IT adoption by a careful planning. The step includes organizing the map of IT strategy and formulating the key performance indicators. The purpose of this research is to arrange a strategy map of SAPA IT division, to formulate the key performance indicators using Balanced Scorecard approach, and to implement as a mobile web application. Results of this research include a strategy map of SAPA IT division, key performance indicators, and a prototype of mobile web application. It can be concluded that IT adoption supported by a strong leadership improves effectivity of the information flows within the researched agriculture organisation.
Abstrak. Sentra Pelayanan Agribisnis (SAPA) adalah sebuah organisasi pertanian yang dimiliki dan dioperasikan oleh kumpulan petani di Sukabumi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. SAPA mengadopsi teknologi informasi (TI) untuk meningkatkan efektifitas komunikasi internal. SAPA mulai mengadopsi TI dengan perencanaan matang. Langkah ini termasuk mengorganisir peta strategi TI dan merumuskan indikator kinerja utama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun peta strategi SAPA divisi TI, untuk merumuskan indikator kinerja utama menggunakan pendekatan Balanced Scorecard, dan untuk mengimplementasikan sebagai aplikasi web mobile. Dapat disimpulkan jika adopsi TI didukung dengan kepemimpinan yang kuat akan meningkatkan efektivitas arus informasi di dalam organisasi pertanian yang diteliti."
Wireless Information and Network Research Grop (WINNER), 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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